The Effect of Personality On Speaking Skills of Tenth Grade Students of Language Class at Sma Negeri 1 Sawan

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Kadek Dwi Cahyani,Prof. Dr. I Made Sutama, M.Pd,Dr. I Gede Budasi,
Language Education, Post Graduate Study Program,
Ganesha University Of Education

e-mail: {kadek.dwi.cahyani, made.sutama, gede.budasi}


This study aimed to know the effect of personality on speaking skills of

Language Class in SMA Negeri 1 Sawan. The population in this study were
106 students from 3 classes. Purposive Sampling was used as the sampling
technique in this study. The number of samples in this study were 70 students,
consisting of 30 introverted students and 40 students with extroverted
personalities. The research method was Ex Post Facto research design. The
data were analyzed by using T-test and the significance level was α = 0.005.
The data were collected by using questionnaire and test. The results showed
that there was an effect of personality on students’ speaking skills, with the
significance value 0,000 less than 0.005 and it was seen from the average
score of extroverted students’ speaking skills was 83.47 meanwhile the
average score of introverted students’ speaking skills was 79.60. So, H 0 is
rejected and H1 is accepted.

Keywords: Effect , Personality, and Speaking Skills

Language skills are something student itself, therefore a teacher must first
important for everyone to master. In a recognize the types the student's
society, everyone interacts with other personality for the smooth learning
people by communicating. It cannot be
Carl Gustav Jung (in Nana Syaodih
denied that language skills are one of the Sukmadinata, 2004: 145) distinguishes two
important elements that determine their personality types namely extrovert and
success in communication. We can introvert. Someone who has an
imagine if we do not have language skills. Extroverted type tends to put the needs of
We cannot express thoughts, cannot her environment ahead of her own, this
express feelings, and cannot report the type also has an open mind personality.
Meanwhile, someone who has an
facts that we observe. On the other hand,
introverted type tends to be more
we cannot understand the thoughts, withdrawn from the environment.
feelings, ideas, and facts that people Personality really needs to be
convey to us. One of the language skills is known and learned because personality is
speaking skills. Speaking skills play an closely related to the pattern of acceptance
important role in the birth of future of the social environment towards
generations that are intelligent, creative, someone. In addition, personality needs to
be known so that we can know our own
critical and cultured. By mastering
learning methods. Especially in the
speaking skills, students are able to acquisition of language, someone who has
express their thoughts and feelings an extroverted personality tends to like to
intelligently according to the material and speak in language processing, even
situation when they speak. Speaking skills speaking highly demanded, while those
are also able to form creative future who have objective views. An introvert is
generations so that they are able to speak more focused on the values that are in
accordance with him, and many of his
communicatively, clearly, coherently,
actions are based on his own ideals and
easily understood. In addition, speaking thoughts. Introverted students tend to be
skills are also capable of giving birth to quiet and like reading, it is very necessary
critical future generations because they in the acquisition of language. In addition,
have the ability to express ideas, people who have a personality in
thoughts, or feelings to others in a accordance with the pattern adopted by
systematic and gradual manner. the community in their environment, will
experience good acceptance, but on the
According to Vygotsky (in Aisyah, 2007)
contrary if a person's personality is not
speaking is central which is important in appropriate, especially contrary to the
the learning process. He believes that the pattern adopted by his environment, there
development of speech is directly related will be rejection from the community. If
to cognitive development. there is a similarity between the personality
and the environment, then there will be a
One thing that we need to know is balance, on the contrary if there is a
every human being has a way of absorbing discrepancy between the two, then there
and processing the information he receives will be consequences in which the person
differently. This depends on the personality will seek the appropriate social
of each individual. According to Supriadi in environment or will make adjustments to
(Syamsu Yusuf, 2005) personality is the his social environment.
