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Instructional Software

Lesson Idea Name: Who is MLK?

Content Area: Social Studies
Grade Level(s): 5th Grade

Content Standard Addressed:

SS5H6: Describe the importance of key people, events, and developments between 1950- 1975.
b. Explain the key events and people of the Civil Rights movement: Brown v. Board of
Education (1954), the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act,
and civil rights activities of Thurgood Marshall, Lyndon B. Johnson, Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, and Martin
Luther King, Jr
Technology Standard Addressed:
3 – Knowledge Constructor
Selected Technology Tool:

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):
Type of Instructional Software:
☐ Drill and Practice ☒ Tutorial ☐ Simulation ☐ Instructional Game ☐ e-books/e-references

Features of this software (check all that apply):

☒ Assessment Monitoring/Reporting
☐ Allows teacher to create customized lessons for students
☐ Multi-user or collaborative functions with others in the class
☐ Multi-user or collaborative with others outside the class
☒ Accessible to students beyond the school day
☒ Accessible via mobile devices
☒ Multiple languages
☒ Safety, security and/or privacy features

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☒ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☐ Creating

Levels of Technology Integration (LoTi Level):

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Exploration ☒ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integration
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL):

For the ELL students, included on BrainPOP is an ESL library of videos that can bridge the gap between the
student’s native language to English. Since the video is on an online site, the ELL’s can acess any videos within
the library to further practice the English language. For students with auditory issues, captions can be
included as well as headphones on a personal computer for individual use. When working in groups, the
students will be able to access the video and play back any part of the video they need to, ensuring
Lesson idea implementation: .
The BrainPOP video linked will provide an introduction on the topic of MLK. The teacher leads the discussion
by beginning to talk about some of the issues MLK and other advocates during the civil rights movement
Spring 2018_SJB
Instructional Software
faced. The video will provide further information so the students will be able to get a deeper understanding
of the concept, while being entertained with the video. Once the video is over, the students will break into 3
groups and investigate a little more on the life of MLK, particularly the beginning, middle and end of his life.
As more and more information is uncovered in the groups, the students will use the Make a Movie feature
within BrainPOP and create a short animated clip that portrays the life of MLK based on what they found.
Once all groups are finished, they groups will get to share their movie with the class, and each video will be
posted on the class website for parents to see the student’s work.

A rubric will be used to help the students figure out what they are supposed to include in the movie. It is
hopeful that once the videos are finalized and all the groups have created a movie on the like of MLK, their
work can be broadcasted for the entire school to see during Black History Month. This way, others throughout
the school can be able to learn a bit more on MLK and all he has accomplished, while being able to showcase
their talents to the rest of the school. Included on the rubric, there will be all the components listed that need
to be included within the video, including the type of facts regarding King. As a recap of the assignment,
students will be asked to share with the class one thing they learned or found interesting about MLK’s life and
explain why. Students will be able to engage in meaningful conversation with their peers, while reinforcing
important ideas discussed in the movie they created.

Reflective Practice:
To extend the lesson to a higher LoTi level, the students will get into groups to further discuss one of the main
ideas mentioned in the video (Rosa Parks, Jim Crow Laws, Civil Rights and create a podcast giving a brief
overview of the topic chosen. Finalized group podcasts will be posted on the class website. With this
extension, students are able to use their own voice, while becoming better informed on important historic

Spring 2018_SJB

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