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Q. What is word processing?

Answer: A facility that enable users to compose document using a computer with facility to
delete, re-format, store and print any kind of document such as letters, reports, etc.

MS-Word: A popular package word processing process under windows environment.

GUI: Graphical User Interface.
MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System

MS-Word 2007: When we begin explore MS-Word 2007, we will notice the following
1. The MS-office button.
2. The Quick access Bar
3. The Ribbon.

The office button performs many of functions that were located in the file menu all the versions
of words.

This button allow us to new document open an new document, Save As, Send, Publish or Close.

The Ribbon Panel at the top of the document. It has seven tabs: Home, Insert, Page layout,
References, Mailing, Review and View that content many new and existing features of Words.

Each tab divided into groups. The groups are logical connection of feature, design to perform
that we will utilize and developed everything our Word.

The commonly use are display on Quick office to view additional feature within click on the
arrow at right bottom of its group.

Each of the tab contains the following tool.

i. Home: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing.
ii. Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header and Footer, Text and Symbols.
iii. Pages layout: Themes, Page setup, Page Background, Arrange.
iv. References: Table of contents, Footnotes, Citations and Bibliography, Captions, Index, Table of
v. Mailing: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write and Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish.
vi. Review: Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect.
vii. View: Document views, Show/hide, Zoom in/Zoom out, Window, Macros.

The Quick access toolbar is a customizable toolbar, that contains command that we may want
to use we can place the Quick access toolbar above or below the given. We can also add item to the
Quick Access Toolbar. Write click on any item on the ribbon and added to Quick Access Toolbar.

Creating a new documents: Several ways in Ms- Word to create a new document.

Click the MS-Office button and click New or Press Ctrl + N on the keyboard.

Opening a new file: Click on the MS-office button and select Open or Press Ctrl + O on the

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Saving a document: Click the MS-office button and select Save (or Save As) or Ctrl + S or click
on the floppy disk icon on the toolbox bar.

Difference between Save and Save As: While saving a document for the 1st time, we have to
give a file name and can change the file type also. In the case, Save and Save As are similar. In
successive saving, nothing is required. Save As is used to save an existing document with a different
name and different type.

Printing a document: Click on MS-office button and select Print or Ctrl + P on the keyboard.

Document views: There are many ways to view a document in MS-Word.

1. Print Layout: This is the view of the document as it would appear when printed.
2. Full screen reading: This is a full view length of a document. Good for viewing two pages at a time.
3. Web layout: This is the view of the document as it would appear in web browser.
4. Outline: This is the outline form of the document in the forms of bullets and numberings.
5. Draft: This views doesn’t display pictures and layout, just text.

Editing a document: To enter text, just start typing. The text will appear on the right side of the
insertion point. Move the insertion point by using the arrow button on the keyboard or positioning
the mouse and clicking the left button.

Moving insertion point:

Left, right, up, down one character ←, →, ↑, ↓
Next word/One word to the right Ctrl +→
Previous word/One word to the left Ctrl + ←
Up paragraph/To the beginning of the current paragraph Ctrl + ↑
Down paragraph/To the beginning of the next paragraph Ctrl + ↓
Beginning of a line/To the beginning of the current line Home
To the end of the current line End
To the beginning of the document Ctrl + Home
To the end of the document Ctrl + End
To the beginning of the current page Ctrl + Page Up
To the beginning of the next page Ctrl + Page Down

Selecting text: To change any attribute of text, it must be highlighted first. Select the text by
dragging the mouse over the desire text while keeping the left mouse button depressed or hold
down the shift key on the keyboard while using the arrow buttons to highlight the text.
Selection with mouse Technique
One word Left double click on the word
A line of text Click in the selection bar to the left of
the line.
A sentence Ctrl + Click anywhere in sentence
A paragraph Double click in the selection bar next
to the paragraph/triple click
anywhere in the paragraph.
An entire document Ctrl + click on the selection bar/
triple click on the selection bar
Selection with mouse Technique
Word CTRL+SHIFT+ ← or →
Line Shift+ ↑ or ↓

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Paragraph CTRL+ SHIFT+ ↑ or ↓
Beginning of line SHIFT+ HOME
End of a line SHIFT + END
Beginning of a document CTRL+ SHIFT + HOME
End of a document CTRL+ SHIFT + END
Whole document CTRL+ A

Re-arranging block of text: To re-arrange text within a document, we can utilize the clipboard
group on the Home tab on the ribbon.

