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New advances in amblyopia therapy I: binocular

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172 on 18 May 2018. Downloaded from on 26 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
therapies and pharmacologic augmentation
Courtney L Kraus,1 Susan M Culican2

Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Abstract Traditional amblyopia treatment strategies have
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Amblyopia therapy options have traditionally been documented improvement with spectacle correction
Maryland, USA
Department of Ophthalmology limited to penalisation of the non-amblyopic eye when indicated, followed by patching or atropine
and Visual Sciences, Washington with either patching or pharmaceutical penalisation. penalisation of the non-amblyopic ('fellow') eye.
University School of Medicine, Solid evidence, mostly from the Pediatric Eye Disease While the majority of children show improvement
St. Louis, Missouri, USA Investigator Group, has validated both number of hours with these approaches, not all children respond to
a day of patching and days per week of atropine use. The traditional therapies. Even responders often have
Correspondence to residual amblyopia. Fifty-four per cent of children
Dr Courtney L Kraus, Wilmer
use of glasses alone has also been established as a good
Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins first-line therapy for both anisometropic and strabismic treated at age <3–7 years still demonstrate some
University, Baltimore, MD amblyopia. Unfortunately, visual acuity equalisation amblyopia at age 10.4 Older children fair even
21287, USA; c​ kraus6@​jhmi.​edu or even improvement is not always attainable with worse; 74% of children aged 7–12 years treated
these methods. Additionally, non-compliance with with patching, and 80% treated with atropine have
Received 28 February 2018 some degree of residual amblyopia on long-term
Revised 16 April 2018 prescribed therapies contributes to treatment failures,
Accepted 22 April 2018 with data supporting difficulty adhering to full treatment follow-up.5 In the teenage cohort, outcomes are
Published Online First sessions. Interest in alternative therapies for amblyopia even less effective with only one-quarter to one-half
18 May 2018 treatment has long been a topic of interest among of children responding to combined treatment of
researchers and clinicians alike. Incorporating new spectacles and patching depending on whether they
technology with an understanding of the biological had previous treatment or were treatment naïve
basis of amblyopia has led to enthusiasm for binocular (respectively).6
treatment of amblyopia. Early work on perceptual Non-compliance contributes to treatment fail-
learning as well as more recent enthusiasm for iPad- ures, with data supporting less than perfect adher-
based dichoptic training have each generated interesting ence to prescribed regimens.8 However, data from
and promising data for vision improvement in amblyopes. use of an occlusion dose monitor confirmed that
some children demonstrate excellent compliance,
Use of pharmaceutical augmentation of traditional
yet still fail to improve.9 10 This suggests an oppor-
therapies has also been investigated. Several different
tunity for novel strategies to target non-compliant
drugs with unique mechanisms of action are thought
patients and non-responders. In this review, we will
to be able to neurosensitise the brain and enhance
explore the binocular therapies as an alternative to
responsiveness to amblyopia therapy. No new treatment
traditional amblyopia treatments, as well as phar-
has emerged from currently available evidence as
macologic adjuncts to standard regimens.
superior to the traditional therapies in common practice
today. But ongoing investigation into the use of both
new technology and the understanding of the neural Binocular therapies
basis of amblyopia promises alternate or perhaps better Background and rationale
cures in the future. The depth of amblyopia has been positively
correlated to the degree of binocular imbalance.11
Affected individuals show impaired stereoacuity
and abnormal binocular summation.12 Yet evidence
Introduction suggests that binocular cortical communication
Amblyopia therapy has benefited significantly from persists in subjects with amblyopia.13 14 These find-
the investigations of the Paediatric Eye Disease ings are the basis for the hypothesis that activation
Investigator Group (PEDIG). There have been 18 of these persistent binocular neural circuits might be
completed Amblyopia Treatment Studies (ATS) as exploited to 'awaken' an amblyopic eye. Binocular
of publication of this review. In these well-designed, therapies designed to improve amblyopia through
predominantly randomised controlled trials, there binocular stimulation are largely broken down into
have been numerous notable conclusions that perceptual learning and dichoptic training.
continue to shape and dictate how to care for chil-
dren with amblyopia. Early studies provided solid Perceptual learning
epidemiological data on patients with amblyopia.1–3 Perceptual learning was defined in 1963 by Eleanor
Through the early studies, the equivalent effi- Gibson as an evolution in the discernment of a stim-
cacy of patching versus atropine penalisation was ulus array after repetitive exposure or practice with
established.4–6 Concern that cessation of treatment this array.15 This work is the psychophysical valida-
To cite: Kraus CL, would lead to a relapse in amblyopia was widely tion of the old adage 'Practice makes perfect'. Perfor-
Culican SM. Br J Ophthalmol touted, but 15-year follow-up data confirmed that mance on simple visual tasks has been long known
2018;102:1492–1496. the amblyopia treatment effect persisted.7 to improve with practice in adults. Application
1492 Kraus CL, Culican SM. Br J Ophthalmol 2018;102:1492–1496. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172
of perceptual learning to various visual tasks has reportedly Drawbacks to treatment

