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IMSC500-1903-Information Systems Technology-FA10-AFZAL

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UNVA-Online / ? IMSC500-1903-FA10 / ? Quizzes / ? MidTerm Exam: IMSC500-1903-Inf
ormation Systems Technology-FA10-AFZAL / ? Attempt 1
MidTerm Exam: IMSC500-1903-Information Systems Technology-FA10-AFZAL
Question 1
Marks: 1
Information systems that help organizations carry on daily operations are called
operational systems.
Answer: True False--true
Question 2
Marks: 1
Forecasting is used to predict the strength of hurricanes and possible landing s
ites, future stock-market values, and who will win a political election.
Answer: True False--true
Question 3
Marks: 1
Autonomics is the study of designing and positioning workplace equipment.
Answer: True False--false
Question 4
Marks: 1
An executive support system can assist with strategic planning, top-level organi
zing and staffing, strategic control, and crisis management.
Answer: True False--true
Question 5
Marks: 1
Expert systems allow robots and other devices to see, store, and process visual im
Answer: True False--false
Question 6
Marks: 2
A virtual organizational structure allows collaborative work, in which managers
and employees can effectively work in groups, even those composed of members fro
m around the world.
Answer: True False--true
Question 7
Marks: 2
The role of the chief information officer (CIO) is to employ an IS department s eq
uipment and personnel to help the organization attain its goals.
Answer: True False--true
Marks: 2
Data is stored in memory as a combination of on or off circuit states.
Answer: True False--true
Question 9
Marks: 2
Application software is the set of programs that coordinates the activities and
functions of the hardware and other programs throughout the computer system.
Answer: True False---false
Question 10
Marks: 2
The OS can provide features and capabilities that aid users in connecting to a c
omputer network.
Answer: True False--true
Question 11
Marks: 2
Large mainframe computer systems can do without multiuser DBMSs.
Answer: True False---false
Question 12
Marks: 2
SQL statements can be embedded into many programming languages, such as the wide
ly used C++ and COBOL languages.
Answer: True False--true
Question 13
Marks: 2
Fault detection and performance management are the two types of network-manageme
nt products.

Answer: True False---true

Question 14
Marks: 2
The Web is a menu-based system that uses the peer-to-peer network model.