Clipboard: A temporary space place for data. We can use the cut and copy commands as well
as the windows screen capture command o place data on the clipboard. The clipboard only hold
24 pieces of information at a time, so cutting or copying on to the clipboard overwrites any existing

Copying and pasting text: Copying command is used to create a duplicate of a selected text.
The copy command store a duplicate of the selected text leaving the original selection unchanged.
The pastes command pastes the selection at the insertion point location.

Paste CTRL+V

Deleting block of text: Use the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys on the keyboard to delete text.
BACKSPACE will delete text to the left of the cursor/insertion point and DELETE will erase to the right.
To delete a large selection of text, highlight it and press DELETE key.

Undo changes shortcut Undo-CTRL+Z Redo-CTRL + Y

Formatting document: The general arrangement of the text is known as formatting.

Formatting features are used to enhance or emphasize take using Font effects, underlines and colours.
Text formatting includes character formatting, paragraph formatting and page formatting.

Character formatting: It is formatting applied to one or more character. Character

formatting consists of text attributes, bold/italic/underline, font size and text positioning, i.e.
Superscript/Subscript, etc. Character formatting can be applied in several ways
1. Using font dialog box
2. Keyboard shortcuts
3. Using formatting
Shortcuts for Shortcut
Font size CTRL+SHIFT+P
Italic CTRL+I
Underline CTRL+U
Superscript CTRL+SHIFT+ +
Subscript CTRL+ =
Grow font CTRL+SHIFT+>
Less font CTRL+SHIFT+<
Change case SHIFT+F3

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Paragraph formatting: The paragraph formatting controls the appearance of the text in the
paragraph. With paragraph formatting we can set a number of parameters like text alignment, tab
stops, line spacing, paragraph indentation, etc.

Horizontal alignment:
1. Left alignment (CTRL+L): Text is even with left margin. Right margin is uneven.
2. Right alignment (CTRL+R): Text is even with right margin but left margin is uneven.
3. Centre alignment (CTRL+E): Text is placed in the centre.
4. Justify (CTRL+J): Both margin are even.

Paragraph indentation: Indent is a temporary left or right margin for lines or paragraphs.
1. Left indent: Indent text from the left margin.
2. Right: Indent text from the right margin.
3. Double: Indent text from both the margin.
4. 1st line: Indent just the 1st line of a paragraph from the left margin.
5. Hanging: Indents all line but the 1st line from the margin.
Indentation Indentation technique using mouse
Indent from left CTRL+M
Remove left indent CTRL+SHIFT+M
Create or increase hanging indent CTRL+T
Reduce or remove hanging indent CTRL+SHIFT+T
Remove paragraph formatting CTRL+Q

Paragraph spacing: It is an amount of white space between paragraphs. In normal spacing

the default value of spacing after (in the paragraph dialog box is 10 pts.). We can use SHIFT+ENTER
not to have the spacing. We can set the paragraph spacing after opening the paragraph dialog box.

Line spacing: Line spacing is the amount of whit space between lines of text in a paragraph.
It is measured in lines or points. It can be set to single spacing, 1.5 lines or double spacing. We can
change the line spacing by using either the paragraph dialog box or keyboard shortcuts. It can be
done either in points or line.

Note: Default line spacing in Word 2007 is 1.15 lines.

Line spacing Shortcuts
Single line spacing CTRL+1
Double line spacing CTRL+2
One and half line spacing CTRL+5

Page formatting: Generally when we open a document, we start typing making use of the
default setting for paper size, orientation, margins and other options. Making settings for page
design and layout is called page formatting.

Page size: Click the page layout tab on the ribbon. Click the size drop down menu. Click the
appropriate choice.

Page orientation: It refers to the manner in which the document is to be printed. There are
two types of orientation- i) Portrait or ii) Landscape.

Margin: We can set the margins (amount of white space between the text and edge of the
page on all four sides).

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We can set margins through-
1) ruler bars.
2) Page setup dialog box.

Tab stops: They are used to control re-arrangement of text within a document. There are
five types of tab stops.
i) Left: Text starts flush left with tab stop.
ii) Right: Text starts flush right with tab stop.
iii) Center: Text is center on the tab stop.
iv) Decimal: Decimal points are allign with the tab stops.
v) Bar: A horizontal bar is displayed on the tab stop position.

Header and Footer: Header is repetitive text or graphics printed at the top of pages in a

Footer is repetitive text or graphics printed at the bottom of pages in a document.

Header or Footer can contain information such a page number, text, subject, etc. on every
pages of the document. By default header is printed 0.5 inches from the top of pages and footer is
printed 0.5 inches from the bottom of pages.

We can create or own Header or Footer using edit Header or Edit Footer otion from the drop
down lists.

e.g. to create a Header, click the insert tab, click the Header button and click edit Header at
the drop down list. This displace a Header at the drop down list. This displace a Header pane in the
document and also displace the Header and Footer tools designed with buttons and option for
editing the header.

