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Dylan Harlan Instrumental Musi Direct TEOOE, Wagner Avenue “ahem, CA 9208 Phones (71) 309-3678 e-mail hari Sans Mareh 1, 2019 To Whom It May Coneem: tis my pleasure to write this ltr of recommendation for Ms. Kristen Matthews as sn applicant for the postion of instrumental music director atthe high schoo! or middle schoo eves. [worked very closely with Ms. Matthews during er student teaching and am familiar with her ability and personal character Kristen has stood out among her pers asa natural leader and stong communicator. Prom the ‘beginning ofthis School year, Kristen has voluntoered more time than necessary, dedictad extra time and cffor and has commited 1 parcipate ia rehearsing numerous musical ensembles. As result, Kristen ‘ns participated with all ofthe ensembles at Katella High Schoo! and is respecte by al of he stants and satin our program, ‘Asa musician and performer, Ms. Matthews comrbuted to the musical suecess of California State University, Fullerton’s most advances ensemble, the CSUF Wind Symphony and is sill involved in peorming with the CSUF Wind Symphony even asa student in the eredenl program, ‘These ‘experiences have piven Kristen the sil to become one ofthe best young educators today. Many ‘stldens neve achieve the level of musical sil that Kristen basa this stage of er carer During her time asa student teacher, Kristen was responsible for conducting, teaching, end ‘organizing ll aspects of our Syphon Band (intermediate hand). In addition, she asisted im many ‘organizational aspects of the Katella Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble (advanced band, and held bassoon Sectionals. She di a super jo filling hor responsibilities with al ofthese ensembles. Im my opinion, Ms. Matthews tands outa being among te tp 10% ofall student teachers. Her personal actibutes and hoe musicel accomplishments suggest tome that she will bean exceptional high School or middle school music teacher. She wil work well with parents and administrators and willbe a valued colleague onthe faculty. Students wll enjoy her enthusiasm, ood nature and benett fom hor talent and experienes. Itismy pleasure to give Kristen Matthews my’ highest recommendation, Sincerely, Dye tee Dylan Harlan Insteumental Mosie Director Katella High Schoot

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