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Protocols on Case

Management of
Victim-Survivors of
Human Trafficking
A Manual on Protocols on Case Management of
Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking


T able of Contents

List of Abbreviations …………………………………………………… 3

Introduction ………………………………………………………….. 4

Definition of Terms …………………………………………………… 5

Case Management …………………………………………………… 7

Victim-Centered Approach ……………………………………………. 7

Multi-Disciplinary Team ……………………………………………. 7

Flowchart on Trafficking Cases ……………………………………... 9

Mission Statement …………………………………………………… 10

Members of the MDT …………………………………………………… 10

Roles of Each Agency in Handling …………………………………… 11

Trafficking Cases

PROTOCOL I: Reporting, Intake and Safety ………………………… 12

and Risk Assessment

PROTOCOL II: Initial Assessment and Investigation ……………… 15

PROTOCOL III: Planning, Implementation and …………………….. 21


PROTOCOL IV: Termination and Aftercare ………………………… 29

Flowchart on Termination and Aftercare Services …………………. 31


Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


L ist of Abbreviations

LCAT – Local Council Against Trafficking

TIP-MDT – Trafficking in Persons Multidisciplinary Team

PNP – WCPD – Philippine National Police – Women and Children Protection


LSWDO – Local Social Welfare and Development Office

C/MSWDO – City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office

VSMMC – Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center

RHU – Rural Health Unit

CHO – City Health Office

PHO – Provincial Health Office

TESDA – Technical Education and Skills Development Agency

LGU – Local Government Unit

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking



The Children’s Legal Bureau (CLB), Inc. would like to acknowledge the following
persons without whom the production of this Manual would not have been

The participants of the writeshop from the three areas who took the time
to write down their thoughts and ideas to form the different protocols in
this Manual namely:

Bogo City Team:

1. PO3 Rosalie C. Arnoco – Asst. WCPD, PNP

2. PO3 Glecilda D. Claro – WCPD, PNP
3. Pros. MaryAnne R. Demano – ASPRO1/CPPO
4. Lourdesita P. Guardiario – EPS, DepEd
5. Felipa C. Mantos – SPS, DepED
6. Bonifacio Ursal – MAPEH, DepEd
7. Breeza M. Sevilla – SWA, CSWDO
8. Mary Joy B. Ylanan – FJGS, PNP

Cordova Team:

1. Edgardo P. Casquejo -Dean, Cordova Public College

2. Maria Ilona Lourdes C. Cimafranca – WCPD-PNCO, PNP
3. Yolanda E. Inoc – Teacher 3, DepED
4. Analy S. Lopez – Teacher 3, DEpEd
5. Ma. Concepcion M. Macan - Teacher 1, DepEd
6. Perlito B. Mahinay – SWO1, MSWDO
7. Ligaya Maquiling – Social Worker, ASFFPI
8. P/SINSP Alexander M. Nunez – COP, PNP
9. Pros. Jay V. Paradiang – PPO, Cebu
10. PI Editha P. Patalinghug – Deputy COP, PNP
11. Metchie J. Sumalinog – Social Workers, ASFFPI

Talisay City Team:

1. Pros. Katrina F. Azar – ASPRO, OCP

2. Imelda D. Borromeo – Admin Asst. II, CHO
3. Janice B. Deiparine – Asst. WCPD, PNP
4. Pros. Hyacinth T. Jadraque – ACP, OCP
5. Mariano R. Montebon – School Head, DepEd
6. Sisinia V. Vasques – EPSI, DepEd
7. Lowella C. Vestil – SWO1, CSWDO

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Karla Tumulak who documented the outputs of the writeshop and
packaged them into this Manual

CLB Project Team headed by Ms. Angeles Libosada with Kathleen Abella
and Elizabeth Rojos who organized the writeshop

The Executive Director of CLB, Atty. Joan Dymphna Saniel Amit who
devoted her time facilitating the 3- day writeshop

CLB specially extends its gratitude to the USAID under the PhilAm Fund for
providing financial support for the wrteshop under the Project Empowering
Communities and Building Partnerships on Anti-Trafficking in persons and for the
production of this Manual.

July 2015

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

I ntroduction

This manual is a product of collaborative efforts among various key participants namely
DepEd personnel, C/MSWDO, PNP-WCPD, Health Personnel and Legal
Officer/Prosecutor in molding a Trafficking in Persons Multi-Disciplinary Team (TIP-MDT)
for efficient and effective management of trafficking cases.

The TIP-MDT is mandated to formulate basic guidelines through creating well-defined

protocols in addressing issues on what, where, who, when, why and how (or the well-
known 5 W’s and 1H) to handle trafficking cases especially when these cases are
confronted directly by respective stakeholders. These well-defined protocols will serve
as the guidelines or detailed process in facilitating case management system with the
end in view of reducing if not eliminating the added trauma and social stigma in
handling the case of the trafficked victim-survivor, imbibing confidentiality,
effectiveness, efficiency and sensitivity in handling the victim.

These detailed protocols underscore the role and responsibilities of concerned

government and non-government agencies, from reporting or referral of trafficking
cases until its termination, ensuring that the Caring, Healing, and Teaching (CHT) Model
is adopted throughout the process.

The formation of TIP-MDT with defined Protocols is a must which is a key to make
possible the above-mentioned goals by following the detailed guidelines or turning to
flowchart intentionally developed for easy reference in handling trafficking cases
directly or personally reported or endorsed to committed agencies. In this way, the
agencies concerned are able to help each other, share resources, and avoid
duplication, unnecessary conflicts and passing of responsibilities.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


D efinition of Terms

The TIP-MDT uniformly agreed that the following terms be defined within the context of
case management of the reported crime of trafficking in persons:

TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS – refers to the recruitment, obtaining, hiring,

providing, offering, transportation, transfer, maintaining, harboring, or receipt of persons
with or without the victim’s consent or knowledge, within or across national borders by
means of threat, or use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud,
deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the
person, or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of
a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation which
includes at a minimum, the exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of
sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, servitude or the removal or sale of

MULTI-DISCIPLINARY TEAM – a group of professionals who work together in a

coordinated and collaborative manner to ensure an effective response to report of
trafficking in persons.2

REPORTING – giving of information about a particular incident on human

trafficking that is happening, just happened or that happened from the barangay,
school or community.

INTAKE - the act of collecting and getting necessary and pertinent information
particularly on Trafficking in Persons (TIP) for gather data purposes using the PNP Form.

SAFETY AND RISK ASSESSMENT – an attempt to decide based on

circumstances at hand how likely it is that a hazard will become reality and what
measures should be taken to reduce or abort it completely, and insulate the victim
from further trauma.

INITIAL ASSESSMENT – means critical evaluation of a report received from

anybody that a crime of trafficking in persons takes place and provides information
needed to decide whether the report is a crime of trafficking in persons taking into
consideration the three (3) elements of the crime, if in affirmative, the need for further
investigation for rescue and case build-up, determine whether the victim is really a
victim of human trafficking, to determine the degree of assistance needed and the
urgency of the reported incident.

