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Arc faults in photovoltaic systems

Christian Strobl Peter Meckler

Innovation & Technology Innovation & Technology
E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH
Altdorf, Germany Altdorf, Germany

Abstract—In photovoltaic systems a large amount of development of renewable energies and a

electrical connectors has been used in the combination of decentralization of power generation [2]. By 2020 the
serial and parallel structures of the modules. Due to the proportion of renewable energy in electricity generation
high DC voltages and the aging of the systems, long-lasting will increase to 20 % also by government support
arc faults can occur which may cause serious fires. programs. Germany hopes that a variety of positive
As an initial step to develop sensor-devices for detecting arc
signals is sent by the extension of renewable energies,
faults in photovoltaic systems, a test set-up consisting of
several modules, a solar inverter, and a unit for creating especially a significant contribution to the binding
artificial arc faults was installed. agreed Kyoto Protocol [3]. The government aid is
The analysis of the measured signals in time and frequency discussed controversially [4], but nevertheless the
domain showed the following: Integrated Energy and Climatic Program IEKP of the
Parallel arcing involves significant changes in the current German government sets higher goals. The percentage of
at the primary side of the converter and is therefore easily renewable energies shall be 25 to 30 % [5]. The US
detectable. government plans to double the quota of renewable
Series arc faults, however, can usually not be detected by a energies. The economy stimulation package of President
low frequency analysis of current and voltage signals due to
Barack Obama offers strong financial support [6]. Until
the specific characteristic curve of the photovoltaic modules,
the control-concept of the converter for maximum power 2010, in the USA as well as in China, about 15 % of the
tracking, and possibly changing solar irradiance. Sensors energy shall be generated by alternative sources [7]. As
and methods considering the higher spectral components of mentioned above, Japan is one of the big future PV
the arc effects are necessary. markets. Promoted by the Ministry of Economy, Industry
and Trade (METI), pure DC-power-grids are tested
Keywords-photovoltaics; solar panels; solar inverters; DC (Sendai Project). Worldwide there are many efforts set
arc; arc fault detection in place to substitute fossil fuels by alternative
technologies. The utilization of wind and solar energies
I. PHOTOVOLTAICS – A GROWTH MARKET will play main roles.
The first standard for Arc Fault Detection Devices
The global photovoltaic market has grown over the past (AFDD) had been ANSI/UL1699 implemented in US for
year, despite financial and economic crisis. Worldwide, house installations 10 years ago [8]. Based on the work
7.2 GW of solar power had been installed in 2009 done in this committee, an aerospace standard SAE AS
according to data of the European Photovoltaic Industry 5692 [9] for specific airborne requirements has been
Association (EPIA). The photovoltaic power has developed. Meantime it had become obvious, that PV-
increased to a total of more than 22 GW. This year, the systems are a source of potential arc faults causing fire
photovoltaic market is expected to grow at least by 40 because they use high DC voltages and are subjected to
percent. If there will be a continuing strong political extreme environmental conditions. Therefore the
support for PV, the annual newly installed capacity in necessity to detect arcs and to disconnect them in case of
2014 could increase to 30 GW. With a newly installed fault in PV-systems had been identified. At the moment,
capacity of about 3 GW last year Germany has been the an arc fault paragraph is added to UL 1699 and planned
world's largest photovoltaic market followed by Italy to be integrated into the NEC-P04, article 690. On the
with an augmentation of about 700 MW. international side the IEC committee 23E, WG2 is
Outside Europe the strongest photovoltaic markets are working on AFDD-standards.
Japan and the USA, both with a newly installed capacity
of about 480 MW in 2009. In the next five years also II. POSSIBLE OCCURRENCE OF ARC FAULTS IN
China and India will gain more importance, as there are SOLAR POWER PLANTS
already numerous photovoltaic projects in a planning
stage. Very promising future markets are also seen in Due to high voltages, long time weathering of cables and
Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Morocco and South an aging of electronic components the occurrence of arc
Africa [1]. faults might increase, when solar power plants become
In Europe, through the amendment of the Renewable older. Also animal bites may play a role, if the cabling is
Energies Act (EEG), the course is set for the easily accessible. Long-lasting arc faults may set the