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172 on 18 May 2018. Downloaded from on 26 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
resulted in improvement in several measures, including orien- Perceptual learning has yet to gain widespread support. Most
tation discrimination, stereoacuity and contrast sensitivity.16 A of the aforementioned studies contained very small numbers
number of visual tasks have been explored as a means to apply of participants, limiting generalisability to populations at large.
perceptual learning, including vernier acuity, Gabor detection, Perceptual learning effects have been demonstrated to last hours
positional discrimination, letter identification in noise, position to months without continued practice,26 but long-term follow-up
discrimination in noise and contrast detection.17 is lacking. Additionally, implementation of a successful clinical
Studies by Polat et al suggest that perceptual learning in programme of treatment would require the ability to perform
adult amblyopes can augment visual function. Improved pretest training at home while the aforementioned studies required
to post-test performance and gains in visual acuity (VA) were perceptual learning tasks to be in a laboratory setting.
reported when subjects participated in a learnt trial of Gabor
signals in a series of 77 adult amblyopes.18 The criticism of this
Dichoptic training
approach is that gains on test outcome measures in the ambly-
Unlike perceptual learning, where a single visual percept is
opic eye do not transfer to novel situations—improvement
administered to both eyes simultaneously or under monocular
is only seen for the task practised.19 Advocates of perceptual
viewing conditions, dichoptic treatment presents independent
learning note that the specific nature of the stimuli chosen for
stimuli to each eye (figure 1). The therapy derives its effect from
training tasks contributes to the capacity for generalisability of
unlocking binocular visual function. The treatment effect then
the trained discrimination.20 Others cite the targeted reduction
follows from introducing a task that requires the integration of
in the detrimental effect of crowding (a reduction in VA when the two stimuli under binocular viewing conditions. The para-
viewing a line of linear letters more severe than when viewing digm is customised to overcome the patient’s suppression of the
letters individually).21 The neural basis for this is postulated to amblyopic eye. To do so, the image shown to the amblyopic eye
result from a reduction in lateral inhibition within the brain with must be of higher contrast than that shown to the fellow eye.14
training.22 27
As the patient’s developing binocular function improves, the
Small studies of juvenile amblyopes have demonstrated contrast difference between the two eyes is reduced, potentially
improvements. Seven participants with prior occlusion therapy to a point where no difference is required. VA gains follow
had improved visual performance following completion of a improvements in binocularity and contrast sensitivity, presum-
positional discrimination task.23 A second pilot study of five ably due to reduced suppression.24
amblyopic children who underwent 40 hours of perceptual Early reports of dichoptic training used this concept in a clin-
learning demonstrated improved scores on Snellen acuity and ic-based setting with the adult amblyopes.28–30 They demon-
contrast sensitivity. There was no follow-up following comple- strated both proof-of-concept as well as the potential for
tion of the treatment regimen.24 In their comprehensive review amblyopia improvement outside of the critical period. Hess et al
of perceptual learning, Levi and Li reported on the relative effec- showed statistically significant improvements in amblyopic eye
tiveness of the various types of tasks in both performance of the visual and stereoacuity in nine adults (four of whom had prior
trained task and Snellen acuity. Five of the 12 studies reviewed patching treatment).28
showed improvement in post-test results, of which 4 employed In order to move the therapy from a clinic-based, observed
practising contrast detection. The fifth study examined extended task to mobile, home-based use, it was necessary to adapt the
positional acuity learning in children.17 25 design to be more user-friendly. An iPod display with a lenticular

Figure 1  Dichoptic stimuli as presented to the patient with amblyopia. The stimuli are adjusted so that the dominant eye (DE), in this case the left
eye (LE), has less contrast and is therefore more difficult to discriminate than the non-dominant eye (NDE). When the images are superimposed, the
subject perceives a single percept with summation of elements presented to each eye separately. Over time, the contrast can be adjusted as the non-
dominant eye improves with training (reproduced from Ding and Levi, figure 1A) .62 RE, right eye.
Kraus CL, Culican SM. Br J Ophthalmol 2018;102:1492–1496. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172 1493
overlay (a textured screen overlay that produces images with dropout was seen in weeks 4–6 in the study by Gao et al.36 This

