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SATURN 1. IV from December 19 1. V from February 4 till December 19

JUPITER 1. IV from December 4 1. V all year till December 4

MARS 1. IV from June 9 till November 1 1. V from November 1

VENUS 1. IV from July 20 till September 27 1. V from September 27

1. IV from January 5 till February 12 1. V from February 12

2. IV from March 3 till May 14 2. V from May 14

3. IV from Jun 24 till Aug 8 3. V from August 8

4. IV from August 26 till November 21 4. V from November 21

5. IV from December 20

1 2 3 4 5
Jupiter is Mars IN Aries Sun CJ Saturn Merc TR Uran Merc IN Capr
Visible all year New Moon
till Dec 4 Sun SX Nept (Partial SOLAR
Eclipse) in Capr
Mercury is
Invisible till Feb
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Uranus Venus IN Sag Merc SQ Mars Sun CJ Pluto
Direct till
August 11;
to 6°
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Merc CJ Sat Merc SX Nept Ven TR Mars Sun SQ Uranus

Jup SQ Nept Merc CJ Pluto

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Sun IN Aqua Ven SQ Nept Venus CJ Jup Merc SQ Uranus Merc IN Aqua Mars TR Jup
Mars SQ Sat
Full Moon
(Total LUNAR
Eclipse) in Leo

27 28 29 30 31
Sun CJ Mercury Saturn SX Nept

V=Visible, IN=Ingress, TR=Trine, SQ=Square, SX=Sextile,


Jupiter is visible all year till Dec 4

Jupiter ruled activities like teaching, guidance, guidance from Higher power, intuition, charity
are supported throughout.

January 1st 2019

Mars ingress Aries
Increased drive, ambition, combativeness, competiveness, energy, excitability, assertiveness
and initiative.
Sports and energetic activities favored and boosted.
Sexual desire and instinctual passions can be aroused faster.
Tempers rise faster, so does reactiveness.

January 2nd 2019

Sun conjunction Saturn
Active 2-3 days before/after

Orientation on professional advancement.
Grounding influence.
Lots of stamina to follow through on commitments.
Good management of time and resources.
Great time for anything that requires focus and attention to detail.

Heavy workload or too many responsibilities.
Feeling low, less vital or depressed.
Can be a lonely time.
Possible minor setbacks and delays.

January 4th 2019
Mercury trine Uranus
Active 1-2 days before and after
Good news are received.
Finding a missing piece of information.
Stimulating and energizing conversations.
Good for group activities, catching up with friends, working in a team, social networking/
media, internet, learning new things.
Managing, planning and organizing goes fast and receives support.

January 4th 2019

Sun sextile Neptune
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit
Stimulates imagination and inspiration.
Increased empathy and compassion.
Ideal time for charity work and volunteering.
Favorable for any creative, artistic, spiritual pursuits.
Opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice.
Help and support from males or bosses.

January 5th 2019

Mercury ingress Capricorn
Thinking, writing and communications become more practical, realistic, serious and
Good for business, organizing, managing, work, communications with authority or senior

January 5th 2019

Mercury is Invisible till Feb 12

When Mercury becomes invisible it is harder to start to new projects related to commerce,
trading, business, media, writing, and marketing. People ruled by Mercury, Gemini or Virgo
sun moon or Ascendant will feel less initiative and more introspective during the invisible

January 7th 2019
Venus ingress Sagittarius

We become more open minded and adventurous in relationships, social and amusement
Can be great for travel, exploring new hobbies or pleasures, foreign relationships,
international connections.

January 8th 2019

Mercury square Mars

Mentally stimulating.
Increase in physical energy levels.

Too much mental energy, easily stressed.
Moments of tension and frustration. Impatience. Picking up verbal fights.
Lack of mental clarity and focus.
Delays, communication and transportation problems.
Arguments with friends, workmates, siblings, neighbors.

January 11th 2019

Sun conjunction Pluto
Active 2-3 days

Magnetic, ambition for changes. Sharp perception, keen insight.
Activating for work in banking, other people resources, insurance, mining, plumbing,
emergency services, private, secret, occult or hidden dealings.

Control issues, power struggles, manipulative games.
Becoming too forceful, overbearing, encountering resistance.

January 13th 2019

Mercury conjunction Saturn
Active 2-3 day before/after

Practical, structured thinking. Disciplined mind.
Greater attention to details. Cautiousness. Careful speech.
Good for hard mental or business work.
May receive some practical advice. Possible travel for business.

January 13th 2019

Jupiter square Neptune
Active 10 days before and after

This combination dissolves boundaries and limitations to the extent of excess, over-
indulgence, permissiveness, lack of practicality or naivety. The week before and after the
exact aspect, it is best to be careful with well intentioned but unattainable or impractical
promises, expectations or activities. It is possible to be taken advantage of, because of well
meaning and kind actions, too trusting nature, or lack of discrimination. Do not over extend
yourself, emotionally, materially, since the goals you are aiming for, might turn to be castles
in the air.
On the positive side, this a wonderful time for spiritual and higher knowledge pursuits,
travelling without boundaries, dissolving old believes, imagination without borders,
visualizing, and charity work, helping others. Long trips for pleasure and relaxation are better
than such for work since there can be some confusion or misalignment.
Guidance and advice from well meaning people, might turn out to be confusing or
misleading, but they can surely be of comfort for the time being.

January 14th 2019

Mercury sextile Neptune
Active 1 day before and after

Good for creative mental tasks, for supportive conversations, for social contacts,
reading/writing about spiritual, inspirational or emotionally uplifting topics.

January 18th 2019

Venus trine Mars
Lasts 1-2 days
You receive something you have wanted very much.
Desire for pleasures and entertainment Interesting emotional experiences.
Making something pleasant with your partner. Great time for first dates.
Good for plastic surgery or more transformational/intense beauty therapies.

Paying attention on your beauty and appearance. Good for earning money.
Receiving presents or bonuses.
Wonderful time to go dancing and on parties.
Good for getting along with the opposite sex.

January 18th 2019

Mercury conjunction Pluto
Active 1-2 days

Intensifies and deepens thinking processes.

Psychologically intuitive and penetrating insights.
Spotting lies, hidden motives and secrets.
Obsessive or suspicious thoughts. Intense communications.
Subtle manipulations or power struggles in verbal or written communications.
Sexualized or emotionally changed information, communications.
Good for intense mental work, research, investigations, delving into taboo, secret or
unpalatable information.

January 19th 2019

Sun square Uranus
Active 1-2 days

Positive manifestations:
Energizing influence, exciting prospects.
Can act as a catalyst for change, rush of high self-esteem, sudden new opportunities or
Sudden flashes of intuition, insight into the future.

Negative manifestations:
Sudden change of plans, chaotic events, restlessness, boredom.
Too much nervous energy, rebellious attitude.
Conflicts or surprises in relationships with men, bosses.
Feeling ungrounded, minor problems with electronic devices.

January 20th 2019

Sun ingress Aquarius
Happy Birthday Aquarius! It is your time to shine and start new things for a month!

January 21st 2019
Venus square Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Good day for the spa or relaxation.
Spending on making yourself feel better.
Feeling compassionate and loving. Helping others out of your kind heart.
You take some actions, which help you to change the way you feel.
Intense creative energy that inspires you to take some actions.

Women feel generally more emotional.
Feel emotionally confused about something.
Unrealistic attitude or perception towards a relationship, person, situation.
Emotional vulnerability, escapism.
Being misled or taken advantage of your kindness.
Get a wrong impression about the actions of someone.
Somebody is confusing you with his attitude.
Wrong judgments. Your actions make you look emotionally unreliable and unstable.
You need the help of someone you can’t trust.
Feel afraid that somebody may use you.
Financial loses.

January 21st 2019

Mars square Saturn
Active 2-3 days before and after

Getting rid of old habits.
Changing the limiting rules.
Active fight with your fears. Time for hard work.

Frustration or anger. Conflict with authority figures.
Fear to do what you want.
Unable to keep your deadlines.
Too many rules you have to keep. Restrictions because of your actions.
Problems at work, blockages, restrictions, authority figures.

January 22nd 2019
Venus conjunction Jupiter
Active 2-3 days before/after

Attract luck easier.

Positive emotions, great for a party, social occasions.
Desire to reveal your feelings! Falling in love or feeling more love.
Successful new meetings, start of relationships.
Expansion of your desires. Receiving/giving presents.
Emotional support. Time for joy and entertainments.
Optimistic mood. Enjoy traveling.
Successful negotiations with foreigners or abroad.
Positive time for beauty and cosmetic procedures.

January 23rd 2019

Mercury square Uranus

Sudden changes in plans

Need to adapt to new circumstances or re-arrange schedules.
Surprising or electrifying news, unexpected information.
Interruptions/disruptions to communications, travel, software, working in groups.
Excitable communications with new people who take you out of the comfort zone.

January 24th 2019

Mercury ingress Aquarius

Positive for intellectual work, impartial and objective mental assessments, supports scientific
work, analysis, working with networks, like-minded people, group projects, internet,
technologies, astrology, organizing group activities.

January 25th 2019

Mars trine Jupiter
Active 2-3 days before and after

Positive Influences:
Ambitions and high goals. Increased belief in yourself.
Attract luck and good circumstances.
Positive realization of your plans.
Good time for traveling.
Your activity may bring you a social popularity.
Taking some risk might be your successful strategy.
Positive for starting new projects.
Support from people with high social state.

January 30th 2019

Sun conjunction Mercury
Active 2-3 days before or after

Mental alertness, quick thinking.

Improved communication skills.
Clarity regarding your purpose and direction.
Favorable for business deals, negotiations, media, writing, speaking.
Good for all kinds of communication, contracts, agreements, meetings, learning,
administrative work, arranging deals.
Short-distance travel.
An opportunity make a good impression or communicate with superiors.

January 31st 2019

Saturn sextile Neptune
Active 10 days before and after

Saturn will tone done the dreamy and ungrounded energy of Neptune and give us more
practicality and structure for the implementation of our imaginative ideas.
We can receive support and wise advice from older or more experienced figures or based on
our own previous experience, in regards to a confusing or ambivalent situation.
It is a good time for tangible steps in spiritual, artistic or healing endeavors.
A spiritual or well-meaning person can give you constructive and practical support.
Help with some difficult or material situation can appear as if by magic.


1 2
Mars SQ Pluto

Venus TR Uran

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Merc SX Jup New Moon in Sun SX Jupiter Merc SX Uranus
Venus IN Capr 15° Merc SX Mars

Saturn is
Visible till Dec

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Merc IN Pisces Mercury Mars CJ Uranus Mars IN Taurus

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Venus SX Nept Sun SX Uran Merc CJ Nept Mercury SX Sat Merc SQ Jup Venus CJ Pluto
Ven CJ Sat
Full Moon in Merc SX Pluto
Sun IN Pisc Virgo 0°

24 25 26 27 28
Sun SX Mars

February 2nd 2019
Mars square Pluto
Active 2-3 days before/after

Fight for independence. Increased activity/ambition in certain direction.
Extreme flow of energy. Fighting with your negative sides.
Readiness to overcome every obstacle. Undertaking of risks.
Prepared for competition. Increased motivation.


Extreme overloading. High risk of accidents!
Aggression and anger. Inducing dangerous situations.
Illegal or under handing business/dealings.
Conflicts with secret or powerful organizations/people in power/police, etc.
Your unconscious takes control over your actions. Obsession about certain activity.
Sexual and instinctual reactions of frustration/overstimulation/intense darker desires.

February 2nd 2019

Venus trine Uranus
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day
Smooth change of your emotional state.
Pleasant surprise from your or to your partner. You are able to make your partner to change
something. Exciting emotional experiences. Setting yourself free from limitations.

Have an unexpected interesting meeting. Feel very romantic.
Unexpected offers for negotiation. Meeting someone who inspires you.
Spending money on something that makes you feel excited.
Unexpected financial income. Positive change with your appearance.

February 3rd 2019

Mercury sextile Jupiter
Active a day before or after

Optimistic, feel-good time.

Focus on long-term goals and projects. Seeing more opportunities.
Good judgment. Expanding your knowledge and outlook.
Favorable for education, legal and international affairs. Some beneficial information could
come through. Good for collaborating with others. Favorable for outdoor activities, business,

February 3rd 2019

Venus ingress Capricorn

Our feelings become serious, grounded and practical.

Social interactions can benefit our business, work.
Relationships started now can be based on security, material and practical considerations,
might take longer to start or show emotions, but can be more lasting in the long term.

February 4th 2019
Saturn becomes Visible till Dec 19

When Saturn is visible everyone ruled by Saturn (people with Capricorn or Aquarius
ascendant, Sun or Moon) can manifest more, be productive. All Saturn related activities are
supported: building, structuring, organizing, safety. A week before and after Saturn becomes
visible Saturn ruled people and activities get a new start, opportunities and manifestations.

February 8th 2019

Sun sextile Jupiter
Felt a day or 2

Feeling upbeat and optimistic. Having more influence and authority.

