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Fluoxetine, Akathisia, and hyperphagia, hypersomnia, feelings of lution of her restlessness after about 2

rejection and worthlessness, and an in¬ weeks. She subsequently developed two
Suicidality: Is There a crease in her long-term alcohol abuse.
She had no history of mania, psychosis,
milder episodes of restlessness and sui¬
cidal ideation (not as profound as that
Causal Connection? obsessive-compulsive disorder, suicidal experienced during treatment with fluox¬
ideation, or panic. Her family history, etine) while taking nortriptyline hydro-
however, was remarkable, with two first- chloride and trazodone hydrochloride.
To the Editor. \p=m-\Wethank Drs Mann
and Kapur1 for their thoughtful and degree relatives having committed sui¬ Case 3. —A 55-year-old divorced white
cide. She was first treated with imi- woman had a history of recurrent depres¬
cogent treatment of the antidepres- pramine hydrochloride in 1985 without sive episodes since age 42 years. The ep¬
sant-suicidality question. Their cen- effect. She was subsequently treated with isodes were marked by feelings of loss,
tral neurochemical hypothesis was 60 mg of phenelzine sulfate with a nearly sadness, abandonment, and rejection,
that fluoxetine (or any selective se- complete amelioration of her atypical and anorexia, weight loss, and diurnal
rotonergic reuptake blocker) might mood symptoms. This agent was discon¬ variation. She did experience mild, pre¬
cause the presynaptic serotonergic tinued after a hypertensive crisis. She dominantly passive suicidal ideation dur¬
neuron to temporarily decrease its fir- began receiving fluoxetine at 20 mg per ing her deepest depressive moments. In
ing rates. Such temporary serotoner- day, and within 2 weeks, developed an- the summer of 1990 while taking 20 mg of
ergia, increased hypersomnia, hyper¬ fluoxetine per day and liothyronine so¬
gic hypofunction would, in effect, phagia, restlessness marked with a desire dium (Cytomel) for autoimmune hy-
leave the patient more susceptible to to pace and an inability to find somatic pothyroidism she increased the fluoxe¬
depression and subsequent suicidal comfort, and an "obsessional need" to kill tine dose to 40 mg per day because of
ideation. The return of the depres- herself. She made no attempt. This expe¬ residual depressive symptoms. Within a
sive symptoms after experimental de- rience was qualitatively and quantita¬ few days she experienced a marked
pletion of the serotonin precursor tively distinct from past episodes. Fol¬ increase in anergia, incapacitation,
could be cited in support of this con- lowing the discontinuation of fluoxetine, restlessness—with the feeling that she
jecture.2 However, the reemergence the restlessness and suicidal ideation dis¬ was "jumping out of my skin," and

of original depressive symptoms or appeared after about 10 days, but the ruminative thoughts to kill herself. She
"relapse" contrasts sharply with the atypical depressive symptoms persisted. made no plan and described these feel¬
Case 2. —A 24-year-old white woman ings of restlessness and agitation as
presentation of our patients who be- first developed mild dysphoria with tran¬ novel. The restlessness and suicidal ide¬
came suicidal during treatment with
sient suicidal ideationatagel9years.This ation resolved with lorazepam. Her dose
fluoxetine. episode was successfully treated with al- of fluoxetine was decreased back to 20 mg
We have now had experience with prazolam. At age 23 years, she developed without a return of her restless-suicidal
five such patients. All were women. dysphoria, anergia, anorexia (with a syndrome. Rechallenge with the 40-mg
None had a history of significant sui- 4.5-kg weight loss), anhedonia, and pass¬ dose brought a recurrence of the syn¬
cidal behavior; all described their dis- ingsuicidal ideation. Fluoxetine (20 mg drome that again responded to treatment
tress as an intense and novel somatic- per day) was prescribed by her internist. with lorazepam and dosage reduction.
emotional state; all reported an urge Two and a half weeks later, she developed CASE 4.—A 27-year-old white woman
motor restlessness with a compulsive presented with a long history of schizoaf-
to pace that paralleled the intensity
of the distress; all experienced sui¬
need to pace. She had no change in her fective, predominantly manic-depressive
level of suicidal ideation. Alprazolam on type illness. In early 1990 she was being
cidal thoughts at the peak of their
restless agitation; and all experienced
an as-needed basis was effective at reliev¬ treated with fluphenazine hydrochloride
ing her complaints. Over the ensuing 3 (10 mg), carbamazepine (700 mg), benz-
a remission of their agitation, rest¬ months, she enjoyed a resolution of her tropine mesylate (4 mg), and propranolol
lessness, pacing urge, and suicidality depressive syndrome with a return of hydrochloride (40 mg). The last two agents
after the fluoxetine was discontinued. good psychosocial functioning and only were used to treat mild fluphenazine-
We describe herein five cases of occasional restlessness. After 4 months, induced akathisia. Fluoxetine (20 mg) was
what we think might be fluoxetine- she developed a marked sense of restless¬ added because of depressive complaints
ness, pacing, insomnia, and obsessional and she had a very positive mood response
induced akathisia accounting for within 4 weeks. At the patient's insistence,
suicidal ideation. suicidality. She was unable to recall any
previous similar episode and stated that the fluoxetine dose was increased to 40 mg
Report of Cases.—Case 1.—A 39-year- the suicidality was qualitatively different and within 2 weeks she developed unbear¬
old single white female actress presented from her past ideations. She made no at¬ able akathisia that was "100 times worse
with a lifelong history of dysthymia tempt and alprazolam was again partially than anything I've experienced before!"
punctuated by numerous atypical stress- effective at relieving both the restlessness She was pacing incessantly, had a return of
reactive depressive episodes. Stereo- and suicidal ideation. The fluoxetine was her auditory hallucinations, and transiently
typically, these episodes consisted of then discontinued with a complete reso- thought about suicide (she had no previous

