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An apprentice actuary

by Georgina Jenkins, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

Even the brightest students don’t always see university in their path
to a career, here Georgina Jenkins at the IFoA speaks to Zeenat, an
actuarial apprentice who has mastered the art of work and play –
sprinkled with some education for good measure!

Zeenat, what made you decide to do an apprenticeship?

Well, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to study at university, and I really just wanted to get into
the world of work and start networking with people of all ages rather than just people my
own age. Also, I wanted to get my foot in the door and start early! I wanted to develop
valuable skills whilst gaining a great qualification and a salary. Because of it, I have been
able to do things many of my friends haven’t been able to do because they went to
university, like go on holiday, buy a new car and start looking for my own home.
Zeenat Chady
So inspirational! So what did you excel in at school which meant finance felt right for you?
Role: Actuarial Apprentice
Employer: Aon Hewitt At school I did well in subjects that were maths related, so maths and statistics, chemistry
Location: Surrey and biology. I’m really into dance too, but soon realised that I wanted to take the
mathematical route!

“I didn’t want to go to Had you heard of the actuarial profession before you embarked on your career path?

Yes, I had heard of it very briefly through my own browsing of potential future career
university but rather paths, but I had never really understood the role or what was needed or required.

wanted to get my foot How did you hear about the apprenticeship at Aon Hewitt?

I heard about the apprenticeship through my college, they sent an email around about the
in the door early on, opportunity, I was interested straight away and applied as soon as I could. I was delighted
when I was selected, it felt like my career was really going to take off – this idea of earning
earn some money, not and learning was so exciting and I couldn’t wait to get started with the qualification and
have a huge debt and Give us an idea of what it’s like day to day for an apprentice?

get a great qualification I do a lot of the same work as a new graduate would do so never feel like I am behind,
whilst also having the opportunity to speak to consultants on a daily basis to practise my
people and networking skills. I enjoy the social side of my job also, as an office we go out
at the end of it” most Friday’s after work so I don’t feel like I have missed out on the social aspect that I
would have received at university, and I don’t regret my decision at all!

What’s next for you?

Given the opportunity I would love to complete the CAA qualification. However, I’m also
keen to explore the opportunity that the full actuarial qualification offers – it’s just great
to have options.

If you’re thinking university might not be right for you, but you love maths and the
idea of work then contact the IFoA to find out more about the CAA professional
APPRENTICESHIP qualification and apprenticeship: or 0207 632 2137

© 2016 Institute and Faculty of Actuaries

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