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Writing a Story

The 30th of august 2001, Liverpool. Tom dimnik is a boy who loves the music; he plays the piano, violin

and the guitar in the Cambridge institute. A few years ago tom was a forgetful and short-sighted person,

he used to skip the lessons and forget the instruments. His teacher invited him to play the

violin at the international concert in London, so as to tom could change his way of being. The day to

travel to London arrived he was too excited. At the airport he realized that he forgot his passport, so he

had to become to his house. While he was going back to his house, he was thinking “If I hadn’t forgotten

my passport, now I would be in London”, “I wish I hadn’t forgotten my passport”. Tom arrived in London

the next day because he lost the plane, the teacher was too angry with him. After that Tom promised

himself that he would never make the same mistake again, now a days Tom is recognized in the entire

world for his responsibility and prolixity of his concerts.

Phrasal Verbs

Unit 12, Exercise 6

1. He took me in with a really good offer.

2. I mistook him for my dad
3. He’ll get round with my pleading
4. We should give in this fight
5. It’s always off
6. I’ll go through them

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