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Applications of the
Polymerase Chain Reaction
in Environmental
Asim K. Bej 1 and M e e n a H. M a h b u b a n i 2
Departments of 1Biology and 2Microbiology, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Alabama 35294

The application of the polymerase inhibits the amplification process (A. samples can be treated with guanidi-
chain reaction ~l-s~ (PCR) to explore Bej, unpubl.). n i u m hydrochloride, and phenol-
various areas of e n v i r o n m e n t a l micro- chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction
biology has the potential to solve Purification of Nucleic Acids from followed by ethanol precipitation. (9/
m a n y difficult and unanswered ques- Soil and Sediment Although significantly higher a m o u n t s
tions about microbial activities in the Much effort has been devoted to devel- of nucleic acids can be recovered by
e n v i r o n m e n t at the physiological and oping convenient methods for remov- following the direct lysis method, the
molecular levels. This review describes ing h u m i c materials from e n v i r o n m e n - presence of eukaryotic DNA in the
the use of PCR for the detection of tal samples to achieve successful PCR sample is a possibility.
specific microbes in e n v i r o n m e n t a l amplification of the target nucleic
samples and discusses how PCR m a y be acids. Either direct lysis or isolation of Purification of Nucleic Acids from
used to answer future questions in bacterial cells followed by lysis can be Microorganisms in W a t e r
molecular microbial ecology. The first used for extraction of DNA from mi- Nucleic acids for PCR amplification
two sections of the review will discuss croorganisms present in the environ- from microorganisms present in the
preparation of nucleic acids from en- m e n t a l soil or sediment. ~61 Purification aquatic e n v i r o n m e n t can be isolated
v i r o n m e n t a l microorganisms and PCR of the released DNA can be performed and purified more easily than those
methodology specific to e n v i r o n m e n - by applying a c o m b i n a t i o n of the vari- from soil and sediment. A simple
tal microbiolog)'. Subsequent sections ous standard purification methods m e t h o d for isolating nucleic acids from
present information on applying these such as phenol-chloroform extraction aquatic samples has been demonstrat-
methods to e n v i r o n m e n t a l problems followed by a m m o n i u m acetate-etha- ed by Sommersville et al. I1~ and con-
such as: detection of genetically nol precipitation, repeated polyvinyl- sists of collecting cells, followed by
engineered microbes, detection of in- polypyrrolidone (PVPP) treatment or lysis and separation of plasmid DNA,
digenous microorganisms in the en- dialysis, hydroxylapatite or affinity chromosomal I)NA, and RNA in a
vironment and indicator micro- chromatography, and multiple CsC1- single filter cartridge. The dissolved
organisms in water, detection of water- EtBr density gradient centrifugation. and particulate DNA t h e n can be con-
borne microbial pathogens and viable All of these methods produce positive veniently purified for PCR analy-
but nonculturable microorganisms, PCR amplification from the environ- sis. ~11,121 In various other studies, the
and e n v i r o n m e n t a l m o n i t o r i n g with m e n t a l samples. Recently, Tsai and O1- following procedures were found to be
multiplex PCR. son (7~ have described a direct extrac- essential to yield sufficiently pure DNA
tion m e t h o d using lysozyme followed for various molecular biological
PURIFICATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS by freeze-thaw disruption of the cells. analyses and perhaps PCR analyses:
FROM ENVIRONMENTAL The released DNAs were t h e n purified CsCI-EtBr density gradient centrifuga-
MICROORGANISMS FOR PCR by standard phenol-chloroform extrac- tion/12t for all e n v i r o n m e n t a l DNAs,
AMPLIFICATION tion and chromatography. In another multiple PVPP treatment for rRNA
Extraction and extensive purification study, bacterial cells were differentially studies, (13J and repeated phenol-chlo-
of nucleic acids from e n v i r o n m e n t a l separated from soil colloids on the roform extractions for total planktonic
microorganisms is necessary for suc- basis of their buoyant densities. 18~ In DNA t14,1s~ or cyanobacterial DNA. {16)
cessful PCR amplification. Some of the this method, a modified sucrose gradi- Microbial cells can be collected on
general e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n t a m i n a n t s ent centrifugation protocol is used to a filter, lysed by repeated freeze-thaw
that can inhibit the PCR reaction are separate most of the soil colloids from methods, and used for PCR amplifica-
the presence of h u m i c materials, clay, the bacterial cells in the sample for tion without removing the filter from
and organics. For example the addition PCR amplification of the target DNA. the reaction tube. {17) Alternatively,
of as little as 0.001 ~g of montomoril- To isolate and purify RNA from en- filtered cells can be lysed directly on
lite h u m i c material in the PCR reaction vironmental microorganisms, the the filter by lysozyme, and the released