1 As defined under R.A. 9208 amended by R.A. 10364.

2U.S. Department of Justice (2010), Forming a Multidisciplinary Team To Investigate Child Abuse, Office of
Justice Programs, United States.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

INVESTIGATION – includes initial interviews of suspected victims, witnesses, and
where possible, the perpetrators wherein the investigators begin collecting information
and collaborating evidence in order to build the charges and the case as well includes
immediate response such as rescue of suspected victims in an identified location where
trafficking happens.

PLANNING – a basic management functions involving a formulation of one or more

detailed mechanism to achieve the desired objectives of the MDT consisted with its CHT
Model and its established Mission Statement in order to create an effective and
efficient case management system.

IMPLEMENTATION – the carrying out of the detailed plan painstakingly

formulated to achieve a smooth case management system and to address issues
orderly relative to handling of trafficking cases among various agencies concerned.

REASSESSMENT – involves re-evaluation of the detailed process in systematic

management of trafficking cases to determine whether the objectives laid down are
met throughout the various stages (i.e. from initial assessment up to successful
prosecution of cases as well as to determine whether the victim-survivors’ needs [e.g.
physical, mental and psychological] were sufficiently provided.

MDT CASE CONFERENCE – multi-disciplinary tool which people dealing with TIP
victims may use to explore the problem from different perspectives and disciplines.

TERMINATION – is the process of ending the helping relationship or closing the


AFTERCARE – is the process of preparation and support for leaving care and
moving the trafficked victim to independent living. It is the provision of advice,
guidance and assistance with regard to social and emotional support,
accommodation and vocational support.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


C ase Management

Case Management pertains to the “institution of specialized processes or structures to

ensure the efficient progression of cases through a judicial system and to ensure access
to justice”.3 In implementing a case management system, there is a need for
coordination and collaboration among key stakeholders including but not limited to
law enforcement agencies, social workers, local government units and civil society
groups. Case coordination mechanisms and interagency collaboration are important in
order to ensure that the needs of trafficked victims are being met.

Towards a Victim-Centered Approach

In providing intervention, a victim-centered approach in the management of trafficking
cases is being advocated. This approach is defined as the “systematic focus on the
needs and concerns of a victim to ensure the compassionate and sensitive delivery of
services in a non-judgmental manner”.4

In a victim-centered approach, the safety and well-being of the trafficked person is

considered a primary priority in all matters and procedures. Partnerships among law
enforcement agencies, service providers and local government units and other
stakeholders are crucial in providing a comprehensive and victim-centered response to
human trafficking cases.

T he Multi-Disciplinary Team
Using a victim-centered approach, there is a
need to create a system of collaboration among The team is composed of a “group
mandated agencies and non-government of professionals who work
agencies at the local level by creating a Multi- together in a coordinated and
Disciplinary Team (MDT) within the Local Council collaborative manner to ensure an
Against Trafficking (LCAT). effective response” to reports of
human trafficking (US
The goal of the formation of the MDT is to Department of Justice, 2010).
reduce, if not eliminate the added trauma and
social stigma in handling the case of the
trafficked victim-survivor and to imbibe
confidentiality, effectiveness, efficiency and
sensitivity to the members of the MDT in handling
trafficked victims.

3 UNODC (2010), Good Practices and Tools for use in case management including front-line law enforcement
authorities responding to trafficking in persons.

4 Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center, accessed at
centered-approach/, US Department of Justice.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


The formation of the MDT involves the following steps:

Members Identification;

Mission Statement and Protocol;

Establishing and maintaining good working relationship; and

Evaluation of team performance.

The keys to a successful MDT include:

Committed members who have the support of their agencies for the multi-
disciplinary approach;

Initial meeting during which each member’s role and previous experience in
investigating TIP are respectfully heard;

The development of a Mission Statement that clearly sets forth the purpose of the
team, the scope of its activities, and its guiding principles;

The subsequent creation of a Team Protocol that specifies the types of cases
that will be investigated, the responsibility of the members, and the procedures
for conducting investigations;

Confidentiality Policies that accord with legislative mandates, agency policies,

professional practices, and the best interests of the abused children;

Conflict Resolution Practices that ensure core issues are aired and resolved
satisfactorily based on mutual respect and recognition that trafficking in persons
investigations are complex, demanding and frustrating but they are also
important, meaningful and rewarding; and

Periodic Self-Analysis and Outside Evaluation of how the team is working so that it
continues to achieve the purposes for which it was formed.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

F lowchart on Trafficking Cases

Barangay Warrantless arrest

Report from For rescue  Case Build-up
Service of Victim/s
Barangay/School/ PNP  Application for
search warrant rescued
Community (blotter) search warrant

(intake) Regular  Conduct of  Affidavit
filing Forensic Preparation
 Medical and
Investigative  Case Filing
 Case
Conference –
Referral to
Intervention temporary
MDT Planning and shelter (if
 Case Follow- Implementatio needed) City Prosecutor’s Office
up/ n- provision of  Inquest/Preliminary
Monitoring psychosocial Investigation
 Aftercare and services, etc.

Figure 1 – Case Management Referral Flowchart on Trafficking Cases Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking

Mission Statement
For effective and efficient management of trafficking cases within the locality, the MDT
members are committed to:

 Ensure immediate response in conformity with its well-defined protocols in

case of reported crime of trafficking in persons;

 Afford sufficient assistance consistent with the need of trafficked persons

and other available psychosocial and aftercare services;

 Give necessary support to victim-survivor/s from assessment to

investigation until successful prosecution of the case and eventually
assure his/her successful reintegration into the community;

 Enforce and highlight the roles and responsibilities of each member

working together in a harmonious and coordinated manner consistent
with the CHT Model; and

 Require each member to maintain the confidentiality of the case,

whenever necessary to conduct information dissemination campaign in
creating awareness in its immediate community the dreadful impact and
ill effects of the crime of trafficking and to make possible the prevention of
the same.

M embers of the MDT

The following agencies shall compose the Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) for reported
cases of trafficking in persons:










Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking


oles of Each Agency in Handling Trafficking Cases


provide comprehensive psychosocial intervention such as but not limited to the
following cash assistance, livelihood programs or skills training, access to other
social welfare services, take protective custody of the victim, refer the victim to
the DSWD or other caring institutions for custody whenever necessary, and
continue to advocate programs and information dissemination for the
prevention of trafficking as well as act as lead agency in the MDT.


PROTECTION DESK – conducts intake, initial assessment of reported cases of
trafficking in persons, and further investigate to obtain sufficient information and
collaborating evidence for case build-up, undertake surveillance and rescue if
circumstances permit, coordinate with local government unit concerned,
agencies such as NBI, Port Authority, etc. and social worker in the area for the
eventual arrest of offenders and rescue of trafficked victim, coordinate with
local social worker for safekeeping and custody of victim-survivor/s, especially
minors, and assist in filing of appropriate charges in court.


