IGS NT Hybrid User Guide r1

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Firmware for InteliSys and
InteliGen controllers in hybrid

SW version 1.2.0
1 General information 2
2 New features 3
3 Abstract 4
4 Conditions 6
5 General installation structure 7
6 Required communication lines 8
7 Required data exchange 11
8 Configuration of Modbus data 12
9 Communication 16
10 Power management settings 19
11 Related information 20

Copyright © 2018 ComAp a.s.

Written by Petra Píclová
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail: info@comap-control.com, www.comap-control.com User Guide
1 General information
The IGS-NT-HYBRID 1.2.0 firmware is based on standard IGS-NT 3.7.0 firmware. New features have been
added there to ensure compatibility with the InteliSys NTC Hybrid controller 2.0.0 and third party master hybrid
This firmware is available for InteliGenNTC BaseBox, InteliSysNTC BaseBox, InteliMainsNTC BaseBox,
InteliGen NT and InteliSys NT.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 2

2 New features
2.1 Changes in the version 1.2.0
PV power limitation
The PV power limitation ability on sites with one gen-set was added (available through ComAp
communication gateway UC-7112-LX Plus). The requested value of the PV output is calculated in the
gateway based on the Min GS Power setpoint and actual PV output value (it is necessary to create the
algorithm in the gateway PLC)
DynSpinResReq and DynSpinResOfst values
The communication between the InteliSys NTC Hybrid controller and the gen-set controllers with the IGS-
NT-Hybrid fw is ensured via CAN, where it takes an effect in the power management. If the master
controller is other than InteliSys NTC Hybrid, then the DSR setpoints must be configured appropriately
via LAIs

2.2 Changes in the version 1.1.0

Dynamic Spinning Reserve offset was added
To prevent from continuous stopping and starting of gen-sets
NextStrtDel and OverldNextDel decision rules were changed
These delays allow for faster start of a gen-set in case the DSR value increases rapidly

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 3

3 Abstract
This document will help you to successfully set up hybrid / microgrid project with InteliGen or InteliSys genset
controllers with IGS-NT-Hybrid 1.2.0 firmware.

3.1 What is a Hybrid application?

Hybrid application combines conventional and non-conventional source for power generation. The most typical
application is with diesel gen-sets and photovoltaic plant as illustrated below.

Information about ComAp solution, references and related products for hybrid applications can be found here:
Hybrid power plant using ComAp’s hybrid solution
For complete description of hybrid applications see our Hybrid Application Guide.

3.2 How do ComAp controllers support Hybrid

There are two different scenarios based on the position ComAp controllers are in – master or slave. This
document refers to and provides assistance with the setup of applications where ComAp InteliSys or InteliGen
gen-set controllers, uploaded with the IGS-NT-Hybrid 1.2.0 firmware, are slaves to master controller (either
InteliSys NTC Hybrid or third party controller).
Instructions how to set up ComAp´s InteliSys NTC Hybrid controller, the dedicated hybrid master controller, can
be found in the IS-NTC-Hybrid User guide.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 4

3.3 How IGS-NT-Hybrid firmware works?
The master hybrid controller calculates so called Dynamic Spinning Reserve (DSR), which is a type of load
reserve that should be kept on the running gen-sets in order to cover renewable energy supply fluctuations. The
value of DSR is sent to genset controllers over Modbus and they add the DSR value to the regular Load
Reserve which is taken to account in power management. The DSR value is communicated over CAN bus and
shared among all genset controllers.
The InteliGen or InteliSys controllers perform the overall gen-sent control function, load sharing as well as power
management and send required data/values to the master controller.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 5

4 Conditions
There are a few conditions which must be met to ensure save and correct operation of the hybrid system, such
All gen-set controllers are ComAp InteliGenNTC or InteliSysNTC with IGS-NT-Hybrid firmware (available for
download on ComAp website, upon login)
All mains incomer controllers are ComAp InteliMainsNTC with IGS-NT-Hybrid firmware (if applicable)
DSR sw option must be enabled upon inserting correct sw key (for information about software key purchase
see the following chapter 5.1)
The units of the DSR value are sent in kW
The master controller is Modbus (RTU or TCP) master
All gen-set controllers are connected via CAN bus
There must be at least one device within the system which provides voltage reference

4.1 SW option
The DSR availability is subject to following conditions:
1. The gen-set controller firmware is upgraded to IGS-NT-Hybrid firmware
2. The DSR function must be unlocked by inserting correct SW key (the SW key can be purchased from your
sales partner upon providing serial number– see list of ComAp distributors and subsidiaries)
3. DSR setpoint must then be enabled in setpoints Power management Group, in all the gen-set controllers

