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2/25/19 and 2/26/19


Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Arlan Zelenky Grade 10

Subject Geometry _
Time Needed for Lesson 40 minutes Lesson Concept Section 6.7: Distance Formula

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

2.9.A2.A: Use algebraic techniques to determine if two lines are parallel and / or perpendicular; find points of
intersections and distances between points.


How can we determine the distance between two points?


M11.C.3.1.1 Calculate the distance and/or midpoint between 2 points on a number line or on a coordinate plane (formula
provided on the reference sheet).

OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

The student will determine the distance between two points on the notes sheet with 75% accuracy.

Section 6.7 Notes Sheet
TI-84 Calculator

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

 The teacher will ask two students to stand on opposite ends of the classroom.
 The teacher will ask someone how we could determine the distance between the two students.
 The teacher will say that we could repeatedly use a combination of right triangles and the Pythagorean theorem to
find the distance.
 The teacher will also say that there is a better way of doing this between two points.
 The teacher will state the bolded parts of the objectives.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

 The teacher will introduce the Distance Formula which is found on the Section 6.7 Notes Sheet.
 The teacher will work through Example 1 on the Notes Sheet.
 The teacher will ask students what “isosceles” means as a review of Section 6.4.
 The teacher will say that we need to determine if the two side lengths in the triangle are congruent by seeing if the
distance between two points is equal.
 The teacher will then work through Example 2 on the Notes Sheet.

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?
 The teacher will ask a student to restate the distance formula.
 The teacher will review how we can use the formula to find the distance between any two points (even if it is a
side of a triangle or another shape).
 The teacher will say that this is a more analytic way of determining if a triangle is isosceles.

 Student 1
o Will receive a copy of the completed Teacher’s notes for this section at the end of the lesson
 Student 2
o Will received reduced homework assignment (Pg. 260 #17-31) instead of (Pg. 254 #17-34)

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and summative
assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.
 The student will master the objective of determining the distance between two points through an informal check
of student understanding from the teacher as well as a summative check of student understanding after completing
a homework assignment for the next class.

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in clinical

This lesson did not go as well as I had planned. While many students were familiar with the distance formula, they lacked
the algebraic operations to be able to use that formula. I only had two students out of ten be able to use this formula
correctly on the Chapter 6 Exam. While I only had one problem involving the distance formula on the Chapter 6 exam, it
was obvious that they have not had an introduction to square roots, squaring numbers, and operations under a square root.

I feel that I should have taught them the pre-requisite knowledge of knowing how to do operations under a square root,
but I didn’t because this is a pre-requisite skill for being in Geometry. I can see now how not focusing on the prior
knowledge of students can turn a situation from bad to worse if you do not emphasize what they already know. I will
definitely keep this in mind as I move forward.

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