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by Nathan Meunier

Table of contents 02


chapter 1: design ..................................................4

-Finding the unusual concept for missile cards
-minimizing risk by making smaller games faster
-Keeping scope creep to a minimum
-Designing for multiple devices
-The value of beta testing

Chapter 2: mechanics..........................................10
-The complexities of card-game design
-Turning arcade inspiration into a turn-based strategy game
-Crafting controlled randomness in card game design

Chapter 3: porting and publishing................16

-Why porting to Android is an important consideration
-Adapting Missile Cards’ premium design to F2P
-My Experience Porting to the Amazon Appstore
-Lessons learned while porting to the amazon App Store

Introduction 03

what an Missile Cards isn’t my first commercial

exciting time project, but it’s one of the weirdest,

to be an indie
most ambitious, and most successful
games I’ve created to date. For
developer me, learning is an important part
of the process and each project
With powerful tools that speed up brings new challenges, victories, and
development and an abundance of opportunities to share my experience
diverse frameworks that let you self- with others.
publish your games, there’s never
been an easier, more accessible time In this eBook, I will pull back the
to create something unique for the curtain on everything from my game
world to play. design and creative processes to how
I tackled tough mechanics. Then, I’ll
For me, GameMaker: Studio was the
catalyst that changed everything. I’ve
show you how I prepped my game
to port it over to Kindle Fire devices.
''I never expected
spent most of my professional career
writing about other people’s video
Along the way, I’ll offer nuggets of
inspiration and insight to help you to eventually
be making my
games for publications like Nintendo bring your own games to fruition on
Power, IGN, GameSpot, GamePro, and Amazon’s Appstore and beyond.
more. I never expected to eventually
make my own games, yet here I am. In
just three years of part-time tinkering,
Thanks for reading!
own games, yet
I’ve gone from having zero knowledge
about what goes into creating a game
to rolling up my sleeves and bringing
Nathan Meunier
Creator of Missile Cards here i am.''
games from concept to launch.
1. Design 04

1. Design 05

Finding the realistically build out and finish in a game was just weird enough to work.

unusual matter of months, instead of years. Not only that, it had a grabby hook

concept for
that would potentially appeal both to
My favorite mobile card games modern digital card game fans and
Missile Cards are the ones that mix bold themes retro gaming enthusiasts alike.
with unusual mechanics to create
It was late fall, 2016. Exhausted something funky and fresh. Being Missile Cards was born, with the
from grinding away on a larger indie largely a solo gamer, I also prefer tagline “Missile Command meets
console project over the course of solitaire-style card games that Solitaire…only with more doomlasers,
two years, I found myself desperate to can be played alone. After a lot of death, and explosions.”
hit the finish line—aching to feel the brainstorming, I fixed on the idea of a
cathartic rush of completing a game card game where you would defend In reality, it’s not quite like either
again. The idea of creating something yourself from giant doom meteors game it pays homage to, but it draws
small, polished, and launchable on a hurtling down from space. You’d inspiration from both as well as the
very constrained development cycle
was immediately appealing. With no
lay down defenses that would have
to be charged up before blasting
nostalgia of growing up as a young
gamer in the ‘80s.
end in sight on the larger project I
was working on with another team, I
the oncoming debris away, and the
deck itself would be your adversary, Armed with a cool theme and a loose Command meets
needed a temporary change of pace. providing a mix of helpful and harmful battle plan to make something fun in
resources to juggle. just a few quick months of coding and
By this point, I would blow off steam design, it was time to get to work.
in my spare time by prototyping card
game concepts.
I realized this concept reminded me
of a childhood gaming favorite: Missile
only with more
Making a small card game seemed
Command. I decided to roll with the
retro vibe this evoked and put a fresh doomlasers,
death, and
like a perfect fit for a short-term solo spin on things. The idea of taking the
project, given the genre’s modular intense arcade defense gameplay of
nature and high replayability. I just had the Atari classic and re-imagining it
to come up with a strong idea I could as a turn-based strategy solo card
1. Design 06