1:1 51-1599 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN 1054-9803/92 $3.00 PCR Methods and Applications 151
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DNA can be purified by phenol-choro- method is based on the fact that non- Thus, when a PCR reaction is con-
form extraction followed by ethanol specific priming and subsequent pro- taminated with RNA, this approach
precipitation to yield adequately duction of unwanted amplified DNA will not be useful and false amplifica-
purified DNA for PCR amplification bands generally result due to the reten- tion may result. Another problem with
and analysis. (18) tion of considerable enzymatic activity this approach is that the amplified
Although the methods described at temperatures below the optimum DNA must be stored at high tempera-
above can remove the majority of the for DNA synthesis. Therefore, during ture (72~ until it is transferred to a
environmental contaminants and are the initial heating step of the PCR reac- freezer to prevent degradation of the
useful for various molecular biological tion, primers that anneal nonspecifi- newly amplified DNA product from
studies, there is no standard protocol cally to a partially single-stranded any residual activity of the enzyme.
for removing all possible inhibitors template region can be extended and
that can be applied for all types of en- stabilized before the reaction reaches Thermostable DNA Polymerase
vironmental samples. the 72~ temperature for extension of
Native Taq DNA polymerase and
specifically annealed primers. If the recombinant AmpliTaq DNA polymer-
PCR METHODOLOGY FOR DNA polymerase is activated only after
ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS ase of Thermus aquaticus are c o m m o n l y
the reaction has reached high (>70~
used for DNA amplification by PCR.
Basically, PCR is the in vitro enzymatic temperatures, nontarget amplification
Recently, several other thermostable
amplification of a DNA fragment that can be minimized by manual addition
DNA polymerases have been intro-
is performed by using two flanking of an essential reagent, e.g., DNA
duced and these may have potential
oligonucleotide primers at the two polymerase, to the reaction tube at
advantages for environmental PCR
ends of the target DNAJ 3/ This meth- elevated temperatures. This approach
technology. The Stoffel fragment, a
odology has several advantages, as well improves specificity and minimizes the
modified version of the Taq DNA
as disadvantages, over conventional formation of "primer dimers."
polymerase in which 289 amino acids
methodologies used in environmental
are deleted from the amino-terminal
microbiology. Some of the recent ad- Removal of PCR Carryover end of the enzyme, is approximately
vancements in PCR technology that Contamination twofold more thermostable, exhibits
may be very useful in environmental
Another potential problem is con- optimal activity over a broader range
applications and that we would like to
tamination of the PCR amplification of magnesium ion concentrations
discuss in some detail are: (1) "hot
reaction with products of a previous (2-10 mM), and lacks any intrinsic
start," (2) removal of PCR carryover
contaminants, and (3) thermostable PCR reaction, i.e., product carryover, 5 ' ---3 ' exonuclease activity compared
DNA polymerase from various thermo- cross-contamination between samples, to the complete Taq DNA polymerase.
tolerent microorganisms, some of or contamination with exogenous As a result, when using the Stoffel frag-
them with additional activities such as nucleic acids from the laboratory en- ment, the denaturation temperature
reverse transcriptase. vironment, all of which can create can be raised several degreesf19/; this is
false-positive results. Although some useful for templates that are G+C-rich
general precautions and good labora- or that contain complex secondary
Hot Start tory practice will reduce the possibility structures. Manv environmental micro-
The specificity of oligonucleotide of such contamination problems, (21) bes are identified by amplifying
primers for the amplification of a other simple and more effective pre- ribosomal RNA, which may have such
specific target for detecting a specific ventive measures can be taken by ex- complex secondary structure, as
microbial pathogen or a released posing the reaction mixture to ultra- targets. In addition, when using the
genetically engineered microorganism violet light, 122/ treating the reaction Stoffel fragment, the primer c a n be
(GEM) in the environment can be mixture with multiple restriction en- selected with higher annealing temper-
determined by testing varieties of mi- zymes or DNase I, followed by inacti- ature for better specificity and the
croorganisms. However, because of the vation of these enzymes, or photo- entire PCR reaction can be performed
vast diversity of microorganisms in any chemical modification of the contam- at an elevated temperature without
environmental sample, it is possible inating DNA with psoralen or isop- losing much of the enzyme activity.
that one may get nonspecific PCR am- soralen.t23,24~ Another thermostable DNA poly-
plification. (19) Thus, increased specific- Another effective approach is to merase isolated from Thermus thermo-
ity is an important issue for environ- make contaminating PCR products sus- philus (Tth) has significant reverse tran-
mental PCR. Methods such as increas- ceptible to degradation by substituting scriptase activity, especially in the
ing or decreasing MgC12 concentra- dUTP for dTTP in every PCR reaction presence of MnC12 j~9) Tth polymerase
tions in the PCR reaction, high Tm and treating the subsequent PCR reac- can be useful for detecting gene expres-
value of the primers with an approxi- tion mix with uracil DNA glycosyl- sion and viable but nonculturable mi-
mately 50% GC content, and a random ase, f2s) which will selectively eliminate croorganisms in the environmental
base distribution m i n i m u m of 5-6 dU-containing DNA by cleaving the samples by using mRNA-cDNA-PCR
bases at the 3 ' e n d of each of the uracil. This enzyme is active for both amplification in a single reaction.
primers can be used to remove non- double- and single-stranded DNAs con- Recently, several other thermo-
specific amplified DNA. Also effective taining abasic polynucleotide (dUTP), stable DNA polymerases have been iso-
is the "hot start" method. (19,2~ This but does not react on RNA template. lated and tested for their fidelity,

