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when someone leaves you message on your phone, do you usually call them back
immediately? (Cuando alguien le deja mensaje en el teléfono, ¿suele volver a llamar
 No, I do not do it because I do not respond to unknown numbers.

2. If you buy something online that is not exactly what you wanted, do you always send it
back? ( Si usted compra algo en línea que no es exactamente lo que usted deseaba,
¿usted siempre enviarlo de vuelta?)
 Yes, I do it because some things bought online are damaged.

3. have you ever lent somebody money and he or she didn´t pay you back? (¿Alguna vez
has prestado a alguien dinero y él o ella no le pagan?)
 Yes, I lent money and they always paid me on time.

4. when you came back after a vacation, do you usually feel better or worse tan before?(
Cuando regresé, después de las vacaciones, por lo general, ¿se siente mejor o peor tan
 When I return from my vacations I always return better and I learn about the
cultures of the cities I visit.

5. when you borrow a book or a DVD from a fiend,do you usually remenber to give it
back?what about if you lend something to you friends?( Cuando usted pide prestado
un libro o un DVD desde un malvado,normalmente, ¿recuerdo a devolver?Qué acerca
de si prestas algo a tus amigos?)
 yes, I do it because the book borrows from the library could be useful to another
6. If you buy something to wear from a store and then decide you don´t like it, do you
usually take it back?( Si quieres comprar algo al desgaste de una tienda y luego decides
que no te gusta, ¿suele tomar de nuevo?)
 no, I do not do it because if you already buy it, it's my responsibility, if I do not like it,
I'd have to throw it in the garbage can.

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