Stronger sense of integrity. Broader outlook on life. Good for foreign and legal affairs,
teaching, publishing. Lucky opportunities.

February 8th 2019

Mercury sextile Mars

Improved negotiation and verbal skills.

Good for public speaking. Well-timed actions.
Excellent for communication, group discussions, negotiations, sales, pep talks, promotional
communications. Mental agility and alertness. Can rely on your instincts. Good for planning
and organizing things faster.

February 9th 2019

Mercury sextile Uranus

Receiving some good news. Finding a missing piece of information.

Stimulating and energizing conversations. Good for group activities, catching up with friends,
working in a team, social networking/media, internet, learning new things.
New ideas. Managing, planning and organizing goes fast and receives support.

February 10th 2019

Mercury ingress Pisces
Analytical, discerning and practical thinking is weakened when Mercury is in Pisces.

Mistakes and misunderstandings in business, written or verbal communications more likely
or omission of details. Thinking becomes more subjective and emotional. We become more
suggestible to others’ messages, information, ideas and thoughts so can be influence subtle
others too. Foggy or wishful thinking. Great for creative pursuits and interest and spiritual

February 12th 2019

Mercury becomes Visible

When Mercury becomes visible it is a great time to start new projects in writing, media,
marketing, business, trade, sales, commerce, learning skills. Gemini and Virgo people will be
able to manifest better, feel stronger and make an impact.

February 13th 2019

Mars conjunction Uranus
Mars conjunction Uranus effects: 3-2 days before and after

Positive Influences:
Extreme enthusiasm. Fast reactions.Desire to take risks.
Untraditional approach. Brave actions. Desire for freedom.
Great time for new experiences.

Negative Influences:
Extreme impulsiveness, taking dangerous risks. Rude and uncontrolled behavior.
Sudden changes in your activity. Unexpected events. Possible traumas and accidents.
Extreme impatience and irritation.

February 14th 2019

Mars ingress Taurus

A period for consolidating one’s actions and energy. Maintaining and supporting activities
started from before. Putting energy and efforts into practical and material activities: money,
resources, finances, gardening, farming, building something solid and tangible. We become
less decisive, initiative, daring and risk prone in our actions but we can sustain our efforts for
prolonged periods of time. Taurus ruled people will be energized strongly.

February 17th 2019
Venus sextile Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after
Good for creative or beauty activities, pleasant socializing, art, music, enjoyments, romantic
dates, sharing feelings and being understood, relationships with women.

February 18th 2019

Sun sextile Uranus

A desirable break from routine.

Seeing things from a fresh angle. More freedom of self-expression.
Good for working on a group project. Flashes of intuitive insight.
Favorable time for making easy changes and taking small risks.
Favorable for anything to do with media and the internet.

February 18th 2019

Venus conjunction Saturn
Active 2-3 days before/after

Have a more somber and serious attitude.
We might be asked to re-evaluate or correct some social or personal relationships with loved
ones. Connect with others on a more serious and practical level.
Indulging too much in pleasures, good food, etc. can have some uncomfortable

On the positive side:

People can generally have more self-control when it comes to such matters.
Women might feel a bit more grumpy, security conscious or demanding.
More responsibilities come to women.

February 18th 2019

Sun ingress Pisces
Happy Birthday Pisces!!!

February 19th 2019

Mercury conjunction Neptune
Influence: 1-2 days within the exact transit

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images, and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking.
Influencing others through subtle, emotionally infused or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects. Healing with words.
Walks in nature or near water.

Foggy thinking, confusing information. Misinformation, promising and not delivering.
Gossip. Confusing in travel. Pulling the wool over one’s eyes.
Mistakes in work with information, documents, negotiations, business, management.

February 20th 2019

Mercury sextile Saturn

Practical, structured thinking. Disciplined mind. Greater attention to details.

Careful speech, good for hard mental work, business, managing organizing, planning.
May receive some practical advice. Good for travel for business.

February 22nd 2019

Mercury square Jupiter

Positive manifestations:
Positive mindset. Favorable for long-term planning. Positive for commercial and business
dealings. Good time to take a day off and enjoy life.

Tendency for exaggeration and overestimation. No paying attention to details. Too
optimistic, leaping without thinking.
Intellectual arrogance. Impracticality. Challenge of ideas and beliefs.

February 23rd 2019

Venus conjunction Pluto
Duration 2-3 days

Intense emotional experiences. Strong passion. Deep attraction to someone.
Increased sexual desire. Become magnetic.
Able to control others softly. Feel empowered. Negotiate with very powerful people.
Take important financial decisions. Communicate with very strong and powerful women.
Your partner helps you to feel stronger.
Too strong emotions, which you cannot control. Be jealous.
Be very suspicious about your partner. Feel manipulated.
The women around you are trying to control you. Feel obsessed about curtain idea or person.
Feel like you are in a critical situation. Experience some poisoning emotions.

February 23rd 2019

Mercury sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Deeper communications.
Mental clarity into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.
Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource. Support for travel arrangements.
Reading people's thoughts, strong intuition. Seeing beneath the surface, a greater

February 28th 2019

Sun sextile Mars
1-2 days duration.

High energy levels, zest for life. Boosts self-confidence and courage.
Good for receiving help and chances with some activities and projects.
Promotes leadership ability. Helps to influence people.
Boosts physical stamina.
Excellent for vigorous physical activity.
Enhances sex drive.


1 2
Venus SQ

Venus IN Aqua

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mercury is Mercury Uranus IN Taurus Sun CJ Nept Sun SX Saturn
Invisible till May Retrograde till
14 March 28; New Moon in
29° to Pisces 15°

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Mars SX Nept Sun SX Pluto Sun SQ Jupiter Sun CJ Merc SX Pluto
Mars TR Saturn
Merc SQ Jup

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Merc SX Mars Mars TR Pluto Venus SQ Mars
Merc SX Saturn
Venus SX Jup
Sun IN Aries

Full Moon in
Libra 0°
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Merc CJ Nept Ven IN Pisces Venus SX Uranus Mercury Direct

Mars IN Gemini


March 1st 2019

Venus square Uranus
Active 1-2 days

Sudden emotional changes. Setting free from some emotional blockages.
Feel overexcited about something. Sudden desire to spend money for something.
Desire to change your appearance. New creative ideas.

Feel very nervous, because of some outer circumstances.
Unable to control your emotions.
Feel surprised or unprepared for some events.
Conflict with your partner.
Feel that others can’t understand you.
Unable to find comfort and relax.
Feel that there are too many changes happening around you.
Women around you are acting strange or surprising.
Unexpected financial losses.

March 1st 2019

Venus ingress Aquarius

We collectively become more objective and rational about inter-personal relationships.

Friendlier and more open minded approach to others and partnerships.
Ability to distance one self from complicated relationships and take a look impartially.
Great for activities connected to social activities, connecting with others, social media, party
planning, going to big meetings, conferences, concerts, festivals, getting together with like
minded people.
Easier to fulfill some gainful goals through support from others.

March 3rd 2019

Mercury is Invisible till May 14

When Mercury becomes invisible it is harder to start to new projects related to commerce,
trading, business, media, writing, and marketing. People ruled by Mercury, Gemini or Virgo
sun moon or Ascendant will feel less initiative and more introspective during the invisible

March 6th 2019

Uranus ingress Taurus

It might not be felt on personal level, but on world level: big changes in the financial and
money sectors, shake ups on material stability, the start of progressive new technologies in
agriculture, farming, food production, the financial system.

March 7th 2019

Sun conjunction Neptune
Influence: 2-3 days (+/-the exact day)

Positive manifestations:
Increased empathy and spiritual awareness, help from healers and doctors.
Favorable time for any artistic endeavors, healing activities or work with liquids, art,
advertising, fashion, music, oil, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, beverages.
Good for meditating, reflection, dream work, journaling, light work.

Negative influences:
Low energy, feeling drained. Escapist tendencies.
Greater sensitivity to outside influences. Confusion, lack of clarity.
Potential to deceive and be deceived, Victim mentality. Lack of motivation and drive.

March 9th 2019

Sun sextile Saturn

Ability to focus. Emotional and mental stability.

Coming across as competent and reliable.
Good work ethic. Good relationships with authority figures.
Favorable for planning, organizing, restructuring, budgeting.

March 10th 2019

Mars sextile Neptune
Active 2-3 days before and after

You can sort conflict situations with ease and gentle pro-active attitude.
You can easily feel what the right thing to do is.
You can give yourself a break from the hard work.
You can help someone even if you are not intentionally trying.
Wonderful time to pay attention on your spiritual harmony.
Great time to do gentle sports: swimming, walks in nature.
All kinds of art or healing activities might be very successful for you.
Wonderful for meditations and spiritual practices.
Giving or receiving support from males or younger people.
You can neglect your plans, so that you can help someone else.

March 13th 2019

Sun sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Power to influence people. Tapping into inner resources.

Ability to understand power dynamics.
Gentle rise of ambitions and support to your goals. Support from male or authority figures.
Favorable for anything to do with shared or others’ finances / resources.
Good time for research, information hunting.

March 14th 2019

Sun square Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before or after
Boosts vitality and drive.
Adventurous spirit. May bring lucky opportunities.
Feeling restlessness, willing to take rests.
Excessive idealism. Inflated ego.
Overindulging and overextending yourself

March 14th 2019

Mars trine Saturn
Influence 2-3 days before/after the exact transit

Successful actions in your work. Great time to plan long-term tasks.

Your actions leave lasting and stable results.
Good co-operation in activities with seniors, older or authority figures.
Smooth changes that you want to make can happen easily.
Discipline and being strict pays off well.
Strong moral code, do the right thing energy.
Good for endurance training.

March 15th 2019
Sun conjunction Mercury
Active 2-3 days before or after

Mental alertness, quick thinking.

Improved communication skills.
Clarity regarding your purpose and direction.
Favorable for business deals, negotiations, media, writing, speaking.
Good for all kinds of communication, contracts, agreements, meetings, learning,
administrative work, arranging deals.
Short-distance travel.
An opportunity make a good impression or communicate with superiors.

March 15th 2019

Mercury square Jupiter

Positive manifestations:
Positive mindset. Favorable for long-term planning.
Positive for commercial and business dealings.
Good time to take a day off and enjoy life.

Negatives to be aware of:

Tendency for exaggeration and overestimation.
Not paying attention to details.
Too optimistic, leaping without thinking.
Intellectual arrogance. Impracticality.
Challenge of ideas and beliefs.

March 16th 2019

Mercury sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Deeper communications.
Mental clarity into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.

Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource.
Support for travel arrangements.
Reading people's thoughts, strong intuition.
Seeing beneath the surface, a greater understanding.

March 18th 2019

Mercury sextile Mars

Improved negotiation and verbal skills.

Good for public speaking. Well-timed action.
Excellent for communication, group discussions, negotiations, sales, pep talks, promotional
communications. Mental agility and alertness.
Can rely on your instincts. Good for planning and organizing things faster.

March 20th 2019

Mars trine Pluto
Active 2-3 days before and after the transit

High confidence, low fear. Able to transform powerfully.

Incredible motivation, favorable for positive changes.
Great for physical exercise and physically demanding tasks.
Power over others, control over others.
Great sexual activity.
Managing other people's actions and tasks.
Wonderful time for yoga and sports.

March 20th 2019

Mercury sextile Saturn
Active 1 day before or after

Good for mental tasks and discipline.

Structuring your thoughts, communications better.
Good for business, administrative tasks, planning, organizing.

March 20th 2019

Sun ingress Aries
Happy Birthday Aries!

March 21st 2019
Venus square Mars
Active 1-2 days
Felt most by Pisces, Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus, Aries and Scorpio

Feeling incredible passion. Strong desire to do something you want.
Increased sexual desire, putting lots of actions into some creative project.

Conflict with partners. No harmony in one’s actions. Having to do something you don’t like.
Difficult to make negotiations or agree on something.
Feeling irritation. Your comfort is disturbed, because you need to hurry or stress.
Women are more reactive and angry. Spending lots of money to do something.

March 21st 2019

Venus sextile Jupiter
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Beautiful time for pleasant activities, pampering yourself, harmonious relationships,

receiving favors, social occasions.

March 24th 2019

Mercury conjunction Neptune
Active 1-2 days within the exact transit
Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking.
Influencing others through subtle, emotionally infused or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects. Healing with words. Walks in nature
or near water.

Foggy thinking, confusing information.
Misinformation, promising and not delivering. Gossip. Confusing in travel.
Pulling the wool over one’s eyes. Mistakes in work with information, documents,
negotiations, business, management.

March 26th 2019
Venus ingress Pisces

Great time for romance, creative endeavors connected to feelings—poetry, music, movies,
acting, writing.
Meeting someone new during this period can indicate powerful romantic or even soul mate
like connection, but be careful that you are not loss in a fairy tale like fantasy.
We are moved to help those in need, to show compassion and love, give unconditionally, and
be kind to one another.
Women become more gentle, helping and forgiving.
Great for holidays in exotic countries, amusements that move your soul, dreaming and
visualizing about your future and love life.
Love and feelings become more poetic, but also inclined to idealization.

