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Lampiran LK chapter 2 ;This is me.

Pertemuan Pertama dan kedua [ Our Identities ]

LK 1 ; Listen to a monologue before you complete the Identity card.

Name ;…………………..

Place of origin ; ……………………

Home Address ;……………..

Town city ;………………………

Lk 2 ; What is the meaning of Place of origin ? [ pertanyaan memotivasi]

LK 3 A; Tell us the function of the text !

LK 3 B ; ; Fill in the preposition to complete the sentences with ; in, on ,at , up.

1. Mr .Adrian lives….. Jln Batu angus.

2. The docter lives ……… Kampung Melayu.

3 She arrives ………… school at seven o ‘clock.

LK 4 ; Make questions using the suitable question words ; where , when, what

1………………….does she live ? At 5 jln Samosir.

2………………….is your name ? Mirna

5……………..When was she born ? Agust the 3th 1964

LK 5; After listen to the text decide what are the ;

- Social function of the text ?

- The structure of the text ?

- The grammar used ?

LK 6; Make an identity card of your mother at home.

LK 7; Ask the student to make an interview to their friends the make an identity card in group of four.

LK 8 ; Invite them to present the monoloque text in front of the class room.
Pedoman Penilaian dan Penskoran ;
Penilaian Pengetahuan ;

LK 1 ; Jawaban benar1 score 1

LK 3a ; Jawaban benar score 3

LK 3b; Jawaban benar score 1

LK 4 ; Jawaban benar score 1

LK 5; Jawaban benar score 3;

Pedoman penilaian ; jumlah perolehan / skore maks x 100 = nilai akhir

Penilaian menulis; LK 7

Pedoman penilaian ; skore perolehan / skore maks x 100= Nilai akhir

Pertemuan Ketiga Dan keempat.[ Hobby and favorite ]

LK 1 ; Answer the question after you listen to the monoloque text. [ BS hal 30-31]

LK 2 ; What is the difference of hobby and favorite ?

LK 3a ; What is the function of the text ?

LK3b ; Answer the question below using the word in bracket .

1. My hobby is ………….[ sate . cooking ]

2. His favorite is…….. [ painting ,wood carfing]

3. Is …………..your hobby [ chocolate .travelling]

LK 4; Use the suitable queston to ask these sentences ; What is your hobby or what is your favorite ?

1. My favorite colour is green ?

2. O mega’s hobby is singing.?

3. His favorite food is bakso.?

LK5; After listen to the monologue tell us ,the social function of the text , the structure of the text and
the grammar used.

LK 6; For home work ask the student to find some kinds of hobbies and favorites at home.

LK 7; In group of four ask the students to interview their friends to ask their hobbies and favorites

LK8; Invite each group to present the dialogue

Pertemuan ke lima dan ke enam [ Keluarga dan hubungan kekeluargaan ]
LK1; Before answer the questions ask the students to lsten to the monologue text [ BS hal 34]

LK 2; Give motivation to the students tomake question about family

LK 3a; What is the function of the text about family and relationship ?

LK3b ; Complete the sentences with the suitable words ; daughter .aunty. cousin ,brother.

1 I have three children ,two sons and one……………

2 My uncle ‘s wife is my ……..

3 Tiwi is my …………. She is my uncle ‘s daughter.

LK 4; Answer these questions using your own sentences ;

1 How many sister do you have ?

2 Do you have uncle ? tell me the family of your father ?

3What is nephew , cousin , niece ?

LK 5; Present the text of family and the relationship tell the social finction of the text , sructur of the text ,
and the grammar used for the text .

LK 6; Ask the students to find some family and relation ship at home [home assignment]

LK 7 ; In group ask them to make family tree diagram on hard paper

LK8 ; Invite the student to tell the diagram in front of the classroom

Pertemuan Ketujuh dan Delapan [ Curriculum vitae]

LK1; Listen to the curriculum vitai befare answer the questions;

Lk2 ; Motivate the student to ask some question about the curri culum vitae.

Lk3 a ; What is the function of the text

LK 3B ; Make the sentences to the suitable intorogative

1. Andre Rambitan lives in kota Ternate

2. He is 17 years old

3. He has three family members.

4. His father is Adri Rambitan

LK 4; Use the suitable wh question to ask ; These sentences below are the answers

1 Rolan Stays at 12,jln Sutomo Medan.

2 He is 25 years now

3 He has three sons and one daughter.

LK5 ; Present the social function of the text , structur text ,and the grammar used.

