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Module 6

Pedagogy II – Differentiated Instruction


Differentiated instruction involves assessing student knowledge in a given content area, then using a variety
of strategies to effectively create curriculum that is, in effect, individualized. I find it very important to
address the specific and individual needs of students. There are students of varying learning abilities
entering our school system and the use of different techniques should be encouraged and demanded of
schools, if all students are going to be effectively taught. Teachers must get to better know their students
and then develop lessons in such a way as to deliver content which best suits the students. The use of ICT
has proven to be effective in making learning fun and easier and has made it possible to address multiple
intelligences in a single lesson.

The use of ICT as a central feature in teaching, learning and assessing in Trinidad and Tobago is still in its
infancy. As a result many problems are encountered including insufficient training of teachers, unreliable
internet access and inadequate internet bandwidth. A greater effort has to be made to resolve these issues if
the system is to be functional and reliable sooner rather than later. Failure to do so will deny many special
needs students the opportunity to learn as the better students do, in an age where the barrier can be bridged.


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