March 27th 2019

Venus sextile Uranus
Active 1-2 days.
Will be felt most by Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Libras

Good for social activities, meeting new people, enjoying new pleasures and fun activities.
New creative ideas.

March 31st 2019

Mars ingress Gemini

Information flow speeds up. Everyday life picks up its pace!

Fast developments in commercial, administrative and business matters.
Hectic activities. Helps with fast completion of mental and administrative task.
Mental unrest and nervous stress more likely.
Communications and social interactions can be more excitable but also stressful.


1 2 3 4 5 6
Merc CJ Pluto New Moon
Nept opposition in Aries
True Node 15°
23° /

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Merc SX Sat Venus CJ Nept Merc SX Jup Sun SQ Pluto
Sun SQ Saturn
Venus SX Sat
Mercury SX Pluto

Retrograde till
Aug 11; 24°
to 14°
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Sun TR Jupiter Venus SQ Jup Mercury IN Aries Full Moon in Sun IN Taurus
Ven SX Pluto 29° Venus IN Taurus

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Sun CJ Uranus Pluto Retrograde Mars SQ Nept
till Oct 3; 23°
to 20°

28 29 30
Saturn Saturn
Retrograde till opposition
Sep 18; 20° True Node
to 13° 20° /


April 2nd 2019

Mercury conjunction Neptune
Influence: 1-2 days within the exact transit

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images, and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking.
Influencing others through subtle, emotionally infused or psychological approaches.

Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.
Healing with words. Walks in nature or near water.

Foggy thinking, confusing information.
Misinformation, promising and not delivering.
Gossip. Confusing in travel.
Pulling the wool over one’s eyes.
Mistakes in work with information, documents, negotiations, business, management.

April 7th 2019

Mercury sextile Saturn
Active 1 day before or after
Good for mental tasks and discipline.
Structuring your thoughts, communications better.
Good for business, administrative tasks, planning, organizing.

April 10th 2019

Venus conjunction Neptune

Positive for creative, romantic and spiritual activities. Deep romantic feelings.
Feeling dreamy and compassionate.
Receive/give emotional support.
Stronger emotional connection with your partner.
Forgive something.
Receive support or compassion from women.
Great time for art activities and music.

April 10th 2019

Sun square Saturn
Active 1-2 days before and after

Positive manifestations:
Promotes perseverance and self-discipline.
Teaches self-reliance.
Hard work under pressure.
Correcting business mistakes.

Negative manifestations:
Lack of confidence and optimism.
Blockages, delays.
Depleted energy levels, sadness.
Lack of support from others.
Criticism or increased demands at work or from males or authority figures.
Not a good time for any social activities.

April 10th 2019

Mercury sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Deeper communications.
Mental clarity into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.
Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource.
Support for travel arrangements.
Reading people's thoughts, strong intuition.
Seeing beneath the surface, a greater understanding.

April 12nd 2019

Mercury square Jupiter

Positive mindset. Favorable for long-term planning.
Positive for commercial and business dealings.
Good time to take a day off and enjoy life.

Tendency for exaggeration and overestimation.
Not paying attention to details.
Too optimistic, leaping without thinking.
Intellectual arrogance. Impracticality. Challenge of ideas and beliefs.

April 12nd 2019
Venus sextile Saturn
Active a day before and after

Emotional self – control.

Your partner/other can help you practically in some way.
Happy to work and be responsible.
Positive judgment.
Following the rules pays off.
Harmony at your work place. Fulfilling your work tasks easier.
You can control your desires more easily.
Women feel more centered.

April 13rd 2019

Sun square Pluto
Active 1-2 days before or after

Becoming more magnetic. Strong will-power.
Having more energy to make changes.
Sharp perception, keen insight.
Opportunity to let of anything that hinders growth.
Possible help from an influential person.

Control issues, power struggles.
Manipulative games.
Becoming too forceful, overbearing.
Encountering resistance.
Suspicious state of mind.

April 14th 2019

Sun trine Jupiter

Increased energy, confidence and vitality.

Supports growth and expansion, career and goal activities.
Belief in yourself, optimism. Strong inner guidance.
Being able to influence people and get your ideas or presence accepted generously.
Favorable for starting anything new.

Good time to put your best foot forward.
Support from male figures or people in higher positions.
Good for seeing the bigger picture and plan accordingly.

April 14th 2019

Venus sextile Pluto

Support from people in power.

Increased magnetism.
Good for Venus career: working with women, fashion, art, beauty socializing.
Better financial decisions.
Positive appearance changes.

April 15th 2019

Venus square Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Going after the things you want.

Enjoyment of pleasures.
Too strong desire to make other people like you.
Receive more than you have wanted .

Negative influences:
You don’t receive support from your partner.
You receive too much attention, which makes you feel uncomfortable.
Feel overemotional.
Get insulted easily, because you care too much about other’s people opinion.
Your emotional balance depends too much on your social activities.
Overindulging. Pay more than it is needed.

April 17th 2019

Mercury ingress Aries

Communications and information gather speed. Rushed, spontaneous decisions more likely,
based on instinct or sudden intuition. Good for promotion work, self-promotion, fast sales,
fast journeys, aggressive marketing, short messaging. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will receive
increase of communications, information, business, mental clarity.

April 20th 2019
Sun ingress Taurus
Happy Birthday Taurus!

April 20th 2019

Venus ingress Aries

We become more passionate, excitable in decisions making and evaluating, rash and
initiative in love and relationships. Relationships started now can be full of spark, sexuality
and excitements but not necessarily long lasting. Supports vigorous and physical
amusements, pursuit of adventure, pleasures and fun activities. Women become more
driven, direct, empowered and ambitious, until Venus turns retrograde. Will help Aries people
feel more desirable, loved, attract support and appreciation, love, money.

April 22nd 2019

Sun conjunction Uranus
1-2 days before and after the transit

Positive influences:
Breaking from routine. Freedom in self-expression.
Sudden intuitive insights and creative ideas.
Favorable for anything to do with media and the internet.
A chance to try something new and unusual. Exciting new friends and events.

Negative influences
Restlessness, feeling agitated. Disrupted plans, unwanted change.
Impulsive behavior. Possible conflicts with authority due to rebelliousness.
Changes through men, authority figures.
Possible problems with electronic devices. Higher chance of accidents.

April 27th 2019

Mars square Neptune
Active 2-3 days before and after the transit

Positive influences:
Desire to get out of your apathy state. You want to repair some injustice.
You fight with the feeling of guilt and overcome it because of your actions
You don’t want to keep your actions in secret.
Your oversensitivity makes you want to get in touch with art and music.
Negative influences:
Feeling guilty because you have to do something.
People understand your actions in a wrong way.
You don’t want to take responsibility for your actions.
Total disorganization of your activity. Lack of desire to work.
Being misled or misleading someone intentionally or not.
One’s actions hide one’s motivations.
You are forced to do something you might think is immoral or are not motivated by.
You react oversensitivity on the surrounding circumstances.
Inappropriate time to take risks.


1 2 3 4
Mercury SX Mars Merc SQ Pluto Merc TR Jupiter New Moon in
Mercury SQ Sat 14°

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Mars OP Jup Merc IN Taurus Venus SQ Sat Mercury CJ Uran Sun SX Nept Sun TR Saturn

Venus TR Jup

Ven SQ Pluto

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sun TR Pluto Venus IN Taurus Merc SX Nept Merc TR Pluto
Venus CJ Uranus
Venus SX Mars Merc TR Saturn
Full Moon in
Mercury Mars IN Cancer Scorpio 27°
becomes Visible

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Sun CJ Mercury Mars SX Uranus

Sun IN Gemini Neptune TR True

Node 18° /
Merc IN Gemini 18°

26 27 28 29 30 31
Mercury SQ Nept Merc OP Jupiter

Venus SX Nept Venus TR Saturn


May 1st 2019

Mercury sextile Mars

Improved negotiation and verbal skills.

Good for public speaking. Well-timed action.
Excellent for communication, group discussions, negotiations, sales, pep talks, promotional
Mental agility and alertness.

Can rely on your instincts. Good for planning and organizing things faster.

May 1st 2019

Mercury square Saturn
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Verbal or written judgment or criticism.

Mental negativity more likely.
Correcting mistakes connected to communication, writing admin work, plans, management.
Resistance, complications or more responsibilities in communications, social and commercial
activities, travel.
Serious mental attitude.
Structured and practical thinking.
More distant relationships with friends.

May 2nd 2019

Mercury square Pluto
Active 1-2 days before or after

Mentally obsessive thoughts.

Suspicious or more fearful/gloomy/broody state of mind.
Interactions with others can lead to some power struggles.
Secret or private information surfaces. Good for investigating, researching, psychological
analysis. Interest in conspiracy, mystery, secrets, forbidden/ taboo topics.
Work in group can be have some tensions or manipulative influences.

May 3rd 2019

Mercury trine Jupiter
Active for 1-2 days before or after the transit

Optimism, feeling good. Balanced thinking. Improved communication skills.

Good for group activities. Favorable for travel.
Excellent for any intellectual pursuits, business, legal matters, proposals.

May 5th 2019
Mars opposition Jupiter
2-3 days before and after the exact date

Positive influences:
Desire for competition with somebody.
Desire to act and initiate, sense of inner and outer power.
Promotional and sales drive. Somebody inspires you to be more ambitious.
You find another person who has the same goal as you. You can realize what the weak points
are in your plans.

Negative influences:
You feel that you are unable to compare with somebody else’s results.
Your competitors are stronger than you. Conflicts with partners.
Somebody gives you too many tasks you have to do or you bite more than you can chew or
have to rush things up. Risky or over-optimistic actions.

May 6th 2019

Mercury ingress Taurus

A practical and grounded approach to daily matters and business. Great time for honing
artistic skills, arranging matters and any work in Taurus related areas—money, finances,
resources, banking, farming, food, fashion, art, music.

May 7th 2019

Venus square Saturn
Reality check.
Time in solitude.
Help your partner with his responsibilities.
Organized and disciplined with beauty routines, creative or art projects, work with women.

Love or social disappointment/discomfort.
Feelings of unworthiness.
Difficult communication with your partner.
Restrictions in relationships. Unable to relax, uncomfortable.
Difficult to be polite on your work place.
Possible financial losses.

May 8th 2019
Mercury conjunction Uranus
Active 1-2 days before and after

Positive influences:
Exciting new ideas. Sudden realizations and eureka moments.
Surprising, refreshing and exciting news or conversations.
Finding a piece of missing information suddenly!
Great for social media, marketing, information or technology business, work with groups of
people, promoting new ideas, sharing and presenting new plans.
New exciting contacts and social connections.
Increased information flow and communications.
Fast paced day!

Negative influences:
Disruptive routines.
Blurting our things you might regret or others shocking you with their words.
Unexpected developments, which make you change plans.
Technology/electric problems. Increased nervous tension and stress.
Explosive or disruptive communications or opinions.
Words, which shake the status quo.

May 9th 2019

Sun sextile Neptune
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit

Stimulates imagination and inspiration. Increased empathy and compassion.

Ideal time for charity work and volunteering.
Favorable for any creative, artistic, spiritual pursuits.
Opportunity to deepen your spiritual practice. Help and support from males or bosses.

May 9th 2019

Venus trine Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Emotional fulfillment and happiness. Pleasant experiences with your partner.

Positive changes in your relationships.
Planning for the future.

Receive the things you want easily.
Feeling very lucky. New opportunities come naturally, without effort.
Receiving and giving financial support.
Increased optimism. Successful negotiations. Increased financial incomes.
Looking attractive to other people. Receive compliments and presents.
Travel for entertainment. Expansion of your contacts.

May 9th 2019

Venus square Pluto
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit

Positive influences:
Feel extremely passionate about doing something.
Able to transform your emotions. Deepening of your feelings.
Some actions you take make you feel stronger.
Able to influence other people really strongly.
Strong sexual attraction.
Brave financial decisions.

Negative influences:
Intense emotions, which are beyond your control.
Somebody may try to manipulate your feelings.
Feeling obsessed about doing something.
Face with people, who are power driven about doing something.
Experience some secret emotions that you can’t reveal.
Struggles for power and control with your partner.
Feel that your partner is keeping a secret from you.
Extreme changes of your emotional state.
Become a victim of some financial manipulations.

May 11th 2019

Sun trine Saturn
1-2 days before and after

Feeling grounded and stable.

Steady progress towards goals.
Promotes efficiency and productivity.
Sound judgment, patience, consistency.
Building solid structure and foundations. Good relationships with people in authority.
Support from older or more experienced people.

Good for business and making your goals tangible.

May 14th 2019

Sun trine Pluto
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit

Enhanced ability to influence others.

Favorable for introducing changes.
Keen perception, penetrating insight.
Eliminating distractions and non-essentials.
Favorable for anything to do with finances.
Sense of empowerment.
Support from males or bosses.