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 6

5 General installation structure
There can be up to 32 ComAp controllers connected together and working in this system (including
InteliGenNTC BaseBox, InteliGen NT, InteliSysNTC BaseBox, InteliSysNT and InteliMainsNTC BaseBox,
InteliMainsNT). Each gen-set must be equipped with generator circuit breaker controlled by ComAp controller.
There needs to be a circuit breaker for each group of renewable energy sources and this circuit breaker can be
controlled by the PV inverter, wind inverter, by InteliMainsNTC BaseBox, InteliMainsNT or InteliSysNTC Hybrid.
Optionally there can be Mains Circuit Breaker and Master Generator Circuit Breaker controlled by ComAp

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 7

6 Required communication lines
There are several options how to communicate between the master hybrid controller InteliSysNTC Hybrid and
PV/wind inverter. Use one of the options below to ensure correct function of the system.

6.1 Connection via Modbus RTU/TCP through

communication gateway
ComAp gen-set controllers communicate always as Modbus Slave.

In this case there is a single Modbus line used for communication between the InteliSys NTC Hybrid controller
and the PV/wind inverter. The data among ComAp controllers, including InteliSysNTC Hybrid, is shared via
CAN2. There could be up to 32 slaves on the Modbus line, however it is recommended to communicate through
a cluster controller if there is a higher number of inverters, which collects and distributes all data from and to all
the inverters and communicates with the InteliSysNTC Hybrid over one communication line only.
See chapters Sharing the signals (page 16) for more details.
Note: It is also possible to use RS232 connection for Modbus. But RS232 port is not electrically isolated and
without any additional isolation therefore it should be used only for very short connection.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 8

6.2 Connection via Modbus RTU and single line
communication via RS485

Note: ComAp controllers are gen-set controllers (InteliGenNTC or InteliSysNTC) with IGS-NT-HYBRID
firmware. Master controller is Modbus Master.

In this case there is a single Modbus line used for communication of communication between hybrid master
controller and one of ComAp gen-set controllers. with one of the ComAp controllers. The data from master
controller is then shared via CAN2 to all ComAp gen-set controllers shared via CAN2 to all other ComAp
controllers. See chapters Sharing the signals (page 16) form more details.
Note: It is also possible to use RS232 connection for Modbus but RS232 port is not electrically isolated and
therefore it should be used for very short connection only without any additional isolation.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 9

6.3 Connection via Modbus TCP directly to ComAp
controller (available for NTC versions only)

Note: ComAp controllers are gen-set controllers (InteliGenNTC or InteliSysNTC) with IGS-NT-HYBRID
firmware. Master controller is Modbus Master.

The Modbus TCP communication can be wired only to one controller. The data must be shared via CAN2 to all
other ComAp controllers
Note: Using the switch is optional; however it is necessary if two or more direct Modbus lines to ComAp
controllers are required.

6.4 Communication via binary signals

Number of binary outputs can be used to switch between individual power bands in PV inverters.

6.5 Communication via analog signal

An analog output (4-20mA) from the InteliSysNTC Hybrid master controller can be used for PV output reduction
either through direct wired connection to the inverters or through a cluster controller.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 10

7 Required data exchange
The following data is required for the system to support basic functions. It is possible to read from or write to
ComAp controllers and the PV/wind inverters more values, as per the installation requirements.

Data Purpose Direction

Information for ComAp controllers to provide
Dynamic Spinning From InteliSysNTC Hybrid to
sufficient load reserve to cover RE output
Reserve ComAp genset controllers
From ComAp genset
Total running gensets
For the purpose to limit RE power output controllers to InteliSysNTC
actual power
From ComAp genset
Total running gensets
For the purpose to limit RE power output controllers to InteliSysNTC
nominal power

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 11

8 Configuration of Modbus data
This part of the User guide provides information regarding configuration setup of the ComAp controller and the
Modbus master controller.

8.1 Reading of values from ComAp controllers

The Modbus registers in the ComAp controllers can change with newer firmware version. For these purposes
there is a fix set of 128 registers that a user can assign any value from the controller and this assigned value will
stay fixed even in future versions. To use this function navigate to User MODBUS tab in GenConfig.

Click on the "+" four times and four new rows will appear. Now there are two fixed Modbus registers 42873 and
42874 that can be assigned any value from the controller. Click on the button in the first row and assign this
Modbus register the value shown in the following picture.

Assign the second part of this value to the second row.