Minimizing risk the moment, only to find that players Ways to help minimize risk
by making have already moved on to the next big

smaller games
thing by the time their game finally
ships years later.
Keep the development cycle short
Instead of spending years making
Game development almost always a huge game that might not sell, I
Create constraints for the project
takes much more time and energy wanted to create a tightly-scoped
than anyone anticipates. With Missile project in as short a time as possible. Set internal deadlines and milestones
Cards, I set out to create and launch If it sold, great! If not? Well, a few
a polished game in just three short months of part-time work on a project
Focus on just the core content
months. It took me six. Every facet that fails is a lot better than spending
of the game’s design was tuned three years on a commercial flop with
(and avoid piling on extras)
towards creating a minimum viable nothing to show for it.
product, and even then it still took me Be willing to cut features that aren’t
much longer to complete than I had Planning for the potential of failure,
working out
planned. This shouldn’t be a surprise particularly with more experimental
to anyone who has dabbled in indie projects, is a smart bet in today’s
game development. hyper-competitive industry. You never
truly know when a new game is going
So what does “minimum viable to resonate with a broader audience
product” mean, exactly? My ultimate until it launches, and the longer it
goal with Missile Cards was to make a takes to develop a project, the more
finished game I was proud of, all while pressure there is for it to be a success.
minimizing my financial risk on the This is doubly important for solo
project. The market segment for game developers and newcomers seeking
genres and trends shifts so rapidly to carve out a foothold in the industry
that many developers start making for the first time.
a game based on what’s popular at
1. Design 07

Keeping scope Constraints breed creativity Making tough decisions

creep to a
minimum Setting limitations and learning how My original plan for Missile Cards was
to identify unnecessary bloat in your to create three full planets worth of
game design are valuable skills. When content. This seemed like a reasonable
Scope creep is an omnipresent danger
you set constraints for your game goal at the time, but once I got deeper
in game development, affecting teams
project, it makes it a lot easier to into development, I quickly realized
of all sizes across all sectors of the
identify and trim the fat. Honing this that building out that much content
industry. It’s all too easy to succumb
ability can save you a lot of wasted would take much, much longer than I
to the desire to throw every cool idea
time and heartache. anticipated.
you come up with into your game.
Experimentation is an important part
It’s hard to pin down a realistic It was a difficult decision, but I opted
of the design process early on, but
deadline when planning out your to pare the game down to one
there comes a point where continuing
game in its early stages, but setting single planet with five bases, then
to add ideas can easily spiral out of
a target timetable is invaluable in double-down on making the game
control. Not every neat mechanic or
keeping scope creep to a minimum. challenging and replayable enough to
design idea you come up with will
give players a solid play experience
make it into your game—and that’s ok.
for their money. This was the right call.
Tips for killing scope creep
Here are some ways to keep scope
creep to a minimum:
Impose creative limitations early on

More isn’t always better

Be willing to make hard decisions

Try making smaller games, faster

1. Design 08

Designing for Since PC was my initial launch target, for memory leaks, and making sure to