May 14th 2019

Venus sextile Mars
Active 1-2 days before and after

Men and women get along better. Time for pleasures.

Your actions bring you joy.
Good for activities in art, beauty, fashion, relationships, friendly sports, social events.
Good time to buy something beautiful.
Actions to improve your appearance .
Good time to ask somebody on a date or have a joyful fun time.
Positive emotional experiences.
Increased sexual energy and magnetism.
You make something that can bring joy to your partner.
Wonderful time to buy new clothes, cosmetics or jewelries.

May 14th 2019

Mercury becomes Visible

When Mercury becomes visible it is a great time to start new projects in writing, media,
marketing, business, trade, sales, commerce, learning skills. Gemini and Virgo people will be
able to manifest better, feel stronger and make an impact.

May 15th 2019
Venus ingress Taurus

Venus is exalted in Taurus, as it is a natural ruler, so it will help all Venus matters: fashion,
art, relationships, sensual pleasures, enjoyment and amusement.
Good for buying object of value or beauty.
Affections become more stable and reliable.
Relationships can stabilize more easily.
Good period for marriage or commitments.
If you meet someone now, it can be more lasting.

May 16th 2019

Mercury sextile Neptune
Active 1-2 days

Good for creative mental tasks, for supportive conversations, for social contacts,
reading/writing about spiritual, inspirational or emotionally uplifting topics.

May 16th 2019

Mars ingress Cancer

Mars is weaker in Cancer, so it can lead people to less direct or subversive actions. It is better
to be more gentle and sensitive in your actions because others can react more emotionally,
so can you.
Emotional reactivity likely.
Good time for vigorous activities with your family or around the house.

May 16th 2019

Mercury trine Saturn
Active 1-2 days before and after

Practical, structured thinking. Disciplined mind.

Greater attention to details. Cautiousness.
Careful speech.
Positive for business, managing organizing.
Possible travel for business.

May 18th 2019
Mercury trine Pluto
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Deeper communications.
Mental Insights into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.
Favorable for all business, commercial and financial activities or negotiations especially such
regarding mutual/shared resources, others’ resource.
Supportive travel arrangements.

May 18th 2019

Venus conjunction Uranus
Active 1-2 days before or after

Positive influences:
Unexpected pleasant surprises.
Interesting new contacts and social experiences.
Feel very romantic.
Giving freedom to your partner.
Having a date with an eccentric or new fresh person.
Increased emotionality. Feeling really excited.
Have an original idea for earning money. Unexpected financial incomes.
Changing your appearance. New ideas about fashion, design, beauty or art.

Negative influences:
Unstable emotions and reactions. Unexpected events with your partner.
Feeling nervous and or anxious tension and energy.
Sudden and impulsive desire to make a change in your persona, appearance.
Stressful communication with women.
Unplanned expenses.

May 21st 2019

Sun ingress Gemini
Happy birthday Gemini!

May 21st 2019
Mercury ingress Gemini

Mercury enters its own sign, where it helps us all with all matters of commercial, business,
administrative, management, media, marketing and travel activities.
Great period to be social more active, acquire new skills and interests, to experiment.

May 21st 2019

Sun conjunction Mercury
Active 1-2 days before and after

Mental alertness, quick thinking.

Improved communication skills.
Clarity regarding your purpose and direction.
Favorable for business deals, negotiations, media, writing, speaking.
Good for all kinds of communication, contracts, agreements, meetings, learning,
administrative work, arranging deals.
An opportunity make a good impression.
Short-distance travel.

May 22nd 2019

Mars sextile Uranus
Active 2-3 days before and after the transit

After the disruptive and blocking influence of the Saturn Mars Square, the gently supportive
and liberating influence of Uranus will allow us to resolve any complications, frustrations or
delays with sudden easy or creative solutions.
Great for any work to do with electronics, internet, technologies, machines, sport activities.
Positive for risk taking and adventurous exploits.

May 30th 2019
Mercury square Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Possible miscommunications, misinformation, promising and not delivering.
Things look/sound better than reality. Gossip.
Mistakes in work with information, documents, negotiations, business, management.

All creative hobbies and interests, photography, advertising, poetry, arts, literature,
inspirational writing or speaking, music, dance, and art is inspired.
Ability to tough hearts through speech.
Influencing others through subtle, emotional psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.

May 30th 2019

Venus sextile Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after

Good for creative or beauty activities, pleasant socializing, art, music, enjoyments, romantic
dates, sharing feelings and being understood, relationships with women.

May 31st 2019

Mercury opposition Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Positive manifestations:
Favorable for intellectual discussions, mental pursuits.
Debates can be productive.
Can be favorable for making long-term plans.

Negatives to be aware of:

Tendency for exaggeration and overestimation.
Not paying attention to details.
Too optimistic, leaping without thinking.
Intellectual arrogance. Others challenging your ideas and beliefs.

May 31st 2019

Venus trine Saturn
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Able to control your emotions.

Feel secure in your relationship.
Your partner helps you to materialize your plans.
Feel joy while taking care for your obligations.
Emotional stability. Your relationship can become more serious.
Able to make accurate judgments.
Desire to follow the rules.
Harmony on your work place. Fulfilling your work tasks makes you feel great.
You can control your desires more easily. Your mood is more serious and balanced.
Time for classical style of dressing.


2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Ven TR Pluto Merc IN Cancer Merc SX Uran

New Moon in
Gemini 12°

9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ven IN Gemini Sun OP Jupiter Mars TR Nept
Sun SQ Neptune
Mars OP Sat
Mars is Invisible
till Nov 1

16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Merc TR Nept Full Moon in Saturn SX Nept Merc OP Pluto Mars OP Pluto Sun IN Cancer
Merc OP Saturn 25° Merc CJ Mars Neptune
Retrograde till
Jupiter SQ Nept Nov 27; 18°
to 15°

23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Venus OP Jup Venus SQ Nept Sun SX Uranus

Mercury is Merc IN Leo

Invisible till
Aug 8


June 3rd 2019

Venus trine Pluto
Active 1-2 days before or after

Experience strong attraction towards someone.

Increased passion between you and your partner.
Sexual encounters based only on attraction.
Be emotionally devoted to something.
Increased magnetism.
Emotions are becoming deeper and stronger.
Strong desire for something, clearing of unhealthy desires and emotions.
Able to feel what people are trying to hide from you.
Women may look or feel really strong and powerful
Successful financial decisions.
Negotiations with powerful people.
Good time for bank operations and investments.
Positive to transform your appearance.

June 4th 2019

Mercury ingress Cancer

Communications become sensitive and more emotional.

We can be more reactive to information.
Mental moods vacillate.
Good for planning and activities with family, home or travelling.
Good for bonding emotionally through communications.

June 7th 2019

Mercury sextile Uranus

Receiving some good news. Finding a missing piece of information.

Stimulating and energizing conversations.
Good for groups activities, catching up with friends, working in a team, social
networking/media, internet, learning new things.
New ideas. Managing, planning and organizing goes fast and receives support.

June 9th 2019

Venus ingress Gemini

Relationship and attitudes to socializing and bonding with others become lighter, seeking for
more fun and mental stimulation.
Great time to communicate one’s feelings, talk about relationships, read on topics of
Meeting someone new during time can indicate a more mental stimulating and adventurous
relationships, not necessarily based just on passion, but more on friendships and mutual
June 9th 2019
Sun square Neptune

Be careful not to see matter in a too idealistic light because it might be harder to see the full
real picture now! But all activities connected to charity, art, spirituality, helping others,
healing will be supported. Try not to over idealize.

June 9th 2019

Mars is Invisible till Nov 1

Matters related to Mars – sports, competition, ambition, drive fighting, will be harder to
manifest. When Mars becomes invisible, Mars ruled people –Scorpio or Aries Sun Moon or
Ascendant, will be able to conclude some important matters in their lives, see completions
and results of their previous efforts (around the time of the disappearance). At the same time
the period of invisibility, until Mars shows again, will indicate less activity, less ability to
manifest or move things forward for these people. Good time for quieter and less public
activities. Taking a break.

June 10th 2019

Sun opposition Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Positive manifestations:
Increased energy levels. May bring material luck and career success.
Opportunities coming through others.
Someone or something activates you or motivates you into action.
Great for promotional business and activities.
Acting on big plans.

Negatives to be aware of:

Overestimating your capabilities.
Lack of moderation.
Wastefulness and extravagance.
Arrogance, dogmatic attitude.

June 14th 2019

Mars trine Neptune
Active 2-3 days before and after the transit

Your actions are supported by your intuition. You feel the right direction.
Able to inspire others with your actions.
Desire to help someone.
Actively showing your feelings. More patience today.
Helping others makes you feel satisfied.
A request or activity with a youthful or male person goes smoothly.
Wonderful for art activities meditation and relaxing.
Solving a problem or conflict in a subtle, indirect or kinder way.

June 14th 2019

Mars opposition Saturn
Active 2-3 days before and after

Positive influences:
Standing up against somebody who suppresses you.
Defining the rules for somebody else .
Pressure. Working under pressure or deadline, but getting a lot of constructive work done.
Another person has an important role in your work.
Exertion of efforts.

Negative influences:
Frustrating moods and temper from you or others.
Angry explosions. Opposition from others.
Somebody may try to control you and forbid you something.
You are unable to do what you want because of others people judgment or rules.
Somebody makes you feel afraid to do something.
Blockages to activities. Another person sabotages you.
Negative assessment of your work.
You feel that nobody supports you and you have to do it all on your own.
Somebody/something breaks your organization.

June 16th 2019

Mercury trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images, and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking touching the heart of others through words.
Influencing others through subtle, emotional or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects. Healing with words.

June 16th 2019
Mercury opposition Saturn
Active 1-2 days before or after

Verbal judgment or criticism. Mental opposition.

Negative thoughts.
Correcting mistakes connected to communication, writing, admin work, plans, management.
Serious mental attitude. Someone gives you reality check.
Resistance or complications in communications, social or commercial activities or travel.
More distant relationships with friends, mates or relatives. Better for business relationships.

June 16th 2019

Jupiter square Neptune
Active 10 days before and after

This combination dissolves boundaries and limitations to the extent of excess, over-
indulgence, permissiveness, lack of practicality or naivety. The week before and after the
exact aspect, it is best to be careful with well intentioned but unattainable or impractical
promises, expectations or activities. It is possible to be taken advantage of, because of well
meaning and kind actions, too trusting nature, or lack of discrimination. Do not over extend
yourself, emotionally, materially, since the goals you are aiming for, might turn to be castles
in the air.
On the positive side, this a wonderful time for spiritual and higher knowledge pursuits,
travelling without boundaries, dissolving old believes, imagination without borders,
visualizing, and charity work, helping others. Long trips for pleasure and relaxation are better
than such for work since there can be some confusion or misalignment.
Guidance and advice from well meaning people, might turn out to be confusing or
misleading, but they can surely be of comfort for the time being.

June 18th 2019

Saturn sextile Neptune
Active 10 days before and after

Saturn will tone done the dreamy and ungrounded energy of Neptune and give us more
practicality and structure for the implementation of our imaginative ideas.
We can receive support and wise advice from older or more experienced figures or based on
our own previous experience, in regards to a confusing or ambivalent situation.
It is a good time for tangible steps in spiritual, artistic or healing endeavors.
A spiritual or well meaning person can give you constructive and practical support.
Help with some difficult or material situation can appear as if by magic.

June 18th 2019
Mercury conjunction Mars
Active 1-2 days before or after

Positive manifestations:
Lots of intellectual and mental energy.
Improved verbal skills. Confidence in speaking your mind.
Good for starting things, launching projects.
Curiosity, desire to learn. Feeling driven, motivated.
Short-distance travel.

Accident-prone, higher risk of accidents. Combativeness in communication, arguments.
Impatience. Impulsivity, not looking before leaping.
Nervous energy, hard to relax.

June 19th 2019

Mercury opposition Pluto
Active 1-2 days before or after the transit

Mentally obsessive thoughts. Suspicious or more fearful/gloomy/broody state of mind.

Interactions with others can lead to some power struggles.
Secret or private information surfaces.
Good for investigating, researching, psychological analysis.
Interest in conspiracy, mystery, secrets, forbidden/ taboo topics.
Work in group can be have some tensions or manipulative influences.

June 20th 2019

Mars opposition Pluto
Active 2-3 days before and after the transits

Actions that set you apart from the masses, hidden motives and secrets.
Ability to follow your direction even if it's not acceptable by others.
Arguments and clashes with powerful people. Shocking others with your decisiveness and
strength. Physical endurance is extremely high.

Unable to control one’s actions.
Conflict situations with dangerous people. Somebody tries to manipulate you or vice versa.

Anger, because of the actions of somebody else. You reveal the secret and unfair action of
another person. Fear to do something. People react very aggressively on your actions.

June 21st 2019

Sun ingress Cancer
Happy Birthday Cancers!

