Is India A Soft Nation

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A soft nation is one that opts for peaceful measures to sustain its integrity and

dignity , a soft nation is one that tolerates and believes in the saying love your
friends but love your enemies more. India being such a strong nation in terms of
resources , manpower and a generation that consists of a larger proportion of
youth is still being deemed to be a soft nation.

There are a few reasons that prove my point.

Right to its citizens: india is a soft nation in terms of rights to its citizens,
because it gives every citizen the right to freedom and equality, it ensures that
every citizen is fee to practice the religion they want, unlike certain countries
that have a state religion and code of conduct.

Political front:

Although we have politicians who rise up from the ground level, who seemingly
understand the problems of our society but , gradually are interested in
restricting the power in their hands and maximising their wealth and focusing
on issues that are petty and supremely internal

Punishments for crime:

we as a country are so tolerant that we do not have severe punishments for

crimes, and we believe that everyone deserves a second chance and only wake
up to realise that this wish to give a second chance only proves out to be an
escape for criminals

combating terrorism and border issues:

we have been facing encroachments from Pakistan and china since years , with
so many soldiers loosing their lives on the war. Two Pakistani soldiers brutally
kill our indian soldiers in Kashmir and all we do is ask the Pakistani ministry if
there was any involvement from their side. Also our reaction towards terrorists
is so humanitarian that even when we have seen that the terrorist is guilty we
still provide a lawyer to him , feed him and still wait for him to present his view
point. Eg: kasab Mumbai attacks, 26/11

nuleur power:

india is indeed a nucleur power and has exerted itself in the 1974 and 1998
nucleur test, but we have a no first use policy, has been the reason the earn the
tag of a peaceful nucleur nation. Well , which had a benefit that it was only
india that could sign civil nucleur deals with US and other countries.

Panchsheel as guiding light to diplomacy:

Panchsheel has been the guiding light in indias foreign policies which ensures:

1. Non- interference
2. Peaceful co-existence
3. Mutual non aggression
4. Mutual benefits
5. Ensuring territorial integrity of one another

Dealing with internal issues:

India has been really soft in dealing with internal issues such as
corruption , bribery or be it income disparities where the rich are getting
richer and the poor poorer, eg: malya and nirav modi

Depiction at international forums:

India in the recent past has also been discussing and representing itself in
relation to soft powers in the international forums such as international
yoga day, push for Ayurveda, climatic issues, cultural interactions etc.

I therefore rest my case saying that being soft in a diplomatic view isn’t a
downgraded phenomenon , infact many countries are moving towards the
same, but at some point a time you need to take a stand , prove your
point, keep your foot strong and sow to the world that a nation with a rich
heritage and culture shall not tolerate after an extent.

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