multiple devices I settled on a widescreen layout that

would work well on different devices
clear audio and textures when they’re
not needed.
and upscale cleanly to 1920 x 1080, a
One of the trickiest parts of game
fairly standard HD resolution. Because Mobile optimization can be less of
design is taking into account the
I used pixel art for this project, getting a concern with pixel projects, since
nuances of each device you intend
the on-screen view sized just right to you’re working with smaller visual
to launch on. Things like screen
avoid pixel distortion was vital. When assets and you’re often upscaling the
orientation and scaling to a variety of
the game first loads, I have a block view instead of creating more of a 1:1
different device resolutions, figuring
of code that detects the device and layout. But, it’s worth taking the time
out how to handle UI layout and
screen resolution, then adjusts and to optimize everything you can once
sizing, and optimizing art and code to
scales the view to match a best fit. It’s your game is finished and ready to go.
run smoothly are all important design
not always pixel-perfect, but it works Designing with these concerns in mind
decisions that you have to consider.
well and looks good on most devices. from the get-go will make the home
Another script toggles different UI stretch of finishing and launching your
I always intended to eventually bring
and button layouts based on whether game a much smoother process.
Missile Cards to mobile devices, but
you’re playing on a PC, a tablet, or a
I also wanted to experiment with
Things to Consider
putting the game on Steam first to
test the waters and generate some
With memory limitations being more
initial sales momentum. As many
developers learn the hard way,
of a concern on mobile devices, it’s Screen orientation and resolution
important to optimize everything you
launching your game first on mobile,
can, even if your game runs well on
then releasing it later on Steam is Hardware and memory limitations
more powerful hardware.
almost always a bad idea. Players on
Steam are hyper-critical of “mobile
In GameMaker, that often means
Device-specific trends and best
ports” and anything that looks too
casual. To avoid that backlash this
limiting use of step events, avoiding practices
unnecessary draw calls, being careful
time around, I opted to launch on PC
with use of particle systems, watching
first, then work my way to mobile.
1. Design 09

The value of tends to uncover lots of unexpected Tips for finding beta testers
beta testing bugs, since most people will not play
your games the way you do or the
way you expect them to. Having this
Nothing beats getting real-world Use a mailing list signup to gather
intel before you launch gives you
player feedback to help improve
more time to polish and tune the
interested players’ contact information
your game BEFORE you release it
experience to ensure you’re putting
into the wild. There’s a lot you can
learn from running beta tests—from
your best foot forward. Create a sense of urgency by setting a
how your game works on different limited number of signups
Missile Cards’ gameplay felt pretty
device configurations, to how players
good before I ran my first beta tests,
acclimate to your user experience.
but having hundreds of players kick
Include a short questionnaire that
Despite this, many new developers
overlook this important step because
the tires across several batches of focuses on the most important
beta test rounds uncovered bugs,
they aren’t sure how to find players feedback you want
some design flaws, and other issues
interested in checking out a beta build
that I had plenty of time to fix and
of their game.
improve before publishing the game
Don’t forget to follow up several times
The trick is to cast a wide net, using
to a broader audience. once testers have had a reasonable time
a mailing list or some other kind of to play
sign-up form. In a lot of cases, it’s
not that hard to find people willing
Aim to get way more testers than you
to play your pre-release game, but
it can be a challenge to find people
need, because many will not follow
who will follow through and provide through
the quality feedback you’re looking
for. That feedback is valuable, though,
particularly from strangers who will
speak honestly about what works and
doesn’t work in your game. It also
1. Design 10


2. Mechanics 11

Navigating the Here’s a look at some of the core Figure out your visual layout
complexities design considerations that you need early-on

of digital card
to think about when making digital
card games. When designing card games, I often
game design begin mocking up visual layouts very
A strong theme is everything early-on in the process, before I even
Digital card games are a fun challenge start coding up the game itself. This
to design because they give you a A theme is usually the first place I lets me adjust card size, play around
basic and familiar foundation (a deck start when I’m thinking about a new with positioning, and make important
of cards) that you can adapt to just card game project, because it quickly decisions about how the game might
about any genre, style of play, or helps me figure out a visual style for play based on the limitations of
conceptual theme. I based a lot of my my game. resolution and screen space. I often
prototypes, initially, on a single deck find that doing this helps me identify
of 52 cards, but in the end, precious Having a striking visual style is potential design issues right away,
few of them wound up resembling important, but I also find that deciding saving me a lot of time and energy.
anything close to a traditional solitaire on a theme helps me come up with
card game. interesting ideas for the gameplay It’s also worth mentioning you Quick tips for
itself. Whether you’re making a card shouldn’t finalize any of your artwork digital card game design
Missile Cards may be my first game about dungeon crawling, until you’ve got your core layout
commercially released card game, fishing, city building, sci-fi combat, locked down, since making layout
but I’ve created dozens of card or even relationship building, each decisions can have a huge impact on
Pick a strong, distinct theme
game prototypes and am working on potential theme holds an exciting your games visual direction.
numerous card-based projects I plan range of possibilities for visual style
to release in the future. From working and unique card mechanics.
Make your visual design pop
on these projects, I’ve noted some
common elements that tend to make Aim for short, highly replayable
or break a digital card game’s design.
gameplay loops