June 23rd 2019

Venus opposition Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before or after the transit

Positive influences:
Having pleasure and fun with others.
Somebody influences you to want something. Another person is generous with you.
Somebody makes you feel more optimistic. Ask for or receive support from another person,
regarding financial issues.

Negative influences:
Overindulging in pleasures, eating, drinking, etc.
People or loved ones promise more than they can deliver.
You can’t make a choice, because you receive too many offers.
Spending more extravagantly. Spend too much money on another person.
You have to negotiate with people in higher positions. Financially dependent.
Pleasures, which compromise your morality or ethics.

June 24th 2019

Mercury is Invisible till Aug 8

When Mercury becomes invisible it is harder to start to new projects related to commerce,
trading, business, media, writing, and marketing. People ruled by Mercury, Gemini or Virgo
sun moon or Ascendant will feel less initiative and more introspective during the invisible

June 24th 2019

Venus square Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after


Good day for the spa or relaxation. Spending on making yourself feel better.
Feeling compassionate and loving. Helping others out of your kind heart.
You take some actions, which help you to change the way you feel.
Intense creative energy that inspires you to take some actions.

Women feel generally more emotional. Feel emotionally confused about something.
Unrealistic attitude or perception towards a relationship, person, situation.
Emotional vulnerability, escapism. Being misled or taken advantage of your kindness.
Get a wrong impression about the actions of someone.
Somebody is confusing you with his attitude.
Wrong judgments. Your actions make you look emotionally unreliable and unstable.
You need the help of someone you can’t trust.
Feel afraid that somebody may use you. Financial loses.

June 27th 2019

Mercury ingress Leo

Planet of communications goes into Leo during which period activities connected to Leo are
favored: art, hobbies, amusements, creativity, entertainment, dating having fun.
Great for organizing or throwing parties and social get together, which will be full of fun.

June 27th 2019

Sun sextile Uranus

A desirable break from routine.

Seeing things from a fresh angle. More freedom of self-expression.
Good for working on a group project.
Flashes of intuitive insight.
Favorable time for making easy changes and taking small risks.
Favorable for anything to do with media and the internet.


1 2 3 4 5 6
Mars IN Leo New Moon Venus IN Cancer Saturn opposition
(Total SOLAR True Node
Eclipse) in 17° / 17°

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Mercury Venus SX Uran Sun OP Sat Sun TR Neptune
Retrograde till
July 31; Merc CJ Mars Mars SQ Uranus
4° to

14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Sun OP Pluto Full Moon Venus OP Saturn Venus TR Nept Merc IN Cancer Venus is
(Partial LUNAR Invisible till
Eclipse) in Sept 27

21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Venus OP Pluto Sun IN Leo Merc CJ Venus

Sun CJ Mercury Mars TR Jupiter

28 29 30 31
Venus IN Leo Sun SQ Uranus New Moon in Leo

Mercury Direct

July 1st 2019
Mars ingress Leo

Energy levels increase in a positive way. We feel more driven. Great for fun, sports, enjoyable
activities, pursuing romance, hobbies, pleasures, center stage roles.

July 3rd 2019

Venus ingress Cancer

More emotionally charged time, we react more sensitively to relationships and other.

People feel more touchy and vulnerable when it comes to their interpersonal relationships
and socializing, but also one can bond more deeply and connect on the soul level.
Good time for bonding with family or buying decoration for home.
Relationships started now will have more depth, emotional healing, and be security, feeling
and family centered.

July 8th 2019

Venus sextile Uranus
Active 1-2 days.
Will be felt most by Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Libras

Good for social activities, meeting new people, enjoying new pleasures and fun activities.
New creative ideas.

July 8th 2019

Mercury conjunction Mars
This transit will be within orb of influence for about 2 weeks!

Lots of intellectual and mental energy.
Improved verbal skills.
Confidence in speaking your mind.
Good for starting things, launching projects .
Curiosity, desire to learn. Feeling driven, motivated.
Short-distance travel.

Combativeness in communication, arguments.
Impatience. Impulsivity, not looking before leaping.
Nervous energy, hard to relax. People become more opinionated.
Children become more naughty.

July 9th 2019

Sun opposition Saturn
Active 1-2 days before or after the transit

Positive manifestations:
Promotes perseverance and self-discipline and self-reliance.
Working hard under pressure.
Serious state of mind.

Negative side:
Feeling inhibited and withdrawn. Limitations, obstacles.
Possible clashes with authorities.
Encountering opposition, lack of support from others.
Low energy levels, depression.
Not a good time for social activities.

July 11th 2019

Sun trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Stimulates imagination and inspiration.

Being more in tune with others and your environment.
Beneficial for marketing, selling, advertising.
Ideal for creative, artistic, spiritual pursuits.
Increased empathy. Sense of being guided, stronger faith.

July 11th 2019

Mars square Uranus
Active 2-3 days before and after

Positive influences:
Extreme enthusiasm about ideas or events.
Innovative solutions.
Speedy reactions.
Desire for diversity.
Discovering new experiences and activities.

Negative influences:

Sudden and inappropriate reactions.
Taking too many risks.
Possible traumas and injuries. New shift in priorities.
Bored with routine, conflicts in groups, inconsistent in follow through.
Speeding through activities that decrease their value and outcome.

July 14th 2019

Sun opposition Pluto
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit

Positive manifestations:
Becoming aware of your issues related to power and control.
Can facilitate tapping into your hidden inner resources.

Negatives to be aware of:

Power struggles, control issues.
Becoming too stubborn, inflexible.
Manipulating or being manipulated.
Feeling blocked or undermined by outside forces or people.
Can sometimes trigger violence.

July 17th 2019

Venus opposition Saturn
Active 1-2 days before and after

Positive influence:
Somebody influences you to feel more responsible.
Another person helps you to fulfill your obligations.
Positive business negotiations.
Make financial business plans with a partner.
Define the responsibilities in your relationship.

Your personal life is disturbing your work. Your partner requires too much from you.
The obligations in your relationship are too heavy.
Emotional distance with your partner.
Somebody makes you feel uncomfortable at your work place.
Hurt feelings brought upon you by another person.
Financial loses, because of another person.

July 18th 2019
Venus trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Falling in love, emotionally content.

Feeling closely connected with other people.
Able to feel and receive empathy and tenderness.
Able to sense the emotional condition of your partner/loved ones.
Increased intuition how to proceed in your negotiations.
Enjoy a romantic atmosphere around you.
Great time for art activities. Very productive time for artists.

July 19th 2019

Mercury ingress Cancer

Communications become sensitive and more emotional.

We can be more reactive to information.
Mental moods vacillate.
Good for planning and activities with family, home or travelling.
Good for bonding emotionally through communications.

July 20th 2019

Venus is Invisible till Sept 27

When Venus becomes invisible, it is harder to manifest love, cooperation, agreement, money,
luxuries. The days around the time Venus becomes invisible, you can see the results and
rewards of Venus related previous endeavours of yours: love, money, agreements, contracts,
artistic projects. Not good time for marriage or starting relationships while Venus is invisible.
Taurus and Libra Sun Moon or Ascendant people will take a step back from visibility and
activity, might feel more frustrated or tired. Good time for them to take a break then.

July 21st 2019

Venus opposition Pluto
Active 1-2 days before and after

Feel really passionate about doing something with your partner.

Fall in love with strong and powerful person.
Someone else awakens your passion.
Negotiate with powerful people.
Increased sexual magnetism.
Take some financial decisions under the influence of another person.

July 21st 2019

Sun conjunction Mercury
Active 2-3 days before or after

Mental alertness, quick thinking.

Improved communication skills.
Clarity regarding your purpose and direction.
Favorable for business deals, negotiations, media, writing, speaking.
Good for all kinds of communication, contracts, agreements, meetings, learning,
administrative work, arranging deals.
Short-distance travel.
An opportunity make a good impression or communicate with superiors.

July 23rd 2019

Sun ingress Leo
Happy Birthday Leo!

July 25th 2019

Mercury conjunction Venus
Active 1-2 days before and after

Good for romantic meetings.

Receiving some good news.
Desire to explain with words your feelings.
Great time to enjoy hobbies, amusements.
Pleasant communication with your partner.
Successful negotiations.
Make plans for some entertainments.
Get some new ideas how to earn money.
Successful business or social meetings, planning and organizing of events of any sort.

July 25th 2019

Mars trine Jupiter
Active 2-3 days before and after

Positive Influences:
Ambitions and high goals. Increased belief in yourself.
Attract luck and good circumstances.
Positive realization of your plans.
Good time for traveling.
Your activity may bring you a social popularity.
Taking some risk might be your successful strategy.
Positive for starting new projects.
Support from people with high social state.

July 28th 2019

Venus ingress Leo

We become more romantic and expressive in our affections.

Great time for amusements, parties, dating, performances, and glamour.
Women can feel more empowered or confident.

July 29th 2019
Sun square Uranus

Positive manifestations:
Energizing influence, exciting prospects.
Can act as a catalyst for change, rush of high self-esteem.
Sudden new opportunities or encounters.
Sudden flashes of intuition, insight into the future.

Negative Manifestations:
Sudden change of plans, chaotic events, restlessness, boredom.
Too much nervous energy, rebellious attitude.
Conflicts or surprises in relationships with men, bosses.
Feeling ungrounded, minor problems with electronic devices.


1 2 3
Venus SQ Uran

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sun TR Jupiter Venus TR Jup

becomes Visible

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Mercury IN Leo Sun CJ Venus Full Moon in Merc SQ Uranus
Jupiter Direct 22°


18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Mars IN Virgo Mercury TR Jup Sun IN Virgo Venus CJ Mars

Venus IN Virgo

25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Venus TR Uran Mars TR Uranus Merc IN Virgo Sun TR Uranus

Mercury is New Moon in

Invisible till Virgo 6°
Nov 21


August 2nd 2019

Venus square Uranus
Active 1-2 days
Sudden emotional changes. Setting free from some emotional blockages.
Feel overexcited about something. Sudden desire to spend money for something.
Desire to change your appearance. New creative ideas.

Feel very nervous, because of some outer circumstances.

Unable to control your emotions.
Feel surprised or unprepared for some events.
Conflict with your partner.
Feel that others can’t understand you.
Unable to find comfort and relax.
Feel that there are too many changes happening around you.
Women around you are acting strange or surprising.
Unexpected financial losses.

August 7th 2019

Sun trine Jupiter

Increased energy, confidence and vitality.

Supports growth and expansion, career and goal activities.
Belief in yourself, optimism. Strong inner guidance.
Being able to influence people and get your ideas or presence accepted generously.
Favorable for starting anything new. Good time to put your best foot forward.
Support from male figures or people in higher positions.
Good for seeing the bigger picture and plan accordingly.

August 8th 2019

Venus trine Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Emotional fulfillment and happiness.

Pleasant experiences with your partner.
Positive changes in your relationships.
Planning for the future.
Receive the things you want easily.
Feeling very lucky. New opportunities come naturally, without effort.
Receiving and giving financial support.
Increased optimism. Successful negotiations.
Increased financial incomes.
Looking attractive to other people. Receive compliments and presents,
Travel for entertainment. Expansion of your contacts.

August 8th 2019
Mercury becomes Visible

When Mercury becomes visible it is a great time to start new projects in writing, media,
marketing, business, trade, sales, commerce, learning skills. Gemini and Virgo people will be
able to manifest better, feel stronger and make an impact.

August 11th 2019

Mercury ingress Leo

Planet of communications goes into Leo during which period activities connected to Leo are
favored: art, hobbies, amusements, creativity, entertainment, dating having fun.
Great for organizing or throwing parties and social get together, which will be full of fun.

August 14th 2019

Sun conjunction Venus

Feel loved. Become more kind and polite.

Be diplomatic. Easier to make compromises.
Feel more attractive.
Great for new dates and relationships.
Receive compliments and presents.
Wonderful for art activities.
Financial incomes.
Receive something you have wanted.
Enjoy art, music and beauty.

August 16th 2019

Mercury square Uranus

Sudden changes in plans.

Need to adapt to new circumstances or re-arrange schedules.
Surprising or electrifying news, unexpected information.
Interruptions/disruptions to communications, travel, software, working in groups.
Excitable communications with new people, which takes you out of the comfort zone.

August 18th 2019
Mars ingress Virgo

Mars feels a bit uncomfortable in the sign of Virgo, as its adventurous and initiative spirit is
toned down by the practical and discriminative nature of Virgo.
It is a good time to fix broken or messy thing, to clear around the house, to put efforts
towards your daily health routines, to work hard behind the scenes on some project.
Be careful from mental argumentations and petty criticism.

August 21st 2019

Mercury trine Jupiter
Active for 1-2 days before or after the transit

Optimism, feeling good.

Balanced thinking.
Improved communication skills.
Good for group activities. Favorable for travel.
Excellent for any intellectual pursuits, business, legal matters, proposals.

August 21st 2019

Venus ingress Virgo

Venus does not feel too comfortable in Virgo, because it makes us more critical and nit
picking about appearance, self-worth, beauty, relationships.
We are more willing to filter feelings through the mind and find fault.
Good for doing something practical or productive with a partner (personal or business) for
working on Venus projects which require attention to detail: art, design, music, fashion etc.

