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Accountancy, Business and Management

Lesson Plan in Organization & Management

June 01, 2017

The process of recruiting, selecting, and training employees.

Conduct and prepare job analysis.

Discuss the nature of staffing
Explain the steps in the recruitment and selection process
Recognize the different training programs
Identify the policy guidelines on compensation/wages and performance evaluation/appraisal
Discuss the importance of employee relations
Differentiate various employee movements
Adopt effective rewards system

CODE : ABM_AOM11-IIa-b-22


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;

a. explain the role of training and development in an organization ;
b. give the importance of trainings and development;
c. differentiate the types of trainings and development applied by the organization.


Topic : Staffing
Sub topic : Training and Development Programs
Materials : Laptop, Projector, Websites, Activity Sheets, Meta Card
Reference :


A. Preparatory Activities
Picking Pieces of Paper
Establishing Roll of Students
Announcements and Reminders
Review on the Previous Lessons

Motivation for New Lesson - Picture Analysis

B. Activity of the Class / Presentation of Lesson (What to Know)

 Learners will analyze the pictures presented.
 Learners will recognize the different programs.
 Learners will share ideas in accordance with the scenario.

C. Analysis and Discussion (What to Process)

Intro: Let us analyze what happened in your activity:
1. What do you think the pictures are all about?
2. How will you describe the scenario? Thus, it affects you? Why?
3. Is there any difference between the pictures presented? Why?

D. Abstraction (What to Lecture & Explain)

The teacher guides the students in answering questions to establish the
concept of the lesson. Students are asked to participate in class discussion.

Define training.
What are the roles of training and development in an organization?
Differentiate the types of trainings and development.
Why is training and development important in the organization?
Lists trainings and development of an organization.

Power point Presentation. Explain the concept.

E. Application
The class will be divided into 6 groups. Each group will select a leader to facilitate
the activity.
Classroom Group Activity – Body Letters

1.1 Each group has to think of an acronym about what they have learned so far.
1.2 The acronym can’t be longer than the number of people in the group. (If there
are 4 people in a group, the acronym will only have 4 letters).
1.3 When found an acronym the groups have to use their bodies to spell the
letters. Other groups have to discuss what the letters stand for.
1.4 Write the word/s on a paper while the other groups are performing.
1.5 Each group will select a leader to present their answers.
1.6 Rubrics will be used for the scoring.

*Make sure EACH MEMBER of the group is participating.

3 *mins. Preparation is allotted for every group
5 mins. Presentation is allotted for every group

F. Assessment
Answer the following questions in a ¼ sheet of paper.

Identify what is being asked and write the best answer on your paper.

1. A method by which employees are given hands-on experience with instructions

from their supervisor or other trainer
2. Refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees.
3. The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform
their jobs.
4. A system of training in which a worker entering the skilled trades is given
systematic instruction and experience.
5. Refers to a workers rotate through variety of jobs.


Cut and present an article regarding compensation and benefits from any magazines or

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