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Department of Interior Design

faculty of art and Design
Maranatha Christian University
Jalan Surya Sumantri no 65, Bandung, Indonesia

Museum of Geology is one of the cultural heritage located in Bandung. The Museum of Geology was
built in the colonial era as a building used for geological research laboratories, but in 1945, it was
converted as a Museum. At present the Museum of Geology does not use mechanical guard
systems. In 1999, the museum was closed for renovation and then reopened in 2000. The renovation
was mostly done on the 2nd floor, while on the 1st floor the changes were made only slightly, with
the addition of several panels and parquet where the artifacts were exhibited. However, after this
change, the Museum of Geology requires air conditioning to meet thermal comfort. The use of AC
will certainly greatly affect the use of energy in the Museum of Geology, because 50% of the total
energy required by a building is used for HVAC. On the one hand, the windows in this museum are
not opened because sunlight can cause discoloration and dust can enter the exhibition object
becomes dirty.
In addition to these consequences, the average temperature in Bandung has increased every year
due to climate change (climate change) that occurred. This is due to the large number of greenhouse
gases trapped in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution, resulting in hot air
from outside entering the room causing thermal discomfort.
The energy surge in the Museum of Geology can be minimized, if the cooling loads of buildings can
be reduced. This cooling load reduction can be done if the most influential heat source identifiers in
the Museum of Geology. By knowing the heat source, an effective solution can be found to isolate
the heat sources, so that energy consumption in the Geological Museum can be reduced

Research on thermal equilibrium is a single subject quantitative study, where the results of this
study can only be utilized on the exhibition area of the Geological Museum only and can not be used
for exhibition areas at the 2nd floor Geological Museum or exhibition area at other museums. This
quantitative research is a type of research that results in discoveries that can be achieved by
calculation and measurement at the Museum of Geology. Quantitative approach is done by using
thermal equilibrium method. In a quantitative approach, the relationships between variables are
analyzed using objective theory.

This study aims to determine the sources of heat in the Museum of Geology. The heat sources are
from inside buildings (internal heat) or heat coming from outside the building (external heat). The
research method for determining the heat source is the calculation of Thermal Balance. The
following is the formula of the Thermal Balance.
Qi + Qs + - Qc + - Qv + - Qm -Qe = 0.
Qi = internal heat gain (Watt)
Qs = solar heat flow (Watt)
Qc = conduction heat flow (Watt)
Qv = convection heat flow (Watt)
Qm = mechanical cooling (Watt)
From the above equation it can be concluded that
Qm = Qi + Qs + Qc + Qv
The value of Qi, Qs, Qc, Qv for the above equation can be obtained in the following way.
Qi = Σ internal heat (man-generated heat and equipment)
Qs = A. I. Ө
A = window area (m2)
I = the intensity of the sun (W / m2)
Ө = solar gain glass factor
Qc = A. U. ΔT
A = wall area (m2)
U = transmittance value (W / m20C)
ΔT = temperature difference (0C)
Qv = 1300. V. ΔT
1300 = hot air type, J / m3 0C
V = speed of ventilation (m3 / s)
ΔT = difference of indoor and outdoor temperature (0C)

Figure 1: Thermal Balance

This method of thermal balance has been widely used in developing countries, and has been used as
a standard for calculating building by building standards in several countries in Europe, India and
also institutions such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE) .
Based on the survey conducted at the four exhibition rooms located in the Museum of Geology to
obtain the data so that the thermal balance can be calculated. Each room is surveyed separately so
that the obtained results can be analyzed in detail. Here is a floor plan of Geology Museum 1.

Figure 2: Ground Floor Museum Plan 1

Geological Space Indonesia has 10 windows, where all windows are exposed directly by sunlight
coming from the back and front of the building. This room is one room that has the most electronic
equipment such as prolink computers, interactive screens, TVs, projectors and others. Temperatures
outside and inside the building were taken during the observation. Based on the thermal equilibrium
calculation the Qm value is 13393.92
Watt. The heat coming from the interior is 63.96%. The heat source of the interior that is most
influential on the thermal balance in this room is the heat that comes from the electronic equipment
in the room. Electronic equipment such as interactive media touch screen that releases 330W of
heat and 3D projector totaling 6 pieces is the largest thermal contributor in this room. Based on the
calculation of thermal balance, heat in this room 36% comes from the exterior and 64% of the
interior. Based on Table 1, the heat generated in the interior comes from electronic and human
equipment that holds that space.
The dominant heat source in this room is the number of electronic equipment that is 16 pieces,
consisting of 6 projectors, 2 platform coffee tables (3 touch screen), 3 touch screen. To reduce the
heat in this room then built the water duct in the ceiling, so the heat from the projector can be
channeled out the room. To reduce the heat coming from outside entering through the lobby door is
then installed air curtain air conditioning, so that air from outside cannot enter and there is no air
leakage. Panels are also used to block incoming heat from windows and heat conduction on
windows and walls. With make interior changes it can be saved 13393.92 Watt, means the Museum
of Geology can save Rp 3,458,893,037 / month for interior changes made in this room.

