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BOOK REVIEW – critical assessment of a book based on 3.

Part of a Research Report – will provide the

key points like content, style, point, quality, etc. It is not context to which a researcher’s work is a
a mere summary but a commentary, because you are contribution.
allowed to evaluate and judge an author’s work.
RESEARCH PAPER – a systematic process of gathering
4 STAGES IN WRITING A BOOK REVIEW and analyzing data to establish a plan of action.

 BEFORE YOU READ  Simply a collection of facts, information or

Elements: Author, Title, Genre, Preface, details in a particular subject.
Introduction, Table of Contents, Cover, Abstract
 AS YOU READ – pay to introduction and  It is accurate
preface.  It is logical and objective
Take note: Characters, Settings, Theme, Plot,
 It is relevant
Style, Argument, Quotes.
 It is patiently done
 It is specific
 WRITING THE REVIEW – begin with a couple
 It is systematic
sentences describing what the book is all about.
 It is timely
This will give your audience or readers a
 It is clear
 It is complete
 It is presentable
 REVISING – making changes or doing some
modifications in your paper. Proposal Project – a document that is designed to
present a plan of action and the reason for considering
LITERATURE REVIEW – assessment of a body of a
such as plan.
research that addresses a research question
 In business, a project proposal is for funding.
 Process of reading, analyzing, evaluating and
summarizing scholarly materials about a specific FOUR BASIC PARTS OF PROJECT PROPOSAL
 Introduction – set down all the data that are
TYPES OF LITERATURE REVIEW needed, tells what the topic is about and
identifies the reasons why the project is a good
1. Stand Alone Literature Review – provides an
overview and analysis of the current state of
research on a topic or question.  Literature Review or Background – this is
where you discuss the books and other reading
 Make sure that you know what is expected of
or source materials that you will be using for
your research.
 Identify keywords around your topic.
 Procedure – how you would carry out your
 Begin your literature search.
 Decide on the structure of your review.
 Budget –this part will give all anticipated
 Write your review.
expenses you are expected to incur.
2. Part of a Research Proposal – important in
demonstrating how a proposed research will be PROPOSAL LETTER – a letter that a researcher uses as
useful to a particular field. This is used in class his cover letter for their research.
projects, research, thesis and dissertations.
 Parts: Introduction, Body
POSITION PAPER – a type of academic writing that  Attention Line – needed if the business letter is
grabs the attention of readers. addressed to a company rather than to an
 Subject Line – used to immediately inform the
 Introduction – grabs the attention of readers reader what the letter is all about.
 Body – states your main argument and provide  Enclosure Notation – this is a reminder that
sufficient evidence for each arguments. there is an attachment.
 Conclusion – relates your position and main  CC Notation (Carbon Copy Notation) - shows
arguments. that other copies of the letter are being sent to
one or more persons other than the addressee.
BUSINESS LETTER – professional or business letter. A  BCC Notation (Blind Carbon Copy Notation) –
formal document that often sent from one company to used if the writer does not want the reader to
another from a company to its clients, employees, and knew that he is sending a copy of the letter to
stakeholders. another person.
 Postscript – this part emphasizes a point made
me in the letter. They are designed to draw
 Letterhead or Heading – contains the name of attention.
the sender, the street address, town, province  Mailing Notation – a note indicating the special
and country, the ZIP code which are typed on postal service such as “registered” or “certified”
the top lines immediately above the dateline.

 Dateline – contains the date of the letter.  Full Block Style – the most used style because
of its simplicity.
 Inside Address – considered as the introductory  Modified Block Style – preferred by many
or complimentary address. This is the address writers.
of the receiver or recipient of the letter and is  Semi Blocked Style – almost exactly the same
exact address on the envelope. as the modified block style except that the first
line of each paragraph is indented.
 Salutation – considered as the greeting and an  Simplified NOMA (National Office
expression of courtesy to put the reader in a Management Association) – this type omits the
friendly state of mind. salutation and the complimentary close.

 Body of the Letter – the path where the RESUME – a summary of your qualifications that you
message of the letter is written. use as a tool to market yourself when applying for a job.

 A short document describing your education,

 Complementary Close – this part closes the
work history, and a document showing a list of
letter cordially.
your achievements.

 Signature Block – the basic part identifies the FORMATS:

 Reverse Chronological Format – the traditional
 Reference Initials – these are the initials of the format and the commonly used format.
writer of typist or stenographer which are typed  Functional Format – focuses on the applicant’s
in the lower corner of the letter. abilities and emphasizes more on their
 Combination Format – make use of both the
chronological and functional format.

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