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Though terrorism is a broad term and many acts of terrorism are done by the aggressor(terrorist)
overtly . For example, a part of the Indian Army who are converted into brainwashed assassins by
hindu radical extremist elements(BJP,RSS etc.) and are then commanded to murder, rape and
massacre Kashmiri Muslims, U.S. invasion of Iraq, Myanmar military’s attack on Rohingya Muslims,
New Zealand shooter’s massacre of Muslims on the day of Jumu’ah. In these cases of terrorism you
can see the aggressor attacking the victim. It is an overt operation.

Many analysts, intellectuals give us reasons that why did this organisation( who does the covert op.
& blames it on it’s target/enemy) commit such an act of terror. The analysts list their political
motives behind their covert ops. And finally names/exposes them to the whole world.

With their careful analysis and hard work when these analysts come to the truth and exposes the
real assassins ,these assassins who are much powerful than we think( they control the world’s
wealth , media) completely dismisses these truths calling them conspiracy theory’s, and thus bury
the truth. Eg. 9/11 inside job

Neither am I an analyst nor an intellectual , but with the help of ALLAH , I have found the culprits
who cause such acts of terrorism and blame it on others. The main threat to the evil and wicked
plans(of controlling the world) of these culprits is Islam. So after they commit these acts of terror
undercover they blame it on Islam, Muslims or any Muslim country who they view as a threat to
their evil plans.

These culprits have caused most ,if not all acts of covert terrorism, these culprits are doing it now
and these are the culprits who will be doing it in the future as well

They are

➔ R.A.W
➔ C.I.A
➔ Mi5, Mi6

These are the intelligence agencies of Israel, India, North America and Britain

It is worth mentioning that MOSSAD is not the only intelligence agency of Israel, there are others eg.
Shinbet . Cutting the long story short the intelligence agencies of USA, Israel, India and Britain are
responsible for all the covert acts of terrorism in the world.

As a layman who is not an expert in definitions plus being new in this field of politics, I can try my
best to explain a few concepts.

What is Zionism?

The establishment of a Jewish State in the Arab lands of Palestine from where they will rule over the
world openly.( Right now the zionists are secretly controlling the whole world). Also this Jewish state
is being built for an individual who the “jews” call the “Messiah”

All Praise be to ALLAH and Peace and Blessings of ALLAH on His Messenger Prophet Muhammad
(SallAllahu alaihi wassalaam). From the Book of ALLAH and the Sunnah of the Prophet
Muhammad(SallAllahu alaihi wassalaam) we have come to know that who they call the Messiah is
actually the “False Messiah” a.k.a Dajjal a.k.a Antichrist.

In India the hindu terrorist organisations like BJP, RSS , Shiv Sena and many more want to turn India
into a Hindu country. They plan to eradicate every other minority and they know it is a piece of cake
for them to do so but there is one problem that is Islam and Muslims. It’s not easy to eradicate a
group of people who follow a Divine Religion from the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth,
whereas all the other religions being man made , the hindu extremists see that by virtue of their
number, size they can evict the other minorities (except Muslims) easily. What the Myanmar
buddhists did to the Rohingya Muslims , the hindu extremists have something similar in mind to do
probably in the near future .

The RSS have been formed by people who are the descendants of the murderer of Gandhi . Since
India’s independance this group has been responsible for committing chaos, violence, and large
number of false flag covert operations directed against Muslims, Pakistan along with that oppression
of dalits , shudars and christians.

Suicide bombings and car bombs:-

Ropert Pape who is an expert on terrorism and suicide bombing writes in his book Dying to Win ,
that the Tamil Tigers(L.T.T.E)are the world’s leading instigators of suicide attacks. They are number
one in suicide bombing. But who taught them the idea of suicide bombings ?

The answer to this interesting question is, the jews

The Jews have taught these hindus and made them the masters of suicide bombings. The very first
tamil tiger suicide attack was on july 5 , 1987 . The attacker was equipped by MOSSAD. Thus just as
Menachem Begin invented the car bomb, Israelis invented suicide bombers.

Who was Menachem Begin?

Menachem Begin was a jew and was a world famous terrorist. A notorious evil person. Let us look at
his terrorist activities. The famous bombing of the King David hotel by Irgun under the leadership of
Menachem Begin. In 22nd July 1946 Menachem Begin did the bombing of King David hotel in which
91 innocent people were killed out of which 28 were British , 41 were Arabs, 17 Jews and 5 others .
The Irgun group dressed up as Arabs to show as though Muslims did the bombing and the person
responsible was Menachem Begin. It was the biggest terrorist attack in the history of British
mandate in which 91 people were killed and at that time Menachem Begin was called terrorist
number 1 by the british government. Later on after a few years he gets nobel prize for peace.
Imagine a person who has killed 100’s and 1000’s of people( ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from
Palestine and killing and bombing people in Lebanon and much more) becomes the prime minister
of Israel and later on gets nobel prize for peace. Most of the groups that were fighting Irgun,
Haganah, Sterngang and all of these Jewish groups and their leaders Ariel Sharon, Yitzack
Shamir(sterngang), Menachem Begin(irgun) later on became prime ministers and held high holding
ranks in the state of Israel and all of them fighting for a Jewish state.

[the part highlighted in bold will indicate the nature of today’s terrorist attacks which are classic
false flag attacks pioneered by these Jewish terrorists]

After world war 2 from 1941 to 1948 in a span of 8 years 259 terrorist attacks were conducted by
Jewish Terrorists. If you see the world map before 1945 Israel did not exist in the world map. These
Jewish terrorist groups( Irgun , Haganah, Sterngang) fought for a jewish state and later on they
grabbed the land by force and they kicked the Palestinians out and now these same people(zionists,
jews) are calling the Palestinians(who are fighting for a more just cause FOR GETTING THEIR LAND
BACK) as terrorists. The jews are illegal occupants of a land which does not belong to them. The Jews
claim from their religious scripture that ALLAH promised the land to them which is absolutely false.
ALLAH testifies in the Quran that the Jews changed the words in the Books of ALLAH. (the original
Tawraat and Injeel)

ALLAH Says about the Jews :” Do you(faithful believers) covet that they will believe in your religion
inspite of the fact that a party of them(Jewish rabbis) used to hear the word of ALLAH (the
Tawraat),then they used to change it knowingly after they understood it ?” [Surah al-Baqarah 2:75]

Tafsir Ibn Katheer= Abu Aliyah said “They took what ALLAH had revealed in their Book describing
Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) and changed it’s meaning.” Ibn
Zayd said, “the phrase ‘they used to hear the Word of ALLAH then they used to change it” refers to
the Tawraat which ALLAH revealed to them, they changed it , making what is allowed forbidden, and
what was forbidden allowed, changing the truth to falsehood and falsehood to truth.”