HEALTH OFFICE – provide medico-legal services or medical intervention to
trafficked victims, extend other available medical and dental services, conduct
information, education and communication (IEC) campaign on trafficking in
persons in various Health Offices or in its immediate community, and furnish
medico-legal reports to the investigating office, prosecution office, the court
and other concerned parties as requested.


conduct inquest proceeding if arrest was effected without warrant, and
preliminary investigation of suspected perpetrator if arrest was made by virtue of
a warrant, prepare and file the appropriate information in court, ensure the
prosecution of offenders and whenever necessary, provide other legal
assistance to trafficked victims.

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (DepEd) – conduct information

dissemination campaign on the critical issues of trafficking in persons in order to
create, instill or increase awareness of its ill-effects among the students, teachers,
parents and community, report cases of TIP if student is involved, ensure the
confidentiality of the case reported by the student, and coordinate with
immediate local social worker for appropriate support services and protective
custody of victim-survivor/s.


general support whenever necessary and requested.

BARANGAY OFFICIALS – provide logistics if available to trafficked victims,

assist in implementation of programs intentionally crafted for trafficking cases
and assist in implementation of eventual arrest of perpetrators within its area of

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking





Nature of Incident

A. BARANGAY 1. Emergency Case (For

Rescue or immediate
medical attention)
1. The Barangay personnel-on-duty shall record
any information from any person (who - a situation that poses an
maybe a member of the watchgroup) on immediate risk to health, life
possible incidents of trafficking in persons in and well-being, most
a separate log book. emergencies require urgent
intervention to prevent
The following are the information to be worsening of the situation,
gathered by the Barangay: although in some situations,
a) Demographic information about the mitigation may be possible and
victim, family, and reporter;
agencies may only be able to
b) Demographic information about the
offer palliative care for the
c) Nature of the incident; aftermath.
d) Place of the incident’
e) Time of the incident; and 2. Non-emergency Case (For
f) Date of the incident. Regular Filing)
- a situation which involves risk
2. The Barangay personnel-on-duty shall inform to health, life and well-being
the M/CSWDO or PNP of the reported case that needs response and
as well as the concerned barangay officials attention but can still allow
such as members of the Barangay Council
time for further investigation.
for the Protection of Children (BCPC) or the
Barangay Council Against Trafficking (BCAT)
if any.

3. The concerned barangay officials shall assist the M/CSWDO and PNP in the
conduct of further investigation or rescue operation, if necessary.

4. The Barangay should provide logistic support such as means of

transportation, meals, companion and other available resources.


1. A teacher or guidance councillor who shall learn of a possible incident of

trafficking in persons particularly involving a student shall report the incident
to the school head/principal.

2. The school head/principal shall convene the Child Protection Policy

Committee to gather information on the following:

a. Demographic information about the victim, family and reporter;

b. Demographic information about the suspect;
c. Nature of the incident;
d. Place of the incident;

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking

e. Time of the Incident; and
f. Date of the incident.

3. The school head/principal shall submit an Incident Report to the Schools

Division Superintendent.

4. The school head/principal shall inform the M/CSWDO or PNP about the
incident. The school shall provide documents pertinent to the case.

5. The victim (if willing and not in a situation that needs rescue) shall be
accompanied by the school head/principal or any authorized school
personnel to the M/CSWDO or PNP.


1. The PNP shall record in the police blotter the information of any
incident from the informant who may be from the barangay or the
school or the community.

2. The PNP shall determine if the case is an emergency of not and

proceed as follows:

For Emergency cases:

a. If the victim is the one reporting and needs immediate medical

attention, the PNP WCPD shall inform the M/CSWDO of the case
and the M/CSWDO or the PNP WCPD shall immediately
accompany the victim to the RHU/CHU/VSMMC-WCFC.
b. If the report alleges that the victim needs to be rescued or that
other victims need to be rescued, the PNP WCPD shall dispatch
mobile patrol personnel to verify the report.
c. If the complaint is legitimate, the PNP WCPD shall inform the
M/CSWDO of the case and formulate a rescue operation plan. In
formulating the plan, the guidelines on warrantless arrests,
application for search warrants under Protocol 2 shall be referred
d. The PNP WCPD shall coordinate with the M/CSWDO and conduct
rescue operation. The procedure under Protocol 2 shall also be
referred to in the conduct of rescue.
e. The PNP shall accomplish the Incident Report Form (IRF) and
prepare referral for medical/psychological evaluation.
f. The M/CSWDO shall accompany the victim(s) to the

For Non-emergency Cases:

a. The PNP WCPD shall accomplish the IRF and inform the M/CSWDO
about the incident.
b. A case summary report shall be prepared by the social worker
before proceeding to the RHU/CHU/VSMMC-WCFC.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


1. The M/CSWDO Officer shall conduct intake procedures with the

parent/guardian of the victim. If reported by an informant who is not
the victim or member of the family, the M/CSWDO shall conduct
intake procedures with the informant.

2. The M/CSWDO shall inform the PNP WCPD regarding the incident who
will determine whether or not the case is an emergency and shall
proceed as provided in C.3


1. When the victim is already secured in the M/CSWDO, the MDT shall conduct
safety and risk assessment (a tool shall be crafted and agreed upon by the
MDT) to determine if the parents are capable to take custody of the victim.
Otherwise, the MDT shall identify relatives or nearest kin to take custody of the

If the victim has no relatives, the social worker will make a referral to a
residential center.

2. If the suspect is within the family, the social worker shall identify relatives or
nearest kin to take custody of the victim.

If the victim has no relatives, the social worker shall make a referral to a
residential center.

 If the victim is a resident of the area and the incident happened in another
place, refer to Protocols 3 and 4 as long as the case is finished.

 If the incident happened in the area and the victim is a resident of another
area, do not refer the victim to the area of residence if case is still pending.

 However, If no case has been filed, or where the relatives who are willing
to take custody are from the other area, the area where the incident
happened will request for family assessment from the area of residence
(refer to Protocol 2).

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking




A. Procedure

1. Determine if the incident reported is a possible case of human


Elements of Trafficking in Persons

(a) Acts – recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing, offering, transportation,

transfer, maintaining, harboring, or receipt of persons with or without the victim’s
consent or knowledge, within or across national borders;

(b) Means – by means of threat, or use of force, or other forms of coercion,

abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of
vulnerability of the person, or the giving or receiving of payment or benefits to
achieve the consent of a person having control over another person;

(c) Purpose – for the purpose of exploitation which includes at a minimum, the
exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced
labor or services, servitude or the removal or sale of organs.

 The three elements above must be present. If an element is lacking, it may refer
to another crime instead (i.e. child abuse under R.A. 7610). However, it could still
be a case of trafficking in persons upon interview of the victim/s especially if the
victims are still to be rescued.