Word wrap: A word processor automatically move a text to the next line when we type
beyond the right margin. This is known as word wrap.

Table: To create a table,

 Place the insertion point on the place where we want to put the new table.
 Click the insert tab of the ribbon.
 Click the table’s button on the tables group.

We can create table in one of the four ways.

1. Highlight the number of rows and columns.
2. Click insert table and enter the numbers of rows and columns.
3. Click the draw arrow.
4. Click Quick tables and choose the table.

Enter data on a table: Place the insertion point on the cell where you wish to enter the
information and typing.

Modified the table structure and format of a table: To modified the structure of a table click
the table and notice that you have two new tabs on the ribbon- design and layout.

On the design tab, we can choose table style option

 Table style
 Table size

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 Draw border

To format a table click the table and click the layout tab on the ribbon. This layout tab allow
us to

 New grid lines and properties.

 Insert rows and columns
 Delete the tables, rows and/or columns.
 Merge of a split cells.
 Increase and decrease cell size
 Align text within the cell and change text direction.

Insert equation: Word 2007 allows you to insert special character, symbols, picture,
illustration and watermark.

Single and special characters:

1. Place the insertion point in the document where you want to symbol.
2. Click the insert tab on the ribbon.
3. Click the symbol buttons on the symbols group.
4. Choose the appropriate symbol.

1. Place the insertion point in the document where you want to symbol.
2. Click the insert tab on the ribbon.
3. Click the equation button on the symbols group.
4. Choose the appropriate equation and structure or click insert new equation.

To edit an equation, click the equation and the designed will be available on the ribbon.

To insert clipart:
1. Place the insertion point in the document where you want to symbol.
2. Click the insert tab on the ribbon.
3. Click the clipart button.
4. Choose the illustration you wish to include.

To insert a picture:
1. Place the insertion point in the document where you want to symbol.
2. Click the insert tab on the ribbon.
3. Click the picture button.
4. Browse to the picture you wish to include.
Click the picture and click insert.

Using grammar and spelling checker

We use Word checker to find misspell word and find inclugated word. The spelling checker
compares word in the document with words in its dictionary. If a match is found, the word is passed
over if no match is found for the word, the spelling checker stops, selects the word and often
replacement. The grammar checker will search a document for errors in grammar punctuation and
word uses.

A spelling checker and grammar checker can help you create a well written document.

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To check spelling and grammar of a document (Shortcut-F7)

 Place the insertion point at the beginning of the document/ at the beginning of the
set which you want to check.
 Click the Review tab on the ribbon.
 Click spelling and grammar in the proofing group.
 Any errors will display dialog box that allows you to choose most appropriate
spelling and phrasing.

Finding and replacing text

Use the find and replace feature to find specific text and replace with the text. For
example, we can use abbreviations for common phrases when entering text and then replace the
abbreviations with actual text letter or you can set up standard document with generic names and
replace the name with other name to make a personalize document. We can find and replace some

Shortcuts Find- CTRL + F Replace – CTRL + H

Match case: If you search for Book, Word will stop at Book but not book or BOOK.
Find whole words only: If we search for our, stop only at the word our not your and yours.
Sounds like: e.g. know & no
Find all words font: e.g. hold, held and holding.
Ignore punctuation marks: e.g. U.S. & US
Ignore wide spaces: e.g. F B I & FBI.
Bullets and numbering
Bulleted list have bullet points, numbering list have no. and outline list have combine no.
and letters depending on the organisation of the list.

To add a list to existing text:

 Select the text you wish to make a list.

 From the paragraph group on the Home tab, click the bulleted or numbered list

To create a new list:

 Place your cursor where you want the list in the document.
 Click the bulleted or numbered list button.
 Begin typing.

AutoComplete: It is a very feature in Word. Word will suggest a complete word or phrases
when we type the 1st three or move letters of a common item such as date, day of week or an
AutoText entry.

AutoCorrect: The AutoCorrect feature in Word recognises typing mistake and

automatically corrects them. AutoCorrect can also be used to automatically type long words from an

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Mail Merge: It is often required to send letters with identical information to a group of
people who reside at different location. The letters may require the address of its person to be
printed at the top in addition to the standard information. MS-Word Mail Merge feature is used to
combine data source with a main document. The data source can be a Word data base file or it can
be a data-base created in another application. The main document contains text i.e. the same in its
document and merge-field codes, which instruct where to insert data source information in the main
document text.