Example- ALLAH prohibited interest (Riba) to the Jews . The Jews changed it to “it is prohibited for a
Jew to take interest from a Jew but it is permissible to take interest from a Gentile (Non-Jew)

In the Jewish Talmud robbing ,stealing , murder is approved against gentiles. It is permissible for a
Jew to rob, steal, murder a Gentile with no charge against him.

(source-> the jewish religion .Its influence today

4. Judaism -Anti Gentilism and Exploitation of Non Jews)

Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that Non-Jews
exist to serve Jews. “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the
world; only to serve the people of Israel.” He said

He also said, ”why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like
an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter. Yosef the spiritual leader of the shas party and former
chief sephardi rabbi of israel, also said that the lives of the non-jews are protected in order to
prevent financial loss to Jews. “with gentiles it will be like any person, they need to die, but god will
give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his
servant. That’s why he gets a long life to work well for this Jew” said the rabbi who recently turned
90 [18 oct 2010 article]

ALLAH says in the Quran, “So because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made
their hearts grow hard. They change the words from their (right ) places and have abandoned a
good part of the Message that was sent to them. And you will not cease to discover deceit in them ,
except a few of them. But forgive them, and overlook(their misdeeds). Verily , ALLAH loves al-
Muhsineen(good doers)” (Surah al-Maa’idah 5:13)

According to zionist media and zionism infected history , we have been told that Hitler incinerated 6
million jews . He kicks the Jewish community out of Europe. Even “hypothetically” if we agree with
this zionist lie. Why should the jews come to Palestine ? If they should take a land, they should go
back to germany, they should go back to Europe, imagine the Palestinians welcoming their cousins
with open hands. Suppose a visitor comes to your house, being a stranger ,you welcome him in your
house, after a few days he kicks you out of your house and when you cry at the doorstep , I want my
house back, people call you a terrorist. This is exactly what has happened. Today the Palestinians,
they are called as terrorists for what ? They only want their land back !

[with regard to the Holocaust ,most people aren’t aware that it is illegal in a couple of
countries(especially in Europe) to do research on the subject .You have to ask yourself, why would
they pass laws making it illegal to research and ask questions about the Holocaust if it really
happened? THE TRUTH DOESN’T NEED LAWS TO PROTECT IT. If it really happened , everyone
researching the subject would easily be able to verify it. The fact that laws exist that make it illegal to
research the Holocaust is a clear indication that someone has something to hide. We now know that
the Holocaust was nothing more than a zionist propaganda for speeding up the process of building
the state of Israel which the Jews plan on making it the ruling state of the world]

{watch video-> “10 hard facts about the Holocaust”}

The zionists are people who deceive. Their deceitful nature is worth pointing out because their
entire system runs on deceit and trickery. This character of deceit, they have taught it to the hindu
extremists here in India( the bjp/rss share an intimate relationship with israel/MOSSAD) . The
zionists are so evil that they will deceive and abuse even their own people(Jews) if it benefits their
agenda. As David Ben Gurion(one of the founders of zionism)has said, “I will sacrifice German Jewish
children for the sake of zionism). As the zionists have demonstrated time and again, they will
instigate wars-OFTEN FINANCING BOTH SIDES OF THE WAR and kill millions of people if that is what
it takes to get what they want-which is the enslavement of humanity.

The Jews do not have any stake in al-Quds(Jerusalem), because even though they
may have lived in the land previously, that land now belongs to the Muslims from
two points of view:

1.The Jews disbelieved and are no longer following the religion of the believers
among the Children of Israel who followed and supported Moosa(Moses) and
‘Eesaa(Jesus) (peace be upon them).

• 2.We Muslims have more right to it than them, because land does not belong
to the people who lived there first, but to those who establish the laws of
ALLAH therein. ALLAH created the land, and He created people to
worship ALLAH in the land and to establish therein the religion, laws and
rulings of ALLAH. ALLAH says (interpretation of the meaning): “…
Verily, the earth is ALLAH’s. He gives it as a heritage to whom He wills of
His slaves; and the (blessed) end is for the Muttaqoon (the pious).” [al-
A’raaf 7:128]

The only take home message from this article , which I want the people to know is that most, if not
all acts of covert terrorism are done by the intelligence agencies of ISRAEL, U.S.A, INDIA and
BRITAIN. The operations which they do are called false flag operations because they blame it on
somebody/something else [primarily Islam]
References = 1. Dr. Zakir Naik lecture = Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly 2. 3. Karel Donk

Firstly “suicide” is a MAJOR sin in Islam. No Muslim will ever commit suicide while doing jihad. (Not
including brainwashed assassins whose body and mind are controlled by the enemies of Islam i.e the
zionists and hindu extremists, they become Khawarij)

Openly the Tamil Tigers(hindus) are the global leaders in committing suicide attacks. But who taught
them ? It was MOSSAD (jews)

Same MOSSAD, CIA kidnaps, brainwashes Muslim youth turning them into Khawarij(because now
they kill even Muslims) and cause them to commit suicide bombings in the middle east (they have a
big agenda for doing that) and elsewhere.

I.S.I.S.( Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is MOSSAD. Their real name is ISRAELI SECRET INTELLIGENCE
SERVICE. The founder of ISIS (who they instruct the zio media to call founder) Abu Bakr Baghdadi is
a Jewish actor by the name of Simon Elliot. (I first thought he was a brainwashed khawarij). So now
you have jews, hindus and other non muslims faking to be Muslims and committing acts of terror.

I got this information from Non Muslim sources that I.S.I.S is MOSSAD and from a reputed Muslim
analyst. An American journalist by the name of Edward Snowden leaked important information from
the National Security Agency(NSA) of U.S.A . Edward Snowden described there was a joint U.S ,
British, and Israeli effort to “create a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist acts
across the world” The plan was codenamed Beehive or Hornet’s Nest and it was devised to protect
Israel by diverting attention to the newly manufactured regional enemy I.S.I.S [the zio media which
is the entire mainstream media will call this interview fake]

Whether it be Snowden or Mr. XYZ ,the fact of the matter is I.S.I.S is MOSSAD and is funded by both
USA and ISRAEL. (also Indian Government sends arms and ammunition to I.S.I.S and British
Intelligence catches and brainwashes Muslim Youth in the U.K and sends them to Syria )

Hence these “so called Muslim Terrorist organisations” are manufactured and run by “Non-

I’m not a fan of Snowden nor do I like him , but in this particular regard, valuable information has
been provided by him.

