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Senator Glass


116th Congress
First Session
In the Senate

Glass Denuclearization Act

A Bill to work towards peace negotiations and denuclearization of North Korea by

strengthening our alliance with South Korea through funding military exercises and being
involved in their peace negotiations.

Whereas North Korea has a growing nuclear arsenal that is under no regulation by any global
Whereas the North Korean regime has shown their lack of interest in diminishing their nuclear
Whereas among North Korea’s limited alliances include Russia and China, two countries with
which the US currently has a tense relationship;
Whereas North Korea has established facilities for biological, nuclear, missile and nuclear
Whereas North Korea actively exports design and components of ballistic missiles;
Whereas North Korea is not currently part of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons or the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty;
Whereas North Korea has been conducting nuclear weapons testing since 2006 and completed
tests in 2009, 2013, 2016 and 2017;
Whereas North Korea is not part of the Chemical Weapons Convention;
Whereas sanctions on North Korea have lead them to increase their testing of Weapons of Mass
Whereas North Korea successfully tested their first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile;
Whereas Kim Jong-Un and Moon Jae-in signed a peace treaty in 2018 lessening tensions in the
Korean Peninsula;
Whereas North Korea is believed to possess between 2,500 and 5,000 metric tons of chemical
Whereas President Trump has downscaled the military efforts of US and South Korean military
Whereas the training program between US and South Korea was put in place to ease tensions and
prepare for a possible attack from North Korea on the Korean peninsula;
Whereas President Trump and Kim Jong-Un failed to come to an agreement to move towards
denuclearization during their sumit;
Be it hereby enacted, that the Senate shall:

1) Increase the funding for the military exercise program between US and South Korean
troops that was recently cut by President Trump. These exercises known as Foal Eagle
and Key Resolve were scheduled for the spring and will now be done on smaller scale
that will supposedly still reach the same goal. These exercises are crucial to the
protection of South Korea and are an effective preventative measure to any attack that
North Korea might carry out.

2) In exchange for re-funding the military exercises that will help in protecting South Korea,
the country must first meet with the US before having any negotiations with North Korea.
After the failed summit between the US and North Korean presidents, the US no longer
has as much leverage. North Korea has not become any less of a threat and in order to
have a say in any future peace negotiations, the US and South Korea must become closer
allies. After the military exercises start up again full-scale, South Korea must confer with
the US before engaging in any peace talks with North Korea. South Korea and the US
have similar interests in mind and South Korea will cooperate with the US in exchange
for their monetary protection.

3) The money will still be taken out of the military defense budget which is usually around
half of the budget’s discretionary spending. The military budget occupies the highest
percentage of spending and there is enough money to combat one of the most pressing
threats in the world.

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