August 23rd 2019

Sun ingress Virgo
Happy Birthday Virgo!

August 24th 2019

Venus conjunction Mars

Active 2-3 days before or after

Acting with passion. Increased sexual energy.

Desire to show how you feel. Feeling romantic and sexy.
Great for dancing and enjoying music. Stronger desires and passions.

August 26th 2019

Venus trine Uranus
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Smooth change of your emotional state.

Pleasant surprise from your or to your partner.
You are able to make your partner to change something.
Exciting emotional experiences. Setting yourself free from limitations.
Have an unexpected interesting meeting. Feel very romantic.
Unexpected offers for negotiation. Meeting someone who inspires you.
Spending money on something that makes you feel excited.
Unexpected financial income. Positive change with your appearance.

August 26th 2019

Mercury is Invisible till Nov 21

When Mercury becomes invisible it is harder to start to new projects related to commerce,
trading, business, media, writing, and marketing. People ruled by Mercury, Gemini or Virgo
sun moon or Ascendant will feel less initiative and more introspective during the invisible

August 28th 2019

Mars trine Uranus
Active 2-3 days before and after the day

Positive influences:
Extreme enthusiasm.
Fast reactions. Desire to take risks. Untraditional approach.
Brave actions. Desire for freedom. Great time for new experiences.

Extreme impulsiveness. Taking dangerous risks.
Rude and uncontrolled behavior. Sudden changes in your activity.

Unexpected events. Possible traumas and accidents.
Extreme impatience and irritation.

August 29th 2019

Mercury ingress Virgo

Wonderful position for Mercury where it exalts, helps with business, managing, organizing,
work which needs attention to detail, putting order into our lives and environment,
discriminating between practical and illusory.

August 30th 2019

Sun trine Uranus
Active 1-2 days

Breaking from routine.

Seeing things from a new angle.
More freedom of self-expression.
Feeling magnetic and vibrant.
Good for working on a group project.
Flashes of intuitive insight.
Favorable time for making changes and taking risks.
Favorable for anything to do with media and the internet.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Merc TR Uran Sun CJ Mars Merc CJ Mars Sun CJ Mercury Merc TR Sat Merc SQ Jup Ven TR Pluto

Venus TR Sat Venus SQ Jup Venus OP Nept Sun TR Sat Merc OP Nept

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sun SQ Jupiter Merc TR Pluto Sun OP Nept Mars SQ Jup Merc CJ Ven Mars OP Nept

Mars TR Sat Sun TR Pluto Merc IN Libra

Venus IN Libra

Full Moon in
Pisces 21°
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Saturn Direct Mars TR Pluto Jup SQ Nept

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Merc SQ Sat Sun IN Libra Merc SX Jup Venus SQ Saturn Merc SQ Pluto Venus Venus SX Jup
Visible Saturn
opposition True
Node 13° /

New Moon in
Libra 5°
29 30


September 1st 2019

Mercury trine Uranus
Active 1-2 days before/after

Receiving some good news. Finding a missing piece of information.

Stimulating and energizing conversations.
Good for groups activities, catching up with friends, working in a team, social
networking/media, internet, learning new things.
New ideas. Managing, planning and organizing goes fast and receives support.

September 1st 2019
Venus trine Saturn
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Able to control your emotions.

Feel secure in your relationship.
Your partner helps you to materialize your plans.
Feel joy while taking care for your obligations.
Emotional stability. Your relationship can become more serious.
Able to make accurate judgments.
Desire to follow the rules.
Harmony on your work place. Fulfilling your work tasks makes you feel great.
You can control your desires more easily.
Your mood is more serious and balanced.
Time for classical style of dressing.

September 2nd 2019

Sun conjunction Mars
Active 2-3 days before and after the transit

Abundance of energy and stamina.

Strong sense of self, will-power.
Ideal for starting new projects.
Achievement-oriented time.
Favorable for physical activity, sports, games, new experiences.
Sex life gets a boost.

September 2nd 2019

Venus square Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Going after the things you want.

Enjoyment of pleasures.
Too strong desire to make other people like you.
Receive more than you have wanted.

Negative influences:
You don’t receive support from your partner.
You receive too much attention, which makes you feel uncomfortable.
Feel overemotional.
Get insulted easily, because you care too much about other’s people opinion.
Your emotional balance depends too much on your social activities.
Overindulging. Pay more than it is needed.

September 3rd 2019

Mercury conjunction Mars
Active 1-2 days before or after

Positive manifestations:
Lots of intellectual and mental energy.
Improved verbal skills.
Confidence in speaking your mind.
Good for starting things, launching projects.
Curiosity, desire to learn. Feeling driven, motivated.
Short-distance travel.

Accident-prone, higher risk of accidents.
Combativeness in communication, arguments.
Impatience. Impulsivity, not looking before leaping.
Nervous energy, hard to relax.

September 4th 2019

Sun conjunction Mercury
Active 2-3 days before or after

Mental alertness, quick thinking.

Improved communication skills.
Clarity regarding your purpose and direction.
Favorable for business deals, negotiations, media, writing, speaking.
Good for all kinds of communication, contracts, agreements, meetings, learning,
administrative work, arranging deals.
Short-distance travel.
An opportunity make a good impression or communicate with superiors.

September 4th 2019

Venus opposition Neptune
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Communicate with very sensitive people.
Be very empathic with your partner or other close people.
Increased intuition and inspiration. You decide to make a sacrifice.

Confusion of emotions. Unable to define how you feel about someone.
Your partner lies to you or is unable to fulfill his promises.
Sensitive to the extreme. Irrational Judgments.
You need to sacrifice your comfort for someone else.
Misunderstandings in your business negotiations.
Communicate with unfair business partners.
Somebody may lie to you about money.

September 5th 2019

Mercury trine Saturn
Active 1-2 days before and after

Practical, structured thinking. Disciplined mind.

Greater attention to details. Cautiousness.
Careful speech.
Positive for business, managing organizing.
Possible travel for business.

September 6th 2019

Mercury square Jupiter

Positive manifestations:
Positive mindset.
Favorable for long-term planning.
Positive for commercial and business dealings.
Good time to take a day off and enjoy life.

Negatives to be aware of:

Tendency for exaggeration and overestimation.
No paying attention to details.
Too optimistic, leaping without thinking.
Intellectual arrogance. Impracticality.

Challenge of ideas and beliefs.

September 6th 2019

Sun trine Saturn
Active 1-2 days before and after

Feeling grounded and stable.

Steady progress towards goals.
Promotes efficiency and productivity.
Sound judgment, patience, consistency.
Building solid structures and foundations.
Good relationships with people in authority.
Support from older or more experienced people.
Good for business and making your goals tangible.

September 7th 2019

Venus trine Pluto
Active 1-2 days before or after

Experience strong attraction towards someone.

Increased passion between you and your partner.
Sexual encounters based only on attraction.
Be emotionally devoted to something. Increased magnetism.
Emotions are becoming deeper and stronger.
Strong desire for something, clearing of unhealthy desires and emotions.
Able to feel what people are trying to hide from you.
Women may look or feel really strong and powerful.
Successful financial decisions. Negotiations with powerful people.
Good time for bank operations and investments.
Positive to transform your appearance.

September 7th 2019

Mercury opposition Neptune
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking.
Touching the heart of others through communication.
Influencing others through subtle, emotionally infused or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.
Healing with words. Walks in nature or near water.

Foggy thinking, confusing information.
Misinformation, promising and not delivering.
Gossip. Confusing in travel.
Pulling the wool over one’s eyes.
Mistakes in work with information, documents, negotiations, business, management.

September 8th 2019

Sun square Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before or after
Boosts vitality and drive.
Adventurous spirit.
May bring lucky opportunities.
Feeling restlessness, willing to take rests.
Excessive idealism. Inflated ego.
Overindulging and overextending yourself.

September 9th 2019

Mercury trine Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Mental insights into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.

Good for research and investigation.
Deeper communications.
Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource.
Support in travel arrangements.

September 9th 2019
Mars trine Saturn
Influence 2-3 days before/after the exact transit

Successful actions in your work. Great time to plan long-term tasks.

Your actions leave lasting and stable results .
Good co-operation in activities with seniors, older or authority figures.
Smooth changes that you want to make can happen easily.
Discipline and being strict pays off well. Strong moral code, do the right thing energy.
Good for endurance training.

September 10th 2019

Sun opposition Neptune
Active 1-2 days before and after

Good time for relaxing activities and spiritual pursuits .

Negatives to be aware of:

Distorted perception of reality. Lack of motivation and drive.
Feeling fatigued. Losing sight of your goals.
Vulnerability to outside influences.
Ability to deceive. Not fortunate for finance.

September 12th 2019

Mars square Jupiter
Active 3-4 days before and after the transit

Extreme ambition. Freedom of action.
By overcoming the difficulties you show your power.
Motivation to show your skills. Desire for competition.
Promotional and sale skills. Fighting for opinions, ideas of rights.

Spending, overindulging, overdoing, over promising.
Actions don’t coincide with expectations.
You push yourself too much. Inability to concentrate your efforts in one direction.
Inappropriate time for lawsuits.

September 13th 2019
Mercury conjunction Venus
Active 1-2 days before and after

Good for romantic meetings.

Receiving some good news. Desire to explain with words your feelings.
Great time to enjoy hobbies, amusements.
Pleasant communication with your partner. Successful negotiations.
Make plans for some entertainments. Get some new ideas how to earn money.
Successful business or social meetings, planning and organizing of events of any sort.

September 13th 2019

Sun trine Pluto
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit

Enhanced ability to influence others.

Favorable for introducing changes.
Keen perception, penetrating insight.
Eliminating distractions and non-essentials.
Favorable for anything to do with finances.
Sense of empowerment.
Support from males or bosses.

September 14th 2019

Mars opposition Neptune
Active 2-3 days before and after the day

Help that elevates your energy and mood. You are inspired from the humanity of someone
else. You sacrifice something, so that you can help another person.
Able to reveal the cheat of someone else and to know the truth.
You get in touch with some art and music, because of somebody else.

You are confused by the actions of somebody else.
Somebody is being overprotective with you. Somebody deflates your motivation to do
something. You are affected by the unfair actions of someone.
You need to keep your actions in secret from someone. Somebody makes you feel guilty
because you have done something.
Overdose with alcohol and medications more likely.

September 14th 2019
Mercury ingress Libra

Great position for business, work, planning and perfecting skills in art, music, design, beauty,
appearance, business deals, agreements, contracts, negotiations, work with women.
Important conversation about relationships, partnerships and agreements between people.

September 14th 2019

Venus ingress Libra

Wonderful time for all Venus activities, art, creativity, beauty, fashion, appearance, dating,
negotiating, relationships, business deals, agreements, finding compromise which suits both
Relationships and social activities started in this period are more agreeable, balanced and

September 19th 2019

Mars trine Pluto
Active 2-3 days before and after

Great for physical exercise and physically demanding tasks.

Good for strategic action, work with machines, risk taking.
Feeling confident to do something.
Support in your endeavors. Strong ability to transform.
Incredible motivation.
Lack of fear to do something. Time to make some positive changes.
Take responsibility for other people and control them.
Great sexual activity. Wonderful time for yoga and sports.
Ability to show your power. Strong desire to do something.
Organizing others people actions, strong leadership skills.

September 21st 2019

Jupiter square Neptune
Active 10 days before and after

This combination dissolves boundaries and limitations to the extent of excess, over-
indulgence, permissiveness, lack of practicality or naivety. The week before and after the
exact aspect, it is best to be careful with well intentioned but unattainable or impractical
promises, expectations or activities. It is possible to be taken advantage of, because of well
meaning and kind actions, too trusting nature, or lack of discrimination. Do not over extend

yourself, emotionally, materially, since the goals you are aiming for, might turn to be castles
in the air.
On the positive side, this a wonderful time for spiritual and higher knowledge pursuits,
travelling without boundaries, dissolving old believes, imagination without borders,
visualizing, and charity work, helping others. Long trips for pleasure and relaxation are better
than such for work since there can be some confusion or misalignment.
Guidance and advice from well meaning people, might turn out to be confusing or
misleading, but they can surely be of comfort for the time being.

September 22nd 2019

Mercury square Saturn
Lasts for 1-2 days before or after

Positive manifestations:
Practical, structured thinking, disciplined mind.
Greater attention to details.
Cautiousness. Careful speech.
Good for hard mental work.
May receive some practical advice.
Possible travel for business.

Negative manifestations:
Gloominess, dwelling on the negative.
Criticizing, nit-picking. Having to correct mistakes of some sort.
Too much focus on the details.
Narrow thinking, tunnel vision.
Social isolation. Hurtful and critical but sobering words.

September 23rd 2019

Sun ingress Libra
Happy Birthday Libra!

September 24th 2019

Mercury sextile Jupiter
Active a day before or after

Optimistic, feel-good time.