The third row will contain the following value.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 12

And the fourth row will contain the second part of this value.
Note: The register number of the value shown in the dialog window can differ from the number shown in the
pictures here. Please navigate using the name of the value.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to write the new configuration to your controller. For further details see
the Reference guide.

These values are calculated in all controllers and the value will be the same in all controllers connected to the
CAN2. You do not need to read this value from each controller separately. If you need to read it from more than
one source due to communication redundancy, you can easily clone the settings using the buttons shown
below. Save the configuration in one archive and load it in another.

Now you have four Modbus registers that can be read to obtain these values from the controller. The following
Modbus command should be used.

The response should have the following format: 01 03 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 95 D7 (first byte contains
address of ComAp controller, second byte is the command, third byte contains the number of read bytes, then
the following eight bytes contain the data, and two last bytes are CRC).
These values can be used in the master controller for internal calculations of DSR evaluation and RE power

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 13

8.2 Writing of Requested Spinning Reserve into
ComAp controllers
ComAp controllers allow continuous rewriting of External values. These values will be used as a source of
Dynamic Spinning Reserve in further configuration. See below the Modbus command structure for writing a
value into a controller.
The request for the writing looks like this (External value1):

The expected response if the writing was successful is 01 10 18 D6 00 03 67 50 (first byte is the address of the
ComAp controller and the last two bytes are CRC).
The External value in the controller than can be connected to the logical function that serves as a source value
for the Dynamic Spinning Reserve in the ComAp's power management.

Go to LAI tab in GenConfig and select Logical Analog Input function DynSpinResReq. On the right side you can
see Source value selection. Navigate to ForceValue group and select ExtValue1 (see the following image),

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 14

You will see that the value ExtValue1 has been assigned to the Dynamic Spinning Reserve function.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 15

9 Communication
There are two different scenarios of data exchange between the master controller and the gen-set controller(s).
If the master controller is IS NTC Hybrid, which is the preferred solution due to smooth cooperation of the
controllers, the data is exchanged over CAN bus. Since all ComAp controllers are interconnected via CAN bus,
there does not have to be redundancy of the master-slave communication channel. However, in case that the
value of the DSR setpoint is incorrect or missing, or the communication between the controllers is lost, then the
IGS-NT-Hybrid fw automatically counts with DSR values equal to zero. To avoid such case, the DSR LAI can
be configured and the value can be received over Modbus, which would, in general, be used with another party
master controller.
To ensure faultless Modbus communication, see below the instructions of how to set up the heartbeat signal
between the master controller and the ComAp gen-set controllers.
When more than one controller receives data from the master controller there needs to be changes in the
configuration to support this redundancy.

9.1 Sharing the signals

If the master controller is not IS NTC Hybrid, then the DSR value must be sent over Modbus to each of the gen-
set controllers or it can be sent to only one controller and then propagated to the other gen-set controllers. This,
however, requires configuration of the Shared Logical Analog Inputs (SHAIN).
This value needs to be connected to the Logical Analog Function DynSpinResReq in all the controllers. Refer to
the chapter Writing of Requested Spinning Reserve into ComAp controllers (page 14) for more
information on how to assign this value to the Logical Analog Input function.
Gen-set controllers provide the master controller with fuel consumption data.
LAI Fuel Rate must be mapped to appropriate ECU value to ensure correct data flow. The master controller then
calculates the overall fuel consumption (value Total fuel used).
The setting is illustrated in the following diagram. For the redundancy of Modbus communication please refer to
the chapter Communication redundancy in the Reference guide.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 16

Note: ComAp controllers are gen-set controllers (InteliGenNTC or InteliSysNTC) with IGS-NT-HYBRID
firmware. Master controller is Modbus Master.

9.2 Monitoring of the status of communication with

Master controller and CAN2 communication
There are 32 so called Modbus Switches (MS) in ComAp controllers. These MS can be used to write binary
information via Modbus. Use one of the switches to write heartbeat to the ComAp controller to monitor Modbus
communication status. The heartbeat should have length based on the communication traffic (longer pulses
should be used when there higher traffic on Modbus line).
Write this heartbeat using the following command

The following response will be received when the writing was successful: 01 06 18 C0 00 01 4F D7
This Modbus Switch can be used in the configuration for indication of healthy Modbus reading. This signal
should be shared via CAN2 using SHBOUT virtual module to all other controllers. It will serve as Modbus and
CAN2 communication status.
In this example there are two controllers receiving the Dynamic Spinning Reserve request from the master
controller. One of them is set to share this value over CAN2 using SHAOUT1-1 output (this value is received in
all other controllers on SHAIN1-1 input). The other one shares the value over SHAOUT2-1 output and this signal
is used only when the main Modbus communication is not working properly.
The following configuration should be used in all the controllers (including the two receiving controllers).