Take advantage of the digital format

2. Mechanics 12

Balance accessibility, depth, Make the most of the But the digital format let me design
and replay digital format systems to automatically handle a lot
of the complexity, allowing players to
Many mobile players prefer games Physical card game design often tends concentrate on the strategic defense
they can enjoy in short bursts instead to be centered around a limited set of gameplay and simply enjoy the
of marathon sessions. This is one simple rules and mechanics—things experience.
of the reasons card games are so that can be easily digested without
popular on mobile, because they often pushing players over the edge of
balance short, accessible gameplay information overload. With digital card
loops with high replayability and long- games, however, you can get away
term metagame progression. with much more complexity because
you can build it into the behind-the-
When designing card games, it’s scenes system that runs the gameplay.
worth paying close attention to
how long it takes to play through a From dice rolls and stat tracking to
game and tuning that to be a short, randomization and special events, a
highly replayable experience. Making lot of the nitty-gritty can be handled Quick tips for
sessions fun and punchy is important, by code, freeing up players to focus digital card game design
but also explore ways to layer on on whatever you present to them.
progression mechanics, unlockables,
and other goals that give players a This opens the door to weaving lots
Pick a strong, distinct theme
reason to keep coming back for more. of unusual genres into card-based
designs. Missile Cards, for example,
just wouldn’t be possible as a simple
Make your visual design pop
card game without forcing players to
keep track of an excessive amount of Aim for short, highly replayable
gameplay loops

Take advantage of the digital format

2. Mechanics 13

Turning arcade Subverting expectations 80s nostalgia for the win

inspiration into
a turn-based Rather than juggling resources, Other areas of Missile Cards’ design
powering up your defenses, and pay homage to aspects of retro
strategy game blasting away hazards hurtling gaming. The pixel art style is a
towards your bases in real time, I lot more detailed than the super
The clearest thing I remember about tapped the brakes and built a system simplistic Atari sprites from the ‘70s
playing Missile Command as a kid where almost every action you take and ‘80s, but their design and color
is that death is inevitable. As the has a reaction. Whether you’re placing scheme draw a lot of influence from
oncoming barrage of warheads a defense card into an available slot that era.
screaming towards your cities grows for charging or triggering an ability,
to a crescendo, it’s all but impossible each move pushes the game forward. The game’s interface, menus, and
to stave off annihilation long term. Cards advance on the conveyor belt, UI are also all designed to look like
The game’s fast-paced arcade action potentially adding new hazards to you’re playing one of those old plastic
and brutal difficulty led to match after
match of sweaty-palmed cursing and
the playing field, as existing hazards
continue to drop closer to your bases.
gaming handheld devices. Even the
decision to include the name of the
''Missile cards
sporadic hand cramps. I loved it.
The pressure-cooker intensity comes
game itself on the actual gameplay
screen is a subtle reference to the is a tough game
by design, and
In Missile Cards, I wanted to capture from having to plan out your moves classic days of gaming.
that intensity, but channel it into carefully, make tough choices,
a completely different kind of and figure out the best way to use
experience: a turn-based strategy
game. That seems a bit counter-
the resources available to deal
with oncoming hazards. Timing is
it's carefully
intuitive, but oddly, worked out quite
well. Here’s how I did it:
tuned to offer
a high level of
2. Mechanics 14