Let us look at this article from 19 Aug 2014 . The author of this article is not a fan of
Islam. I wont be quoting the full article since it has hate speech against Islam (bloggers. Edward
Snowden leaked NSA documents show U.S , Israel created Islamic state)

On July 16th , Bahrain’s Gulf Daily News reported that “ Edward Snowden has revealed that the
British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic state of Iraq
and Syria(ISIS). This operation they said was codenamed ‘Hornet’s Nest’. And as recently as Aug 18,
the Palestinian Authority insisted that the Islamic State is a Zionist plot by the United States and
Israel. The United States , though, has been bombing the Islamic State in Iraq for more than a week
; not quite ally behaviour.”

This is where the author goes wrong . This is exactly the plot of the zionists. They
cause/finance/instigate the war from both sides . They have been doing this for a long time including
the world wars. The aim is to soften a country , kill it’s people, destroy it’s economy and
infrastructure (the common people suffer the most in a war) spread lies and disinformation through
it’s slave media and when the country is weak and can no longer sustain itself, the israeli tanks will
roll over that country. This is exactly what is happening in Syria, they already invaded and destroyed
Iraq. They invaded Iraq saying Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. No weapons of mass
destruction were found in Iraq. On the other hand , millions of Iraqis were killed ,thousands of
women were raped by the U.S troops. The purpose of all this is for the “Greater Israel Project”. Israel
plans to extend it’s boundaries from the river Nile in the west to the river Euphrates in the east
which is in Baghdad. ( Yes Iran does not fall in this geographical location, hence Iran is Not Israel’s
enemy, Iran is an ally of Israel )

I think Iran attacking Israel is fake propaganda news [ Even if Iran supported the Palestinian cause,
that is much more dangerous because they corrupt the Palestinians by establishing their shia
doctrines of disbelief and polytheism among the Palestinians , many Palestinians became Shia once
Iran gave aid to the Palestinians, the plan of Iran is to convert the Sunnis to Shia{ interview of Sheikh
Dr. Abu Muntasir Mollahzadeh al Baloushi, Iranian Sunni scholar }. This is much more dangerous
because if you die on Tawheed / worshipping ALLAH alone , you’re saved from the Hell fire, but if
you die on polytheism, hell will be your abode ]. Hence by instigating war on both sides, supporting
insurgencies the zionists plan to destabilize all the nations which fall in that geographical boundary
of Greater Israel. (Nile to Euphrates). Saudi Arabia will be attacked last. They have destroyed
Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, they are destroying Syria and they will be done with Syria very soon. Such a
tiny country like Israel which controls such a big country like U.S.A . It is because the zionists are
controlling USA. ( The British when they were dominating the world , they were zionists. Then there
was a shift of power from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana and finally there will be a shift of power
from Pax Americana to Pax Judaica. Some say that 9/11 was the start of the shift of power to Pax
Judaica because the only country which benefitted from 9/11 was Israel. Netanyahu said 9/11 was
good for Israel )

The author of this article also didn’t know that USA actually provides ISIS with weapons. They have
been caught doing it. They have spent millions of dollars on ISIS. Obama has been caught saying “We
are speeding up the training of ISIL forces” L=Levant (another name for Syria)

It is difficult to pin point and list correctly all the objectives of these agencies as to why they commit
these false flag attacks. But analyzing their signs and the many holes in their narratives given by their
slave media it becomes clear that these were inside jobs.

I repeat this again and again most if not all acts of covert terrorism are done by the intelligence
agencies of Israel, USA, India and Britain. In short the Zionist Jews ,those who call themselves
Christians but are actually allies of the Zionist Jews ,the Hindu Extremists of India are responsible for
all the acts of undercover terrorism. The main threat to their wicked schemes is Islam and Muslims ,
hence they make Islam their common enemy. It is worth adding here the Shias who believe in their
Shia doctrines and ideologies which consist of polytheism and disbelief are the allies of the zionists
and hindu extremists. This does NOT mean that EVERY shia is a disbeliever. ONLY those shia who
in doing polytheism and disbelief become the disbelievers and they eventually side with the enemies
of Islam and Muslims. Eg. Iran’s attack of Pakistan, Shia Muslims in Uttar Pradesh have paid their
allegiance to BJP & RSS ,groups which kill Muslims .

Let us look at some false flag operations


The 14th February 2019 mischief of criminal Modi and his goons(BJP) in inflicting a false flag
operation to kill 40 of it’s own personnel of Central Reserve Police Force at Pulwama has multiple

At the drop of a hat , before any investigation was done , Pakistan was blamed for it, it’s most
favoured nation (MFN) status [a trade status] was revoked and Indian media and politicians went
berserk /crazy in their threats to Pakistan of dire consequences. Senior defence analyst of Pakistan
Zaid Hamid said that New Delhi exhibited a “PRE-MEDITATED response” MINUTES after the attack
and began levelling accusations against Pakistan without any evidence.

Zaid Hamid further stated, “There is a deliberate strategy to win over public opinion before the
Indian elections and the BJP leaders believe that a small scale skirmish with Pakistan will facilitate
their win.”

Zaid Hamid predicted (this article was before India’s attack of Pakistan), after the departure of Saudi
Crown Prince(Saudi Crown Prince visited Pakistan followed by an extensive visit to India) modi is
expected to set the stage for a skirmish with Pakistan.”

“The sentiment of war with Pakistan is a powerful catalyst for the Indian elections and BJP policy
makers including Subramaniam Swamy have threatened to break Pakistan into four pieces. Winning
the elections over animosity with Pakistan is indoctrinated in the BJP agenda, and these false flags
are a tactic of rallying the forces of nationalism” , said Zaid Hamid.

Zaid Hamid said, “It was understandable we were expecting such a false flag operation to be staged
by India. On multiple occasions , the BJP leadership has stated that election cannot be won solely on
the basis of economic progress , but in fact , it is won over by emotions, hence, it is important to
rally the Indian public behind modi by inciting communal violence and defaming Pakistan.”