Performing a Mail merge involves three basic steps:

1. Creating the main document.

2. Creating the data source.
3. Merging the data source and main document.

Steps for Mail Merge in Word 2007:

1. We click on the “Mailing tab” after opening MS-Word.

2. We click on the “start mail merge” and select letters from the drop down menu.
3. We prepare the main document by typing in the blank document.
4. We click on the “select Recipients” and select “type new list” to create a new data
source file.
5. A “new address list” dialog box opens up. We fill the details of the Recipients by
using existing field names or creating new one.
6. After typing on the details, we click on OK in the new address list dialog and data
source file is save.
7. We click on the “Insert Merge field” to insert the field names in the main
8. We click on the “Finish and Merge” and select “Edit Individual documents” to
create one individual letter for its addressee.
9. We can print out the individual letters or save the document for future.

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Spreadsheet concepts: Worksheet also called as spreadsheet is an electronic sheet made
up of rows and columns. The terms and spreadsheet and worksheet are often used
interchangeability. Spreadsheet usually refers to a computer programs whereas worksheet refers to
the actual document we created by using the spreadsheet programmes. MS-excel is a popular
spreadsheet programmes where we designed worksheet using the software package.
Ms-excel has a following co-ordinate feature.
I. Excel has grid of columns and rows into which we enter data.
II. Excel can perform mathematical or logical calculation.
III. We can easily change the contents of the cell. Moreover, if we change a number
i.e. used in a calculation as were in the spreadsheet the calculation is done
IV. We may customize the appearance of the sheet very similar to the flexibility of the
word processor which makes our data easy to read.
V. We can plot a wide varieties of graphs, displaying data in an easy to graphs to
pictorial form.

What is an electronic spreadsheet?

It is a software package which shows us tabular form, serve many function to perform
calculation. The 1st spreadsheet available for the PC was Digital Vesicle. It was followed by Lotus 1-2-
3. In 1993, the largest selling spreadsheet programme is MS-Excel.

Spreadsheet terminology:

1. Workbook: It is a collection of many worksheet. In a single workbook, we can store

information in an organised manner. By default, workbook opens with 3
worksheet. It is a basic file in a spreadsheet.
2. Worksheet: It is a sheet made up of rows and columns. It is used for planning a
project or financial document of an organisation.
3. Row: It is a horizontal block of cells that run through the entire width of the
worksheet. The rows are numbered from top to bottom along the left edge. The 1st
row is 1 and second 2 and so on. They can be maximum 10,48,576 rows.
4. Column: It is a vertical block of cells that runs through the entire worksheet. A
worksheet contains 16,384 columns levelled A through XFD. Earlier, only 256
columns levelled A to IV.
5. Cell: It is a smallest unit of worksheet formed by the intersection of row and
6. Cell address: A cell location in a <><><> of worksheet which is given by column
number row number.

Active cell: It is the cell which is currently selected.

Range: It is a rectangular box of contiguous cell.

Fill handle:

It is a small black sphere in the lower right corner of the active cell(s).

Formula bar displays the content of the active cell.

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Name box:

The name box is at the left end of the formula bar. It shows the cell address of the active
cell. It can be used as the name of the cell.

It is an order of values, names, cell, references, function and operators in a cell that
together give a new value. A formula begins with equal (=) sign but sometime it can begin with plus
(+) sign.
Advantages of spreadsheet:
1. Many built-in functions do the complex calculation very easily.
2. Large volume of data can be handle very easily.
3. A graphical representation of data is possible.
4. Useful information can be imported or exported from/to other software packages.
5. It entries are changed then formulas automatically calculate the result.

Application of spreadsheet

1. Presenting and forecasting

2. Scientific research
3. Financial accounting
4. Income tax and sell tax application.
5. Business application
6. Statistical analysis of data base
7. Job estimation and cost stats.

Editing and formatting data in worksheet:

After we have enter data in the worksheet we may need modify it i.e. add or delete some
contents. Anything worksheets involve cells contain copying and moving data, inserting and deleting
rows and column.

Changing the appearance of worksheet in terms of type phase, font size, inserting rows and
columns, adding comments, etc. is known as formatting.

For editing and formatting, we often need to select a group of cells we can work on.

Selecting a range: A range can be selected by using a keyboard or a mouse.

Selecting a range using mouse:

I. Click on the corner cells of the range to be selected.

II. Hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse pointer to the diagonal opposite
corner cell.

Selecting a range using keyboard

i. Click on the corner cells of the range to be selected.

ii. Hold the shift key and move diagonally opposite to the corner cell using arrow key.