quality of individual behavior that appears
in adjusting itself to a unique environment. In the learning process of Indonesian in
Students who do not have strong the tenth grade of language class at SMA
personality tend to be weak, easy to Negeri 1 Sawan, especially in speaking skills,
change, do not have stance, hesitant in it shows that student scores are
acting and irresponsible which will have a heterogenous. The students who talk more
negative impact on the development of the have higher scores than students who are
silent and talk as needed in the classroom (Eyesenck Personality Questionnaire) this
and also student learning behavior in the scale is a modification of the Extrovert-
class is different. There is student always Introvert scale compiled by Eyesenck in
responds positively to the things expressed by Wilson (1982) which translated by
the teacher and wants to answer the Dwipayana (2016) and validated. The value
questions given by the teacher, on the other obtained is in accordance with the specified
hand there are students who just keep silent, scale.
do not answer question and feel shy if the After knowing the students who
teacher asks something. have Extroverted and introverted
That is what encourages researchers personalities, the orientation of speaking
to conduct research with a focus on the skills is obtained from the results of debate
personality of students who are extroverted practice skills in accordance with X grade
and introverted towards speaking skills. material. The teacher gives a motion then
Therefore, an interesting problem arises to be students who have an Extrovert or introvert
examined is that whether there is an influence personality practice it according to the skills
of student personality on the speaking skills of possessed by the student. The teacher
tenth grade students of language class at gives a score for students who speak when
SMA Negeri 1 Sawan. the debate begins. Scores are given based
on aspects of speaking skills. The students'
II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY speaking skills measured from the debate
score obtained, the higher the score
This research is classified as obtained, the higher the speaking aspect of
quantitative research, which the type of Extroverted and introverted students will be,
research is in the form of numbers whose however, if the scores obtained were low,
data is analyzed based on statistical the speaking aspects of Extroverted and
formulas (Sugiyono, 2017: 7). This type of introverted students were also low.
research is a type of non-experimental The population in this study were all
imperative study. With the design of the tenth grade students of language class at
study is ex post facto which is an SMA Negeri 1 Sawan in the academic year
assessment carried out to examine the 2018/2019. It consists of 3 classes, namely
events that have occurred and then trace X Language I, X Language II, X Language
back to find out the factors that can lead to III, the total are 106 students. In
these activities (Sugiyono, 2008: 7). Based determining the sample of the study. it was
on the level of exploration, this study is done by purposive sampling technique.
classified as descriptive verification Purposive sampling technique is the
research. Descriptive verification research technique of determining the subject
is a research conducted to determine the according to certain characteristics that
value of independent variables, either one have been determined by the researcher.
variable or more (independent) without The characteristics intended here are
making comparisons or connecting with students who are extroverted and
other variables (Sugiono, 2008: 11). introverted. The sample used in this study
In this study, the personality of students will are 70 students; 40 students with an
be measured by two personality types in extroverted personality type and 30
which the personality referred to in this students with an introverted personality type
study are an Extroverted and Introverted based on observations and also the results
personality type. Extroverted personality is of questionnaires that had been distributed
a personality type that is super active, likes to the tenth grade of Language Class at
to socialize and likes to talk. While the SMA Negeri 1 Sawan.
Introverted personality type is a personality The methods and instruments of
type that is generally aloof, does not like to data collection used were questionnaires
socialize and likes to read. Both of these and tests. The questionnaire method is a
personality types will be obtained from the series or list of questions that are arranged
results of giving questionnaires to students, systematically, then sent to be filled by
revealed through the number of values respondents. After filling out, the
obtained from the scale items EPQ questionnaire is sent back or returned to the
officer or researcher. (Buhan Bungin, 2009: From the questionnaire given to all
123) the tenth grade students of Language class,
In this study, the questionnaire was there were two classes that fullfilled the
distributed to respondents in this case were criteria; X IBB 1 and X IBB2. From the data,
tenth grade students of language class at it was obtained that the students in X IBB 1
SMA N 1 Sawan to be answered to obtain class tend to have extroverted personality.
