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Cultural and entertainment centre, Patto – Design recommendations

 The centre should cater to 200 students in 4-5 workshops/ classes running simultaneously, being
held in workshops, auditorium and/or other makeshift venues
 The auditorium can host about 200 people
 The plaza parking which is relatively not used at night and evening can be used for the centre
activities during these hours
 Maximum no. of floors – 6

The minimum recommended spaces to be provided are as follows:

Space No. required Capacity Description

Auditorium 1 200 people About the size of cetaa hall

Open air Auditorium - About 500 Subject to change upon further
people min. considerations
Training centre/ 2 40 students At least one workshop must have an
workshops each associated open annexure, for conducting
classes like pottery etc.
Exhibition space 1 200 m sq. This permanent space is to exhibit products
min of workshops and other artistic work on a
daily basis, other outdoor spaces could be
added on when occasional large exhibitions
are held
Conference room 1 30 people
Executive guest rooms 6 Double For the guides, experts conducting the
occupancy workshops and other dignitaries
Dormitory facility - 20+20 people For the group attending the courses
Canteen Dining area 1 100 people Say, 200 people must be accommodated in 2
Canteen kitchen 1 For the above dining area – about 40% of
dining area

Entertainment hub - 150 people Should consist of outdoor sports, outdoor

games, indoor games and sports, interactive/
explorative areas, the total of which holds
150 people
Gym 1 30 people

Open Ground for 1 10- 15 m.sq.

stamping (to extract
Feni distillation display 1 20 m. sq. 2-3 apparatus on display for 20- 30 people at
a time
Feni storage 50 msq.
Feni display and tasting 50 msq.
centre approx

POSS stalls 30 min About Eateries and stalls

3m x4m

Parking (car) 70 Subject to change upon further

Parking (bus) 5 Subject to change upon further
Parking (2 wheeler) - 25% of car Subject to change upon further
park area considerations

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