[2019 is the year of general elections . The ruling BJP has failed to deliver on it’s promises of
enhancing Indian prestige and economy. All major policies have failed under the watch of BJP]

Zaid Hamid termed the Pulwama attack as a “classic false flag operation conducted by
RAW(Research and Analysis Wing)” and went on to say that there was no evidence to link Pakistan
to this attack.

“The only evidence put forward to justify Indian allegations is the video( featuring Adil Ahmed Dar),
which has not even been recorded in Kashmir. This video has been recorded in Afghanistan, and IT
said Zaid Hamid

[A poorly dubbed video in which the external voice did not match the lip movement was the
evidence created by R.A.W]

While referring to the weapons that can be seen in the video Zaid Hamid said, “ the weapons in the
video are of American origin and can be found in Afghanistan, but the mujahideen operating in
Kashmir do not have access to such advanced weaponry.”

Zaid Hamid said, “at present ,there are 700,000 Indian army soldiers in Kashmir(an analyst said there
is 1 soldier for every 7 civilians) and Indian militant’s presence across the region is very strong. There
is no room to breathe for the Kashmiris.

How did the Indian government discover that yhe vehicle was carrying 350kg of explosives? Were
they weighing the busted/destroyed car ?
[How did the Indian media know that the car had 350kg of ammunition , because it was all over
the news 350kg car bomb , 350kg car bomb, were the journalists weighing the car before the
attack took place ?]

Kashmiri Mujahideen have access to 350kg of explosive material?”

Here I would like to mention -> When you notice a car bomb , think Menachem Begin

[ car bomb -> Menachem Begin -> MOSSAD -> Israel ]

Yes folks , Israel/MOSSAD was involved with RAW in the Pulwama Attack , Israel was helping their
stooge modi on this one.

“Indian Occupied Kashmir is under curfew with 700,000 Indian troops. There is 1 soldier for every 7
civilians. In such a scenario, it is not possible for any group to collect 350 kgs of explosives and carry
out the attack.” Says a retired brigadier of Pakistan.

Zaid Hamid linked the Pulwama attack with the terror episode of the Samjhota express when
accusations were levelled at Lashkar-e-Taiba and investigations later revealed that the RDX
explosives were provided by Col. Purohit of the Indian military intelligence.

Linking the Pulwama attack to Pakistan was the most silly thing to do:-

Cross Line of Control operations are not possible given the multi-layered fencing, posts and
LANDMINES , explained Zaid Hamid

A former Brigadier of Pakistan says , “ the length of Pakistan’s border with India is 3,133 kilometers
which includes 700 kilometers of the Line of Control (LOC), 193 kilometers of the Working Boundary
(WB) and 2240 kilometers of International Border (IB). There is a strong fencing system all along the
border which is humanely not possible to negotiate. While I was a commander in the Chenab
Rangers along the WB, my counterparts in the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) always raised the
so called issue of infiltration from WB. I conveyed at several occasions that IT IS EVEN DIFFICULT FOR

[If a cat can’t cross the border (due to fencing , LANDMINES !) how can a car with 350kg of
explosives ? Think about it]

Request for Air Transit turned down :- The Quint reported that prior to the Pulwama attack , the
CRPF personnel had requested for Air Transit for the very same convoy that was attacked due to

Analysts have deduced that the timing of the attack conveniently coincides with the upcoming
Indian election, and the modi-led government and ruling BJP are likely to stir up communal violence
against Indian Muslims and Kashmir to strengthen the fervor of hindu nationalism and use WAR
HYSTERIA( FEAR PSYCHOSIS) and “anti-Pakistan antics” to win over public opinion.

BJP used this incident to rally up the hindu nationalists by staging anti-Muslim propaganda across
the country , and the public has already begun to harden it’s stance against the Kashmiris.

Kashmiri traders and students across India were brutalized, beaten up for a false flag inside job by
Terrorist Narendra Modi . Shame on those individuals who support this war criminal modi and his
terrorist party
A bleeding Kashmiri youth was crying, scared . Students were asked to leave , people were sacked
from jobs and rendered homeless by landlords who were warned by mobs to not lend their houses
to Kashmiris. In another incident 2 shawl sellers fled from a moving train , leaving behind goods
worth lakhs, to save their lives from an angry mob that accused them of being stone pelters. They
were significantly injured.

A Kashmiri student had his face disfigured after being beaten up by hindu goons . People will think
why am I mentioning all this, people of other faiths get beaten up too. But the fact of the matter is ,
here they are getting beaten up for something which they didn’t do , something which even they’re
community member (Adil Ahmed Dar) did NOT do.

Let’s talk about him ,the alleged perpetrator Adil Ahmed Dar accused (FALSELY) for committing the

Adil Dar was in Indian custody. He was arrested as a freedom fighter and having been imprisoned ,
he could not have been responsible for the act.

Let me mention an article from Kashmir Times dated 9/10/2017

This event occurred on Sep. 10th of 2017

Shopian September 10 = The encounter that started at Barbugh village of Southern Shopian district
on Saturday evening ended with the killing of 2 local militants and arrest of their third associate. The
encounter had started around 6:00pm Saturday after the forces including army and special
operations group (SOG) of police laid siege to the village following an input about the presence of
militants there. As the forces were surrounding the target area, militants identified as Altaf Ahmed
Rather from Awneera Zainpora was killed in the initial exchange of fire, two of his associates were
trapped in a house. The heavy exchange of fire continued till late evening amid clashes between the
forces and youth. The forces had later suspended the operation and tightened the siege to ensure
that the militants don’t escape.

Official and local sources said that the fresh firing near the encounter site began this morning after
the forces advanced towards the house for conducting searches. They said that as the fresh firing
started , forces razed the house to the ground , killing another militant . He was identified as Tariq

Deputy inspector general (DIG) of police for southern Kashmir, SP Pani said that the militants
belonged to Hizb-Ul-Mujahideen. The police officer also confirmed that one of the militants was
caught alive near the gunfight site. The apprehended militant had joined militant ranks three months
ago while the slain were active for last over a year.

A police officer said that one of the slain Tariq Ahmed was involved in attacks on security forces
convoy and a cop in Imamsahab area.

Thousands of people, witnesses said , participated in the funeral prayers of the slain militants in their
respective villages.

Reports said that as the news about the killings of the duo spread in their respective areas, people
from different villages started rushing towards their native places to attend the funeral.
If anyone thinks , i’m pulling a fast one with this article, kashmir times is owned by some hindu

This news was also covered in India Today and another news agency. It was shown on t.v. in India
Today news channel , were they named the freedom fighters with their initials only Tariq and Adil.