data of students’ personality, whether they There are 24 students with extroverted
were introverted or extroverted. personality and 12 students with introverted
Measurement of personality type was personality. Meanwhile in X IBB 2 class, the
measured from the value of the tendency of students who have extroverted
questionnaire that has been given using the personality is 16 students and students who
EPQ scale (Eyesenck Personality have introverted personality are 18
Questionnaire). This scale is a modification students. So the total number of students
of the Extrovert-introvert scale compiled by who have extroverted personality is 40
Eyesenck in Wilson (1982) which is students and students who have introverted
translated by Dwipayana (2016) and has personality are 30 students.
been validated.
In the questionnaire, the number of b. Data Description of Extroverted Students’
personality values contained five answers Learning Outcome on Speaking Skills
with positive and negative questions. In
positive questions: very appropriate (SS) is The learning outcomes of
given a scale of 5, appropriate (S) is given a extroverted students are taken from the
scale of 4, not really appropriate (KS) is material taught by Indonesian teachers in
given a scale of 3, inappropriate (TS) is the even semester of the 2018/2019
given a scale of 2, and very inappropriate academic year. The material taught was
(STS) given a scale of 1. While in the debate. When the debate material was
negative questions; very approriate (SS) is delivered, researcher took scores on
given a scale of 1, appropriate (S) is given a speaking skills. The minimum completeness
scale of 2, not really appropriate (KS) is criteria (KKM) for Indonesian language
given a scale of 3, inappropriate (TS) is lessons in tenth grade of Language dclass
given a scale of 4, and very inappropriate was 70 and using 2013 curriculum. All
(STS) is given a scale of 5. students fulfilled the minimum
Data analysis was carried out in this completeness criteria determined by the
study to determine whether or not there was school.
an influence between students' personality The students with extroverted
on speaking skills. Score data of students' personality are 40 students. From the data
speaking skills will be tested by t-test. obtained, the score of speaking skill is
The time in this study is on the heterogeneous. There are students who got
effective day of student learning process high score on speaking and there are also
which is seen from the school education students who got the average score and
calendar and the place of this study in there are even students with high
SMAN 1 Sawan. extroverted personality got the perfect
c. Data Description of Introverted Students’
A. Research Results Learning Outcome on Speaking Skills
In this chapter we will discuss the
results of the research which include data The learning outcomes of these
descriptions, analysis requirements, and introverted students are taken from the
hypothesis testing. material taught by Indonesian language
teachers in the even semester of the
1. Data Description 2018/2019 academic year. The material
taught was about debate. When the debate
a. Data Description of the Questionnaire material was delivered, researcher took
Results scores on speaking skills. The minimum
completeness criteria (KKM) for Indonesian Kolmogorov Smirnov Test. The research
language lessons in tenth grade of hypothesis in Kolmogorov Smirnov Test is
Language class was 70 and using 2013 as follows.
curriculum. All students fulfilled the data comes from a normal distribution
minimum completeness criteria determined population
by the school.
data does not come from the
From the results, there were 30
students with introverted personality and normal distribution population
they have different speaking scores. There
are students whose score are higher than Table 02 Summary of Univariate
kkm, there are students whose score are Normality Test Result
lower than other friends and some are in
Tests of Normality
KKM standards.
d. Description of Data Analysis Results Kepri Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
The data analysis used in this study badia Stat Stati
was t-test and manova test. Before carrying n istic Df Sig. stic df Sig.
out the test, there is a summary analysis of Bic Ekstr .