978-1-4244-8177-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

insulation and the surroundings on fire. Especially
regarding rooftop systems this may be dangerous not
only for the inhabitants, but also for the firemen, if the
cabling is still energized by the sunlit modules.
Possible arc faults in the DC circuit might be itemized
for more or less realistic locations of occurrence:
- parallel to solar inverter,
- in series to solar inverter,
- in series to panels in one string (= typically up to
approx. 20 panels in series), Fig. 2 Solar Inverter, arc fault device and measuring equipment
- bridging one or more panels,
- connection plugs between parallel strings,
- from one string to another,
- to ground,
- inside panel or inside its connection box.
There are some more possible locations in large plants,
where several parallel strings are connected in specific
DC connection boxes.
Some work already has been done describing and
detecting these fault effects [13, 20]. In [15] a method to Fig. 3 Arc in gap between electrodes
avoid arc faults by using capacitors parallel to each panel
is discussed. Other authors examine the probability of
failure of electronic components [21, 22]. Specialists of
professional fire brigades develop methods to minimize
collateral damage in case of faults and induced fire [19].
The detection of arc faults in solar power plants is quite
different from aerospace and automotive applications
(see [10], [16] and [18]): The source voltage is varying,
but the load – the solar inverter – is constant. In this
context the specific characteristic curve of solar panels
plays an important role for arc fault occurrence, their
detection and switching strategies.

III. TEST SETUP FOR MEASURING ARC FAULTS Fig. 4 Six panels in series and solar inverter

At the E-T-A labs we built up a small solar power plant,

consisting of a series of six manually adjustable solar
panels (HS125-170W, MSK Corporation) and a solar
inverter with a low frequency transformer (Sunny Boy
1100, SMA). Furthermore, we included a precise shunt
resistor for current measurement, several probes for
voltage measurement and a device for creating arc faults
(alterable gap between electrodes up to several cm) at
different locations in the cabling (figs. 1-3).
The characteristics of a solar panel can be described with
its diode-like characteristic curve (current or power vs.
voltage), which depends on the solar irradiance and the
panel temperature.

Fig. 5 Characteristic curves and specific points of six panels in series

Fig. 1 Adjustable solar panels in the yard

At standard testing conditions (=STC: 25°C, 1000 W/m²,
defined spectrum) each of the used panels has an open
circuit voltage of 44.3 V and a short circuit current of
5.07 A. The maximum power point (=MPP) is at 36.8 V
and 4.62 A.
The six panels were connected in series (figs. 4-5), a
specific selection of the most important cases of arc
faults was chosen for the experiments. An installation
with two parallel strings with three panels each was not
possible due to the minimum input voltage of the solar
inverter of 139 V.


For analyzing an arc fault parallel to panels and solar
inverter, we added a resistor of 10 ȍ in series to the fault
to limit the current (fig. 6).
The total current ipa is measured by a coaxial-shunt. The Fig. 7 Parallel arc fault (a)
distribution of the current in ifa (through fault) and iiv
(through primary side of solar inverter) can be calculated
by the voltage measurements of upa and ufa.