Focus on long-term goals and projects. Seeing more opportunities.
Good judgment. Expanding your knowledge and outlook.
Favorable for education, legal and international affairs.
Some beneficial information could come through.
Good for collaborating with others.
Favorable for outdoor activities, business, travel.

September 25th 2019

Venus square Saturn

Positive influences:
Reality check. Time in solitude.
Help your partner with his responsibilities.
Organized and disciplined with beauty routines, creative or art projects, work with women.

Negative influences:
Love or social disappointment/discomfort. Feelings of unworthiness.
Difficult communication with your partner. Restrictions in relationships.
Unable to relax, uncomfortable. Difficult to be polite on your work place.
Possible financial losses.

September 26th 2019

Mercury square Pluto
Active 1-2 days before or after
Mentally obsessive thoughts.
Suspicious or more fearful/gloomy/broody state of mind.
Interactions with others can lead to some power struggles.
Secret or private information surfaces.
Good for investigating, researching, psychological analysis.
Interest in conspiracy, mystery, secrets, forbidden/ taboo topics.
Work in a group can be have some tensions or manipulative influences.

September 27th 2019

Venus becomes Visible

When Venus becomes visible, relationships start to improve; it is easier to achieve agreement
and cooperation. It is a good time to start relationships and collaborations, to sign
agreements, to marry, to start new artistic projects. Taurus and Libra Sun Moon or
Ascendant people start feeling better, are able to initiate and manifest again.


1 2 3 4 5
Ven SQ Pluto Merc IN Scorpio Mars IN Libra

Pluto Direct

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Merc OP Uran Ven IN Scorpio Ven OP Uran

Sun SQ Saturn

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Sun SX Jup Merc SX Sat Merc TR Nept Merc SX Pluto

Full Moon in Sun SQ Pluto

Aries 20°

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Venus SX Sat Venus TR Nept Sun IN Scorpio Ven SX Pluto

27 28 29 30 31
Mars SQ Sat Sun OP Uran Mercury CJ Venus Mercury
Retrograde till
New Moon in Nov 20; 27°
Scorpio 4° to 11°


October 1st 2019

Venus square Pluto
Active 1-2 days before and after the transit

Positive influences:
Feel extremely passionate about doing something.
Able to transform your emotions. Deepening of your feelings.
Some actions you take make you feel stronger.
Able to influence other people really strongly.
Strong sexual attraction.
Brave financial decisions.

Negative influences:
Intense emotions, which are beyond your control.

Somebody may try to manipulate your feelings.
Feeling obsessed about doing something.
Face with people, who are power driven about doing something.
Experience some secret emotions that you can’t reveal.
Struggles for power and control with your partner.
Feel that your partner is keeping a secret from you.
Extreme changes of your emotional state.
Become a victim of some financial manipulations.

October 3rd 2019

Mercury ingress Scorpio

The mind becomes more suspicious, obsessive on a certain topic and after to tap into secrets,
hidden motives or details.
Great for investigation, scientific studies, in depth search self-analysis, deep psychological
Occult knowledge or more intuitive mind set.

October 4th 2019

Mars ingress Libra

This period is about challenging outdating or unfair relationships, agreements, contracts, or

one to one situations. Venus is helping - creating some balance in these, until it is still in
Libra, but once it comes out of there, only Mars remains in Libra and makes more
confrontational or outspoken in relationships of any sorts, especially if we feel the situation is
Good for doing some vigorous or energy demanding activities and projects in a partnership
with someone.
Trying to act on your own might be harder or more hesitant in your initiatives and need a
push from someone.
Interestingly enough, Libras only will be able to initiative on their own.

October 7th 2019

Mercury opposition Uranus

Sudden changes in plans due to outer circumstances.

Need to adapt to new circumstances or re-arrange schedules.

Surprising or electrifying news, unexpected information.
Interruptions/disruptions to communications, travel, software, working in groups.
Excitable communications with new people, which takes you out of the comfort zone.
Saying things you might regret or others shocking you /provoking you with their words.

October 7th 2019

Sun square Saturn
Active 1-2 days before and after

Positive manifestations:
Promotes perseverance and self-discipline.
Teaches self-reliance.
Hard work under pressure.
Correcting business mistakes.

Negative manifestations:
Lack of confidence and optimism.
Blockages, delays.
Depleted energy levels, sadness.
Lack of support from others.
Criticism or increased demands at work or from males or authority figures.
Not a good time for any social activities.

October 8th 2019

Venus ingress Scorpio

Passions and desires deepen.

We can use this period to share intensely and more intimately with partners, deepen your
intimacy, reveal secrets and fears to one another.
On the negative side, it can make us more suspicious in relationships with others.
We can dig out some secrets or confront unpalatable or more private layers of our social and
relationship patterns.
Relationships started now, will be based on strong sexual attraction and passion, but can
indicate higher chances of manipulation, control issues, possessiveness.

October 12th 2019

Venus opposition Uranus
Active 1-2 days before/after

Somebody makes you feel very excited.
Chance encounters.
Surprises in relationships.
Unexpected romance.
Exciting experiences with your partner.
Change of heart towards someone.
Unexpected financial support.
Influenced to change your appearance.

Emotional instability, because of another person.
Your partner shocks you with his behavior.
You are unable to be polite with others or others are less diplomatic.
Somebody makes you feel unbalanced.
Feel stressed, because somebody is being rude with you.
It is difficult for you to be tolerant with others.
Women can act more emotionally or bring/experience surprises.

October 13th 2019

Sun sextile Jupiter
Felt a day or 2
Feeling upbeat and optimistic.
Having more influence and authority.
Stronger sense of integrity.
Broader outlook on life.
Good for foreign and legal affairs, teaching, publishing.
Lucky opportunities.

October 14th 2019

Mercury sextile Saturn

Practical, structured thinking.

Disciplined mind.
Greater attention to details.
Careful speech, good for hard mental work, business, managing organizing, planning.
May receive some practical advice.
Good for travel for business.

October 14th 2019
Sun square Pluto

Positive manifestations:
Becoming aware of your issues related to power and control.
A good time to let go of anything superficial or unnecessary.
Hidden outer obstacles or inner fear block you but also mobilize your power.

Negative influence:
Power struggles.
Becoming too stubborn, inflexible.
Manipulation, control issues. Feeling pressured by people or circumstances.

October 15th 2019

Mercury trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images, and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking touching the heart of others through words.
Influencing others through subtle, emotional or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.
Healing with words.

October 19th 2019

Mercury sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Deeper communications.
Mental clarity into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.
Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource.
Support for travel arrangements.
Reading people's thoughts, strong intuition.
Seeing beneath the surface, a greater understanding.

October 20th 2019
Venus sextile Saturn
Active a day before and after

Emotional self – control.

Your partner/other can help you practically in some way.
Happy to work and be responsible.
Positive judgment.
Following the rules pays off.
Harmony at your work place.
Fulfilling your work tasks easier.
You can control your desires more easily.
Woman feel more centered.

October 21st 2019

Venus trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Falling in love, emotionally content.

Feeling closely connected with other people.
Able to feel and receive empathy and tenderness.
Able to sense the emotional condition of your partner/loved ones.
Increased intuition how to proceed in your negotiations.
Enjoy a romantic atmosphere around you.
Great time for art activities.
Very productive time for artists.

October 23rd 2019

Sun ingress Scorpio
Happy Birthday Scorpio!

October 25th 2019

Venus sextile Pluto

Support from people in power.

Increased magnetism.
Good for Venus career: working with women, fashion, art, beauty socializing.
Better financial decisions.
Positive appearance changes .

October 27th 2019

Mars square Saturn
Active 2-3 days before and after

Getting rid of old habits. Changing the limiting rules.
Active fight with your fears.
Time for hard work.

Frustration or anger. Conflict with authority figures.
Fear to do what you want. Unable to keep your deadlines.
Too many rules you have to keep.
Restrictions because of your actions.
Problems at work, blockages, restrictions, authority figures.

October 28th 2019

Sun opposition Uranus
Active 1-2 days before or after

Energizing influence. Can act as a catalyst for change.
Exciting, fast paced experiences.
New ideas, sudden realizations.
Busy social activities.

Sudden change of plans, chaotic events.
Restlessness, impatience.
Feeling stifled, restricted.
Rebellious attitude towards or from men, bosses.
Tension in relationships.
Feeling ungrounded.

October 30th 2019
Mercury conjunction Venus
Active 1-2 days before and after

Good for romantic meetings.

Receiving some good news.
Desire to explain with words your feelings.
Great time to enjoy hobbies, amusements.
Pleasant communication with your partner.
Successful negotiations.
Make plans for some entertainments.
Get some new ideas how to earn money.
Successful business or social meetings, planning and organizing of events of any sort.


1 2
Venus IN Sag

3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mars SQ Pluto Sun SX Sat Sat SX Nept

Sun TR Nept

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Merc SX Pluto Sun CJ Merc Mars SX Jup Merc SX Sat Venus SQ Nept

Sun SX Pluto
Full Moon in
Taurus 19° Merc TR Nept

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Mars IN Scorp Mercury Direct Mercury Sun IN Sag
11° becomes Visible

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Venus CJ Jup Venus IN Capr Neptune Direct Merc TR Nept Merc SX Sat
Mars OP Uran New Moon in Ven TR Uran


November 1st 2019

Venus ingress Sagittarius

We become more open minded and adventurous in relationships, social and amusement
Can be great for travel, exploring new hobbies or pleasures, foreign relationships,
international connections.

November 1st 2019
Mars becomes Visible

New impetus, ambitions, initiatives, fights; aspirations arise and can be initiated. Mars rules
people-Aries or Scorpio Sun Moon or Ascendant, will start becoming more active, energetic,
stronger, be able to manifest again, initiate new things.

November 5th 2019

Mars square Pluto
Active 2-3 days before/after

Fight for independence.
Increased activity/ambition in certain direction.
Extreme flow of energy. Fighting with your negative sides.
Readiness to overcome every obstacle.
Undertaking of risks.
Prepared for competition. Increased motivation.

Extreme overloading. High risk of accidents!
Aggression and anger .
Inducing dangerous situations.
Illegal or under handing business/ dealings.
Conflicts with secret or powerful organizations/people in power/police, etc.
Your unconscious takes control over your actions.
Obsession about certain activity.
Sexual and instinctual reactions of frustration/overstimulation/intense darker desires.

November 8th 2019

Sun sextile Saturn
Active 1-2 days before or after

Ability to focus. Emotional and mental stability.

Coming across as competent and reliable.
Good work ethic.
Good relationships with authority figures.
Favorable for planning, organizing, restructuring, budgeting.

November 8th 2019
Sun trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Stimulates imagination and inspiration.

Being more in tune with others and your environment.
Beneficial for marketing, selling, advertising.
Ideal for creative, artistic, spiritual pursuits.
Increased empathy. Sense of being guided, stronger faith.

November 9th 2019

Saturn sextile Neptune
Active 10 days before and after

Saturn will tone done the dreamy and ungrounded energy of Neptune and give us more
practicality and structure for the implementation of our imaginative ideas.
We can receive support and wise advice from older or more experienced figures or based on
our own previous experience, in regards to a confusing or ambivalent situation.
It is a good time for tangible steps in spiritual, artistic or healing endeavors.
A spiritual or well meaning person can give you constructive and practical support.
Help with some difficult or material situation can appear as if by magic.

November 10th 2019

Mercury sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Deeper communications.
Mental clarity into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.
Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource.
Support for travel arrangements. Reading people's thoughts, strong intuition.
Seeing beneath the surface, a greater understanding.

November 11th 2019
Sun conjunction Mercury
Active 2-3 days before or after

Mental alertness, quick thinking.

Improved communication skills.
Clarity regarding your purpose and direction.
Favorable for business deals, negotiations, media, writing.
An opportunity make a good impression or communicate with superiors.
Short-distance travel.

November 12th 2019

Mars sextile Jupiter
Active 1-2 days before and after

Your increased positivity inspires you to do something.

You have luck in the area where you put your efforts.
Able to achieve some important tasks that will have a long-term influence.
High motivation in your education.
Great time for new beginnings.
You can fulfill some of your dreams on your own.
Good time for traveling and business trips.
Desire to be better than other people.
Ability to show the best of your qualities.

November 13th 2019

Mercury sextile Saturn

Practical, structured thinking.

Disciplined mind.
Greater attention to details.
Careful speech, good for hard mental work, business, managing organizing, planning.
May receive some practical advice.
Good for travel for business.

November 13th 2019

Sun sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Power to influence people.

Tapping into inner resources.
Ability to understand power dynamics.
Gentle rise of ambitions and support to your goals.
Support from male or authority figures.
Favorable for anything to do with shared or others’ finances / resources.
Good time for research, information hunting.

November 13th 2019

Mercury trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images, and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking touching the heart of others through words.
Influencing others through subtle, emotional or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.
Healing with words.