152 PCR Methods and Applications

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stability at high temperatures, and ex- DETECTION OF RELEASED GEMS IN cubation, using the unique cloned
onuclease activities. (26-28) The fidelity THE ENVIRONMENT BY PCR DNA sequence as a target.
of the DNA polymerase isolated from There are m a n y promising applications These studies show that the PCR
Thennococcus litoralis (Vent DNA poly- of GEMs in industry, agriculture, and m e t h o d can be used for m o n i t o r i n g
merase) has been studied and com- medicine, but their use has been released GEMs in an e n v i r o n m e n t con-
pared with other DNA polymerases limited thus far because of a lack of sisting of a complex habitat of diverse
such as Taq, Klenow, T4, and T7 DNA sensitive methods for the m o n i t o r i n g microorganisms, in w h i c h it m a y be
polyrnerases by Eckert and Kunkel. ~29) and detection of GEMs after their tedious and time c o n s u m i n g to dis-
The advantage of using Vent DNA release in the e n v i r o n m e n t . Cultural criminate the GEMs from the in-
polymerase is that it has 3 ' ~ 5 ' exo- m e t h o d s and methods such as colony digenous microorganisms.
nuclease activity, which increases the hybridization, which d e p e n d on the In another study, a single copy of
fidelity of the reaction about sixfold as ability to recover and culture the the transposon Tn5 was transferred
compared to the Taq DNA polymerase. organism from an e n v i r o n m e n t a l into the genomic DNA of Rhizobium
It is noteworthy to m e n t i o n that Vent sample, lack sensitivity due to the leguminosarum, w h i c h was released into
DNA polymerase has a base substitu- limited efficiency of recovering bac- the soil. These GEMs were detected by
tion error rate of 1/31,000 in a reaction teria from natural environments. Ex- "double" PCR amplification using the
c o n t a i n i n g 1 mM dNTPs, w h i c h is traction of microbial DNA from the en- transposon Tn5 as target to a
similar to that observed for the Klenow v i r o n m e n t a l sample, either directly or sensitivity of 1-10 cfu/gram of soil. (8)
DNA polymerase. Interestingly, T. after recovery of microbial cells, fol- Although it is adequate to use Tn5,
litoralis grows at a temperature of 98~ lowed by gene probe hybridization, w h i c h contains an antibiotic resistance
in thermal vents on the ocean floor, t h o u g h more sensitive t h a n cultural gene as a model target for PCR detec-
and Vent DNA polyrnerase, isolated methods, still lacks the level of tion, this m a y not be an appropriate
from this organism, retains its activity sensitivity required to determine the marker for releasing GEMs into the en-
for over 2 hr at 100~ with a primer ultimate fate of GEMs because of the v i r o n m e n t because of Tn5's ability to
extension capacity of up to 13 kb. ~3~ limited relative numbers of target gene be transferred into indigenous micro-
Recently, another therrnostable sequences that may be present in the organisms, making t h e m antibiotic
DNA polymerase has been isolated sampleJ 33~ resistant also. Detection of the in-
from a thermophilic, anaerobic, PCR amplification of the engineer- digenous Tn5 sequence by PCR m a y
marine archaebacterium, Pyrococcus ed genes from the released micro- give false-positive results in such cases.
fitriosus ~hl). The pill DNA polymerase organisms to several millionfold can