Fig. 6 Arc fault parallel to panels and solar inverter

As it can be seen in fig. 7, the capacitors of the primary Fig. 8 Parallel arc fault (b)
side of the inverter are discharged backwards via the
incipient arc for more than 2 s. An internal control
circuit prevents the primary voltage sinking under V. SERIES ARC FAULTS
approx. 100 V. The voltage of the arc ufa varies between
20 V and 50 V. At t § 4.15 s the capacitors are empty; Arc faults with a presumably higher possibility of
the inverter is powered down and the arc is fed only by occurrence are the series ones (fig. 9), they might be
the panels. Approx. 1 s later after a rise of its voltage up located especially in aged plug connections.
to 75 V the arc extinguishes. A first experiment (a) at full sunlight with the inverter
Another experiment is shown in fig. 8. After the power- working at the MPP shows a small decrease of the
down of the inverter, the arc can exist for a long time, if current ipa and the voltage uiv at the primary side of the
the solar irradiation is high enough and the gap between inverter, when the arc occurs (first and second chart of
the electrodes of the arc is not growing. The arc voltage fig. 10). In a second experiment (b), after the emergence
varies slightly around 20 V. of small cirrostratus clouds, the levels of ipa and uiv
This case of arc faults is easily detectable by a change of nearly stay constant in principle (first and second chart
the sign of the monitored primary current iiv of the solar of fig. 11) with short time variations, especially towards
inverter. An additional sensor is not necessary. lower current and higher voltage magnitudes. In both
If the primary current becomes negative because of a cases the arc voltages vary around approx. 25 V.
parallel short circuit or a parallel arc fault, some modern Often very slow MPP-tracking algorithms in solar
solar inverters initiate a controlled internal short circuit. inverters keep the voltage constant at declining current,
So the external fault is bridged and is prevented from when a cloud arrives after a long-lasting phase of full
harming cabling and surroundings; a possible arc is sunlight. Only after a certain amount of seconds a new
extinguished. MPP on the specific characteristic curve according to the
decreased solar irradiation and temperature is adjusted.
If, like in (b), an arc is occurring during this reaction
time, before the system has reached the new maximum
power point, the panels can compensate the additional
voltage of the arc completely with a negligible change in
current and are working at higher power.
This becomes quite obvious analyzing the characteristic
curves according to different solar irradiances and
temperatures in (a) and (b) for the panel voltage, current
and power in fig. 12, where the operating points without
and with series arcs are displayed with different colours:
In both experiments, the panel voltages are higher during
the arcs. In (a) the current and the power are smaller, in
(b) the panels can work at higher power during the arcs
keeping the current at nearly the same level.
Considering this effect of very small level changes in
many instances, an analysis of the primary voltage and
current measurements by the inverter for MPP-tracking
is not practicable for arc fault detection due to its low
sampling rate.
Comparing the spectrum of the current signal during a
series arc with the spectrum of an undisturbed section in
fig. 13 shows the broadband character of an arc (see also
[18]). The 100 Hz peak (doubled power line frequency),
its second harmonic as well as the switching frequency
of the inverter at 16 kHz and its harmonics up to 112
Fig. 10 Series arc fault (a)
kHz can be identified properly in both curves. The
narrow peaks at frequencies larger than 400 kHz were
verified as resonance effects of the measurement
equipment mainly.
Solar inverters of different types and technologies work
with switching frequencies from some kHz up to
approximately 100 kHz. At the E-T-A labs we used a
specific inductively coupled sensor developed for
aerospace applications, which allows analyzing a band of
higher frequencies up to 2 MHz in the current signal. As
it can be seen in figs. 10-11 (sensor voltage), the series
arc faults can be identified properly.

Fig. 9 Series arc fault

Fig. 11 Series arc fault (b)

sinks down to zero (fig. 16). The arc is fed exclusively
by the bridged panels.
In both cases the high frequency sensor is very suitable
to detect occurring arc faults

Fig. 14 Arc fault bridging one, two or three of six panels

Fig. 12 Characteristic curves at the occurrence of series arc faults,
(a) at full sunlight; system is working at MPP, when arcs occur
(b) shortly after emergence of cirrostratus; system is not set to new
MPP yet, when arcs occur