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172 on 18 May 2018. Downloaded from on 26 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
a perception of depth, eg, holograms) allowed for viewing the led the authors to suggest the need for more engaging games
dichoptic stimuli, but required stable head positioning. While with potential reward reinforcement as the next iteration of
studies suggest that such method is successful, it is a challenge binocular iPad play. Use of a more stimulating Dig Rush game
to use.31 A shift away from the lenticular design and transition has shown promise37 and recruitment is currently underway for
to anaglyphic (red-green dichoptic) images with accompanying a randomised controlled trial comparing play with glasses with
red-green glasses overcame this limitation and permitted utilisa- glasses alone (NCT02983552).
tion of this form of therapy by young children and in unsuper-
vised patients.29 32 Alternative technologies
While iPad-based platforms for binocular treatment of amblyopia
Binocular iPad therapy have the most research into their use incorporating a variety of
Interest in dichoptic treatment progressed with the migration of study designs and age groups, alternative technological presen-
the Hess Falling Blocks game onto an iPad. Birch and colleagues tations of binocular therapy have been created. Passive viewing
conducted a small study of children aged 4–12 playing this of dichoptic movies has demonstrated success in a paediatric
dichoptic iPad game using red-green anaglyphic glasses for 4 cohort both with compliance and vision outcomes. Study limita-
hours/week over 4 weeks and saw improvement in amblyopic tions included short, 2-week follow-up and lack of randomised
eye logMAR acuity (0.47–0.39, p<0.001).33 A subsequent study design.38 Head-mounted virtual reality displays have also shown
looking at younger children confirmed previous work demon- preliminary evidence to suggest improvement in both VA and
strating improved amblyopic-eye acuity as well as a dose-re- stereoacuity in adult patients39 as has video game play.40 41 This
sponse effect.32 Those children completing 8 total hours of game latter study by Vedamurthy et al also demonstrated retention of
play during the 4-week study had significantly greater improve- VA and stereoacuity after a 2-month time period.41 Continuously
ment than those playing 0–4 hours. The results of these early evolving technology will likely yield additional means to deliver
studies suggested promise for dichoptic training in the treatment dichoptic stimuli in engaging, interactive platforms; hopefully,
of amblyopia. with the added benefit of effectiveness and patient compliance.
In 2015, PEDIG conducted the first large-scale, multisite Interactive binocular treatment (I-BiT) system was developed
randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of to treat amblyopia using dichoptic stimuli presented via virtual
1 hour/day, 7 days/week binocular game play to 2 hours/day reality game play or movie watching.42 The special software
patching in children<13 as a non-inferiority study. There was selectively stimulates the amblyopic eye without compromising
a parallel superiority study examining the same regimen in chil- vision in the fellow eye. Initial pilot studies showed promise
dren aged 13 to <17 years. Results of the non-inferiority study improving the VA of paediatric and adult patients with ambly-
in the younger cohort demonstrated improvement in both the opia.43–45 Use of shutter glasses has also been paired with this
1 hour/day iPad game play as well as the 2 hours/day patching technology, where the glasses lighten and darken in synchrony
groups with no statistically significant difference between the with the monitor, allowing an enriched image to be presented to
groups at 16 weeks. There were no side effects of treatment, the amblyopic eye only.41 46 In one study, all subjects used shutter
specifically diplopia, reduction in fellow eye VA or new tropia. A glasses to present dichoptic stimuli but were randomised to one
disappointing finding of the study was the poor overall compli- of three arms: active I-BiT game play, passive I-BiT DVD use or
ance in the binocular game group.34 The 13 to <17 years age non-I-BiT game play. There was improvement in all groups in VA,
group cohort results were similar; amblyopic eye VA was not with no meaningful difference found between the groups. Inter-
better with iPad play, and was possibly worse. Compliance estingly, the game platform that included an interactive shooter
was similarly poor, with 13% completing >75% of prescribed game and DVD, had >90% participant-reported satisfaction
treatment.35 with treatments.46 This lends further support to the notion of
Similar work by Gao et al compared 1 hour of home-based, patient engagement in treatment success or compliance.
dichoptic falling-blocks video game play to a placebo game.36
They recruited participants age 7 years and up, including adults The drug therapies
18 years and older. Results failed to show a meaningful differ- Background and rationale
ence in amblyopic eye 6-week VA, the primary outcome of Amblyopia is considered to be most receptive to treatments
interest. They found no significant age effect, type of amblyopia initiated within the 'critical period', during which cortical brain
or impact of prior occlusion treatment. plasticity allows for reversal of some or all of the visual loss in
the non-dominant eye. Results of the ATS have shown that the
Drawbacks to treatment critical period is protracted with visual improvement possible up
While initially heralded as superior to patching due to theo- to age 17 years. However, the response to treatment is greatest
rised improved compliance, the results of the first randomised under age 7 years, with waning benefit with increasing age.
controlled trial were underwhelming. Less than one-quarter of Furthermore, treatment during the teen years disproportionately
children in the PEDIG study completed 75% of prescribed treat- benefits those with no prior history of treatment.47 The oppor-
ment time.34 Thus, ironically, non-compliance has dampened tunity to neurosensitise a brain to allow for improvement with
enthusiasm for binocular amblyopia treatment over traditional patching or atropine in children for whom conventional treat-
therapies. The theorised rationale for the high rate of non-com- ments have failed or after the critical period has ended is desir-
pliance is that the Falling Blocks game was not stimulating able. Pharmaceutical agents may offer that ability and a select
enough to encourage a full hour of play on multiple days per few have reached human studies.
week. The author’s own experience included patient reports
of preference for patching due to the wider range of activities Pharmacologic options: levodopa-carbidopa
that could be performed with a patch over the repetitive play A theory has been proposed that increasing levels of dopa-
on the iPad game. Similarly, poor compliance and participant mine may improve vision in the context of amblyopia. Some
1494 Kraus CL, Culican SM. Br J Ophthalmol 2018;102:1492–1496. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172
investigators have reported that levels of retinal dopamine cessation.31 Therefore, randomised controlled trials with ample