is a monomeric, 92-kD protein with potentially increase the sensitivity of
both 5 ' ~ 3 ' a n d 3'~5'exonuclease detection of released GEMs in the en- DETECTION OF INDIGENOUS
activities./311 p/~ has better thermo- vironment. The PCR m e t h o d was first MICROORGANISMS IN THE
stability at 95~ t h a n some other ther- applied to monitor GEMs by Steffan ENVIRONMENT BY PCR
mostable DNA polymerases and has a and Atlas./331 They detected by PCR Detection of Degrading
12-fold lower mutation frequency than amplification a portion of the 1.3-kb Microorganisms
Taq DNA polyrnerase. repeat sequence from Pseudomonas One of the potential ways to eliminate
Eckert and Kunkel/32) have shown cepacia ACllO0, a herbicide (2,4,5-T)- various pollutants and toxic wastes in
in a comparison of the fidelities of the degrading bacterium, after the the e n v i r o n m e n t is efficient biodegra-
various thermostable DNA polymerases organism was released in the soil. Their dation and bioremediation by various
that Tth and the Thermus flavis sensitivity of detection was 100 GEMs indigenous microorganisms at the pol-
Replinase are lO-fold less accurate than in 100 grams of sediment against a luted sites. Sensitive detection of such
the T4 or native T7 DNA polymerases. background of 1011 diverse nontarget degrading microorganisms in the pol-
Although, the use of various newly microorganisms, at least 103-fold high- luted and toxic waste sites m a y be pos-
introduced thermostable DNA poly- er than the sensitivity of n o n a m p l i f i e d sible by using PCR. Although there
merases with proofreading activities conventional dot-blot hybridization might be variations in the genes of the
and lower misincorporation rates dur- detection. same or different groups of micro-
ing synthesis m a y be an advantage to In another example, a 0.3-kb organisms for the degradation of one
PCR users for direct cloning and se- u n i q u e DNA sequence from Pennisetum or several types of pollutants, it m a y be
quencing of PCR products, PCR-based purpureum (napier grass) was cloned possible to identify these micro-
methods for mutagenesis, or detection into pRCIO, a derivative of 2,4- organisms by detecting the conserved
of point mutations, the r e m a i n i n g con- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid-degrading regions of these genes by PCR amplifi-
cern is the degradation of primers in plasmid, and transferred into Esche- cation.
the PCR reaction mixtures by these en- richia coll. 134) This genetically altered One such study used the nucleotide
zymes. From a comparative study of microbe was then released into filter- sequence information of a chlorocate-
the exonuclease activities and tempera- sterilized lake and sewage-water chol dioxygenase-degrading gene
ture profiles of Vent and pfu DNA samples at a concentration of 104 cells (tfdC) from Alcaligenes eutrophus
polymerases, it has been claimed that per milliliter. The microbe was detec- JMP134 (pJP4); oligonucleotide primers
pfu has a m u c h lower primer degrada- ted by PCR at a sensitivity several-fold were designed for the detection of vari-
tion activity t h a n the Vent DNA higher t h a n the conventional plating ous chloro-aromatic-degrading bacteria
polymerase (E. Mathur, pers. comm.). technique, even after 10-14 days of in- by PCR amplification. (3st PCR amplifi-