In another false claim Indian media reported Abdul Rasheed Ghazi was the mastermind behind the
pulwama attack, and was killed by the Indian army. Ghazi was actually killed in 2007 during the Lal
Masjid Operation.

A photo of slain terrorist circulated by Indian media was made using a photo editing app. There was
an article in Humans of New York, good looking security guard , they removed his face and they put
the face of a Kashmiri and there you have it , your terrorist

There is no evidence to link Masood Azhar with Pulwama , but India( modi and his goons ) is
desperate to label him as a terrorist. Even in the dossier sent by India to Pakistan there was
no mention of any link between Masood Azhar and Pulwama attack.
It is difficult to blame somebody else after doing the act yourself. The blood is in your hands
and you are looking for the other person to smear the blood on him and frame him
Let’s look at some of the lies of the Indian media and from here you can judge whether to
trust such a media

Lie number 1 :- Indian aircraft flew for 21 minutes in Pakistan territory and killed 350
terrorists. Destroyed hideout of terrorists

The above claim was not backed up by a shred of evidence.

Any sane person would think to himself that flying for 21 minutes in opponent’s airspace is
too long
Indian Air Chief Marshal BS Dhanoa said the Indian Air Force can’t count how many died. The
Airforce is not in a position to count casualties. He said, “we only count if the target is hit or
not hit ,we can’t count how many people have died.”

News from republic R Nation First -> India had informed about counter terrorism option
it took yesterday against a training camp of Jaish-e-Mohammed (which was actually a Madrasa with
kids inside ; video available in ISPR Official YouTube) based on credible evidence that JeM intended

Major General Asif Ghafoor spokesperson of Pakistan Air Force said, “the spot is open for anybody
and everybody to see. Not a single brick was damaged. They are saying 350 terrorists. Even if 10
were killed, they’re dead body should’ve been there, Janazah( funeral prayer ) should have
happened. There were no casualties and no infrastructure was damaged.” Evidence(photos) is
present in Asif Ghafoor’s twitter and in the internet.

Asif Ghafoor said, “If the IAF team hit any military positions an engagement between air forces
would take place. IAF did not do that. That was not the plan of India. The plan of India/modi
government was to do ceasefire violation in Azad J&K and deliberately kill innocent civilian
population and go back to India and say they killed terrorists and their political agenda would
become successful.”

[ People this is the mind-set of a heartless war criminal like modi who would kill innocent children in
a Madrasa and fabricate lies here saying terrorists were killed ]

Later journalists were allowed by P.A.F to enter Balakot and see the crater in the barren area due to
dropping of the bomb in an empty space . No infrastructure was damaged. Journalists also went
inside the Madrasa and saw the children and classes in progress. Also satellite images showed the
Madrasa was intact. The target was not hit . [ videos available in ISPR Official youtube channel ]

Lie number 2 :- Indian media’s initial denial that their pilot was taken captive by Pakistan

• = OUTLOOK – India denies any of it’s jets shot down by Pakistan
• This article is from NewsBytes ( titled “India rejects Pakistan’s claim of
‘shooting’ down jets , ‘capturing’ pilot” shows us how shamelessly the modi government
and his slaves (media and army) lie

The article says, “minutes after Pakistan claimed it had shot down two IAF jets and imprisoned a
pilot, India rejected the theory, and said , “all our pilots are accounted for.”

The image of IAF jet which crashed in Azad Kashmir from where Abhinandan was caught is called
a fake image !!!
“Pakistan Army’s spokesperson claimed Indian pilot has been arrested But soon the lie was
busted as India confirmed all pilots are safe”

Then came the photo and video of captured pilot Abhinandan to their utter dismay

Lie number 3 :- Pakistan F-16 jets were shot down

Asif Ghafoor’s reply -> we did not even use any F-16’s in this mission

Pakistan invited the United States defence officials to do a headcount of all the F-16’s owned by
Pakistan Air Force. The U.S official said “all aircrafts were present and accounted for”

A second senior defence official with knowledge of the count confirmed that U.S authorities on the
ground found that no Pakistani F-16’s were missing.

Lie number 4 :- India free’s Abhinandan

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan as a gesture of peace decided to release the pilot. This act did
not please some notable people of Pakistan , because of India’s (modi government’s) unprovoked
act of aggression via pulwama drama/false flag. The sentiments of war were high at that time. But
Imran Khan decided to be the peace keeper and to deescalate tensions between the neighbouring
countries he opted for the release of the pilot. He said this during his address to the parliament.

Thereafter some shameless comments from the Indian media

Pakistan parliament joint session began at 3pm on 28th Feb . Imran Khan’s speech ended within half
an hour (3:30pm) . The indian journalists were watching his speech and then within a few hours
they’re back with their lies.

At 5:05pm 28th feb = • “India’s tough message compels Pakistan to announce IAF pilot’s release”

• “No deal . No negotiation . IAF pilot must be released immediately”

At 4:23pm republic news live -> “India brings Imran to his knees”

Times now = •Pakistan cracks under pressure

• Pak caves in

• Imran’s naya Pak surrenders #indiafreesabhi

These people are experts in disinformation and propaganda. This is why it is called hybrid
warfare. The media is used to deceive people

You can’t completely blame these journalists, they are being controlled by modi and the hindu
extremists. They have no freedom in their journalism. If they retaliate against these terrorists,
they will either be killed or get death threats or get sacked.


Islam is under attack by the zionists and hindu extremists (z & h.e) . Well ,one might say Islam was
always under attack in the past by zionists and hindu extremists both overtly and covertly. So what’s
new about it? Islam is being attacked in a way that has never been done before. The enemies of
Islam (zionists and hindu extremists) possess a weapon which I believe is stronger than nuclear
weapons and that is the MEDIA.
The media has been deployed by the z & h.e as their “weapons of mass DECEPTION.” Through their
weapons of mass deception (media) they are spreading all kinds of lies, made up stories to defame
Islam. Unfortunately it is the mainstream media of India(high jacked and controlled by the bjp-rss-
shivsena-etc.etc. hindu extremists) and the mainstream media of the world (high jacked and
controlled by the zionists).

Another important thing to be considered, this information is for the Muslims. Our enemies know
our religion in great detail. The zionists are very well informed about the country and the scholars
who possess the correct knowledge of Islam and they are portraying them to be bad, evil ,supporters
of the enemies of Islam (i.e themselves zionists) and supporters of terrorism. They also know the
deviant sects of Islam and they are portraying them as the peaceful people and the torchbearers of
Islam. In this way they are misguiding the Muslim youth , keeping them away from the scholars and
the country (Saudi Arabia) from where correct knowledge of Islam can be obtained and they’re
misguiding the Sunni Muslims into believing that the deviant sects are good for them.

