The Me Report 2019

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The Me Report 
Ian Brown 
Grade 9 Students 
Feb 27, 2019 
Ian Brown 1

Table of Contents 
Executive Summary  2 
About Me  2 
My Word Processing Skills 2 
Cloud Computing  3 
Description of sample documents  4 
Conclusion  4 
Appendix 1 - Business letter example  5 
Appendix 2 - Table example 6 
Appendix 3 - Tabs example 7 
Ian Brown 2

Executive Summary 
In this report I will be giving you examples of some of the things we did in business and give 
some advice for what we did. Some of the stuff we did was cloud computing Business letters 
and more. So read the rest to find out what else there is. 
About Me 
Hello I am Ian brown and I would want to get over a 70 in this class and learn 
new things in business. In the summer I go to a canoeing camp that is all out in the 
wilderness with no internet and no technology but I love it in my camp I am going on a 
30-39 day trip down siren rivers as wight water. I also like to play video games like 
Subnautica, csgo, and other games. 
My Word Processing Skills 
This section should answer the questions that follow. Make sure you determine 
the best way to communicate your ideas (it’s not always a paragraph!).  
• What word processors can you use and what skills do you have? Include 
examples where appropriate 
• How can you use these skills in your other classes? Give 2 specific examples. 
You can use those skiles in english when you are writing a paragraph or an essay And 
when you are in Science when you are writing a report  
• What can you do with a word processor to be faster or more efficient? Give 2 
specific examples. 
Ian Brown 3

Cloud Computing 
The Cloud is the computing of the future because it can be used in many ways and help

lots of people. How it will help people out is that in the future devices can be smaller than they

are because it won't have to have as much storage in the physical device. It is like that because a

lot of the things you put on your phone like your photos, videos and text messages etc. Also it

makes it so there are less on site systems. That can reduce the amount of things you will have to

buy. When a business starts growing fast instead of having to buy a new server when they run

out of space all they have to do is buy more cloud storage and that means they don’t have to

spend money on people to set up the servers and to maintenance the servers when they get

damaged. So the businesses don’t have to spend lots of money to keep the servers running but

they also will have more room for other things that they need. Also, the cloud can be being used

by everyone without them knowing because the cloud is in a lot of things and you can access it

from anywhere from your car from the park or even your in your home. The cloud is not just for

your computer but your on your phone to. It can be used on your phone by your photos contacts

and many more things. How it workes with your photos is that when you get a new device the

photos move to that device. And when you get a new phone all your contacts get moved to that

phone automatically. That is why the cloud is the computing of the future. 

Ian Brown 4

Description of Sample Documents 

In Appendix 1 there is and example of a Business letter and of what one should look like. On 
Appendix 2 it is a table of what my schedule looks like for Semester two of grade 9. And 
Appendix 3 is a tabs example of what some contandets have. For appendix 1 i am 
communicating why a certain phone case is good. On appendix 2 it is a good why to show 
what you schedule looks like by how i made it. And for appendix 3 it is a great why to show 
stuff without having the table. 
In this report there was Cloud computing, Business letter, Tables and Tabs all of this is good 
information to remember and if you remember this it could help you in your future job or the job 
you have right now. Thank you for reading this report and remember what was in the report 
because it could help you out now or the near future. 
Ian Brown 5

Appendix 1 - Business letter example 

Ian Brown 
5 McMaster Road 
Orangeville, ON 
L9W 5J6  
February 22, 2018 
Robert Brown 
5 McMaster Road 
Orangeville, ON  
L9W 5J6 
Dear Father: 
Hello, Father, I would want a new phone case. The phone case that I have is 
broken and it has been broken for a couple of months. But the phone case I want is 
$65. The one I want is also super protective. 
Why I want a new phone case is because some of the plastic is missing, the 
rubber part is ripping and my phone can just fall out of my case. With that happening 
that can break my phone. 
The phone case is expensive because of how protective it is. I know it is protective 
because the people that made the case tested it on real phones and they dropped it 
from 45ft in the air and it had nothing wrong with it. Also, people threw phones at a 
wall or a concrete floor as hard as they can and still no problem. And on what style you 
want the price could vary. 
Thank you for reading this and consider getting this phone case for someone 
and if you want a protective phone case get the Mous phone case it is one of the best 
on the market. 
Ian Brown 
Ian Brown 6

Appendix 2 - Table example 
Include a properly formatted table that you created during the unit.  

Day 1 Day 2
Period Time
Block Course Room Block Course Room

Home 8:55-9:38 A Home 815 A Home 815

Room Room Room

1 9:00-10:15 A Gym 815 A Gym 815

10:15-10:25 Travel Time Travel Time

2 10:25-11:40 B Science 133 B Business 133

11:40-12:25 Lunch Lunch

3 12:25-1:40 C Business 603 D Math 409

1:40-1:50 Travel Time Travel Time

4 1:50-3:05 D Math 409 C Business 603

Ian Brown 7

Appendix 3 - Tabs example 
Include a document formatted using tabs that you created during the unit.  
Name: Ian Brown
Birthday: June 10th
Holaday: New Years
Money in wallet: $5

North America 579 million people

24.71 million km2

Europe 741.1 million people

10.18 million km2

Antarctica 1000 people

14 million km2

South America 422.5 million people

17.84 million km2

Africa 1.216 billion people

30.37 million km2

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