Post-Test result presented in the following .114 40 .965 40 .243
ara overt 200*
.131 30 .197 .969 30 .509
Table 01. Summary of Post-Test Data ert
Analysis Results a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Descriptive Statistics *. This is a lower bound of the true
Kelompok Mean Deviation N
Keteramp Ekstrovert 83.475 1.81147 The results in the normality of students'
ilan 0 speaking skills data in table 02 above
Berbicara Introvert 79.600 1.61031 showed that the significance values
0 obtained are greater than the specified level
Total 81.814 2.58363 of significance (5%). It can be concluded
70 that the data is normally distributed.
b. Variant Homogeneity Test Results
Based on Table 01, it can be seen
The homogeneity of the variance
that the average value of extroverted
data of students' speaking skills were
students’ speaking skills is higher than
analyzed by the Levene test with the criteria
introverted students. The average score of
that the two groups had homogeneous
extroverted students is 83.47 and The
variance if the significance values obtained
average score of introverted students is
were greater than the predetermined
79.6. The total average is 81.8.
significance values (5%). The results of the
variance homogeneity test can be seen in
2. Analysis Requirements
Table 01 below in the Levene's Test for
The analysis prerequisite test is
Equality of Variances column. Because of
carried out before conducting a hypothesis
the significance value obtained by speaking
test (t-test), there are several analytical
skills is 0.448, the two values are greater
prerequisites that must be filled, including
than 0.05 or 5%. So that it can be
univariate normality test and variance
concluded that the data has a
homogeneity test from the data obtained
homogeneous variance.
(Candiasa, 2010a).
c. T-test results
a. Univariate Normality Test Results
To test univariate normality distribution of
data in this study, it was used the
Based on the results of the normality personality has on speaking skills and see
and homogeneity tests of variance, it was which is better, it can be done by looking at
found that the distribution of data on the average value in each group. In this
speaking skills was normally distributed and study the average for students who have
had homogeneous variances. Therefore, extroverted personality is higher than the
hypothesis testing can be continued with group of students who have introverted
the t-test. personality (can be seen in table 02). So
that from the results of the analysis, it can
be concluded that extroverted students’
speaking skills are better than introverted
students’ speaking skills

3. Test the Research Hypothesis

Table 03 Summary of T-Test Result The Hypothesis test shows that
there is an influence of student personality
on the speaking skills of tenth grade
Independent Samples Test
students of language class at SMA Negeri 1
Leven Sawan. Hypothesis testing is done by t-test.
e's It can be seen in Table 03 there is a
Test summary of the t-test results.
for From table 03 above, the
Equal significance value for speaking skills is
ity of 0,000 and this value is much smaller than
Varia the significance value of 5%. This means
nces t-test for Equality of Means that there is an influence between the
95% personality of students and speaking skills.
Confiden seen from the average or mean. The
ce average score of extroverted students is
Si Interval 83.4. While the average score of introverted
g. Mea Std. of the students is 79.6. Based on the average, it
(2- n Error Differenc means that extroverted students’ speaking
tail Diffe Diffe e skills tend to be higher than introverted
Si ed renc renc Low Upp students’ speaking skill.
F g. T Df ) e e er er So, based on the results of
hypothesis testing it can be concluded that
bic Equal simultaneously there is an influence of
ar varian . . . . 3.0 4.7 personality on speaking skills of tenth grade
9.2 3.87
a ces 58 44 68 00 4174 419 080 students of language class at SMA N 1
82 500
assum 3 8 0 8 3 7 Sawan and the extroverted students tend to
ed have higher speaking value than the
Equal introverted students.
65. . . 3.0 4.6
ces 9.4 3.87
97 00 4104 555 945
not 41 500
7 0 5 0 0
es The Influence of Personality on
Speaking Skills of Tenth Grade Students
of Language class at SMA Negeri 1
From table 03 above, a significance Sawan
value for speaking skills obtained is 0,000 The purpose of this study is to
and this value is much smaller than the analyze the influence of personality on
significance value of 5%. This means that students’ speaking skills. The results
there is an influence between the showed that there were influences of
personality of students and their speaking personality which in this case were
skills. To see how much influence extroverted and introverted students on
speaking skills. This is based on the results that other people would ridicule him. In a
of the analysis using t-test which obtained a communication situation, he will be more
significance value of 0,000 less than 0,005 silent (Supriadi, 2012: 180). In addition,
and it can also be seen from the average students with introvert personality will
score of speaking skills of extroverted and experience interference or obstacles in
introverted students. The average score of interpersonal communication.