The Prophet (SalAllahu alaihi wassalaam) said in an authentic hadith that one of the Lesser signs of
the Day Of Judgement will be the taking away of knowledge and prevalence of ignorance; the taking
away of knowledge will occur with the disappearance of the scholars.

Saudi Arabia at present is the seat of correct Islamic knowledge. If a Muslim has to learn correct
evidence based Islam , they must go to Saudi Arabia.

The westerners have demonized one of the greatest scholars of our religion called Sheikh
Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab and have slandered him tremendously. They made false claims that
Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab was a british spy who was responsible for revolting against the
Ottoman Empire and ending their rule. The truth of the matter is that Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab
died in the year 1792 and the Ottoman Empire collapsed in the year 1920 in world war 1. There was
an Arab revolt but it was by a different Muslim leader, not Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab.

Similarly one of the greatest Da’ee’s of Islam (I believe he is the best Da’ee of the 21st century) Dr.
Zakir Naik was also targeted brutally by the hindu extremists and zionists. Not only is Dr. Zakir a
caller to Islam, but ALLAH gave this man tremendous knowledge and a knowledge which was
different from the usual scholars. Dr. Zakir Naik’s best lectures “Is The Quran God’s Word” and
“Quran and Modern Science compatible or incompatible” have attracted a large number of people
to Islam and also strengthened the faith of the Muslims in their religion. This man was instrumental
for Islam and every Muslim youth must watch his lectures to know that their religion is the correct
religion. Through debate and dialogue , intellectual discussions he proved Islam’s superiority over all
the other religions of the world including hinduism and that was the last straw for the hindu
extremists. They knew they couldn’t defeat Dr. Zakir Naik through a debate or religious discussion.
So they resorted to their evil , dirty tricks which they are an expert at. They (hindu extremists backed
by zionists) started labelling him as a terrorist , a preacher who radicalises the youth. The man has
millions of followers, if he actually did radicalise people there wouldn’t be anyone left in this world.
Our enemies the h.e and the z have allies among the Muslims (who are traitors to the Religion of
Islam and the Muslims) and along with that have Islamic terrorist organizations which are their own
creation. So they ( z & h.e ) can pull of any false flag terrorist attack and blame it on Dr. Zakir Naik or
Salafy Islam , both being crucial to the Muslims . Thus the Muslims are being separated from the
correct knowledge of Islam and the great scholars of our Religion.
The salaf hail from the 3 best generations . The scholars who follow the way of the salaf (known as
Ahle Hadith scholars) rely on an evidence based Islam which obviously involves following the Quran
and Sunnah and also forbidding religious innovations (called Bidah)

The enemies of Islam (z & he) know that very well and hence they are portraying the salafi scholars
as extremists, supporters of extremism, terrorism and who have no regard for other Muslims. This is
absolutely false and their(z & h.e) propaganda is evil. [Any Muslim who approaches Islam according
to the way of the salaf will find their way to be appropriate and correct]

If you notice the propaganda of the z & h.e you will find they are linking all “their” terrorist
organizations( ISIS ) to salafy Islam.

MOSSAD ,RAW, CIA and British intelligence(Mi5,Mi6) : All these terrorist organizations work in
harmony. At first I thought MOSSAD, CIA via ISIS and other insurgent groups wreck havoc in the
middle east and RAW supports Tehreek-i-Taliban and Baluchistan Liberation Army and wrecks havoc
in Pakistan and does false flags in India. That is not the case, the reality is these intelligence agencies
work in harmony.

For eg. In India, there are ISIS recruiters who recruit Hindus, Christians and brainwashed Muslims of
India and send them to Syria. Along with RAW , CIA also funds TTP. RAW and CIA provide safe haven
to terrorists of TTP inside Afghanistan to wage a war against Pakistan. For years Pakistan has been
attacked by CIA backed insurgents who get training camps, weapons, explosives under the U.S
occupied Afghanistan. MOSSAD was involved with RAW, RSS in Mumbai 26/11

Pulwama attack -> car bomb used -> indicates MOSSAD involvement


Any act of war or terrorism whether it be covert or overt , any bomb explosion , any mass killing of
people is done for a reason. There has to be a motive behind it , a better use of words would be
“who BENEFITS from it ?”

The terrorist attack in New Zealand by terrorist brenton tarrant who killed innocent Muslim men ,
women and children on the Day of Jumuah had one positive outcome.

Scores of people accepted Islam after the attack. The response of the Muslims in New Zealand and
the Muslims of other countries caught people by surprise. The Muslims didn’t go around attacking
Christianity , they didn’t chase the Non Muslims and say condemn this act of terror, it was labelled a
white supremacist , right wing extremist attack. Even though the Muslims were upset and scared all
around the world , the attitude of the Muslims was that of forgiveness.

The attitude of the people of New Zealand and the New Zealand Lady Prime Minister was
exceptional. The Adhaan (Muslim Call To Prayer) was given in the parliament. Many New Zealanders
attended the funeral of the Muslims who were martyred. The non Muslim women wore head scarfs
as a sign of respect. It was a beautiful reception by the people of New Zealand. Muslims all over the
world could see , for one person’s mess (the shooter tarrant) ,thousands of other people made up
for the loss which he caused.

After all this No Muslim would think of revenge to this attack.

The enemies of Islam(the zionists and hindu extremists and their stooges in Sri Lanka) said the easter
blast in sri lanka was done by ISIS as a retaliation to the New Zealand shooting .

Even hypothetically / just for the sake of argument , if we believed the biggest liars the zio media
and indian hindu extremist media ,that ISIS is run by Muslims, then they are nothing but saboteurs
who sabotage the Religion of Islam and surprisingly through their sabotage give victories to the
enemies of Islam.

I have already discussed who is ISIS , who created ISIS , so the reader should know by now who the
culprits are. (ISIS is a Jewish organisation, ISIS is MOSSAD and it was created by the intelligence
agencies of Israel, USA and Britain ; Britain and USA both are strong allies of the zionists and staunch
supporters of zionism ) . If one analytically looks at the propaganda videos of ISIS and the
articles/stories written on them by the Zio media, one can clearly understand that the entire ISIS
concept is to malign ISLAM and Muslims and there are people( the israelis and their christian allies)
behind ISIS who are controlling the entire show.