Answer: True False--false

Question 15
Marks: 2
Information systems that help organizations carry on daily operations are called
operational systems.
Answer: True False--true
Question 16
Marks: 3
____ is the awareness and understanding of a set of information and the ways
that information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decisi
Choose one answer.----A
a. Knowledge
b. Telecommunication
c. Artificial intelligence
d. MIS
Question 17
Marks: 3
The ____ is a network of links on the Internet to documents containing text, gra
phics, video, and sound.
Choose one answer. ---D
a. database
b. information center
c. network unit
d. World Wide Web
Question 18
Marks: 3
The term ____ is used to describe a field in which the computer system takes on
the characteristics of human intelligence.
Choose one answer. ---D
a. technology diffusion
b. podcast
c. telecommunication
d. artificial intelligence
Question 19
Marks: 3
A ____ represents change theories by identifying the phases of change and the be
st way to implement them.
Choose one answer.---C
a. implementation model
b. value chain
c. change model
d. virtual model
Question 20
Marks: 3
____ involves contracting with outside professional services to meet specific bu
siness needs.
Choose one answer.--B
a. Technology infusion
b. Outsourcing
c. Enterprise resource management
d. Technology diffusion
Question 21
Marks: 3
____ investigates the additional profits or benefits that are generated as a pe
rcentage of the investment in IS technology.
Choose one answer.---A
a. ROI
b. TCO
c. MIS
d. E-commerce
Question 22
Marks: 3
A ____ is basically a miniature IS department attached and directly reporting t
o a functional area in a large organization.
Choose one answer.---D
a. production service unit
b. network center
c. information center
d. information service unit
Question 23
Marks: 3
A company s ____ is usually a vice president who plans, manages, and acquires info
rmation systems and sets corporate-wide policies.
Choose one answer.---A
a. CIO
b. CEO
c. systems administrator
d. CFO
Question 24
Marks: 3
The time it takes to perform the fetch-instruction and decode instruction steps
of the instruction phase is called the ____.
Choose one answer.---A
a. instruction time
b. record
c. clock speed
d. machine cycle
Question 25
Marks: 3
____ is a hypothesis which states that transistor densities on a single chip d
ouble every 18 months.
Choose one answer.--C
b. Parallel processing
c. Moore s Law
Question 26
Marks: 3
The term ____ is used to describe devices that store larger amounts of data, ins
tructions, and information more permanently than allowed with main memory.
Choose one --A
a. secondary storage
b. primary storage
c. RAM
d. ROM
Question 27
Marks: 3
The term ____ is used to describe the program functions that help users operate
the computer system.
Choose one answer.--D
a. syntax
b. reusable code
c. shareware
d. documentation
Question 28
Marks: 3
To run, applications request services from the OS through a defined ____.
Choose one answer.---D
a. kernel
b. workgroup
c. utility software
d. application program interface
Question 29
Marks: 3
____ help people, groups, and organizations store useful information, such as a
list of tasks to complete or a list of names and addresses.
Choose one --C
a. Workgroups
b. Application service providers
c. Personal information managers
d. Internet service providers
Question 30
Marks: 3
____ is a set of integrated programs that manage a company s vital business opera
tions for an entire multisite, global organization.
Choose one answer. --B
a. Project management
b. Enterprise resource planning software
c. Financial management
d. Online information services
Question 31
Marks: 3
A / An ____ is a generalized class of people, places, or things (objects) for w
hich data is collected, stored, and maintained.
Choose one answer.---B
a. data model
b. entity
c. attribute
d. relational model
Question 32
Marks: 3
The ____ approach to data management is an approach whereby separate data files
are created and stored for each application program.
Choose one answer. --A
a. traditional
b. systems
c. database
Question 33
Marks: 3
The ____ is responsible for defining and implementing consistent principles for
a variety of data issues, including setting data standards and data definitions
that apply across all the databases in an organization.---C
Choose one answer.
a. systems administrator
b. network administrator
c. database administrator
d. project manager
Question 34
Marks: 3
A ____ interacts with other programs or applications; it only indirectly interac
ts with people or users.
Choose one answer.---D
a. database application
b. front-end application
c. proprietary application
d. back-end application
Question 35
Marks: 3
A / An ____ provides a complete set of relational database capabilities plus the
ability for third parties to add new data types and operations to the database.
Choose one answer.---D
a. object-oriented database management system
b. Java
c. Visual Basic
d. object-relational database management system
Question 36
Marks: 3
The ____ is a design standard by the Object Database Management Group for develo
ping object-oriented database systems.
Choose one answer.---B
a. Database Standard
b. Object Data Standard
c. Programming Standard
d. Object-Oriented Standard
Question 37
Marks: 3
A ____ is a device that encodes data from two or more data sources onto a single
communications channel, thus reducing the number of communications channels nee
ded and therefore, lowering telecommunications costs.
Choose one answer.---B
a. satellite
b. multiplexer
c. modem
d. switch
Question 38
Marks: 3
A / An ____ is a telecommunications network that connects users and their comput
ers in a geographical area that spans a campus or city.
Choose one answer.---B
a. URL
b. metropolitan area network
c. ISP
d. local area network
Question 39
Marks: 3
A ____ is a network device that serves as an entrance to another network.
Choose one answer.---D
a. bridge
b. switch
c. router
d. gateway
Question 40
Marks: 3
With ____, users can send, receive, and store verbal messages for and from other
people around the world.
Choose one answer.--B
a. content streaming
b. voice mail
c. channel bandwidth
d. Sling box
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