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Lesson Plan Integrating Technology & Pedagogy

Nicholos Orr November 6, 2010

Elementary Science
STANDARD 4: The Physical Setting
Key Idea 2: Many of the phenomena that we observe on Earth involve interactions among
components of air, water, and land.
The water cycle, weather, erosion, deposition, and extreme natural events involve interactions
among air, water, and land. Students should observe and describe naturally occurring changes in
their world involving these phenomena. They can also investigate these phenomena in classroom
Younger students should be engaged in observation of their immediate surroundings with
emphasis on recognizing change around them. As students mature, they can begin to recognize
cycles and identify the processes and natural events which are causing the changes they are
2.1e Extreme natural events (floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes,
and other severe storms) may have positive or negative impacts on living things.

1. Creativity and Innovation
2. Communication and Collaboration
3. Research and Information Fluency
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
6. Technology Operations and Concepts

1. Use digital-imaging technology to modify or create works of art for use in a digital
presentation. (1,2,6)
2. Conduct science experiments using digital instruments and measurement devices. (4,6)
3. Recognize bias in digital resources while researching an environmental issue with guidance
from the teacher. (3,4)

Lesson Objective(s): Specifically describe what the student will be able to do.
Students will:
Perform guided research online using teacher designed web quest on Extreme Natural
Events/ Natural Disasters
Use Internet Explorer or other web browser to search for information effectively
Follow Directions On the web quest as to what is required of students
Create an Informational Pamphlet on assigned Natural Disaster Topic
Use Microsoft Publisher to create pamphlet using template
Work in a group to create a PowerPoint Presentation on groups assigned Natural Disaster
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a group presentation
Work collaboratively in groups on presentatino
Present PowerPoint to Class
Public Speaking

Introduce the Learning Activity:

A. Describe how you will communicate the lesson objective to the students. How will you tell
them what they will learn in this lesson?
The lesson hook will be to tell the students that they are to assume the role of a researcher
trying to save lives in the case of Natural Disasters through education. Their task is to research a
given Natural Disaster then create an individual pamphlet outlining that Natural disaster. After
this they will collaborate with other experts in their field (assigned natural disaster groups) to
create a PowerPoint presentation on your Topic Natural disaster that your group will present to
other Natural Disaster experts (rest of the class).

B. Describe how you will provide a motivator.  How will you get students interested in this

Introduction will be a video created on that will showcase small clips of each
disaster. Then students will be given the Role of an investigator of the Natural Disaster Type
assigned to research and report findings in an informative Pamphlet to be distributed to area
residents. The Information in their pamphlet could save lives!

Provide Information:

A. Describe how you will provide any definitions, explanations, descriptions, procedures,
examples, and/or samples needed for this lesson.

Students will know the types of Natural disasters from lesson in class prior to this lesson.
Students will research definitions, causes, effects, ways of detection, and what to do in case of
Natural disaster using teacher approved websites. Students will also be allowed to use pictures
found on websites and using (they will be required to site where they found each
picture below it).

Provide Practice:

A. Describe how you will give students an opportunity to practice the exact task stated in the

Students will be given time to research assigned Natural disaster online using approved
websites. Once students have completed their research they will be given ample time to construct
their informational pamphlet using Microsoft Publisher and a pamphlet template.
Once students have completed their pamphlets they will get into groups based on their
Natural disaster assigned discuss the facts and create a 4 slide PowerPoint and present as a group
to the class.

B. Describe how you will give students an opportunity to practice the exact task stated in the
objective individually, as well as in groups.  (You may have only individual practice, but not
solely group practice.)

Students will research their Natural disaster individually then each student will be
required to create a pamphlet which will be graded after the lesson.
Once the students have finished creating their individual pamphlets they will be required
to get into groups based on their assigned Natural disaster and construct a 4 slide PowerPoint
presentation that they will present as a group to the rest of the class.

Provide Knowledge of Results:

A. Describe how you will provide verbal feedback to the students on their practice efforts.
The instructor will travel around the classroom during all phases of the lesson giving
verbal feedback (both positive and helpful/constructive criticism) on research, pamphlet
construction, and group presentation, while also assisting the students in using the each program
or technology.

B. Describe how you will provide written feedback to the students on their practice efforts.
Students will receive grades based on the attached rubric for their pamphlets and group
presentation. Also instructor will add comments and written feedback on what each student had
done well or suggestion for improvement.

Review the Activity:

A. Describe how you will, or how you will have students, summarize the important points in this
The Students presentation will summarize the important points of the lesson in the areas
of: causes of, effects of, ways to detect, and what to do in case of each natural disaster. (If
number of students does not make this possible then instructor will cover those extra Natural

Method of Assessment: 

A. Describe how you will assess whether or not the students have learned the skills outlined in
the learning objective.
The assessment will be based on three aspects:

1) Individual Pamphlet Construction as graded on the rubric

2) Group presentation on assigned Natural Disaster as graded on the rubric
3) Facts sheet created from presentation (each student should have 3 facts or interesting
topics from each presentation written on a sheet to be handed in after the presentations)

Pamphlet Construction rubric

0 1 2 3
Information on No Information Some basic All basic Comprehensive
Causes on the causes of information on information on information on
the natural the causes of the the causes of the the causes of the
disaster is present Natural disaster Natural disaster Natural disaster is
on the pamphlet are present are present presented
Information on No Information Some basic All basic Comprehensive
effects on the effects of information on information on information on
the natural the effects of the the effects of the the effects of the
disaster is present Natural disaster Natural disaster Natural disaster is
on the pamphlet are present are present presented
Information on ways No Information Some basic All basic Comprehensive
to detect on the ways to information on information on information on
detect the the ways to the ways to the ways to
natural disaster is detect the Natural detect the Natural detect the
present on the disaster are disaster are Natural disaster is
pamphlet present present presented
Information on what No Information Some basic All basic Comprehensive
to do on what to do in information on information on information on
case of the what to do in case what to do in case what to do in
natural disaster is of the Natural of the Natural case of the
present on the disaster are disaster are Natural disaster is
pamphlet present present presented
Overall presentation Information is Information is All Information is
hard or readable but, present and
impossible to hard in places. readable. Topic
read. Topic is not Either the topic is natural disaster is N/A
listed and there missing or listed and
are no subheadings are subheadings for
subheadings hard to information are
separating the determine. present.
Presentation rubric

1 2 3 4
Material covered No Information on Some basic All basic Comprehensive
categories assigned information on information on information on
for the natural categories assigned categories assigned categories
disaster are for the natural for the natural assigned for
present by the disaster are disaster are the natural
group. present by the present by the disaster are
group. group. present by the
Volume of The presenters The presenters The presenters can
presenter could not be heard could be heard be heard and
or could not be throughout the understood from N/A
understood from room but, may anywhere in the
some point in the have been hard to room.
room. understand at
PowerPoint No PowerPoint Less than 4 slides, Minimum of 4 Minimum of 4
presentation, Can Some errors in the slides, Well written slides with
not read any writing or readable and possibly one or
information on the information is information, Slides two extra, Well
presentation, slide barely readable, construction works written and
construction has no slide construction well with material. readable
relevancy to the works with the information,
material being material but could Slide
presented. be improved to construction
work better. looks

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