LK 6; Make a curriculum vitae of your member of family.

LK 7 ; Ask The students to make a curri culum vitae in group

Lk8; Invite each group to present the curriculum vitae infront of the class room.

Pedoman Penilaian pengetahuan ;

LK 1 ; Jawaban benar 1 score 1

LK2 ;

LK 3a-4 ;Jawaban benar 1 score 1

LK 5; Jawaban benar 1score 2.

Penilaian ; jumlah score perolehan /score maks x 100= nilai akhir

Pedoman Penskoran menulis;

Penilaian dari aspek ketrampilan menulis (writing Skill)

No Aspek yang dinilai Kriteria Skor
1 Originalitas penulisan Sangat original 5
Original 4
Cukup original 3
Kurang original 2
Tidak original 1
2 Kesesuaian isi dengan Sangat sesuai 5
judul Sesuai 4
Cukup sesuai 3
Kurang sesuai 2
Tidak sesuai 1
3 Keruntutan teks Sangat tepat 5
Tepat 4
Cukup tepat 3
Kurang tepat 2
Tidak tepat 1
4 Pilihan kosakata Sangat tepat 5
Tepat 4
Cukup tepat 3
Kurang tepat 2
Tidak tepat 1
5 Pilihan tatabahasa Sangat tepat 5
Tepat 4
Cukup tepat 3
Kurang tepat 2
Tidak tepat 1
6 Penulisan kosakata Sangat tepat 5
Tepat 4
Cukup tepat 3
Kurang tepat 2
Tidak tepat 1
7 Kerapihan tulisan Tulisan rapi dan mudah terbaca 5
Tulisan tidak rapi tetapi mudah 4
Tulisan rapi tetapi tidak mudah 3
Tulisan tidak rapi dan sulit terbaca 2
Penilaian Keterampilan berbicara; LK -8 ; Skore Perolehan / Skore maks x 100 = Nilai

Penilaian dari aspek ketrampilan berbicara (Speaking Skills)

No Aspek yang dinilai Kriteria Skor
1 Pengucapan Hampir sempurna 5
(Pronunciation) Ada beberapa kesalahan namun tidak 4
mengganggu makna
Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu 3
Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu 2
Terlalu Banyak kesalahan dan 1
mengganggu makna
2 Intonasi (Intonation) Hampir sempurna 5
Ada beberapa kesalahan namun tidak 4
mengganggu makna
Ada beberapa kesalahan dan mengganggu 3
Banyak kesalahan dan mengganggu 2
Terlalu Banyak kesalahan dan 1
mengganggu makna
3 Kelancaran (Fluency) Sangat lancar 5
Lancar 4
Cukup lancar 3
Kurang lancar 2
Tidak lancar 1
4 Ketelitian (accuracy) Sangat teliti 5
Teliti 4
Cukup teliti 3
Kurang teliti 2
Tidak teliti 1

Penilaian sikap ;

Jurnal Sikap Spiritual

No Waktu Catatan Perilaku Butir Sikap
1. leni  Tidak mengikuti ibadah yang
diselenggarakan di sekolah. Ketakwaan
 Mengganggu teman yang sedang berdoa Ketakwaan
sebelum makan siang di kantin.
2.  Mengajak temannya untuk berdoa Ketakwaan
4 sebelum pertandingan tennis meja di
lapangan sekolah.
 Mengingatkan temannya untuk Toleransi
melaksanakan sholat zuhur hidup
 Bersyukur dapat belajar dengan tertib Bersyukur

Deskripsi Sikap Spiritual

No Nama Deskripsi Nilai sikap spiritual

1 leni Belum memiliki sikap takwa

Jurnal Sikap Sosial

No Tanggal Catatan Perilaku Butir Sikap
1. Menolong orang lanjut usia untuk Kepedulian
menyeberang jalan di depan sekolah.
2. Berbohong ketika ditanya alasan tidak Kejujuran
masuk sekolah di ruang guru.
3. Menyerahkan dompet yang ditemukannya di Kejujuran
halaman sekolah kepada satpam sekolah.

4. Mempengaruhi teman untuk tidak masuk Kedisiplinan


DeskripsSikSikap Sosial

No Nama Deskripsi Nilai Sikap Sosial

Sudah memiliki keperdulian yg baik

ite each group to present the curriculum vitae infront of the class room

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