Extending selection:

When the range is very large, dragging through the range is cumbersome. In such a case
one can opt for extending a selection. The steps are-

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I. Click on the corner cell.
II. Press F8 to extend selection, the status bar will now show “extend selection”.
III. Click on the diagonally opposite corner cell.
IV. To turn the extension mode off press ‘F8’ once again.

Selecting multiple range:

I. Select the 1st range.

II. Hold down the Ctrl key and select another range.
III. We can repeat step II.

Selecting complete row or column:

To select a complete row or column, we have to click the row heading or column heading.
We can press SHIFT + SPACE BAR to select the current row and press CTRL + SPACE BAR to select the
current column.

To select the entire worksheet, either click Select All button or CTRL + A.

Editing cell contains:

I. By overwriting the cell to be edited.

II. By partially modifying the cell contained.

Insert rows:

I. Select the row where we want to insert a new row by clicking on the row head.
II. Right click on the selected row and select insert from the pop-up menu. The
selected row will be shifted down next line.

Inserting columns:

I. Select the column where we want to insert a new column by clicking on the
column head.
II. Right click on the selected column and select insert from the pop-up menu. The
selected column will be shifted right next line.

Working with formula

Formulas in excel always begin with an equal sign and can include the following type of
data item:

A. Numeric and text values (constant)

B. Arithmetic operators, comparison operators, text operators, function and
C. Cell references and names.

Excel operators:

: → reference operator (e.g. =sum(A1:A4))

, → argument operator (e.g. =sum(A1,2), it equals (A1+2))

- → negation

% → parcel sign

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^ → Cap/Exponent {e.g. (=A1^2), it equals (A1)2}

*./ → Multiplication, division.

+,- → Addition, Subtraction.

& → Text Concatenation

= → equal to

 → Greater than

< → Less than

>= → Greater than or equal to

<= → Less than or equal to

<>→ not equal to

Cell references (3 types)

1. Relative cell reference.

2. Absolute reference.
3. Mixed reference.
1. Relative reference: Cells are referred to by their position in the worksheet relative to
the cell where the formula is enter.
2. Absolute reference: This is cell reference in which a cell is referred by its fixed position
in the worksheet. $ Sign is put before row and columns to create and absolute cell
3. Mixed reference: A combination of related and absolute cell reference is called mixed

A cell address has two parts – column letter and row no.

1. The $ sign before row as well as column makes absolute cell address.
2. No sign before row as well as column makes it relative cell address.
3. The $ sign before column letter or row number makes it mixed cell address
wherein part of a cell is relative and the other is absolute.


Functions are pre-defined formula that perform calculation on specific value called
arguments. Each function takes specific type of argument such as number references, text or logical
value. Excel functions can be divided into the following category.

1. Mathematical and Trigonometrical

2. Logical
3. Statistical
4. Date and Time
5. Taxes
6. Financial
7. Data base
8. Engineering
9. Information

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10. Look up and reference.

Deleting rows and columns

1. Select the row or column to be deleted.

2. Right click and select delete from pop-up menu.

Changing row height:

1. To change the row height of one row quickly.

2. Click on the bottom border of a row heading and drag it up or down.

Change the row height of several row at once.

Steps are-

1. Select the rows.

2. Click on format in the cell group on the Home tab and select row height from the pop-
up menu.
3. Enter the new height and click OK.

Changing column width

To change the column width of one row quickly

1. Click on the right border of a column heading and drag it left or right.

Change the column width of several column at once.

1. Select the columns.

2. Click on format in the cell group on the Home tab and select column width from the
pop-up menu.
3. Enter the new width and click OK.

Formatting text

It means to change the alignment of text, font style, font size, font attribute, indentation,
rotation, etc.

Setting alignment

Alignment is the way in which the data is placed within the boundary of a cell.


We have a line right centre and right tools alignment on the Home tab.

Vertical: Top, middle and bottom.

Merge and centre Let me centre the content of the cell across the no. of cell.

Wrap text: Text display on multiple line in the cell.

Orientation We can choose different orientation using alignment tab.

Font Formatting: In font group on the Home tab, tools are available to select font type,
size, Bond, Italic, Underline.

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Auto fill: Excel auto fill feature let us quickly enter. We defined series of data such as text
or nos.

e.g. Jan, Feb, …, Dec. & 1,2,3,…

Q. How to auto fill?

Answer: Click on the cell. A thick black border surround the active cell. The small black
square display at the bottom right corner of the active cell. The black square is called the fill handle.
The fill handle used to fill adjacent cell with the same data or consecutive data. They that are
automatically inserted in the adjacent cell are dependent on the content of the active cell.

Point at the fill handle. The same pointer changes from the large width cross to a thick
Black cross. Hold down left mouse button or drag the pointer to another cell and release the pointer.

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