extroverted students is 83.47, while the
average score of introverted students is Extroverted and introverted
79.60. So that H0 is rejected and H1 is personality types are two different groups of
accepted. This means that there is a attitudes which students possess so that
significant influence between extroverted becomes the characteristic of the students
and introverted personality on speaking in adapting to the environment that appears
skills. in activities, fun, courage to take risks,
Extroverted and introverted obedience to encouragement, statement of
personality types are two personality types, feelings, depth of thinking, and
each of which has its own characteristics. responsibility. The difference between
Because both of these personality types extroverted and introverted personality is
have their own characteristics, this greatly only to emphasize the orientation of his
influences the learning outcomes of tenth attitude towards his environment not on
grade students speaking skill of language differences in his cognitive abilities.
department in SMA 1 Sawan. According to Extrovert students do not mean smarter
Eysenck (1965), extrovert personality is than introvert students in accepting,
generally friendly, sociable, like to party, thinking, and solving problems in building
have lots of friends, need other people to their knowledge of all the information that
talk and do not like to read or study alone. they faced. It is possible that extroverted
Because it is easy to get along, it requires students differ in their learning outcomes
other people to converse and it is in line with a group of introverted students, but that
with what Luthans (2011: 132) says that difference occurs because of their tendency
students who have extraversion are to focus attention in learning and teaching
sociable, friendly, talkative and confident. process by utilizing stimulation that is in
Agreeableness has the characteristics of accordance with their characteristics
being able to work together (cooperative), (Larsen in Indrawati, 2019).
warm, caring, polite, trustworthy.
Seriousness (conscientiousnes) has In addition, according to Iwi Afifah
characteristics that are trustworthy, hard (2016) communication skills are one way for
working, organized, disciplined, diligent and teens to express something that is on their
responsible, a personality that has a stable mind. There is a tendency that adolescents
emotion will be characterized by calm, who have low communication skills can be
feeling safe, happy and not worried which said to be someone with an introverted
makes students with extrovert personality personality. That kind of personality tends to
succeed in speaking skills. close themselves with others and prefer to
harbor what is felt. With the communication
Compared with introvert students in skills in adolescents, teenagers will really
the tenth grade of Language class, the be able to express what is desired and
students tend to be quiet, passive and timid. other people will also know what the
In the communication situation in this case teenager really wants. When it happens, he
speaking tends to be more silent in line with can also evaluate the good or bad of what
what was said by Supriadi (2012: 180) who has been revealed, so that he will be able to
said students with introverted personality improve the attitude or behavior that is not
tended to be asocial, quiet, passive, good and in the end the teenager will be
doubtful, thoughtful, sad, obedient, able to develop optimally.
pessimistic, timid. People tend to have a In addition, according to research by
negative self-concept because they have Dian Rusdiana Triastusi (2016) entitled
lack of confidence and avoid "Collaboration of Types of Personality with
communication with others. He was afraid Ability to Communicate Students of MI
Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Kalisat Bungkal Ponorogo improve the learning outcomes of
Academic Year 2015-2016" states that speaking skills.
personality types can affect students' 2. For teachers through this research, the
communication skills. From the results of teacher is able to know the
research conducted in class IV and V of characteristics of students in the class and
Ma'arif Al-Ishlah Kalisat Bungkal Ponorogo can be used as a guidance in choosing a
2015-2016 Academic Year using the learning model in order to improve the
formula of the contingency coefficient speaking skills of students in SMA Negeri 1
correlation statistics, the results stated there Sawan.
was a positive correlation between
personality types with communication skills 3. For schools through this study, it can be
of class IV and V MI Ma 'arif Al-Ishlah used as a guidance in giving treatment to
Kalisat Bungkal Ponorogo for 2015-2016 students with different personalities, both
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