PCR Methods and Applications 153

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cation using such oligonucleotide stance). PCR amplification of specific regions of the uidA gene, w h i c h codes
primers provides information quickly targets makes it possible to identify a for the [3-glucuronidase enzyme, and
on the variations, similarities, and group of microbes in such a biofilm part of the uidR gene, which is the
functional aspects of various pollutant- that m a y have been missed by the con- regulatory region of the uidA gene, as
degrading genes present in closely or ventional techniques. To determine targets. Besides being less time con-
distantly related microorganisms in the the feasibility of PCR, a sulfidogenic s u m i n g and having higher specificity
e n v i r o n m e n t . W h e n such a polluted biofilm has been established in an and sensitivity, the most important ad-
site is identified, it is important to in- anaerobic fixed-bed bioreactor. PCR vantage of this m e t h o d over conven-
vestigate the possibility of the presence amplification was performed for the tional and other commercially avail-
of various degrading microbes at that detection of the population architec- able methods is that it can detect the
site. In m a n y instances, conventional ture of all the Gram-negative sulfate- uidA-negative E. coli that do not show
microbiological techniques do not reducing bacteria using a region of the a positive signal with the conventional
detect all the pesticide-degrading in- 16S ribosomal RNA conserved in the tests because they lack the 13-
digenous microorganisms, as some of resident sulfate reducing bacteria. ~36t glucuronidase enzyme. The sensitivity
t h e m m a y be in a viable but non- of the m e t h o d is 1-10 fg of genomic
culturable condition. DETECTION OF INDICATOR DNA and 1-5 viable E. coli cells.
In another study, specific detection MICROORGANISMS IN WATER Similarly, Cleuziat and Baudouy-
of a herbicide (2,4-dichlorophenoxy- The bacteriological safety of water sup- Robert/38t have used a large region of
acetic acid)-degrading bacteria was plies is tested by m o n i t o r i n g coliform the uid gene of E. coli as a target for
achieved by PCR amplification of a bacteria whose presence in the water PCR amplification and gene probe
region of /-fdB gene from pJP4 and its indicates potential h u m a n fecal con- detection of E. coli and Shigella spp.
derivative plasmid pRO103 (I. Pepper, t a m i n a t i o n and the possibility of the This PCR gene probe-based m e t h o d
pers. comm.). In this study, by using presence of enteric pathogens. Coli- has the specificity and sensitivity re-
direct PCR amplified DNA analysis, it form bacteria are traditionally detected quired for m o n i t o r i n g coliforms as in-
was possible to detect approximately by culturing on media such as Mac- dicator organisms in e n v i r o n m e n t a l
3000 cfu or 15.6 pg of plasmid DNA. Conkey, m-Endo, eosin m e t h y l e n e and potable waters.
The sensitivity of such detection was blue, or brilliant-green-lactose-bile A field evaluation of PCR detection
onefold higher w h e n DNA-DNA hy- media. of enteric pathogens and indicator mi-
bridization was performed with an The culture m e t h o d for m o n i t o r i n g croorganisms has been reported using
oligonucleotide probe internal to the E. coli in e n v i r o n m e n t a l and potable uidA and lacZ as targets./39t Although
amplified DNA. Using such oligonucle- waters has several problems associated these targets for PCR amplification
otide primers and PCR amplification, it with it. The conventional confirmative detection show great promise, the
is possible to detect the specific micro- tests for the detection of E. coli, all of targets for specific detection of E. coli,
organisms carrying the degrading gene w h i c h require culturing of the organ- Shigella spp., and Salmonella spp. are
from a complex mixed microbial popu- ism, are time consuming. Moreover, yet to be described.
lation in the e n v i r o n m e n t . they do not detect viable but non-
culturable bacteria, which m a y occur DETECTION OF WATER-BORNE
Identification of Microorganisms in due to chlorine injury during the pro- MICROBIAL PATHOGENS BY PCR
Biofilms cess of water purification and treat- Apart from the detection and monitor-
Formation of biofilms on various sur- ment. Also, the cells m a y die between ing of indicator microorganisms for
faces by microorganisms in the en- the time of collection and the test. water quality assessment, it is also im-
v i r o n m e n t can be beneficial or A colorimetric test, the Colilert test, portant to detect with high sensitivity
detrimental. For example, microbial for the detection of E. coli is based on and specificity various water-borne mi-
aggregation or a t t a c h m e n t is required the detection of [~-o-glucuronidase en- crobial pathogens.
for various water treatments; on the zyme produced by uidA gene. This
other hand, extensive corrosion and m e t h o d requires the culturing of bac- PCR D e t e c t i o n o f Legionella
biodeterioration can be caused due to teria. In addition, this m e t h o d fails to Legionella spp. is a water-borne micro-
the formation of such microbial detect [3-D-glucuronidase-negative E. bial pathogen and can cause Legion-
biofilms. Characterization and ecology coli. naires' disease in h u m a n s via aerosol.
of microbial populations in biofilms Bej et al. ~18~ have developed a PCR Starnbach et al. C4~ reported the detec-
has been hindered because the avail- gene probe-based m e t h o d for the tion of Legionella pneumophila by
able determinative techniques require detection of coliform bacteria. Ampli- amplification of a fragment of DNA of
culture of microorganisms in selective fication of a portion of the lacZ gene u n k n o w n function from Legionella
media. These methods eliminate m a n y detects E. coli and other coliform bac- using PCR. Their sensitivity of detec-
of the important microbes from the teria, including Shigella spp. Amplifica- tion was equivalent to 35 colony form-
biofilms since they survive only in a tion of part of the lamB gene detects E. ing units detected by viable plating.
mixed culture and live on the co- coli, Sahnonella, and Shigella spp. In M a h b u b a n i et al. ~411 have developed a
metabolism (the gratuitous metabolic another study, Bej et al. 137) developed a m e t h o d based upon PCR and gene
transformation of a substance by a mi- m e t h o d for the detection of E. coli and probes for detecting Legionella in en-
croorganism growing on another sub- Shigella spp. using four different v i r o n m e n t a l water sources. All species

