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1. Tell me about yourselft.

Answer: My name is Daniel Nieto, I have studyed Adsy near 2 years, I like
to learn and do new things because the things that you learn, you will
nerver forget.

2. Why should we hire you?

Answer: I am a polite person, and besides i have worked in a big

companies, where i have been able to learn. In my last experience
working i had many responsability.

3. What is your greatst strength?

Answer: My greatst strength is me. Is weird say that but I am the best
thing in the Word. When i fall in a mistake i get up fast, the live is hard.

4. What is your greatst weakness?

Answer: Sometimes the humility, i think is a good skill and i miss its.

5. Why do you want to work here?

Because this is a beautifull place to learn and know new peaple, besides
in the future i could ascender in my job here.

6. Why did you leave your last job?

I left my last job because i got bored i was feeling that my job was hard. I

7. What is your greatest acomplishment?

Answer: Finish my university.

8. Discribe a difficult work situation and what you did go overcome?

Answer: I had problems with a mate due to he didnt do his job, and i had
to do my job and his, for me was difficul because i had to do many things
and the time was short. Then i spoke with my boss i said to him what
happend, and my boss spoke with my mate.
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 five years?

Answer :I see myself with a family and work.

10. Do you have any questions for my?

Answer: I wanna know the company s history

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