Crafting is why it’s important to make sure the defense on the board and charged RNG design tips
controlled RNG systems you use don’t make your up before they get slammed with

game unsolvable. hazards. I also added code that
ensures that there will always be at
Guided randomness is your friend
in card game This was an issue I discovered early on least one defense weapon card in the

design with Missile Cards, thanks to feedback

from beta testers. While I spent a
initial three card draw. This made a
big difference, but it didn’t solve the
Avoid arbitrary win/lose states caused
People who play a lot of card games
lot of time fine-tuning the balance problem entirely. by randomness
between hazards, defenses, ability
tend to understand that randomness
cards, and the range of numbers Building onto this, I created a sub-
is a core element. You’re shuffling Use pure randomness sparingly
across each unlockable “deck,” I still system that acts like training wheels
the deck. You’re drawing cards. You
found that having a 100% random when cards are dealt. It uses variables
don’t know what you’re going to get,
system was too harsh for players. to track how many hazard cards are
and part of the excitement and replay
Matches would begin, and players currently on the conveyor belt when
value of card games comes from this
would get crushed by a deluge of new cards are dealt. If there are more
comets right away, or they’d find than two, it instantly shuffles the deck
themselves unable to play any cards and picks a new card value before
The problem is that sometimes RNG-
for a few turns. Fixing this required a dealing. I’ve set it to cycle through
based systems (random number
multi-pronged approach. this process a few times to ensure that
generators) can slip into off-kilter
most of the time the hazards don’t stack
grooves where the randomness
is too lopsided, which can have a
Designing hidden up too much. It’s not a perfect system,

huge negative impact on the player

training wheels but it greatly reduced the number of
times hazards would stack up.
First, I opted to give players a free
move on the very first turn of a game.
Either they’re getting too much good
This allows them to play any defense
stuff and the game is too easy, or
card that starts on the conveyor belt
they’re getting utterly steamrolled. It’s
regardless of cost. It gives players
frustrating to lose a match entirely on
a sporting chance to some kind of
the whim of a random dice roll, which
2. Mechanics 15

Avoiding pure randomness on how players respond to random RNG design tips
elements. Designing an intentionally
Random number generators play a difficult game (as I did with Missile
role in other key Missile Cards system, Cards) is one thing, but having an
Guided randomness is your friend
too, like in choosing which lane experience where players win or lose
comets and other hazards drop into entirely at random is going to rub
on the battle grid. The card dealing many players the wrong way. You can
Avoid arbitrary win/lose states caused
system itself is where RNGs are mitigate this by adding systems that by randomness
used most, and where they have the act as “training wheels”; they shape
biggest impact on gameplay. the scope of random elements to keep
Use pure randomness sparingly
the experience fun without making it
The bottom line: randomness is a predictable.
great tool for card games (and other
genres alike), but it’s useful to playtest
your games a lot and get feedback
1. Design 16

Porting and
3. Porting and Publishing 17

Why porting Adapting Missile Missile Cards as a free download with

to Android is Cards' premium a single in-app purchase to unlock the

an important design to F2P

full game.

consideration Basically, players can sink their teeth

for mobile I originally designed Missile Cards to

into the first base (roughly an hour
be a premium game: for a one-time
of replayable content) and access a
purchase, you get a high level of
limited selection of unlockable cards
replayability and fun. It takes skilled
and abilities. Once they beat that
When you spend the time and energy players between 7 and 10 hours to get
base, they’re asked to pay a one-time
to make a game, it makes a lot of through the game’s five bases and
fee to access the rest of the game.
sense not to limit yourself to just one bonus missions, which feels like a fair
This isn’t the ideal approach for many
engine. While it’s easier to focus on amount of content for a few bucks.
F2P-modeled games, but it’s the
one engine launch at a time, releasing The problem, however, is that the
choice that most aligned with the way
on other engines can provide extra
income (and visibility for your project)
dominant pricing model across many
Android marketplaces is free-to-play
I originally designed Missile Cards.
''it takes skilled
players between
if things go well. (F2P). This spurred me to make
some tough decisions about how to
Porting a mobile game to Android handle pricing.
doesn’t have to be difficult, either.
Design your games with multiple Missile Cards isn’t optimized for
7 and 10 hours
devices in mind. That way you have
less work to do to get them up and
micro-transactions and in-app
purchases, common in F2P games. to get through
the game's five
running on other devices. GameMaker To use them effectively, they really
can help—GameMaker: Studio and must be incorporated during the
GameMaker 2 both have mobile design phase. Still, since most Android
export modules that, once configured,
let you easily export builds to a wide
games featured on major storefronts
are free to download, I didn’t want to
bases and bonus
range of mobile devices. risk alienating players with an upfront
price tag. My compromise was to offer missions.''
3. Porting and Publishing 18