154 PCR Methods and Applications

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of Legionella, including all 15 m a n genes. genes in a single reaction for their

serogroups of L. pneumophila, were A modification of this approach of detection. W h e n several GEMs are
detected by PCR amplification of a simultaneous PCR amplification of released together for the degradation
104obp DNA sequence that codes for a multiple targets associated in different of complex hazardous wastes and pol-
region of 5S rRNA followed by bacteria in the e n v i r o n m e n t a l samples lutants, they can be monitored togeth-
radiolabeled oligoprobe hybridization has been demonstrated. ~4sl Multiplex er, possibly both qualitatively and
to an internal region of the amplified amplification of two different Legion- quantitatively, in a single PCR reaction
DNA. Strains of L. pneumophila (all ella genes, one specific for Legionella by amplifying a u n i q u e segment of the
serogroups) were specifically detected pneumophila (mip) and the other for the DNA of each of the GEMs, as well as by
based upon amplification of a portion genus Legionella (5S rRNA), was amplifying a c o m m o n segment of all
of the coding region of the macro- achieved by staggered addition of two the GEMs that is not present in other
phage infectivity potentiator (mip) different sets of primers at two dif- eubacterial species.
gene. Pseudomonas spp. that exhibit ferent concentrations. (4s) This m e t h o d
antigenic cross-reactivity in serological can detect genus Legionella and L. DETECTION OF VIABLE BUT
detection methods did not produce pneumophila should they be present in NONCULTURABLE
positive signals in the PCR gene probe one sample. Using the same target MICROORGANISMS IN THE
m e t h o d using Southern blot analyses. genes, mip and 5S rRNA, a multiplex ENVIRONMENT
Single-cell, single-gene Legionella detec- PCR assay for genus Legionella and L. There are several reports on the exis-
tion was achieved with the PCR gene pnemnophila was described. ~46~ In this tence of m a n y microorganisms, includ-
probe methods. study, equal amplified products were ing h u m a n pathogens, in the environ-
achieved by adding equimolar quanti- ment in a viable but nonculturable,
PCR Detection of Giardia ties of each of the primers. This may be i.e., dormant, stage. ~48-s~ These micro-
Another microbial pathogen, Giardia due to the fact that the two target se- bial pathogens are shown to be poten-
lamblia, causes defined waterborne quences were closer in length than in tially infectious w h e n suitable condi-
diarrhea in the United States and in the system, developed and described tions prevail. 1481 One obvious difficulty
m a n y other parts of the world. Diag- previously.~ 17.41.45 in elucidating this potential hazard is
nosis of G. lamblia from e n v i r o n m e n t a l In a field study of water quality the inability to detect these viable but
samples is performed by concentrating monitoring, simultaneous PCR amplifi- nonculturable cells in the e n v i r o n m e n t
100 gallons of water followed by mi- cation was performed using lacZ and because routine microbiological meth-
croscopic e x a m i n a t i o n using fluoros- uidA as targets. In this study, it was ods will not allow t h e m to grow (on
cent dye. Using PCR amplification of posssible to detect in one sample total agar media) or will not distinguish
different segments of the giardin gene coliform bacteria by amplification of t h e m from the dead cells (by micro-
of G. lamblia, it was possible to differ- the lacZ gene, the indicator micro- scopic technique).
entiate G. lamblia from G. muris. 142) organism E. coli, and a pathogen Recognizing that the terms "alive"
Also, a single Giardia cyst was detected Shigella spp. bv the amplification of the and "viable" are subject to different
by PCR amplification after separating uidA gene. t36J" Also, in this study the definitions, the reasonably acceptable
the cyst by a micromanipulator. ~43) Al- lacZ PCR detection m e t h o d gave results definition would be that the live cells
t h o u g h the specificity and sensitivity statistically equivalent to those of the are considered those capable of cell
of the detection of Giardia shows great conventional plate count and defined division, metabolism (respiration), or
promise for rapid and reliable monitor- substrate methods accepted by the U.S. gene transcription (mRNA produc-
ing of this pathogen in water, applica- Environmental Protection Agency for tion). ~49,5~ To detect those microbial
tion of this m e t h o d for the detection water quality monitoring. The uidA cells that are in a viable but non-
of this pathogen in concentrates of 100 PCR m e t h o d was more sensitive t h a n culturable state in the e n v i r o n m e n t , it