November 14th 2019

Venus square Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after

Good day for the spa or relaxation. Spending on making yourself feel better.
Feeling compassionate and loving.
Helping others out of your kind heart.
You take some actions, which help you to change the way you feel.
Intense creative energy that inspires you to take some actions.

Women feel generally more emotional. Feel emotionally confused about something.
Unrealistic attitude or perception towards a relationship, person, situation.
Emotional vulnerability, escapism. Being misled or taken advantage of your kindness.
Get a wrong impression about the actions of someone.
Somebody is confusing you with his attitude.
Wrong judgments. Your actions make you look emotionally unreliable and unstable.
You need the help of someone you can’t trust.
Feel afraid that somebody may use you. Financial loses.

November 19th 2019

Mars ingress Scorpio

Mars feel empowered here. It improves our strategic actions and initiative. We do not act so
blindly and recklessly, but with more forethought and logic. This influence helps react fast
with any emergency or critical situations, solve problems better. We are more willing to
confront our inner demons and outer fears and be ruthless or dauntless. Something, which
feels uncomfortable, can finally be eliminated while Mars is in Scorpio. Inner and outer power
struggles usually increase, but only to mobilize us into definitive action.

November 21st 2019

Mercury becomes Visible

When Mercury becomes visible it is a great time to start new projects in writing, media,
marketing, business, trade, sales, commerce, learning skills. Gemini and Virgo people will be
able to manifest better, feel stronger and make an impact.

November 22nd 2019

Sun ingress Sagittarius
Happy Birthday Sagittarius!

November 24th 2019
Venus conjunction Jupiter
Active 2-3 days before/after

Attract luck easier.

Positive emotions, great for a party, social occasions.
Desire to reveal your feelings. Falling in love or feeling more love.
Successful new meetings, start of relationships.
Expansion of your desires. Receiving/giving presents.
Emotional support. Time for joy and entertainments.
Optimistic mood. Enjoy traveling.
Successful negotiations with foreigners or abroad.
Positive time for beauty and cosmetic procedures.

November 24th 2019

Mars opposition Uranus
Active 2-3 days before and after the exact aspect

Be on the alert for sudden provocations from others! People tend to take rash or surprising
course of action.
You might feel more excitable and eager to do something new and interesting, but at the
same time if no such opportunity is there, the extra energy can create frictions, accidents,
Another or outer provocation can activate you into doing something in a new way or get you
our of your comfort zone.
Avoid confrontations because people are easier to fly into rash or angry reactions.
It is harder to compromise and collaborate now. Ideal time for physical outlet through sport.

November 26th 2019
Venus ingress Capricorn

Our feelings become serious, grounded and practical.

Social interactions can benefit our business, work.
Relationships started now can be based on security, material and practical considerations,
might take longer to start or show emotions, but can be more lasting in the long term.

November 28th 2019

Mercury trine Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after

Great for creative hobbies and interests, photography, images, and advertising, poetry, arts,
literature, inspirational writing or speaking touching the heart of others through words.
Influencing others through subtle, emotional or psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.
Healing with words.

November 28th 2019

Venus trine Uranus
Active 1-2 before and/or after the day
Smooth change of your emotional state.
Pleasant surprise from your or to your partner.
You are able to make your partner to change something.
Exciting emotional experiences.
Setting yourself free from limitations.

Have an unexpected interesting meeting. Feel very romantic.
Unexpected offers for negotiation.

Meeting someone who inspires you.
Spending money on something that makes you feel excited.
Unexpected financial income.
Positive change with your appearance.

November 30th 2019

Mercury sextile Saturn
Active 1 day before or after
Good for mental tasks and discipline.
Structuring your thoughts, communications better.
Good for business, administrative tasks, planning, organizing.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Jup IN Capr Merc SX Pluto Jupiter becomes
Ven SX Mars

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sun SQ Nept Merc IN Sag Venus CJ Saturn Full Moon in Mars TR Nept
Venus SX Nept 19° Venus CJ Pluto

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Jup TR Uranus Mars SX Sat Merc SQ Nept

Saturn Venus IN Aqua

Invisible Mercury is
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ven SQ Uran Sun TR Uranus New Moon Sun CJ Jupiter
Mars SX Pluto SOLAR Eclipse)
in Capricorn
Sun IN Capr 4°

29 30 31
Merc IN Capr Merc TR Uran


December 2nd 2019

Jupiter ingress Capricorn

This 12 months stay of Jupiter in Capricorn will bless with new material, higher social
standing opportunities and growth all Capricorn Sun, Moon or Ascendant people and those of
the other earth sign: Taurus and Virgo.
Collectively the next 12 months will be a good time to expand on safety, order and
regulations, on building tangible structures and hierarchical organization, on professional
recognition and growth of ambitions.

It will expand on the power of the government, corporations and traditional institutions, also
bring more transparency in their actions but also less regulations

December 3rd 2019

Mercury sextile Pluto
Active for 1-2 days before or after

Deeper communications.
Mental clarity into secrets, hidden, forbidden or psychological matters.
Good for research and investigation.
Favorable for all business activities or negotiations especially such regarding mutual/shared
resources, others’ resource.
Support for travel arrangements.
Reading people's thoughts, strong intuition.
Seeing beneath the surface, a greater understanding.

December 3rd 2019

Venus sextile Mars
Active 1-2 days before and after

Men and women get along better.

Time for pleasures.
Your actions bring you joy.
Good for activities in art, beauty, fashion, relationships, friendly sports, social events.
Good time to buy something beautiful.
Actions to improve your appearance.
Good time to ask somebody on a date or have a joyful fun time.
Positive emotional experiences.
Increased sexual energy and magnetism.
You make something that can bring joy to your partner.
Wonderful time to buy new clothes, cosmetics or jewelries.

December 4th 2019

Jupiter becomes Invisible

Matters connected to teaching, guidance, charity work, higher education, travel, good will
between people, humanism, understanding, support from Guides and Higher intuition will be
harder to access. Jupiter ruled people (Sagittarius or Pisces Ascendant, Sun or Moon) will be
able to conclude some important matters in their lives, see completions and results of their
previous efforts. At the same time the period of invisibility, until Jupiter shows again, will
indicate less activity, less ability to manifest or move things forward for these people.

December 8th 2019

Sun square Neptune

Be careful not to see matter in a too idealistic light because it might be harder to see the full
real picture now! But all activities connected to charity, art, spirituality, helping others,
healing will be supported. Try not to over idealize.

December 8th 2019

Venus sextile Neptune
Active 1-2 days before or after

Good for creative or beauty activities, pleasant socializing, art, music, enjoyments, romantic
dates, sharing feelings and being understood, relationships with women.

December 9th 2019

Mercury ingress Sagittarius

Thinking becomes more positive and able to look at things more philosophically.
People feel more drawn to higher knowledge, the big questions in life, seeing the bigger
Good for promotional work, sales, travel, education, and communication with people from
different countries or social backgrounds.
Easier to omit details for the bigger picture.

December 11th 2019
Venus conjunction Saturn
Active 2-3 days before/after

Have a more somber and serious attitude.
We might be asked to re-evaluate or correct some social or personal relationships with loved
Connect with others on a more serious and practical level.
Indulging too much in pleasures, good food, etc. can have some uncomfortable

On the positive side:

People can generally have more self-control when it comes to such matters.
Women might feel a bit more grumpy, security conscious or demanding.
More responsibilities come to women.

December 13th 2019

Mars trine Neptune
Active 2-3 days before and after the transit

Your actions are supported by your intuition.

You feel the right direction.
Able to inspire others with your actions.
Desire to help someone.
Actively showing your feelings.
More patience today.
Helping others makes you feel satisfied.
A request or activity with a youthful or male person goes smoothly.
Wonderful for art activities meditation and relaxing.
Solving a problem or conflict in a subtle, indirect or kinder way.

December 13th 2019

Venus conjunction Pluto
Duration 2-3 days


Intense emotional experiences.
Strong passion.
Deep attraction to someone.
Increased sexual desire.
Become magnetic.
Able to control others softly.
Feel empowered.
Negotiate with very powerful people.
Take important financial decisions.
Communicate with very strong and powerful women.
Your partner helps you to feel stronger.

December 15th 2019

Jupiter trine Uranus
Active 10 days before and after

This transit is beneficial for expanding social influence, networks and creating viral trends,
which spread fast, and wide.
If you are trying to reach large groups of people through marketing or advertising, this can
be a very auspicious time.
Sudden or unexpected windfalls of fortune. Great time to start learning something new, not a
skill but theory, science or higher knowledge, to travel to new exciting destinations, to do
international and global connections and transactions.
Good time to grow business connected to teaching, travel, new technology, media, social
trends. Anything started now can have viral spread and grow fast!
It generally feels that one is in the right flow.
Both Uranus and Jupiter are in earth signs, so new material and practical endeavors will
generally be auspicious.

December 19th 2019

Mars sextile Saturn

Lasts 2-3 days

Good for organizational activities.

Strict planning.
Able to fulfil your norms.
Fresh enthusiasm or approach to an old and routine action.
Your work requires your activeness.
Appropriate time to fulfil some repetitive and mundane physical tasks like cleaning, exercise
for endurance, etc.
Motivation to change something in your usual activities.
Fulfilling your duty.
Good interaction with authority figures.
You can be proactive with new work opportunities.

December 19th 2019

Saturn becomes Invisible

The two weeks around the time, when Saturn becomes invisible Saturn ruled people
(Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant, Sun or Moon), will be able to conclude some important
matters in their lives, see completions and results of their previous efforts. At the same time
the period of invisibility, until Saturn shows again, will indicate less activity, less ability to
manifest or move things forward for these people. More rest and introspection is
recommended. Activities connected to Saturn like safety, structuring, organizing, dealing
with governments and institutions, authorities figures, are better put to rest as such will not
be of much help of further development right now.

December 20th 2019

Mercury square Neptune
Active 1-2 days before/after


Possible miscommunications, misinformation, promising and not delivering.
Things look/sound better than reality. Gossip.
Mistakes in work with information, documents, negotiations, business, management.

All creative hobbies and interests, photography, advertising, poetry, arts, literature,
inspirational writing or speaking, music, dance, and art is inspired.
Ability to tough hearts through speech.
Influencing others through subtle, emotional psychological approaches.
Communicating on sentimental or emotional subjects.

December 20th 2019

Venus ingress Aquarius

We collectively become more objective and rational about inter-personal relationships.

Friendlier and more open-minded approach to others and partnerships.
Ability to distance oneself from complicated relationships and look impartially.
Great for activities connected to social activities, connecting with others, social media, party
planning, going to big meetings, conferences, concerts, festivals, getting together with like-
minded people. Easier to fulfill some gainful goals through support from others.

December 20th 2019

Mercury is Invisible

When Mercury becomes invisible it is harder to start to new projects related to commerce,
trading, business, media, writing, and marketing. People ruled by Mercury, Gemini or Virgo
sun moon or Ascendant will feel less initiative and more introspective during the invisible

December 22nd 2019

Sun ingress Capricorn
Happy Birthday Capricorns!

December 22nd 2019
Venus square Uranus
Active 1-2 days
Sudden emotional changes.
Setting free from some emotional blockages.
Feel overexcited about something.
Sudden desire to spend money for something.
Desire to change your appearance.
New creative ideas.

Feel very nervous, because of some outer circumstances.
Unable to control your emotions.
Feel surprised or unprepared for some events.
Conflict with your partner.
Feel that others can’t understand you.
Unable to find comfort and relax.
Feel that there are too many changes happening around you.
Women around you are acting strange or surprising.
Unexpected financial losses.

December 22nd 2019

Mars sextile Pluto

Great time for physical efforts.

The power to change something you would like.
Able to conduct positive changes.
Great sexual activity.
Ask for help from people in positions of power.
Great for physical sports and competitions.

December 24th 2019
Sun trine Uranus
Active 1-2 days

Breaking from routine.

Seeing things from a new angle.
More freedom of self-expression.
Feeling magnetic and vibrant.
Good for working on a group project.
Flashes of intuitive insight.
Favorable time for making changes and taking risks.
Favorable for anything to do with media and the internet.

December 27th 2019

Sun conjunction Jupiter
Active 2-3 days before or after

Positive manifestations:
Increased vitality, well-being.
Brings lucky opportunities and abundance.
Expanded vision.
Good time to socialize.
Favorable for expansion and new undertakings.
Generosity, honorable behavior, integrity.

Negatives to be aware of:

Lack of moderation.

December 29th 2019
Mercury ingress Capricorn

Thinking, writing and communications become more practical, realistic, serious and
Good for business, organizing, managing, work, communications with authority or senior

December 30th 2019

Mercury trine Uranus
Active 1-2 days before/after

Receiving some good news.

Finding a missing piece of information.
Stimulating and energizing conversations.
Good for groups activities, catching up with friends, working in a team, social
networking/media, internet, learning new things.
New ideas. Managing, planning and organizing goes fast and receives support.

December 31st 2019



Wishing you only the BEST life has to offer for 2020 and EVERY year to come!!!


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