Cylinders and Pipes - Conductive Heat Losses

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Cylinders and Pipes - Conductive Heat Losses

Conductive heat losses through cylinder or pipe walls

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Q = 2 π L (ti - to) / [ln(ro / ri ) / k] (1)

whereQ = heat transfer from cylinder or pipe (W, Btu/hr)k = thermal conductivity of piping material
(W/mK or W/m oC, Btu/(hr oF ft2/ft))L = length of cylinder or pipe (m, ft)π = pi = 3.14...
to = temperature outside pipe or cylinder (K or oC, oF)ti = temperature inside pipe or cylinder (K or oC,
oF)ln = the natural logarithmro = cylinder or pipe outside radius (m, ft)ri = cylinder or pipe inside radius
(m, ft)

Insulated Cylinder or Pipe

Conductive heat loss through an insulated cylinder or pipe can be expressed as

Q = 2 π L (ti - to) / [(ln(ro / ri ) / k) + (ln(rs / ro) / k s )] (2)

where rs = outside radius of insulation (m, ft) k s = thermal conductivity of insulation material (W/mK or
W/m oC, Btu/(hr oF ft2/ft))
Equation 2 with inside convective heat resistance can be expressed as

Q = 2 π L (ti - to) / [1 / (hc ri ) + (ln(ro / ri ) / k) + (ln(rs / ro) / k s )] (3)where hc = convective

heat transfer coefficient (W/m K)
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