gallons of e n v i r o n m e n t a l water sample the 4-methylumbelliferyl-13-D-glucuron- is desirable to target the mRNA rather
needs to be demonstrated. ide-based defined substrate test for the t h a n the DNA first for cDNA synthesis
specific detection of E. coli. followed by PCR amplification. The
MULTIPLEX PCR AMPLIFICATION In another study multiplex amplifi- potential problem of this approach is
FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING cation of five different targets in a that most of the prokaryotic mRNAs
OF MICROORGANISMS single PCR reaction has been achieved have half-lives of only few minutes.
It is possible that e n v i r o n m e n t a l for the detection of n o n p n e u m o p h i l a
samples and drinking water m a y con- Legionella spp., L. pneumophila, total PCR D e t e c t i o n of L. pneumophila
tain more t h a n one type of microbial coliforms, E. coli and Shigella spp., and M a h b u b a n i et al. ~sl) have shown that
pathogen in addition to the indicator total eubacterial species. (47) the mRNA of the mip gene of L.
microorganism. Use of multiplex PCR It may be desirable in future studies pneumophila can be stabilized simply
for amplification and detection of to group certain microbial pathogens by growing the cells for 10-15 m i n in
more than one target in a single PCR and indicators in the e n v i r o n m e n t a l the presence of c h l o r a m p h e n i c o l be-
reaction can be useful for m o n i t o r i n g samples and design the primers for fore harvesting. They have shown that
multiple microbial pathogens in a specific targets. For example, one can the PCR amplification of the mip
single e n v i r o n m e n t a l or water sample. group all the e n v i r o n m e n t a l and mRNA could be a potential m e a n s for
This m e t h o d was first described by water-borne respiratory pathogens and the detection of metabolically active L.
C h a m b e r l a i n et al. (44) for detecting hu- PCR amplify all the specific target pneumophila cells. The use of chloram-
PCR Methods and Applications 155
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phenicol for increasing the stability of able but nonculturable microorganisms level of mRNA production with high
bacterial mRNA is yet to be tested in are: (1) less DNA content per cell, (2) sensitivity in the e n v i r o n m e n t a l sam-
other microorganisms. difficulty in breaking open the cell be- ples. A promising m e t h o d for extrac-
Another perplexing issue that m a y cause of the change in the cell wall tion of specific mRNA from soil seed-
create additional problems in such an that m a y occur due to carbon or ed with naphthalene-degrading and
approach is the efficiency of gene ex- nitrogen starvation or changes in the mercury-resistant bacterial cells has
pression of these d o r m a n t microbial e n v i r o n m e n t a l conditions, and (3) been described./9) This m e t h o d can be
pathogens. It is possible that the tran- modification of the target gene due to completed w i t h i n a few hours; approx-
scriptional or regulatory systems of the genetic rearrangement. However, imately 17 ug of total RNA per gram
target genes in these microbial Brauns et al. Is3) did not attempt to use (wet weight) of soil containing 8 • 108
pathogens are inhibited by various en- h e m o l y s i n mRNA as a target for PCR bacterial cells can be purified with a
v i r o n m e n t a l factors and inhibitors amplification from the nonculturable DNA-RNA hybridization detection
w h e n they are present in the natural cells, a m e t h o d that could have sensitivity of 160 ng of specific target
environment. Therefore, in this situa- determined the exact nature of the mRNA. Although, this m e t h o d has
tion the quantity of the target mRNA ceils (i.e., alive or dead), and the gene potential for studying in situ gene ex-
level m a y be so low that it m a y remain expression of the target. pression, the h u m i c acid c o m p o u n d s
undetected even by a m e t h o d as A study bv M a h b u b a n i et al. r has may precipitate with samples contain-
sophisticated as PCR. However, it has shown that mRNA-PCR alone is not ing high-cation-exchange capacity,
been shown by Bej et al. (521 and Brauns sufficient to distinguish live Giardia e.g., some sediments, which will great-
et al. ~s3~ that targeting DNA for PCR cysts from dead ones, since cysts killed ly reduce the total RNA recovery ef-
amplification may be sufficient for the by heat treatment or m o n o c h l o r a m i n a - ficiency and sensitivity of detection.
detection of culturable and non- tion also give positive mRNA PCR Application of PCR for detecting
culturable microbial pathogens. Both amplification. Therefore, in this organ- specific mRNA extracted from various
viable culturable and viable non- ism, if the giardin mRNA is used as a e n v i r o n m e n t a l samples by this m e t h o d