Yes it was MOSSAD / ISRAEL who did the sri lanka easter blast attack. It was Israel’s gift to Modi and
BJP before the Lok Sabha elections. [ If one studies the relationship of the RSS-RAW-MOSSAD axis,
the cause of India’s friendship with Israel( one of which is the demolition of Pakistan) one will clearly
understand what I’m talking about ] . The winning of BJP in the general elections was also the
interest of Israel and USA (the zionists)

For zionism to succeed, for India to become a hindu country where all it’s people will be hindus by
religion , the target of the enemies of Islam is to eliminate the Muslims.

When I say USA and Britain are allies of the Zionists, I don’t mean every single person living in these
countries. I mean the Jews and their christian allies who hold powerful positions in the two countries
and are secretly controlling the two countries.

Why did I say MOSSAD was behind the attack ? Let us look at some MOSSAD events in the past in Sri

I came across an interesting article on the internet at


Yesterday in Sri Lanka a bomb ripped through a packed civilian bus Wednesday , killing 23 people
and wounding 67.

I mention this because MOSSAD has directly sustained this violence since 1983, when ethnic Tamils
in the north started fighting for independence from ethnic Sinhalese in the south . The Tamils want
an independent state called Tamil Eelam.

Mossad has caused Sri Lanka’s fighting to become some of the bloodiest in human history. Entire
villages are routinely wiped out. Massacres happen almost daily. Over 70,000 people have been

The purpose of this post is to give an overview of Mossad’s involvement. Also involved are MI6, plus
India’s equivalent to MI6 (or the Pakistani ISI) ,known as the “Research and Analysis Wing” (RAW)

In Sri Lanka , Mossad trains, arms and equips both sides—through it’s Cambodian Zim Shipping
empire, and through it’s holdings in South Africa – and perpetrates false flags whenever there is talk
of peace. Mossad’s goal is to maintain the lucrative arms market, plus the local drug trade that helps
pay for those arms.

When Tamils started fighting the Singhalese for independence in 1983, the Singhalese President
Junius Jayawardene brought in 50 Mossad officers to train his security forces at a place called
Maduru-Oya .This was not secret. It was all in the newspapers.

From that point on, Mossad armed, trained, and equipped both sides.

In 1991 Victor Ostrovsky , author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service that
Mossad brought many Tamils to Israel for training in 1984 and 1985. “These groups kept coming and
going. When I was in Mossad, it was part of our routine job to take them to training camps and make
sure they got training worth what they paid for, no more and no less. The Singhalese paid in cash.”

Ostrovsky said the arrangement for training was made by the Mossad liaison in India, who lived
there under a British passport.

We know from sources other than Ostrovsky that shortly after the war broke out in Sri Lanka,
Mossad approached a group of officers from India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW , which is
India’s equivalent to the CIA). In July 1984 this inner RAW circle arranged with Mossad to send
Tamils to Israel for commando training. Mossad paid the RAW team for this by setting up accounts
for them in the BCCI bank. The Tamil commandoes that went to Israel became known as the TELO.
They are separate from the main Tamil rebels , known as the LTTE.

Meanwhile the Jews simultaneously trained the Tamils’ enemies (the Singhalese) in Israel, but did
not tell the main Tamil army, or the main Indian government, or anyone else. In Israel they kept both
Goy(Non Jew) groups apart. The Jewish purpose for this, as always, was to fan the war to a fever
pitch, and make a fortune as the Goyim kill each other.

Each group had 60 members. Training started with a two-week basic commando course at an Israeli
base known as Kfar Sirkin near Tel Aviv. This is a fairly large base, but on one occasion the two
groups passed within a few yards of each other while they were out jogging.

After the two-week basic course, the Israelis took the Tamils to Atlit, a top-secret naval commando
base at Haifa. Meanwhile Singhalese were brought in for basic training back at the Kfar Sirkin base.
After the Tamils completed advanced training in Haifa, they were moved out, and the Singhalese
were brought in to learn how to deal with all the techniques the Israelis had just taught the Tamils.

The Jews had to dream up punishments and night training exercises to keep both groups busy, so
they wouldn’t run into each other in Israel. Sometimes the situation was hectic, but the Jews were
tickled to deceive the filthy Goyim while preparing them to kill each other.

The article is very long and one can simply google it by typing Mossad in Sri Lanka effedieffe

The reason why I mentioned this article is to show the presence of MOSSAD in sri lanka . MOSSAD
operatives being present in Sri lanka point to the obvious conclusion that this sri lanka easter blast
was done by MOSSAD. This article also shows how heartless, deceitful, and dangerous the Jews are
and that they are nobody’s friends. They are only using these hindu extremists.

2. R.A.W pulled off the false flag alone

The other narrative is that RAW alone was behind the Sri Lanka Easter blast. It makes sense since
when the attack happened the ONLY nation to openly benefit from the attack was INDIA because of
BJP’s Lok Sabha election campaign which literally runs on Anti-Islam and Anti-Muslim antics.

A well known analyst in Pakistan said that after the Pulwama false flag, India plan on doing another
act of aggression against Pakistan because the Pulwama attack didn’t bring the expected results for
BJP ,a section of Indians didn’t believe in the theory of the government and labelled it as an inside
job [inspite of all this BJP still won after rigging the elections and no one can deny that these hindu
extremists have their supporters among the majority hindu population of India( who harbour the
same Anti Muslim sentiments in their hearts ) , or else they wouldn’t exist in the first place ]

Taking a piece from Binu Mathew’s “10 questions on sri lanka easter day bombings” Countercurrents
April 24, 2019

The author writes that why the intelligence warning which came on April 4 was ignored and even
withheld according to Sri Lankan minister Lakshman Kiriella. It was India which gave the intelligence
warning , how did India get this information ahead of others and how did India know the names of
the suicide bombers ten days ahead of the attacks. ( article from Taj Hashmi and Binu Mathew
countercurrents )

An article from Ikram Sehgal (Pakistani Defence Analyst) , According to NDTV Sri Lankan
intelligence officials were tipped off by Indian intelligence officers about an imminent
attack by terrorists just hours before the attacks. Indeed India was the first country
to provide detailed information to Sri Lanka about the impending attacks, this was
passed on to the US. By providing this tip but knowing there was no time to react.
RAW thus tried to create the perception it was not involved. Instead of passing on
so-called “real-time” intelligence to Sri Lanka in the face of imminent terrorist
action, why did Indian security agencies simply not intercept Hashim and interrogate
him or hand him over to Sri Lanka.