Fig. 13 Spectrum of current signal without and with series arc fault



A very typical location of a possible arc fault could be an

aged connection box at the back side of a solar panel. An
occurring arc fault might bridge this single panel.
Furthermore the less realistic case of three of six panels Fig. 15 Arc fault bridging one of six panels
bridged by an arc fault was analyzed (fig. 14).
In the first case arc faults are difficult to create and are
instable. They do not last very long and are of very low
energy (fig. 15). The reason for this is that the current
flowing through the group of five panels (approx. 2.75A)
nearly equals the current flowing through the single
panel (approx. 3 A, given by the arc voltage and by the
functional relationship of the characteristic curve). So
only a very low current (approx. 0.25 A) can flow
through the fault connection.
If three panels are bridged, the voltage at the remaining
three upa-ufa rises up to their open circuit voltage. The
current flowing through the primary side of the inverter
By analyzing different kinds of arc faults we obtained
following results:
• Parallel arc faults can be easily detected by low
frequency measurements. For the detection of series
arcs and arcs bridging a certain amount of panels, a
specific sensor analyzing higher frequencies is
• Only short-circuiting each panel and opening the
main DC switch at the same time will extinguish all
analyzed kinds of arcs.

The next steps in our future work will be:

• to test other types of solar inverters (with high
frequency transformers or without transformers).
• to adopt the arc fault sensor and its detection-
algorithm for these different types.
• to install a larger solar power plant with a multi-
string concept. Arcs at other locations will be tested,
possible cross-talk effects at the sensors will be

Fig. 16 Arc fault bridging three of six panels The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Heinrich
Häberlin from the Berner Fachhochschule, Switzerland,
VII. SWITCHING STRATEGIES IN CASE OF for the discussions about arc faults, and Felix Braun, a
DETECTED ARC FAULTS former student of the Georg-Simon-Ohm-Hochschule
Nürnberg, Germany, for the research at E-T-A labs
If an arc fault is detected, a specific switching strategy working on his diploma-thesis (see [11]).
has to be applied:
Parallel arc faults can be extinguished by an internal
short circuit, series ones by opening the main DC switch
automatically. If a solar power plant has a structure of [1]
parallel strings, each string is often equipped with its wachstum-auf-photovoltaik-markt-ungebrochen_100002695/2/
own switch. [2] Gesetz zur Neuregelung des Rechts der Erneuerbaren Energien
im Strombereich und zur Änderung damit zusammenhängender
Arcs bridging one panel or a small number out of a Vorschriften, Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2008 Teil 1 Nr. 49,
greater series of panels might show voltages and currents Bonn 2008
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Energiewirtschaft, Jg. 107 (2008), Heft 19
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Mitgliederinformation, Energietechnische Gesellschaft im VDE
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is detected. The switches in the connection boxes of all [9] SAE AS 5692, ARC Fault Circuit Breaker ( AFCB), Aircraft,
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[11] Braun, F.: “Untersuchung und Modellierung von
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[12] Häberlin, H.: “Photovoltaik”, AZ Verlag, Aarau, 2007.
[13] Häberlin, H.: “Lichtbogendetektor als externes Wechselrichter-
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[21] Zacharias, P. (editor): “Use of Electronic-Based Power
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Christian Strobl
received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University Erlangen-
Nürnberg, Germany, in 1995. From 1995 to
2004 he worked at the Institute of Robotics
and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace
Center at Oberpfaffenhofen. His research
areas covered force-torque-sensors, sensor-
fusion for robotic applications in industry
and space, as well as numerical simulations
in signal and system theory. In 2004 he
joined E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH in Altdorf, Germany,
and has been working on numerical simulations and algorithms
especially in the field of circuit breaker technologies and arc fault
analysis and detection for aerospace, automotive and photovoltaic

Peter Meckler
received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical
Engineering from the University Erlangen-
Nürnberg, Germany, in 1980. He then joined
E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH in
Altdorf, Germany, as a Design Engineer for
circuit breakers. He was a project manager
for major aircraft projects such as RCCB
(Remote Controlled Circuit Breaker) and
AFCB (Arc Fault Circuit Breaker). For 4
years, he managed the certified E-T-A test
laboratory before he became Head of the Design Department in 1995.
In 2006 he became Head of the R&D department and is now
responsible for Innovation & Technology at E-T-A.

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