 The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, adoption or receipt of a

CHILD for the purpose of exploitation or when the adoption is induced by any
form or consideration for exploitative purposes shall also be considered as
‘trafficking in persons’ even if it does not involve any of the means set above.

2. Determine whether the victim is safe with his/her family (refer to

Protocol I).

(a) Whether the offender is a member of the victim’s family

(b) Whether the member of the family is an accessory of the crime
(c) Whether the family can provide basic support and protection

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


3. Determine if the victim needs to be rescued.

(a) Look into the condition of the place where the victim is located
(b) Determine if the victim is a minor (urgency of rescue)
(c) Look into the circumstance of the case

4. The MDT is to coordinate with their respective members in the

performance of the initial assessment.

5. The initial assessment shall be based on the intake form and report
from the informants and witnesses who may be from the barangay,
community or school.


A. Preliminaries

1. The objective of the conduct of investigation is to be able to acquire

enough evidence for the prosecution of the case.

The evidence referred consists of object, documentary and/or

testimonial evidence, such as but not limited to:

a) Judicial Affidavits of victim/witnesses;

b) Police blotter reports;
c) Medical/Dental Certificates of victim;
d) Birth certificate of victim;
e) Videos or photographs;
f) Psychological reports;
g) Case study reports;
h) Spot reports; and
i) Inventory report.

2. The evidence obtained must be admissible as evidence in court.

Evidence obtained from the crime scene must be a result of a duly

implemented search warrant issued by the court or a valid warrantless
search and seizure.

Evidence not validly obtained are treated as “fruits of the poisonous

tree” and therefore will not be admissible in court regardless on the
weight of evidence involved.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

B. Procedure

For Non-Emergency cases,

1. The MDT shall conduct interview of the victims and witnesses which will
be the basis for preparing the complaint affidavits. Interview of the
vitims shall be guided by the following:

(a) As a member of the MDT, the PNP WCPD in the

presence of the LSWDO/CSWDO/MSWDO shall act as
the interviewer of the informant in a victim-friendly

(b) The LSWDO/CSWDO/MSWDO shall act as

documenter of the proceedings.

(c) The interview proceedings must be recorded using

audio-video equipment.

(d) The MDT shall observe the guidelines on proper

interviewing of the victims.

(e) The interview shall be conducted in an interview

room for confidentiality purposes.

(f) The other members of the MDT may observe the

interview in another room (through a one-way mirror)
with the consent of the victim.

(g) MDT members present shall observe confidentiality.

(h) The recorded interview and documentation shall be

made available to the members of the MDT.

2. After interview, referral to the corresponding agencies (i.e.

RHU/CHU/PH/VSMMC-WCFC) for medical and psychological
examination/evaluation shall be made.

 Medical/psychological examination may be done PRIOR to the interview if the
victim is in an emergency situation and needs immediate medical attention.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


If victim is physically abused

•The PNP WCPD and/or Social Worker will assist the victim during the
medical evaluation/examination. In case of student-victim, DepEd
representative shall assist the latter.

•The designated physician shall conduct an orientation on what will

happen during the medical examination at an MDT victim-friendly facility.

•The victim will be examined by the physician assigned in the

corresponding agency. Referral for laboratory examination /x-ray will be
made, if necessary.

•The designated physician shall prepare and issue medical certificate

immediately to the victim especially in cases where the complaint will be
filed for inquest proceedings.

•The PNP WCPD shall be provided a copy of the result of the medical
examination for further endorsement to the Fiscal's Office.

If victim is sexually exploited

•The PNP WCPD shall prepare the referral for medical examination of the
victim at the WCFC.

•The PNP WCPD and/or M/CSWDO shall furnish the WCFC a copy of the
initial investigation report, when available.

•The victim shall be examined by a physician in teh WCFC and recommedn

for laboratory examination, if needed.

•The designated physician shall prepare and issue medical certificate

immediately to the victim especially in cases where the complaint will be
filed for inquest proceedings.

•The victim/parent or guardian together with the M/CSWDO shall bring the
result of the medical examination to the PNP WCPD for further
endorsement to the Fiscal's Office.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


Regardless of victim's circumstances, a

psychological examination should be

•The victim accompanied by the M/CSWDO or parent/guardian (in case

minor) shall present the referral for psychological examination.

•The psychologist /psychiatrist shall interview the victim and get collateral
information/data from the companion or family member.

•The LSWDO/MSWDO/CSWDO shall submit the case summary report to the


•The victim shall be examined by a psychologist/psychiatrist in the WCFC.

•The psychologist/psychiatrist shall prepare and issue the psycholigical

evaluation report.

•The victim/parent or guardian together with the M/CSWDO shall bring the
result of the psychological examination to the PNP WCPD for further
endorsement to the Fiscal's Office

 Dental examination shall be conducted in case there is no birth
certificate/baptismal or other documents to determine the age of the victim.
(Refer to Protocol I)

3. Complaint affidavit shall be prepared by the PNP WCPD with the

pertinent documents as enumerated in this A.1. for regular filing with
the Prosecutor’s Office.

For Emergency cases where rescue is needed:

1. The PNP must first validate the information received.

2. If the information is found reliable, the PNP will conduct a surveillance

and case build-up.

3. When enough evidence had been gathered, the PNP will apply for a
search warrant as much as possible before conducting a rescue

4. The search warrant covering the place where the victims are being
held by the suspected trafficker shall be applied before the Regional
Trial Court (RTC)

5. During the rescue operation, the search warrant shall be served at the
place where the victims are held by the suspected trafficker.

6. A warrantless arrest may be done if the suspect is found to be

committing a crime in flagrante delicto though the crime might not be
trafficking in persons but only child abuse or other crimes.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


7. If circumstances warrant (ie. In the conduct of investigation the

suspect commits a crime in flagrante delicto), the PNP will conduct a
valid warrantless arrest without anymore applying for a search warrant,
and thereafter conduct a valid warrantless search and seizure.

8. If there is a valid warrantless arrest, inquest proceedings will be done

by the Prosecutor’s Office. Otherwise, it is necessary to file the case in
the prosecutor’s office for preliminary investigation.

9. If in the process of a serving the search warrant or conducting valid

warrantless search and seizure and/or warrantless arrest and the victim
is rescued, LSWDO/CSWDO/MSWDO will come in to secure the victim/s
for protective custody and other necessary interventions and
procedure applicable for filing appropriate charges. Interviews of the
victims shall be pursuant to Investigation Procedure B.1.

10. All object evidence related to computers (desktop, laptop, cellular

phones, tablets, USB, memory cards and others) obtained will be
submitted to the Anti-Cybercrime Group of the PNP for digital forensic
examination. The proper documentation for turn over of evidence
shall be done.

11. All other documentary and testimonial evidence will be submitted to

the Prosecutor’s Office for inquest or preliminary investigation.