culturable ceils of L. pneumophila, target for PCR amplification, it is has yet to be evaluated.
formed during exposure to hypo- necessary to include an mRNA induc-
chlorite, showed positive PCR amplifi- tion step in the procedure to deter- DISCUSSION
cation, whereas nonviable cells did m i n e the viability of the cysts.
not. Field verification of this approach Although the application of PCR in the
Since in the viable but non-
for the detection of metabolically ac- area of e n v i r o n m e n t a l microbiology.
culturable stage there may be changes has not progressed as m u c h as applica-
tive (viable vs. dead) L. pneumophila in the structure as well as in gene ex-
from contaminated environmental tions in diagnostics, medicine, and
pression in m a n y microorganisms, a
samples is yet to be done. (s2/ molecular biology,, several studies have
modified version of the PCR m e t h o d
shown great promise in solving various
m a y need to be developed for the
PCR Detection of Vibrio vulnificus difficult problems. One of the most im-
detection of such microbial pathogens
Besides L. pneumophila, another impor- portant problems in e n v i r o n m e n t a l
in the e n v i r o n m e n t .
tant marine water-borne microbial microbiology, is the detection and
pathogen, Vibrio vulnificus, w h i c h can m o n i t o r i n g of released GEMs in the
Detection of Gene Expression in the e n v i r o n m e n t with high sensitivity. It
cause fatal infections in h u m a n s who
Environment by PCR has been shown that the application of
ingest c o n t a m i n a t e d raw oysters, has
been found to enter in a viable but An important issue in e n v i r o n m e n t a l the PCR m e t h o d can detect 1-100
nonculturable state during the colder microbial molecular genetics is how GEMs per gram of soil or sediment,
m o n t h s and resuscitate from the non- various genes are regulated and ex- w h i c h is a level of sensitivity several
culturable state w h e n a suitable en- pressed under various e n v i r o n m e n t a l orders of magnitude higher t h a n the
v i r o n m e n t prevails. ~s4,ss) Using PCR conditions. One k n o w n fact is that conventional DNA-DNA hybridization
amplification of the h e m o l y s i n gene, some of the e n v i r o n m e n t a l microbial method. One of the drawbacks of this
Brauns et al. Cs31 detected 72 pg of DNA pathogens such as L. pneumophila and approach is that PCR requires purified
from culturable and 31 ng from non- V. vulnificus alter their gene expression nucleic acid, w h i c h must be achieved
and remain in a d o r m a n t stage as non- from the e n v i r o n m e n t a l samples
culturable cells.
culturable organisms in the environ- through several rigorous methodologi-
ment. It has also been predicted that cal steps.
Difficulties in Detection of several biodegradative microorganisms The application of PCR technology
Nonculturable Cells by PCR m a y not express their degrading genes to m o n i t o r i n g pathogens and indicator
Although the decreased sensitivity of in the e n v i r o n m e n t . As a result, one microorganisms has reached a stage
detection of nonculturable cells by m a y not be sure whether the released where it is safe to say that this m e t h o d
PCR is not well understood at this GEMs or indigenous microorganisms can be used, with greater specificity
time, several possible explanations are degrading the pollutants at a con- and sensitivity, as an alternative to the
have been described. ~s3) Among these taminated site. Using specific mRNA as conventional methods. The most im-
posibilities, the important criteria that a target for PCR amplification and de- portant criterion in applying PCR tech-
m a y be of concern in applying PCR veloping a quantitative assay for such a nology in this area of e n v i r o n m e n t a l
m e t h o d o l o g y for the detection of vi- method, it is possible to detect the microbiology is the removal of in-

156 PCR Methods and Applications

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hibitors a n d c o n t a m i n a n t s from t h e vironmentally important microorgan- Microbiol. 57: 2283-2286.

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from various e n v i r o n m e n t a l samples h a v e n o t been cultured yet. In the near 1991. Rapid method for direct
have b e e n identified w i t h possible future, t e c h n o l o g i c a l i m p r o v e m e n t s extraction of mRNA from seeded
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M e m b r a n e fattv acids and virulence

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Applications of the polymerase chain reaction in environmental

A K Bej and M H Mahbubani

Genome Res. 1992 1: 151-159

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