TESOL Certificate Programs: Lesson Plan Format

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TESOL Certificate Programs

Lesson Plan Format

Student Name: Elsa Serafin Class: Foundations of TESOL

Date: 03/17/2019 Assignment: Lesson Plan

Instructor Name: Nichole LaPeer Standards/Format: 20 min PPP Lesson

Level: Beginner
Teaching Context: International students studying at a US IEP
Student Age: 19-25
Skill: Grammar – “Can I have” sentences
Topic: Going to a restaurant
Function: Asking for items & ordering at a restaurant


International students will need to know locations people often visit and how ask for items.
Commonly visited places include going to the bank, the store, a movie theater, and a restaurant.
When visiting these locations it is very likely students will ask questions and/or place an order.
Therefore, it is important for students to know how to use “Can I have” sentences. There will
also be vocabulary consisting of food and drink items like water, soda, salad, sandwich, and fruit.
These are common actions performed in everyday life and are beneficial to international students
living in a new country.

1. Students will be able to identify and match pictures of locations and food items on a
handout with 100% accuracy
2. Students will work on grammar by filling in the blanks of a conversation on a handout
with 100% accuracy
3. Students will be able to construct their own conversation with a partner in which they
will order food and take an order with 90% accuracy
TESOL Certificate Programs
Lesson Plan Format


1. “Can I have” + a 3. “Can I have” + number

2. “Can I have” + an


English in Common Level 1 Unit 4. Retrieved from



White board and markers

Slides on PPT (Restaurant Photos)
Handout with vocabulary, grammar activities, and menu
TESOL Certificate Programs
Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Plan Phases:

Warm Up

4 minutes

1. T will show pictures of fast-food and sit-down restaurants. T will then ask students to
name the locations. [Ss: McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, Carl’s Jr., Panda
Express, Applebee’s, Chile’s, Olive Garden]
2. T will then talk about places that she visits often, as in the following examples:
a. When I want something quick, I like to go to Panda Express or Taco Bell.
b. My favorite restaurants are Olive Garden and the Cheesecake Factory.
3. Based on student’s level, T will ask which of these locations they have visited:
a. Have you visited any of these restaurants? [Ss: Yes]
b. Which have you visited? [Ss: Answers may vary]
c. Do you visit any that are not listed here? [Ss: Answers may vary]
d. Which is your favorite? [Ss: Answer may vary]
e. What is your favorite kind food? [Ss: Answers will vary]
4. T will then have Ss talk with a partner and ask each other what their favorite
Restaurant(s) is (are). Teacher will assign partners and gives students 2 minutes to


8 minutes

1. T says: “Ok so we’ve just discussed the types of restaurant we like to visit, now we
will talk about things we order.
a. T tells students what she likes to have for lunch, “When I go to a fast food
restaurant I usually order a salad with chicken and a water.”
b. T then says “When I go to a sit down restaurant I usually look for salads or
tacos and drink water or an iced tea.”
2. T will then ask a few students, “What kind of foods and drink do you like to get at a
restaurant?” T points to students one at a time and waits for their answer. [ss answers
will vary]
3. T then gives students the handout and displays handout on white board with projector.
Then T gives directions: “Ok, so on the first part you will see pictures of foods and
drinks. The names of the foods are listed underneath: bottled water, sandwich, piece
of cake, salad, and cup of tea. You will write the correct name on the blank line next
to the picture. You will see that the first one is done for you. The words orange juice
TESOL Certificate Programs
Lesson Plan Format
are crossed off the list and written in the blank next the picture of a bottle of orange
4. T will check for understanding: “Do you see where they wrote in orange juice?” [Ss:
Yes – If “no,” T will point to the orange juice on the handout displayed on the white
and say “It is here on the top with the letter “A” and the number 1. T will check again
for understanding, as necessary.
5. Teacher will then point to the first word on the list
a. T asks, “What is this word?” [Ss should say “bottled water”] “Good, this
word is bottled water.
b. T will then ask, “Which number is the correct picture for water bottle?” [Ss
should answer “number 3”] Excellent, yes number 3 is a picture of bottled
c. T will write in “bottled water” on the board where the blank is located.
6. T will have students work in partners to complete the rest. Speaking only in English.
7. T will ask students if they have filled in all the blanks and move on once the students
have copied all the answers.
8. T will then play audio of a conversation. When audio ends T will continue with
instructions for the next section: “Here you will see another set of words (points to
each word) – chocolate, large, ham and cheese, and small. These words were used in
the audio. You will need to pair them with the phrases below (points to blanks).”
9. T will check for understanding: “Do you see the words and the blanks?” [Ss should
all answer yes. If “no” T will point again to the words and blanks, as necessary]
10. T then reads the first phrase “Here we see number 1 is already done. The word
“house” is placed in the blank of the phrase ‘a blank salad.”
a. T points to number 2 and says, “here we have ‘a blank bottled water.’ Which
of the words fits in this phrase?” T points to a student. [Ss should answer
small or large.]
b. If not correct T will say, “Good try, but I’m looking for another word” and ask
the student to try another word that could describe a bottled water. Repeats
until correct answer.] “Great, if you get stuck try saying the phrase with each
of the words until you find which one sounds best to you.”
c. T will write in the correct answer and repeat steps for the next 3 phrases.
11. T then displays “Active grammar” box and discusses the construction of “Can I have”
Sentences: “Now, we will work on how to order the foods and drinks we’ve
a. “When ordering food use the phrase ‘Can I have.’ In the grammar box we
have three sentences that begin one, ‘Can I have a,’ two, ‘Can I have an’ and
number 3 ‘Can I have two.’ Lets match them to the correct ending. The first is
done ‘Can I have a chicken sandwich, please?”
b. T then asks a higher level student, “which ending fits number two, ‘Can I have
an.’” [S should answer, “iced tea, please,” if not T explains why the other
option (oranges juices) would not fit with the word ‘an,’ but works when
using numbers to describe how many.”] (this will give students the answer to
number 3 and T could simply repeat the 3 phrase with the correct answers)
TESOL Certificate Programs
Lesson Plan Format


4 minutes

T says: “Ok class. In the Active grammar box you have a few phrases: ‘Certainly/Sure.
Anything else? No, that’s all. And Yes, please. Can I have?’ Your next task will be to use
those phrases to fill in the conversation between a person ordering and someone taking
the order. I will give you a few minutes to complete the conversation with a partner.
Remember to only use English while speaking”

Ss begin working in pairs on filling in the blanks while T goes around checking for

After 2 minutes T and Ss will go over the answers together.

4 minutes

T says: “Ok class, for this last part you will continue working with your partner. One of
you will be ordering food and the other will play the waiter. The waiter will begin by
saying ‘Hello, what can I get for you today?’ Then the customer will use the phrase ‘Can
I have’ and begin ordering anything you like from the sample menu. (Teacher hands out
menus) You can also look back at the previous activity to help you. Please complete this
activity speaking only in English.”

T will give students time to complete their conversation while walking around and
listening to students to make sure they are using the correct grammar.

When students have finished their skit, T will make corrections as necessary.

Wrap Up

T says: “Ok, class. You did well today. Do you have any questions about today’s lesson
[Ss answer]. Will you use ‘Can I have’ to order food the next time you’re at a restaurant?
[Ss answer]. Great! It should be easier for you to get your delicious food and drinks.”

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