My experience
Beyond that, I spent some time
working on the in-app purchase (IAP)
porting to code to make Missile Cards F2P. I also

Amazon fire added code to adjust the screen to

properly fit Kindle devices and the
most popular Android resolutions. It
was a far more intuitive process than I
The process of porting your game
can be a huge headache, but I was
truly surprised at how easy it was to
get Missile Cards up and running on
Amazon Fire devices, which use the
Android operating system.

The Kindle Fire is virtually plug-

and-play, and it took me less than ‘‘it took me weeks
of fiddling with
30 minutes to get it all set up and
start exporting my builds directly
from my PC to the hardware for
testing. The difference that made in
my testing and porting process was
settings and
night and day from past experiences.
Downloading the Android Studio running into
brick walls
development environment and
configuring the right settings was the
most time-intensive task, but then I
was able to plug in the Kindle Fire and
press a single button to get a fresh
before i finally
build running in seconds.
figured it out.''
3. Porting and Publishing 19

Lessons Choose your financial model Your game’s presentation

early on on app storefronts is super
learned while important
porting to the Designing your game systems

amazon App so they’re optimized for IAPs or From your game’s title and

ads means you have to structure description to choice of storefront
gameplay in ways to support them. imagery and icons, how you present
It’s a lot easier doing this right from your game to players is often just as
Porting Missile Cards to the Amazon
the beginning rather than shoehorning important as designing the gameplay
Appstore was a fairly smooth process,
these systems in after the fact, like I itself. It’s useful to conduct lots of
but going through these steps again
had to do with Missile Cards. Even if market research early in the design
reinforced some core lessons that I’ve
you plan to have a premium release process by seeing how similar games
picked up with previous games. Here’s
on one device and an IAP-supported position themselves and how well
a look at a few of the ones that stood
version on another, thinking how you received they are by players and
out from this experience.
can work those systems into your
gameplay early on in the process will
press. This can help give you ideas
to make your presentation pop while
''How you present
save you a lot of hassle. avoiding potential pitfalls, too.
your game to
players is
often just as
important as
designing the
gameplay itself.''
3. Porting and Publishing 20

Have a solid launch plan Partner with platforms

prepped whenever possible

Executing strong launch sales It’s always worth letting game engines
momentum requires having a plan and know about your game well before
following through on it. Between press launch and seeing if there are any
release and getting review code in opportunities to get on their radar for
the hands of influencers, to boosting a feature slot or other promotional
your game through social media activities. Reach out as soon as
and creating interesting content to you have a test build available and
support your launch, this is a vital step something polished to show, and
that many indies overlook. don’t forget to follow up!

''How you present

your game to
players is
often just as
important as
designing the
gameplay itself.''
Conclusion 21

In the six If you can craft something small and

months it took unique, and do it it in a fraction of

to originally
the time it’d normally take, why not
go for it? Some of the best gaming
create and experiences I’ve had over the last few

launch Missile years were smaller mobile games that

Cards, I
went out on a limb and dared to be
learned, and Making a game of any sort is a risky

grew a lot as an
adventure, and there’s never any
guarantees that your project will gain
indie developer. traction.

The biggest takeaway I’d like to But by shortening your development

leave with you is that there can be so cycle, simplifying your process, and
much value in narrowing your scope laser focusing on that distinct element
and making smaller games faster, that makes your game unique, you
particularly if you’re planning to open the door to trying weird and
launch on mobile. unusual ideas while also minimizing
risk of failure.
Market patterns shift wildly from year
to year, and while there’s certainly That can be incredibly empowering.
nothing wrong with taking a few years
to craft a really great game, the sheer
volume of high-quality games coming
out each week means that making
a great game alone isn’t really good
enough these days.
Conclusion 22

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Conclusion 23


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