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Just a brief update on news from Sanjiwani in case

you missed a few posts on our web page and
Facebook page.

Up until the end of April this financial year Sanjiwani

Public Health Mission have attended to over 1300
patients including 155 children under the age of five.
Providing a range of free basic health care to the
community in Ghandruk and the surrounding district.

Earlier this year we were able to install a new auto

analyser for our pathology lab and provide additional
training for our pathology assistant/technician.
As a result of this new equipment, our clinic can offer
a wide range of free pathology tests for our patients.

We had two dental camps last year reviewing 343

patients and completing 457 dental treatments.
Thanks to our volunteer dentists and other support
volunteers and our staff assisting with these projects.
Another dental camp is planned for later this year.
These recent dental camps have highlighted the need
for more dental health education and to address this
need our staff have been attending local schools in
the district undertaking dental health promotion talks.

Staff have also continued the feminine menstrual

hygiene program, visiting schools in the district to
educate young women and distribute re-usable
menstrual kits. This program has been well received
and additional kits have been purchased for the next
group of maturing girls. Kits cost ~$10 ea and last up
to 2 years.

In January this year we were able to appoint a full-

time nurse in Chommrong, thanks to the generosity of
two Australian donors, this will make a big difference
to the community in the surrounding area and extend
the outreach of services provided by Sanjiwani.

As the financial year is coming to an end, this is a

great opportunity for our generous donors to take
advantage of our recently approved Public Benevolent
status by making a tax-deductible donation this
financial year. Please follow the link below if you can
assist us in continuing this work.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

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