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history of suicidal ideation). Increasing the it will compare favorably with the pla¬ awakening the subject at 2 AM, ap-
propranolol dose to 80 mg was ineffec¬ cebo group. As to the brain mechanism pears to produce similar effects.5 Par-
tive but discontinuing the fluoxe¬ tial sleep deprivation is a more tol-
tine resulted in resolution of her aka-
by which tricyclics or neuroleptics gen¬
subjective state of distress
erate this erable procedure for the patient and,
thisic complaint, auditory hallucinations,
and occasional suicidal ideations.
and motorie agitation, we still have therefore, may be preferable to TSD.
Case 5. —A 45-year-old white woman many puzzles to disentangle. To date, however, there have been
William C. Wirshing, MD no direct comparative trials between
presented with a long history of an atyp¬ West Los Angeles Veterans PSD and TSD. While two other ma-
ical depressive disorder. Trials of
nortriptyline, tranylcypromine sulfate, Affairs Medical Center nipulations of the sleep-wake cycle
desipramine hydrochloride, trazodone, 11301 Wilshire Blvd (phase-advance of the sleep period
levothyroxine sodium, and lithium car¬ Los Angeles, CA 90073 and selective rapid eye movement
bonate had been variably successful. In deprivation) have been shown to im-
the middle of 1988, treatment with fluox¬
Theodore Van Putten, MD
etine at 20 mg per day was started and James Rosenberg, MD prove major depression symptoms,
Stephen Marder, MD the time course and duration of these
within 3 weeks, she felt "better than I can latter two manipulations are quite dif¬
remember." At the patient's insistence, Donna Ames, MD
the fluoxetine dose was increased to 40 Tara Hicks-Gray, RN ferent from those of PSD and TSD,
mg, and after 2 weeks, she became agi¬ Los Angeles, Calif suggesting different mechanisms
tated, frantic, insomnie, and restless and may be mediating the effects.6,7
unable to keep still. She would take fre¬ 1. Mann JJ, Kapur S. The emergence of sui- Thus, while PSD and TSD appear to
cidal ideation and behavior during antide-
quent long showers, pace, have her hus¬
band rub her back, and begged for relief. pressant pharmacotherapy. Arch Gen Psychi- produce similar effects that may be
atry. 1991;48:1027-1033. mediated through similar mecha¬
She would occasionally think of killing 2. Delgado PL, Charney DS, Price LH, nisms, there has been little investi¬
herself to gain relief. She was certain that Aghajanian GK, Landis H, Heninger GR. Sero-
this was a novel somatic-emotional state tonin function and the mechanism of antide- gation into the comparison of TSD
pressant action: reversal of antidepressant- with PSD.
for her. The syndrome disappeared sev¬
induced remission by rapid depletion of Patients and Methods.— Alterations of
eral days after discontinuing the fluoxe¬
tine and she is now well maintained on plasma tryptophan. Arch Gen Psychiatry. the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis
one third of a 20-mg capsule of fluoxetine 3. Van Putten T. Why do are well-documented features of depres¬
schizophrenic pa-
per day. tients refuse to take their drugs? Arch Gen sion.8 As part of our ongoing investiga¬
Comment. —In the neuroleptic- Psychiatry. 1974;31:67-72. tions of the neuroendocrine and circadian
4. Van Putten T, Marder SR. Behavioral effects of PSD in depression, we report
treated population, akathisia has been toxicity of antipsychotic drugs. J Clin Psychia- herein the results of thyroid function as¬
associated with psychotic exacerbation try. 1987;48(suppl):13-19. sessment in 42 patients with depression
5. Levinson DF, Simpson GM, Singh H,
and deterioration, medication non- Yadalam K, Jain A, Stephanos MJ, Silver P. undergoing PSD. Subjects consisted of 29
compliance, and homicidal and sui¬ Fluphenazine dose, clinical response, and ex- women and 13 men, aged 20 to 77 years,
cidal behaviors.3,4 It is also thought to trapyramidal symptoms during acute treat- who satisfied Research Diagnostic Crite¬
ment. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1990;47:761-768.
be a correlate of resistance to treatment 6. Lipinski JF, Mallya G, Zimmerman P,
ria for unipolar depression (n 27), bipo¬