Br J Ophthalmol: first published as 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-312172 on 18 May 2018. Downloaded from on 26 May 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
are decreased in deprivation amblyopia.48 The first report follow-up still remain necessary. Side effects of citicoline were
of dopamine augmentation came in 1990 when Gottlob and negligible in all studies. In early use, intramuscular injection
Stangler-Zuschrott examined the effect of levodopa on adult was the only means of administration; however, there is now an
amblyopia.49 Levodopa is the immediate metabolic precursor of oral formation.61 Medical therapy, in isolation or in addition to
dopamine and is Food and Drug Administration approved for conventional therapy, is still in its infancy and potential agents
use in other neurological disorders. are in the research and development stages.
There have been several clinical trials that have evaluated
the use of levodopa across a range of patients. PEDIG investi-
gators organised a randomised trial of levodopa for the treat- Summary/conclusions
ment of amblyopia in an older cohort of patients (children The past 15 years have been replete with well-designed, prospec-
aged 7–12 years). When prescribed daily levodopa with carbi- tive controlled clinical trials to demonstrate both the efficacy and
dopa in addition to continued 2 hours/day of patching, no clin- limitations of traditional amblyopia therapies. Novel approaches
ically significant or meaningful improvement in VA was seen. to this problem have met with mixed success. Perceptual learning
Reassuringly, no serious adverse events were reported.50 In a and medical intervention have shown promise, but lack well-de-
different prospective trial with a larger cohort of patients, chil- signed studies to suggest sustained effect outside the treatment
dren who had previously received spectacles but were otherwise period. Dichoptic training has extensive research suggesting
treatment-naïve were prescribed full-time patching and then effectiveness, but the most recent randomised trial failed to
randomised to levodopa or placebo. The authors reported statis- demonstrate non-inferiority over standard treatments. Future
tically significant visual gains sustained at 1 year of follow-up investigation will likely continue to modify and adapt these
for children in the levodopa group. In this study, the levodopa novel approaches to generative creative, engaging amblyopia
dosage was three times higher than in the PEDIG study.51 therapies that may benefit children and adults, alike.

Contributors  CLK wrote the first draft of the review. SMC edited and added
Pharmacologic options: citicoline relevant references and citations. Both authors approved the final version of the
Citicoline is a complex biomolecule involved in cellular metab- manuscript.
olism. Its structure confers both cholinergic and neuroprotec- Funding  This work was supported by awards to the Department of Ophthalmology
tive properties.52 Due to its role in phospholipid metabolism, and Visual Sciences at Washington University from a Research to Prevent Blindness,
citicoline has been theorised to protect the anatomic and struc- unrestricted grant (New York, New York), the NIH Vision Core Grant P30 EY 0268
(Bethesda, Maryland). The funding organisations had no role in the design or
tural integrity of cell membranes, thereby preventing nerve cell conduct of this research.
damage. This has led to its use for the recovery from traumatic,
Competing interests  None declared.
ischaemic and degenerative insults.53 It was initially trialled in
ophthalmic care for the treatment of glaucoma.54 Patient consent  Not required.
Initial work in adult patients demonstrated improvement Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
in VA with citicoline augmentation of patching that was not Open access  This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
sustained following cessation of the medication.55 Early studies Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which
in amblyopic children were promising, showing treatment effect permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work
with citicoline both alone and in addition to patching.56 57 is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://​creativecommons.​org/​
A study of treatment-naïve participants randomised to added licenses/​by-​nc/​4.​0/
citicoline after a run-in patching phase showed a significant © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
treatment effect at 90 days for the citicoline-augmented group.58 article) 2018. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
However, failure to demonstrate improvement in the control expressly granted.
group (2 hours a day of patching) was unexpected and therefore
results from this study should be cautiously interpreted.
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