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Path Calculator

User Guide

 SAF Tehnika A/S 2002

Path Calculator User Guide 1

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002
Table of Contents
1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 3

2 PATH CALCULATOR DESCRIPTION ......................................................... 4

3 RAIN ZONE MAP .................................................................................... 6

4 SAF TEHNIKA A/S CONTACTS ................................................................ 7

Path Calculator User Guide 2

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002
1 Overview
The following user guide describes the application and utilization of the
“Path_Calc.xls”. Path_Calc.xls is point-to-point radio link calculation tool that can be
used by system designers to assist the selection of the appropriate antennas, radio
power output, etc. SAF Tehnika Path calculator contains the two Excel work sheets.
First sheet is foreseen for Fade Margin and Availability calculation. Second one gives
information of Rx threshold levels for CFM radios in different frequency ranges.
These thresholds should be used in Fade Margin and Availability calculations.

To perform calculation some parameters should be known in advance:

• Distance between antennas
• Rain zone
• Terrain factor
• Climatic factor
• Radio transmitter output power
• Frequency
Note: SAF Tehnika Path Calculator does not provide user with Path Profile analysis.

Path Calculator User Guide 3

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002
2 Path Calculator description
Worksheet “PATH”

This worksheet calculates the Availability and Fade Margin for a specifed path.

Enter Path data in the following way:

Enter a data in grey cells

Some grey fields will get a scroll arrow to the right when selected.
Choose a value from dropdown list, by clicking on the scroll arrow. Data in fields with
scroll arrow can either be entered by clicking the scroll arrow, or by typing the value
into the grey field.

How to get a result?

You must simply fill the following Path calculator fields:

Date: (Optional) Enter the date when calculation is made.

Project: (Optional) Enter the specifed project name for reference purposes if

Site A: (Optional) Enter the site name if desired.

Site B: (Optional) Enter the site name if desired.

Distance: Write in grey field distance between antennas in km.

Rain Zone: Find in Rain Zone map your country rain zone. See Rain zone map in
chapter 3 of this document or in ITU-R PN.837-3.

Terrain roughness: The terrain roughness parameter, hm (m) is the maximum

height of the terrain above the smooth-Earth surface in the section of the path
between, and including, the horizon points. Refer to ITU – R P.452 – 10 page 32.

Path Calculator User Guide 4

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002
Climatic factor: Choose from a list one of the four values.

Maritime temperature, Mediterranean, coastal or high-humidity- and

2.0 temperature climatic regions.

1.5 Maritime sub-tropic climatic regions

Continental temperature climates or mid-latitude inland climatic regions with

1.0 average rolling terrain.

0.5 High dry mountainous climatic regions.

Output Power: Choose radio output power radio. It is possible to set output power
from -12 up to 20 dBm.

Frequency: This Path calculator allows path calculation in 13, 15, 18, 23, 26 and 38
GHz. Select one from a list.

Antenna Tx and Antenna Rx: Specify antennas you will use.

Rx Threshold: Choose Rx threshold from a list. Rx threshold depends on frequency

and bit rate. See worksheet “Thresholds”.

After all fields are filled see resulting Availability in fields with yellow background.

(%): RainV RainH M.Path Vert/tot Hor/tot
* at 10-3 0.0016 0.0029 0.0008 0.0024 0.0037
* at 10-6 0.0019 0.0035 0.0017 0.0036 0.0052
* at 10-9 0.0023 0.0042 0.0038 0.0061 0.008
* at 10-3 99.998 99.997 99.999 99.998 99.996
* at 10-6 99.998 99.997 99.998 99.996 99.995
* at 10-9 99.998 99.996 99.996 99.994 99.992

The goal is to get reasonable Availability and Fade Margin. If customer demands
higher Availability or Fade Margin, it is possible to readjust antennas, radio output
power or operating frequency till required level is achieved.

Path Calculator User Guide 5

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002
3 Rain Zone Map

Path Calculator User Guide 6

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002
4 SAF Tehnika A/S Contacts
Most up to date contacts of SAF Tehnika A/S could be found at Web site

SAF Tehnika A/S technical support could be reached at:


Telephone: +371 7020040

Fax: +371 7020009

Path Calculator User Guide 7

© SAF Tehnika A/S 2002

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