12. It is the Prosecutor who will determine whether there is probable cause
for the crime charged and ultimately file the information in court.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking




Intervention Planning Process

Having the family participate in the planning process

Assisting the family in identifying those individuals/MDT members whom they see
as being a support to them and whom they would view as important
participants in the planning discussion

Utilizing a “Case Management Conference” form as means to bring all relevant

participants together to discuss goals and objectives

Carefully considering any and all solution-focused options put forth by the
attendees at the planning conference

Ensuring that family uniqueness is honored and valued by customizing a plan

that matches the client’s individual strengths and needs

Developing realistic, clear and measurable goals that are understood and
agreed upon by the client and the family.

Implementation Process

Families get involved and assisted in the entire helping process based on the set
menu of intervention as planned

MDT will assist in the processing of documents in case filing, referral for temporary
shelter and provision of psychosocial support to the families

Case progress monitoring form/chart established in the implementation period

Reassessment Process

MDT will conduct case conference on the evaluation of the plan and activities
as implemented with the cooperation of the family

Case progress reports reviewed by MDT and provide feedback to families

Aims of the MDT Conference

To share information with people who need to know about any concerns of the
TIP victims

To make sure that everyone understands how things are for the family and the
victim (including looking at strengths and weaknesses, the needs of the victims
and any risks there may be for the victim)

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

To decide if the victim is at risk of future harm, and if so, how to best protect him
or her

To identify resources for referral of TIP victims for temporary shelter and enrolment
to Witness Protection Program (WPP)

To make recommendations about the type of support and protection of the

child and the family may need

To conduct case conference as needed in the entire process

Value of the MDT Case Conference

The MDT Case Conference is a valuable tool in TIP intervention. The positive aspects of
the MDT Case Conference are the following:

1) It provides an opportunity for better association among professionals from

different disciplines working for TIP victims, thus facilitating the creation of
comprehensive response protocols.

2) It helps the different institutions or departments or NGOs to understand the

concepts and perspectives of the other professionals involved. Thus they are
arable to locate themselves in the chain of protection. They understand their
roles and responsibilities in facilitating well-coordinated outcomes for TIP

3) It prevents overlapping or duplication of interventions which often cause re-

victimization of the victim.

4) It contributes to the capacity building of each member of the MDT case

conference. Through their discussions and interactions, it helps the different duty
bearer to foster relationships among themselves.

5) It provides a platform and an opportunity to discuss any legal and ethical

dilemmas that the professionals involved may face during their joint handling of
the child and in any decision-making proceedings.

Factors contributing to a Successful MDT Case Conference

The MDT case conference is a meeting of competent persons who through their
expertise, experience and ability to foster interpersonal relationship will try to contribute
in finding appropriate solutions to a victim’s problem and in elaborating a care plan for
the victim.

The success of MDT case conference would depend on the following:

Personal commitment of each member;

Development of a shared vision and setting of common goals;

Clarity of roles and communication among all the members;

Support and backing of each member of their respective institutions;

Leadership skills of the chairperson/case manager; and

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Collaboration and cooperation of various professional bodies.

Who attends the MDT Case Conference?

Community Based





Optional, as may be needed:

 Concerned Teacher (with personal knowledge of the incident)

 Concerned Barangay Staff (with personal knowledge of the incident)

 Child (Victim) – depending on their age and understanding

 Victim’s Family

 Center-Based Social Worker

Main Tasks of MDT members

1. To examine the cause for concern, analyze available information and decide
the welfare perspective for TIP victims

2. To share information collected through observation or intervention carried out by

any member of MDT

3. To assess the level of risk the TIP victims may potentially face or be facing in the

4. To make recommendations for the welfare planning of the victim

5. To assess the degree of risk and make recommendations for the welfare
planning of other members in the family (if any)

6. To assess the overall situation of the whole family

7. To agree on an inter-agency care plan to protect the victim and empower the
other members of the family (if necessary)

8. To identify the key social worker or any other officer who will lead the intervention
and clearly define the roles of the other helping professionals in the
implementation and follow up of the care plan for the victim

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


9. To decide how the client and parents will be informed of the outcome and
decisions of the conference and who will be responsible of doing so

10. To consider the need, if any, for statutory action to protect the victim or to
ensure the victim’s welfare

11. To consider the need for subsequent MDT Case conference

a. The need for further information
b. The need to review of an follow up action

12. Any important decision of the MDT Case Conference that cannot be
implemented because of circumstantial changes and which may jeopardize the
well-being of the victim

13. To consider the need and timing to issue progress report to related parties
involved in the follow up of the case

14. To prepare necessary forms/documents as follows: case progress/monitoring

chart, menu of interventions, masterlist of resources/agencies for possible referral
to TIP victims and other pertinent documents as to be compiled by the
M/CSWDO as the lead agency of MDT

Procedure in conduct of MDT CASE CONFERENCE

Pre-MDT Case Conference

1. The M/CSWDO shall coordinate with the MDT members regarding their
availability and shall identify the venue, date and time of the case conference.

2. The M/CSWDO shall prepare the agenda for the case conference.

3. The M/CSWDO shall prepare and send the invitations to the MDT members.

During MDT Case Conference

1. The MDT members shall sign the attendance sheet.

2. The M/CSWDO shall assign an MDT member to lead the opening prayer.

3. The M/CSWDO shall acknowledge the MDT members present.

4. The MDT members shall identify the document for the case conference.

5. All members are required to observe confidentiality of the proceedings during

the case conference.

6. The M/CSWDO shall present a short background of the case.

7. The MDT members shall present their assessment report with corresponding

8. The documenter shall accomplish the case conference form based on the
report presented.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

9. The MDT members shall proceed to the intervention planning.
a. Identify the objectives for the child/family.
b. Identify intervention activities.
c. Identify the responsible person(s) and time frame.
d. Identify the resources needed and expected outputs.
e. The MDT members shall schedule the next case conference.

Post-MDT Case Conference

1. The assigned documenter shall prepare the minutes for the case conference
and shall provide the MDT members a copy of the same.

2. Identities of the victim/s and pertinent information identifying the victim/s shall be
designated by “codename/s” for confidentiality purposes.

3. The M/CSWDO shall prepare the agreement form to be signed by the victim and
the parent/guardian therapy.

4. Implementation of the Plan.

5. Re-assessment of the Plan and implementation period.

Role of the Case Manager – M/CSWDO

To prepare the victim and his/her parent/guardians/tasks involved in the

intervention process so as to reduce their anxiety and enlist their

To collect relevant information from other professions/personnel involved;

To share relevant information with other professionals /personnel involved

on a need-to-know basis;

To take necessary actions, including the application for Court Orders, to

safeguard the immediate well-being of the victim;

To ensure that actions taken by the responsible parties are well


To render timely assistance and support to the victim and his/her family

To have access throughout the course of the investigation to the

supervision and advice from a senior colleague/supervisor who has the
proper training and experience in handling TIP victims; and

To consult other professionals in case of any difficulty encountered.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


Menu of Intervention using CARING, HEALING and TEACHING Model

Goal: To provide the basic needs of the victim (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) and basic
sense of security and safety.