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 17

Use Delay PLC block and select Pulse on Edge option. The Up and Down values should be higher than the
pulse duration of the heartbeat (e.g. heartbeat is 1s up and 1s down and the Delay is set to 2s and 2s). When the
output of this block goes to log 0 there is a problem with Modbus communication. This signal should be sent via
CAN2 using SHBOUT virtual module to all other controllers. It will serve as Modbus and CAN2 communication
When the primary Modbus connection is healthy, the output of the Delay block is activated and the Analog
Switch block forwards the second input (DynSpRes MAIN). When the primary connection is down, the Modbus
Healthy signal goes to log 0 and the first input on the Analog Switch is forwarded (DynSpRes SEC).
Do not forget to connect LAI DynSpinResReq to the output of the Analog Switch block.

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 18

10 Power management settings
Power management settings is paramount for efficient gen-set operation and must reflect the individual site
requirements and constraints. This chapter provides very basic overview of power management settings with
respect to the DSR adoption. For full description of ComAp power management, refer to Reference Guide for
MINT application.
The following settings need to be applied in all the controllers.
Power management:Pwr management = ENABLED
Power management:Pwr mgmnt mode = ABS (kW)
Basic settings:ControllerMode = AUT
ProcessControl:LocalBaseLoad = OFF
Power management:Dynam Spin Res = ENABLED
The Dynamic Spinning Reserve Reg value is always added to the requested load reserve in standard ComAp
power management. The Dynamic Spinning Reserve Offset. This offset is additionally added to the reserve
limit for stop. To prevent from continuous GS starting and stoping
Hybrid Reserve Limit For Start = LoadResStrt X + LAI Dynamic Spinning Reserve
Hybrid Reserve Limit For Stop = LoadResStop X + Nominal power of the next gen-set that is to be stopped +
LAI Dynamic Spinning Reserve + LAI Dynamic Spinning Reserve Offset

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 19

11 Related information
11.1 Available files
Firmware (*.mhx)
For InteliGenNT BaseBox For InteliSysNT BaseBox For InteliMainsNT BaseBox
and InteliGenNTC BaseBox and InteliSysNTC BaseBox and InteliMainsNTC BaseBox

IS-NT-HYBRID1.2.0.mhx IM-NT-BB-HYBRID 1.2.0.mhx

Table 11.1 Available firmware

Archives (*.ant)
For InteliMainsNT GC and
For InteliGenNTBaseBox For InteliSysNT
InteliMainsNTC BaseBox,
and InteliGenNTC BaseBox and InteliSysNTC BaseBox
InteliMainsNT BaseBox
IG-BB-HYBRID-MINT-1.2.0.ant IS-HYBRID-MINT-1.2.0.ant

Table 11.2 Available archives

IGS-NT-HYBRID User Guide 1.2.0 20

11.2 Available related documentation
Documents Description
General description of MINT applications for InteliGenNT and InteliSysNT.
Contains description of engine and generator control, powermanagement, list of
all Setpoints, Values, Logical Binary Inputs and Logical Binary Output.
Reference Guide.pdf
General description of Combi applications for InteliGenNT and InteliSysNT.
Contains description of engine, and generator control in SPTM, SPI and MINT
IGS-NT-Combi-3.1.0 mode, powermanagement, list of all Setpoints, Values, Logical Binary Inputs and
Reference Guide.pdf Logical Binary Output.
Applications of InteliGenNT, InteliSysNT and InteliMainsNT, examples of
IGS-NT Application connection, description of PLC functions, Virtual and Shared peripheries.
Guide 05-2013.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/IGS-
How to solve most common troubles with InteliGenNT and InteliSysNT controllers.
Including the list of alarm massages.
Troubleshooting Guide
Operator Guide for all hardware variation of InteliGenNT and InteliSysNT,
IG/IS-NT Operator InteliVision 5 and InteliVision 8.
Guide 01-2014.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/IGS-NT%20Operator%20guide%2001-
Thorough description of installation and technical information about InteliGenNT ,
IGS-NT Installation InteliSysNT , InteliMainsNT and related accessories.
Guide 08-2014.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/IGS-
Thorough description of connectivity and communication for InteliGenNT ,
InteliSysNT , InteliMainsNT and related accessories.
Communication Guide
Available as standard part of the installation package. Available in GenConfig and
Context help

Table 11.3 Available documentation

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