Figure 4: Spatial Plan of Indonesian Geology

Source: Personal Documentation

Figure 5: Geological Space of Indonesia

Source: Personal Documentation

Figure 6: Interactive Media of Indonesia Geological Space

Source: Personal Documentation

1: interior heat
2: exterior heat
Diagram 1 :: Geothermal Sources of Geology of Indonesia
Source: Personal Documentation

Table 1: Thermal Balance in the Geological Room of Indonesia

Source: Personal Documentation

Mineral Rock Room located in the west space of Museum Geologi Indonesia. Half of the exhibited
parts come from electronic media. Half of this room is used by visitors to watch video projected by 2
projectors to the south wall of this room. Half of this room is the panels highlighted by the track
light. Based on the calculation of thermal equilibrium, this inner heat comes from the interior about
87.93%. Electronic equipment and spotlights are among the hot contributors in this room. There are
also 2 3-dimensional projectors and 11 spotlights that illuminate the panels located in the northern
part of this room. Table 2 shows how much heat energy is owned by every heat source in this room.
The heat from the largest interior source comes from electronic equipment.
The dominant heat source in this room is LCD projector and lighting. To reduce the heat source
coming from electronic equipment, water ducting is made to channel the projector's hot air outside
the building, so that the heat from the projector does not overload the building's cooling load. In
addition to making water ducting, replace all lamps with LED lights that have 80% efficiency. The
savings are achieved by isolating the heat from the projector, replacing the lamp with the LED,
isolating the heat coming from the window and isolating the heat through the wall and glass with
the panel. By doing all the interior changes, then 1,610,41Watt, so every month the Museum of
Geology can save Rp 415,874.34 for interior changes made in the Geological Room of Indonesia.
Figure 7: Space of Rocks and Minerals
Source: Personal Documentation

Figure 8: Rock and Mineral Space Panels

Source: Personal Documentation


1: interior heat
2: exterior heat
Diagram 2: Geothermal Sources of Geology of Indonesia
Source: Personal Documentation

Table 2: Thermal Balance of Rock and Mineral Room

source: Personal Documentation

The Volcano Room is the smallest showroom on the 1st Floor of the Museum of Geology. This room
is often packed with schoolboy groups, resulting in thermal discomfort.

Table 3: Thermal Room Mount Volcano Threat

Figure 9: Plan Room of the Volcano

Source: Personal Documentation
Figure 10: Space of the Volcano
Source: Personal Documentation


1: interior heat
2: exterior heat
Diagram 3 :: Heat Room Source Volcano
Source: Personal Documentation

The Living History Room is the only exhibition area of the Geological Museum that uses natural
ventilation, the windows on the north and south sides of this space are opened, so that the air from
the outside goes straight into the show area. The biggest source of heat in this room is the lighting.
This room uses 3 different types of lights that are spotlights, TL lamps and track light lights. In this
room there are 126 lamps with 3 different types of lights. Heat coming from lights, electronic and
human equipment in the room is 3,208 Watt. After replacing lamps with LED and heat insulation
with panel then this room can save electricity equal to 9,400,99 Watt or Rp 3,661,068,548 every

Figure 11 Space History of Life

Source: Personal Documentation
Figure 12: Space History of Life
Source: Personal Documentation


1: interior heat
2: exterior heat
Diagram 4: Heat Space Sources History of Life
Source: Personal Documentation
In Indonesia Geology Room 63.9% heat comes from the interior, whereas in Space and Mineral 88%
heat comes from the interior and 12% heat comes from the exterior. In the Volcano Room, the heat
coming from the interior is 85.7% and the heat coming from the exterior is 14.3%. In the east wing of
the Museum of Geology, = heat coming from the interior is 85.7%.

Source: Personal Documentation

Based on the calculation of thermal equilibrium concluded that more than 50% of heat in the
exhibition area Geological Museum Floor 1 is the heat coming from the interior space. In all rooms
the value of Qi which is the internal heat gain or heat obtained from the interior space of electronic
objects, lighting and users of the room are the most contributors. Need to find solutions how to
reduce the heat = in the show area. Because each room has a different source of heat so that the
solution of each room is different. In Geology Room Indonesia which has many electronic
equipments especially projector that emit heat into space. By making changes in the interior to
reduce the heat source in the interior which will certainly reduce the cooling load of the building.
Based on the changes made then 13393.92 Watt can be saved in space in the Geological Room of
Indonesia, 2208,982 Watt can be saved in the space of Rocks and Minerals savings can be done and
2,659,974 Watt can be saved in the Volcano Room. While on the east wing exhibition area of
Geological Museum floor 1 of the Space History of Life, 9,400.99 Watt can be saved by replacing all
the lights with LEDs. The savings in each room expressed in this Watt unit is the cooling load of each

From the results of thermal equilibrium analysis in Geological Museum can be concluded that the
source of heat from the room that comes from electronic equipment, lighting, and humans are the
contributors who contribute the most in the exhibition area Museum Geology. Every room in the
Museum of Geology has different heat sources. Therefore, every room has different solutions.
Geological Space of Indonesia, requires water duct so that the heat generated by the projector can
be channeled outside the building, so that heat is not trapped in space. Similarly, space Rocks and
Minerals. In the Space of Rocks and Minerals, Space of Volcano, and Space of Life History is changed
to lighting into LEDs which have higher efficiency than flurosen lamps. Total savings in the Museum
of Geology through interior element changes are 31,806,206 Watt or 31,806206 kWh. By making
interior changes in the exhibition area of Geology Museum floor 1, then the Museum of Geology can
save operational costs Rp 8.213.675 / month for electricity bills. The savings are calculated at the
base rate of electricity applicable in October 2017 for Public Buildings P1-5500 VA. These operational
cost savings do not merely have an economic advantage for the Museum of Geology, but by making
interior changes the Museum of Geology can be a more energy-efficient building.

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