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Metering & Applying Filters

Sky exposure

Basic method (through the lens metering) The camera should be set to manual.
Repeat the process with the sky and note
Assess the image that you are about to
the exposure difference between the two
take and decide if filtration will be required.
readings. Select a Neutral Density
Transparency film has a contrast range
Graduated Filter that will correct the
(latitude) of approximately 4 stops and
exposure difference to approximately
anything that falls outside that latitude will
1 stop. For example, if the sky is 3 stops
appear either white or black on the final
brighter than the ground, add a 0.6 ND
image. Digital sensors have a wider
(2 stop) grad filter to the sky only. Compose
sensitivity of about 6 - 8 stops, but it still helps
your image through the lens and position
noise reduction and excessive correction
the filter by viewing through the lens.
later if the contrast range is kept to a
Stopping the lens down using depth of field
manageable level (3 - 4 stops).
preview makes the grad transition line
Take a reading using average centre easier to see. Expose the image using the
weighted metering by viewing the base exposure measured from the area not
foreground which you wish to be correctly covered by the filter. With practice, this
Foreground (base exposure) exposed, and this will be your base exposure. method can give very acceptable results,
with a high rate of success.


Advanced method (hand held spot meter) Next, take readings from the sky, excepting
the sun and its immediate area (never point
To gain more control of metering, many
a spot meter directly at the sun) ideally, we
photographers will use hand held light
need to ensure that we have some detail in
meters. This enables changing light
the brightest part of the sky. If the bright sky
conditions to be monitored constantly,
exceeds 2 stops from the base exposure,
without repositioning the camera
apply enough filtration to ensure these
repeatedly to take readings through the
highlights are reduced to about +1.5 stops.
lens. The most accurate, and therefore most
This is just a guide, as creative preferences
useful for the landscape photographer is
and personal taste apply, but if the
the hand held spot meter.
highlights exceed + 2 stops the image will
With the scene composed, and the appear white in those bright areas.
camera locked in place on the tripod,
The essence of this approach is: expose for
take readings from the landscape, aiming
the mid tones, allow for the shadows, filter
to use the mid tones as the base exposure,
the highlights.
Shadows but taking into account any shadows
where you may wish detail to be retained. Maximum colour and detail is apparent in
Mid tones These areas should be within 2 stops the mid tones, and our efforts are akin to
(base exposure) of the base exposure to prevent bridging the gap between the extremes, or
them appearing black on the final image. compressing the tones to the middle of the
If necessary, increase the base film. Curiously, this is also how our eyes see
exposure slightly. the world!


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