Intervention/ Strategies, Responsible Agency/MDT Address/contact number

Activity or Activities
-Provision of basic needs - Social Worker -NGO’s Non-Government
(Food, Clothing, Shelter) - House Parent Organization (Temporary
. Food assistance - Client Shelter, Permanent Shelter,
. Used clothing Drop-in Center)
. Shelter assistance -LGU’s
.AICS(Assistance to -Please see attached files
Individuals in Crisis (Directory from DSWD
Situation) website)
. Transportation Assistance
from the Police

- medical and dental - social worker -MCHO/RHU

checkup and evaluation -medical practitioner -WCFC
(nutritional status baseline), -Private Hospitals
Immunization, laboratory -NGO’s offering Medical

Goal: Provision of emotional, psychological, social and spiritual alleviation of disease,
distress, disability, dysfunction and disorder given the development context.

Intervention/Strategies, Responsible Agency/MDT Address/Contact number

activity or activities
-Referral to counseling -psychologist -WCFC
services( psychotherapy, -social worker -Private Hospitals
family therapy, play, -NGO’s offering Counseling,
therapy) Psychological and
-Life coaching and advice Psychiatric service
-beginning family therapy -social worker

-legal assistance -lawyer


-Parish School
-spiritual growth formation -Priest -Religious Organization
-bible story -Spiritual Director
-bible sharing
-Life in the spirit seminar
Recollection retreat

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

-home visitation(follow up) -social worker
-Brgy. Officials

-recreation activities and -house parent

physical fitness(nature -social worker
walking, educational tour,
camping, sports feast,
festival of talents)

Goal: Provision of sense of competence (knowledge, skills, attitudes, experiences); and
master specific age - appropriate to life task, given developmental task.

Intervention/Strategies, Responsible Agency/MDT Address/ Contact number

activity or activities

Parent Effectiveness -NGOs

Seminar -LGUs
Seminar on Human Rights
and related laws
(especially on human

Skills trainings TESDA

Skills-for-life (SFL) -LGUs

Values formation spiritual -Religious organization

Livelihood training: TESDA

Candle making LGU
Rug making-under
Bag making
Fashion jewelry
Basic computer
Commercial TESDA
electricity Trainers
Culinary DepEd
Give away making

- ALS (Alternative
Learning System) DepEd

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

A&E DepEd

- Formal Schooling DepEd

- PSL (Personal Safety

Lesson) DepEd
- PEPT (Philippine
Placement Test)
- open high school

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking



Procedure in TERMINATION and AFTERCARE (see Figure 2 for illustration)

1. If the trafficked person is under shelter, the MDT together with the shelter social
worker shall assess the readiness of the victim, family and community for the
reintegration of the victim.

2. If the assessment is positive, a case conference for termination shall be

conducted by the MDT and the shelter to identify the aftercare services to be
provided. Thereafter, the victim shall be reintegrated to the community.

3. Upon reintegration of the victim, a post-case conference shall be convened by

the MDT after 6 months from reintegration for the assessment of the aftercare
services given.

4. If the assessment is positive, the case is deemed closed by the MDT.

5. If the assessment is negative, an extension of 6 months shall be provided.

Thereafter, if victim is unresponsive, refer to additional resources.

CARING services

Home visitation is done by the LSWDO to evaluate status of trafficked

persons and family.

Referrals necessary for endorsement to proper agencies (e.g. RHU, DepEd,

PNP, NGO) are facilitated.

Medical/Dental consultation is conducted by the Rural Health Physician

to monitor the health status of the trafficked person.

The designated MDT member at the barangay where the trafficked

person resides shall monitor the safety and protection of the trafficked
person/family in the community.

HEALING services

Follow-up counselling session and/or succeeding family therapy session is

conducted by the LSWDO/Beginning Family therapist (BFT) to determine
the trafficked person and family’s present socio-emotional and
psychological functioning in response to the treatment plan provided.

If the case is filed and the perpetrator is arrested, the police

officer/M/CSWDO/prosecutor shall provide information and updates of
court hearings to the MDT.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Psychiatric/Psychological Evaluation (if necessary) is conducted at the
WCFC or the psychologist shall monitor the psychological status and
treatment of the trafficked person.

TEACHING services

School visit is done by the LSWDO to monitor academic performance and

progress of the trafficked person if in formal school. If the trafficked person
is an ALS learner, the LSWDO coordinates with the ALS Mobile Teacher.

School records such as school report cards, guidance records, anecdotal

records and the like are provided by the Class Adviser, Guidance
Coordinator and/or School Principal to the MDT for academic
performance and deportment feedback.

If the trafficked person is an out-of-school youth, provide him/her with the

livelihood training/assistance.

Other teaching services shall be monitored for progress by the LSWDO in

coordination with the service providers concerned.

Indications for Termination

Termination is indicated when:

 The goal has been reached and the agency service is completed;

 When nothing further can be gained by continuing;

 When the client wants/request to end the service;

 When referral has been made to another source for help; and

 When the client is demonstrated ability to “do” it alone.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


F lowchart on TERMINATION and AFTERCARE Services

Pre-case Return to the

If trafficked Post-case
conference by family/
person is under conference
MDT community
shelter by MDT
(6 months)

If trafficked
person is with
family Extended Termina-
for ted/
another 6 Case
months Closed

Figure 2 – Termination and Aftercare Services Flowchart

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking

Annex I
TIP-MDT _______
Reporter’s Name:________________________________ Case No. ____________
Relationship with Victim/s:__________________________ Contact No.____________
Address : ___________________________________________________________
Respondent’s Name : ___________________________________________________
Relationship with Victim/s: __________________________ Contact No.___________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Victims information:

Nature of Complaint:

_____ Trafficking in Persons, for the purpose of:

_____ Sexual Exploitation
_____ Forced Labor or Slavery
_____ Sale of Organs
_____ Armed activities
_____ Other types of exploitation, specify _________
_____ Child Sexual Exploitation:
_____ Child Trafficking
_____ Child Prostitution
_____ Child Pornography
_____ Child Labor
_____ Child Abuse:
_____ Physical Abuse
_____ Sexual Abuse
_____ Physical Abuse
_____ Verbal Abuse
_____ Psychological Abuse
_____ Other types of abuse, specify: _________

_____ Others: _______________________________________

Referred to CLB/LCAT by:

____ NGO/other private institutions (name:_____________________)

____ Police (station/policeman:_______________________________)
____ Government Agency/institution (name:_____________________)
____ Former Client (name:__________________________________)
____ Others (specify)______________________________________)

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex I- page 2

Action Taken:
____ Given legal advice
____ Filing of case:
_____ Prosecutor’s Office
_____ Ombudsman
_____ Administrative case, specify: _________________
____ Refer to other agencies, specify: ____________________

Entertained by:




Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex II
TIP-MDT ________

REFERENCE NO.: _________________________ DATE: _________________________

NAME: _____________________________________
BIRTHDATE: ___________ BIRTH PLACE: __________________________
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: ________________________________________________________
SEX: _______________ RELIGION: _________________________
NAME OF THE FATHER: __________________________________ OCCUPATION:
NAME OF MOTHER: _______________________________________ OCCUPATION:
REFERRED TO: _____________________________________________________
____ Filing of complaint ____ Counseling _____ Medical
____ Legal Assistance _____ Follow-up
____ Shelter _____ Rescue
Others (Pls. specify):

Signature over printed name
(Referring Party)


PLEASE RETURN THIS SLIP TO THE ____________________
 Directly to our office
 Fax this slip to Tel/Fax No.______

Reference No. ________________________

NAME: ________________________________ AGE: ________ DATE & TIME: ______________

AGENCY: _____________________________________________ CONTACT#_________________


Signature over printed name

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking

Annex III

Republic of the Philippines

National Police Commission
Philippine National Police
______________ POLICE STATION
Tel # __________ Email Address – _________________

Date: _________

The Chief Physician

Women and Children Friendly Center,
Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
B. Rodriguez St., 6000 Cebu City

Dear Ma’am,

Request that medical examination and psychological evaluation be conducted to

(name of victim) _______, (age) _________, Grade ________, daughter/son of
____________ and a resident of __________________.

She alleged that she was sexually/physically abused by __________ on this date:
______________ around _______________ at ______________________.

Further request furnish us a copy of the result hereof for our future legal action.

Thank you very much for your usual cooperation.

Police Chief Inspector
Officer in-charge

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex IV
TIP-MDT _______________

Case No. ______________



Date of Birth:____________________ Age:__________ Sex:____________
Gr./Yr. Section:_____________ _____ Adviser:_____________________________
Mother: _________________________ Age:_________
Occupation: ________________________________
Father: __________________________ Age__________
Occupation: _______________________
Address and Contact


Name: ___________________________________________
Relationship to Victim: _____________________________
Address and Contact Number:


c-1. If respondent is of legal age

Name: ________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________ Age: __________ Sex: ____________
Employer: ___________________________________
Designation/Position: ________________________
Address and Contact Number: ___________________________________________________
Relationship with the child: _____________________________________________________

C-2. If respondent is a minor or a student

Name: ________________________________________
Date of birth: ___________________ Age: ________ Sex: ___________
Gr./Yr. and Section: _____________ Adviser: ____________________________
Mother: ___________________________________ Age: ___________
Occupation: ________________________________

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex IV- page 2

Address and Contact Number:

Father: __________________________ _________ Age: ___________
Occupation: _______________________________
Address and Contact Number:







Prepared by:

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex V-A
TIP-MDT Case Monitoring Form
(for cases filed in administrative level)

Case No: (based on intake)

Case No. (Official) _________________
_____ Prosecutor’s Office, specify Pros. ________________
_____ Ombudsman, specify hearing officer: ____________________
_____ DOJ
_____ Administrative case, specify agency ___________________
Name of Respondent: ___________________________________
Address: _____________________________ Tel. No. ______________
Name of private complainant/s: __________________________________
Address: _____________________________ Tel. No. _______________
Case Status:
Date Update/Status/Observations/Recommendations Updated by
Eg. Preliminary Investigation, Motion was
received etc…, case was resolved and
information was filed, case was dismissed,

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex V-B
TIP-MDT Case Monitoring Form
(for cases filed in Court)
Case No: (based on intake)
Case No. (Official) _________________
_____ RTC, Branch __________
_____ Court of Appeals, Division ___________
_____ Supreme Court. Division ____________
Name of Accused: ___________________________________
Address: _____________________________ Tel. No. ______________
Name of private complainant/s: __________________________________
Address: _____________________________ Tel. No. _______________
Case Status:
Date Update/Status/Observations/Recommendations Updated by
Eg. Pre-trial, received Motion ____, arraignment,

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex VI
Republic of the Philippines
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office
Municipality of _________


Client No. ________

I. Identifying Information
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Family Members


II. Presenting Problem:

III. Case Findings:

IV. Assessment/Evaluation:

V. Recommendation:

Prepared by:
Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking
Annex VII

Client Treatment Plan and Monitoring Form

Case No. (based on Intake) Client No.___________

Name of Client: _____________________________________ Age: ______________
Address: _____________________________________ Contact No. _____________
Name of Parents/guardian: _______________________________________________
Relationship with child: _________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Contact No. _____________
Nature of the Case: (refer to Intake) ______________
Immediate Services extended to the client:
______ Temporary shelter
______ Medical Check-up
______ Legal Assistance
______ Others, specify ________________________

Treatment Plan:
Objectives/Expected Services/Strategies/Workers Client’s Time MDT In-
Results input Responsibilities Frame charge

Prepared by: Date:

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors on Human Trafficking

Annex VII – page 2

Client Status:
Date Where is the client Actual activities/ Status of Updated by:
client/ Needs/ Remarks

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex VIII

TIP- MDT ______


Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex IX

ATIP-MDT ____________
Case Conference
Minutes of the Meeting
Purpose of the Meeting:

Date and Time:


Members Present:

Agenda of the Meeting:


Agenda I




Responsible Person/Agency:

Prepared by:

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex X

Termination Slip

Name: ________________________ Case No: ______________

Age: __________________________ Sex: ____

Purpose/Reasons for termination:


New Address: _________________________________________________________________

Recommending Approval

Name & Signature of Social Worker


Executive Director

Received by:


Relation to the client: ____________________________________

Date: _________________________
Contact No: ____________________

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

Annex XI










Based on SCENARIO MODEL OF INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEWING Training on Investigative Interviewing in Child
Sensitive Investigation Studios by Clara Nemia C. Antipala former ARD of DSWD Region VII

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking


 Introduction

 Case Part

o Scenario A: Child talks freely

o Scenario B-1: Use of environment relationship questions

o Scenario B-2: Use of drawings

o Scenario C: Bringing in prior information

 Conclusion


 Goals
o Introduce the interviewer to the chils
o Clarify role of interviewer
o Explain the purpose of the interview
o Assess the child’s developmental level
o Give child freedom to choose options or give child sense of control

 “Ani-a ta diri sa ______________________________

 Ako si (interviewer’s name). Usa ako ka (polis, social worker, abogado, etc). Pero
dili ko manakop o mangasaba sa mga bata.”
 “Makig-istorya ko ug mga bata. Daghan na ko ug naistoryang mga bata.”
 “Naa ta diri karon para istoryahan ang tinuod nga nahitabo.”
 Then offer chouce of coloring or playing. “Gusto ka ba magdula una, magkolor, o
mag-istorya na dayon ta nganong niari ka diri?”
 Developmental Screening Questions may be asked while child is playing.

