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SHERLY NUARI SAID 12.04.308, Young Age Marriage Among Teenagers

in Pakuhaji Village Ngamprah Sub-district West Bandung Regency.
Bandung College of Social Welfare, Final Scientific Work, Diploma IV
Program, July 2016. Advised by Ernalia Lia Syaodih and Teta Riasih.
Young age marriage in Pakuhaji Village always the case in every year, it
raises concerns of the entire community. This research is aimed to investigate the
characteristics of teenager informants who married in early age, factors that cause
young age marriage, the impact, prevention of early age marriage and the
expectations of married teenagers on Young Age Marriage.
The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative
approach. The data sources used are the source of primary data and secondary
data sources. Technique of determination of informants in this research is
purposive sampling. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation
and documentation. Examination of the validity of the data using a triangulation
of sources and techniques.
The results showed that young age marriages that occurred in Pakuhaji
Village committed by teenagers aged between 15-19 years of both girls and boys
who are no longer attending school. Young age marriage that occurred in Pakuhaji
Village due to fears of parents when their children do things that are forbidden in
their religion and reinforced by their habits of adolescents to do young age
marriage. Social impact is felt by all informants who perform marriage in early
age, because teenager is a period where they want to gather. But in fact a teenager
who has made young age marriage is no longer able to get together with peers,
whereas teenagers have the desire to gather with friends. The efforts to prevent
young age marriages already performed by the village officials just teens did not
know that information. Therefore, the proposed program namely family
information center for young age marriage through self-help groups.

Keywords : Young age marriage, Teenagers

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