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“A Campaign for maximizing the use of ICT thru paperless

transaction in social related instruction”

A concept paper

Submitted to
Mr. Jude Sodusta

As a partial fulfillment for the subject Empowerment


 Steven Siesa
 Anjel Alcoreza
 Marianito Lara
 Alyssa Florece
 Cherry Ann Clariño
October 2018
As part of the 21st century learner, we dream of a greener world, a

place where both human and nature live in prosperity. Our main goal is to reduce

papers in schools used as learning material, and instead, students may use the

technology at the library for free. We believe that it is the right of every student to use

those technologies for their school works; it of course comes with rules and

regulations/ proper handling and proper use of said technologies. We are now living

in a digital world, where in technology makes life easier and more efficient.

Everything that involves schoolwork’s can be done virtually; Homework’s, tests, e-

books and researches. We realized that everyone should integrate ICT in our daily

lives because with proper use, it is the most efficient tool we have. Going paperless

in the classroom reduces paper waste , which means that less energy is used in the

making of paper and that fewer natural resources are destroyed. It also creates a

conservation mind-set in students and educates them on related issues.

This petition will lessen the use, construction, and industry of papers, saving

many trees from excessive logging and deforestation. Thus, going paperless can

also reduce a paper waste which is one of major waste contributor in every school.

We want to ensure that the next generation may witness our nature's green life

conservation and longevity.


1. To lessen paperwork or ‘hardcopies’.

Papers are indeed useful in everyday life but sadly, papers are made from

trees and we have just a limited amount of it. Even the very process of making

papers consume much enough energy. We believe that we should start

conserving our resources through maximizing ICT use.

2. Use the edge of being in 21st century generation where all things can be done


This petition hoped to turn every teachers’ and students’ works digitally,

effective in every schools. Furthermore, this petition would enable students to

be ICT literate.

3. A lesser hassle by having virtual records, e-books, and softcopies of learners’


In this campaign, learners no longer need to share handouts with their

classmates or other sections and lack of books will not be a problem.

Everyone can access the said topic thru their mobile phones, computers and

other devices. Lost notes/reviewers, exam scores, and quizzes will not be a

problem anymore for everything will be saved and recorded online.

4. Paper trash free school.

This petition will also promote cleanliness in schools and in every students’

homes for it will minimize many waste materials coming from papers.

5. Energy and resources conservation.

Paperless campaign will lessen the construction of papers thus, lesser trees

will be cut, lesser energy will be used for paper production and printing

hardcopies, and even lesser effort in making written outputs.


Our group will start a petition at, and will create a Facebook page

that may help us to achieve our goals. We will start our campaign in our school,

Kalayaan National High School (KNHS); We’ll try to make some infographics that’ll

explain our paperless campaign and post it in some designated e-library/computer

lab informing that students have the privilege to use free technologies. We believe

that it will be a great help to KNHS students, especially for the students who don't

have computers at home; this will become advantage for some students to study

hard and pursue their dreams in the future.

We will work on this petition for one week; posting and sharing it on Facebook

and also promoting it after we uploaded this petition.

To monitor the progress of our petition, we’ll use the computers in the library

and computer lab in school since it is a student’s privilege to use the those for

educational purposes. However, if the computer lab and library are not open for a

said cause, we will use some of our own money to rent a computer outside the

school to check and monitor our petition.

Scope and limitation

This Campaign focuses on promoting technology for educational, environment

friendly use of schools. Harnessing the potential of modern technologies to omit the

use of paper in schools which can greatly conserve environmental resources and

produce ICT literate school.

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