Developmental Screening

 Developmental Screening Questions

If a child is not yet in school (less than If a child is in school (7 y/o and
7 y/o) above)
 Colors  Schooling (what grade)
 Numbers/Counting  What time school starts and
 Alphabet finishes
 Writing name  How ling to get there
 Concept of “gipasulod”  Activities after school/hobbies
 Concept of inside/outside  What day is today? Month?
(“sulod/gawas”) Year?
 Truth vs. Lie, importance of  Birthday
telling the truth  Family members? Names?
 Child’s memory of recent event, Ages?
e.g., breakfast  Address
 Child’s memory of recent event
e.g., breakfast

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

 Opening Questions
o Kahibalo ba ka kung nganong naa ka diri?
o Nganong naa man ka diri karon?
o Niingon ka nga naa tay istoryahan. Unsa man?

 Alternative Opening Questions

o Kinsa’y iong kuyog pag-ari diri? Unsa man iyang gisulti nga imong buhaton diri?
o Sigurado ka ba nga wa ka kahibalo nganong nia ka, o dili ka gusto mo-istorya, o
uban pa?
o Bahin ba ni sa us aka hitabo nga nindoto di nindotf?
o Bahin ba ni nimo o sa ubang tao?


 Free Recall
o “Tell me about it”, “Uh-Huh”, “Mao ba…”,
o “Unsa pa?”
o Non-verbal cues (nodding, etc.)

 Summarizing Free Recall

o Instructions
 “Akong usbon and imong gisulti nako ha?”
 “Sulti-I ko kung sakto akong gisulti.”
 “Sulti-I sad ko kung sayop ang akong gisulti, ok?”
o Only3-5 pieces of information per summary
o “Sakto ba?” Then give time to correct you.

 Questioning

 Instruction prior to questioning:

o “Naa ko’y ipangutana nimo ha, kay wala man ko didto sa pagkahitabo.”
o “Isulti ang tanan nga imong mahinumduman. Walay sakto o sayop nga tubag.”
o “Puede ka moingon nga ambot kon wa ka kahibalo sa tubag.”
o “Puede ka mngutana kon w aka kasabot sa akong mga pangutana.”
o “Kung akong gibalik akong pangutana dili na nagpasabot nga sayop imong

 Hierarchy of Questioning

o Open Questions
 Ask about ACTS before CIRCUMSTANCES
 Ex.: “Unsa’y nahitabo”, “Kanus-a man ni nahitabo?”

o Specific Open Questions

 Ex.: “Unsa’y nahitabo didto sa inyong balay?”, “Unsang bulana (adlaw,
oras) nahitabo?”

o Multiple Choice Questions

 Ex.: Minimum of 3 choices followed by “may lain pa?”
 “Right answer” should be middle choice
 Ex.: “Kinsa kauban nimo didto sa balay: papa, tiyo, kuya, o uban pa?”

o Closed Questions
 Answerable by “yes” or “no”
 Ex.: “Gihilabtan ka ba sa kwarto?”

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

 Repeating Questions
o Use different words
o Repeat after a gap

 Checking Questions
o Ex.: “Giunsa nimo pagkahibalo nga alas-onse na?”

 Showing or Demonstrating
o To clarigy details about act disclosed
o Use of drawings or dolls
o Ask permission first

 Asking about disclosure

o To whom
o How
o Reaction

 Important Points to observe

o Emotional Condition
o Spontaneity

SCENARIO B: Use of Memory Aids

 Asking about environment

o Kinsa’y kuyog nimo sa balay?
o Kinsa’y imong mga kaduwa?

 Asking about relationship

o Kinsa’y love nimo?
o Kinsa’y dili nimo love? Ngano man?

 Use of anatomical drawings

o Identifying gender, body parts
o Differentiating boy from girl
o Questions for emotionally charged body parts


If the child still refuses to talk:

 Bring prior information

1. Excuse yourself from the room
“Can I leave you for a while, I will go to the other side and ask the people
there if I have forgotten to ask you about something.”
2. Leave the child with something to do
“You finish your drawing (or coloring, etc.) while I’m gone.”

 When you come back:

“I forgot something. According to the people in the other side, something
happened in your house (or playground, school, etc.)Is that correct?
What happened there? With whom?
“According to the people in the other side, you told your mother (auntie,
lola, teacher, etc.) about something. What did you tell her about?
Note: Never mention suspect’s name and act! This must come from the
child herself.

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

What if you have doubts or the child’s testimony lacks clarity?

 Remain neutral, do not be accusatory

 Use checking or test questions
 “ Wan a ko kasabot o nalibog ko sa imong gisulti. Ingon ka ______, unya ni-ingon na
sad ka nga _____. I-explikar kuno balik para makasabot ko?”
 Never ask if story was made up

 “Naa pa ka’y gusto ipangutana sa ako?”

 “Na aba ko’y nalimtan na ipangutana?”

 “Salamat ha, Ana, sa imong pag istorya sa ako.”

 Paghuman niini, (tell child what happens next whether physical examination, or
something else).”


1. Interview specialist gathers all Information necessary for a legally usable statement
(elements of the crime)

2. Interviewer maintains neutral and critical attitude

3. Child and parents should be prepared for the interview

4. Interview should be conducted in a room appropriate for children


 Children may change their answer under repeated questioning, or because of pressure
from family

 Child may be tired and anxious to finish and may give just any answer to be able to go

 An insensitive or accusatory interviewer may get fewer and different details than a
sensitive or supportive interviewer

 Child’s disclosure may change depending upon the place, type of questions, mood of the
child, and the skill of the interviewer.

 Child’s disclosure of abuse is by nature piecemeal and partial beginning with the least
disturbing to the most painful.


 Are you afraid of me, daddy, mommy, or someone else?

 Do you think you will be punished or that someone will get angry?

 Don’t you know what you should tell?

 Do you think it is weird, strange, scary, or not nice?

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking
 Don’t you feel like talking?

 There are children who think they will be punished if they talk about it. How about you?



o How do you feel about that?
o I can see that you are crying (or yawning, frowning, trembling, etc.)

o Did you like that? Did you hate that? Etc.
o You probably like that (or did not like that).
o I noticed that you are sad (or so angry, upset, afraid, etc.)


I could imagine that you did not like that.

You do not like him. (Repeating what the child said).


“Your job is to tell me what you remember the best you can. Tell what you saw and what you

“You may not understand all the questions. When you don’t understand a question, tell me that
you don’t understand. It’s okay for you to say ‘I don’t understand’ or ‘I don’t know what you

“Sometimes you may not know the answer to a question. That’s okay. No one can remember
everything. If you don’t know the answer, then say ‘I don’t know’. Do not guess or make up a

“I may ask you some questions more than once. Sometimes I forgot that I already asked you the
questions. You don’t have to change your answer. Just tell me what you remember the best you
can.” VI – PNP Referral Form

Protocols on Case Management of Victim-Survivors of Human Trafficking

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