and poor outcome.5 HG. Fluoxetine-induced akathisia: clin- lar I depression (n= 11), or bipolar II de¬
As Drs Mann and Kapur noted, ical and theoretical implications. J Clin Psy- pression (n 4). All patients underwent

chiatry. 1989;50:339-342. one night of PSD. The protocol for PSD

akathisia has been reported to occur 7. Zubenko GS, Cohen BM, Lipinski JF. has been used in our unit in previously
during treatment with fluoxetine6 Antidepressant-related akathisia. J Clin Psy- published studies.9 Our response criteria
and other typical tricyclic antidepres¬ chopharmacol. 1987;7:254-257. are similar to those used by Baumgartner
sants.7 Our cases appear to confirm et al.1·2 As part of the baseline evaluation
that certain subjects experience of patients with major depression admit¬
akathisia while taking fluoxetine and
that this effect is dose-related in Thyroid Function ted to our unit, baseline thyroid function
test samples are drawn between 7 and
the individual patient (cases 1,4, and and Partial Sleep 8 am within the first 24 hours of admis¬
sion. To monitor sleep of patients in our
5). Further, like the akathisia in
the neuroleptic-treated schizophrenic Deprivation Response units, nursing staff made rounds every
To the Editor. \p=m-\Baumgartner et al1,2 half hour during the night and recorded
population, "fluoxetine akathisia" can the total number of hours asleep. The
apparently be associated with suicidal have recently documented higher thy-
duration of sleep recorded by nursing
ideation, sometimes of rarninative in¬ roxine, free thyroxine, and reverse staff for 3 days before the PSD trial was
tensity. Cases 2 and 3 seem to indicate triiodothyronine levels in patients averaged.
that conventional antiakathisic treat¬ with depression who responded to Categorical data were analyzed using
ments, in these cases benzodiaz- total sleep deprivation (TSD) vs non- 2 or Fisher's Exact Test, as appropriate.
epines, may be of benefit in this pop¬ responders. Two-tailed f tests were used for group
ulation. Sleep deprivation, both partial and comparisons (responders vs nonre-

Examining large, placebo-con trolled total, remains the only antidepres- sponders).
databases for treatment-emergent sui¬ sant intervention with a same-day As shown in the Table, there were no

cidal ideation is not likely to be instruc¬ beneficial effect. Originally reported significant differences between respond¬
ers and nonresponders at baseline in re¬
tive because the active treatment, even by Pflug and Tolle, the antidepres- gard to sex, age, severity of depression,
if it causes suicidal ideation in a sub¬ sant effects of one night of TSD have or duration of sleep. Patients with bipo¬
group, also suppresses it. As long as subsequently been confirmed in more lar I depression responded more fre¬
the treatment (fluoxetine) suppresses than five dozen studies.3,4 Partial sleep quently than patients with unipolar or
more suicidal ideation than it induces, deprivation (PSD), which involves bipolar II depression, as previously re-

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