RAW has a recorded history of using non-state activists to their bidding, in all the
countries on its periphery. The Sri Lankan attacks have all signs of being a classic
“false” flag operation. One has only to read the many books written by former RAW
operatives boasting about their success.

The above article brings into the frame , “ the local Khawarij backed by higher powers( hindu
extremists )”

Though I personally don’t agree with this narrative , since in this day and age we have these terrorist
intelligence agencies which can pull off the most sophisticated false flag operations which work in
sync with journalists who have become paid story-tellers who can cook up any cock and bull story
with the drop of a hat.

The local Khawarij backed by higher powers has one supporting evidence to it which is that Zahran
Hashim or Zahran Masoothi is/was a real person. There are videos of him on YouTube.

Points which negate this idea is that Number 1 ,this person didn’t say that he did the bomb blast ,
with so many videos and images of him pledging allegiance to I.S.I.S surfacing on the net as the
alleged mastermind . There should have at least been a video of him in which he claims that he did

This contrasts sharply with the New Zealand mosque shooting, where the shooter brenton tarrant
uploaded himself killing Muslims left right and centre.
Also terrorist Col. Srikant purohit who was former Indian military intelligence officer who confessed
he was involved in Samjhota express bombing in which he burnt alive 70 Pakistanis. Not only that,
the terrorist colonel Purohit confessed he was the mastermind of the Malegaon blast after he was

So you see, these are “real” terrorists who were caught red handed unlike these covert ops of sri
lanka and pulwama. The inspector Hemant Karkare who caught the terrorist Purohit red handed was
later assassinated by RSS members in another false flag which was the Mumbai 26/11 !

Number 2 is the introduction of ISIS to the picture made my job easier and Muslims around the
world do NOT have to condemn this easter blast in Sri Lanka because ISIS is not a Muslim
organization. ISIS or Israeli Secret Intelligence Service is a Jewish Organization , it is the other name

Number 3 They show footage of a person walking with a big backpack . The person in the video is
the alleged suicide bomber according to zio media and h.e media. The cameras are monitoring him
very closely which indicates there were many CCTV’s , so why is there no image of him exploding
himself up? In another shameless fabricated video by businesstoday (indian media) they collaged a
bomb explosion elsewhere after showing the suicide bomber walking. Anyone can understand by
looking at the video they joined two scenes together. [ check video titled = Sri Lanka attacks: CCTV
footage captures bomber | Business Today ]

The question to be asked is, did they capture the bomber exploding himself up? As no camera could
catch the suicide bomber exploding himself up , my logic says that these were REMOTE DETONATED
BOMB EXPLOSIONS in the 3 churches and 3 luxury hotels by MOSSAD.

I found this very funny, in an article from Guardian ( zio media ) titled Sri Lanka Bombings: Islamic
State claims responsibility for attacks , Sri Lanka defence minister says bombings were response to
killing of Muslims in Christchurch. ( when you say something without any proof , your statement is
baseless )

“ Ranil Wickremesinghe revealed there was a fourth failed attack on another major hotel and that
the Indian embassy was also a possible target” ( So for retaliation of Muslim killing in Christchurch
the avengers are targeting Indian embassy ?? )

Quoting an article from Adam Garie (Eurasia Future):- “Beyond this, the timing of the attacks is
incredibly suspicious. After India’s recent provocation against Pakistan resulted in humiliation after
Pakistan downed 2 Indian jets and safely captured and later released an Indian pilot, it can be
logically deduced that India sought to create a different regional disturbance against a target that is
generally seen as ‘softer’ from the Indian perspective vis-a-vis Pakistan.

Even before Colombo named an obscure Islamist group as the culprits of the attacks, Indian
politicians up to and including Narendra Modi began banging the drums of jingoistic Islamophobia as
is par for the course when it comes to the radical Hindutva BJP.

Therefore when one connects the dots, one sees that India stands out to uniquely benefit from Sri
Lanka’s turmoil not only in terms of internal electoral politics but in terms of weakening a Sri Lankan
government that in spite of it’s allegedly Pro-Indian Prime minister maintains healthy and growing
ties to China and Belt and Road.

Also the bodies of the terrorists must be examined to determine whether they are circumcised or
not. This is crucial as previous Indian false flag attacks have involved non-circumcised men( therefore
not Muslims ) participating in allegedly Islamist attacks whilst also, previous false flag attacks in India
allegedly involving Pakistanis were later exposed due to the fact that the Pakistani suspects could
not speak Urdu or any other official Pakistani language but instead spoke in languages and
vernaculars common only to India.”

Adam Garie made an interesting point, “As the Muslim population in Sri Lanka is less than 8% of the
country’s entire population, it is difficult to conceive that any genuine local Islamist group would
seek to stage such massive attacks when the possibility of any material gain would be limited by the
fact that not only is Sri Lanka’s Muslim population at harmony with the Buddhist majority, but the
population of Muslims is incredibly small.”

Binu Mathew countercurrents “ Why the persecuted Muslim minority in Sri Lanka carry out a
terrorist attack on another minority group ?”

Some analysts are saying that the Easter false flag was done to discredit the present Sri lankan
government , as Sri Lanka was maintaining good relations with China , but this cannot be the reason
for the false flag because the timing of the attack was right before the Indian elections.

If Sri lankan internal politics was the reason why RAW pulled this false flag then it could have
happened at some other time. Also Pakistan minister of foreign affairs Shah Mahmood Qureshi told
in a press conference in Pakistan that Pakistan has reliable intelligence that India plan on a second
attack against Pakistan. This was not just a political statement made by Shah Mahmood Qureshi.
Pakistan called the Indian deputy high commissioner and informed and warned him that Pakistan
had intelligence information that India are planning to do another act of aggression and if India does
a second misadventure, Pakistan will respond to it.

But then India opted to do something different( attack Sri Lanka and malign Islam ) . It is fascinating ,
so much chaos , so many lives killed just for votes , just to win the elections. People should now see
who the real terrorists are. They are the hindu extremists , the RSS, BJP, Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena etc.
And obviously the Zionists, who are the masters of terrorism.


• 9/11 = Zeitgeist : The Movie 2007

• 26/11 = Mumbai Drama : India’s false flag exposed and destroyed by Zaid Hamid
• Uri
• Pathankot
• Paris attack

ROHIT SEN ( A Revert Muslim )

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