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I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 2

II. NEEDS/PROBLEMS ............................................................................................. 2

III. GOALS/OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................... 2

IV. PROCEDURES/SCOPE OF WORK .................................................................. 2

V. TIMETABLE ............................................................................................................ 2

VI. BUDGET ................................................................................................................... 2

VII. KEY PERSONNEL.................................................................................................. 2

VIII. EVALUATION ......................................................................................................... 2

.IX ENDORSEMENTS ................................................................................................. 2

X. NEXT STEPS ........................................................................................................... 2

In the last few decades the country has made considerable economic and social gains.
Despite these phenomenal advances in the country’s march to progress, the disabled
community still need to reap benefits of our growth. The PWD sector/community still
remains marginalized and continues to be the largest source of untapped human resource.
Over 70% of India’s PWD population remains unemployed and seek an opportunity to be
gainfully employed. These statistics fuel the urgent need for creation of an industrial body
that utilizes the immense untapped talent and human resource and promote the cause of
empowerment through gainful employment of people with disabilities.

IDCC along with its affiliated organizations aims to be a beacon of hope for such people. It
wishes to become the largest employer of person with disabilities. It would be IDCCs mission
to enhance employment opportunities, economic and personal well being and independence
in order to make them self-sustained and contributing members of our society.

IDCC is to be founded and led by an organization that has made huge contribution in the field
of handicapped employment . Its pioneering initiatives in the past and a clear mandate to
create employment for persons with disabilities makes it imperative to lead this mission .
IDCC shall work together with various stakeholder viz government organization , private
companies and philanthropic organization in order to increase opportunities for employment
of persons with disabilities

IDCC shall identify job roles which can be proficiently performed by persons with disabilities
and shall promote the concept to companies to either employ or outsource job opportunities
in their organization where the persons with disabilities can be gainfully employed and make
useful contribution to the industry. The people shall be employed basis their merit and
proficiency and professional contributions and not out of sense of sympathy .
IDCC shall obtain and learn from models working successfully for less privileged people
through enterprises like Dalit India Chamber of Commerce in India for SC and ST
entrepreneurs and National industries for the Blind in the United States. It would try be able
to create a vibrant contributing and prosperous disabled community who shall be an asset to
the industry and contribute to our countries progress.
IDCC would create and identify jobs for the people from the disabled community through the
delivery of product and services to Govt/Semi Govt bodies and private customers /organizations.

The idea behind formation of IDCC is to also to instill the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst the
disabled community in order to assimilate them into the society. This shall help in creating
livelihood and instilling self confidence and belief in their abilities . IDCC would also help the
disabled to be considered as equal and contributing members of the society.

1. Goals/Objectives
IDCC wishes to achieve the following goals in the coming 5 years for the employment and
empowerment of the lives of the persons with disabilities

• Bring all enterprises having a majority of persons with disabilities in their workforce or being
led by disabled entrepreneur .

• To convince government and private enterprises to outsource jobs to disabled run

enterprises so that a sustainable business model for employment of disabled can be created

• To skill train the persons with disabilities to the expected industry levels so that work
standards and professional levels of the industry are to the highest standards.

 To enhance the impact of enterprises who have hired disabled people in majority to help
them scale there impact and create more employment for persons with disabilities

 IDCC shall act as an aggregator of information regarding opportunities for employment of

persons with disabilities so that the knowledge of such schemes can disseminate to the

 Hand hold the entrepreneurs in the initial stages so that they can grow into resilient
Strategic targets to achieve in the next 5 years

 Target 1 Lakh jobs and 1000 enterprises among the persons with disabilities in
the next 5 years

 Forge alliances with private and government organization supporting

entrepreneurship development and endorse our efforts and seek opportunities for

 Collaborate with state and central disability organizations and Industrial bodies to
influence public procurement policy in order to create opportunities for employment of
persons with disabilities

 Identify at least 5 leading industries in the private sector conscious about the cause of
disabled welfare and convince them to commit a fixed proportion of procurement
through IDCC.

 Publicize the unique initiative in order to create more curiosity and traction amongst the
different stakeholders .this would lead to more participation in the industry.

Procedures/Scope of Work
1. State chapters will be formed by the affiliate members in different parts of the country

2. Each state chapter will work towards engaging with disability champion companies in their
region to be a part of the program

3. Each state chapter shall be mandated to engage with the local entrepreneurship and disabled
employment initiative to engage with the disabled community and the other important

4. Modes of association / incubation would be formed where the disability champion company can
engage with the local disabled entrepreneur and include him in his supply chain of product or

5. Advantages of having diversity in supply chain needs to be aggressively promoted amongst the
various Govt and private customers and this would be actively undertaken by the state chapter

6. All handholding support during the initial stages to a newly included disabled entrepreneur
would be needed to given by the concerned people in the local chapters

7. Each chapters will be ranked and mapped with specific deliverables and assessment of targets
achieved shall be undertaken from time to time to check progress

8. Each chapter shall also identify partners to undertake skill training efforts /programs of various
government / CSR funds in consultation with the industry and the local disabled entrepreneur. This
shall result in better need assessment and better delivery of the training curriculum to the

9. Alliances shall be built with academic institutions / social impact funds / International
organizations which share similar mandates as the once IDCC is working on .This shall help to
remain updated on best practices been applied internationally and customize and implement the
same in India .

10. Research and updates needs to be done both with the central team and with inputs from the
local chapters on how newer interventions can be done across different sectors in order to increase
the scope of employment for the persons with disabilities.

11. Short term courses may also be carried out in collaboration with leading entrepreneurship
development institutes to deliver basic business training to first time disabled entrepreneur. Basics
of book keeping / inventory management and other affiliated courses shall be delivered in these
2. Timetable
Projected timelines for the various steps across the project implementation with the expected tasks
to be completed would be as below. The below mentioned activities would need to repeated in
phases over time and this shall not be a one time activity

Description of Work Start and End Dates

Phase One Registration of various state chapters April 2019- June 2019
where we would intend to initiate the
Phase Two Identify corporate partners and build May 2019- Dec 2019
engagements and commitments with
various stakeholders in order to
initiate IDCC progress
Phase Three Engage with district disability dept July 2019 - Nov 2019
and entrepreneur cell in order to
identify candidates who would be
interested to start their own venture/
Identify disabled entrepreneur and
identify interventions which can
amplify their impact

Phase Four Start with pilot of 5-7 enterprises Oct 2019 onwards
which meet our eligibilities in order
to start the program
Phase Five Carry out conclave / think session Nov 2019 onwards
where all state partners and various
stakeholders can ideate on ways of
better intervention. The conclave
would be guided towards setting
milestones and seeking commitments

Phase Six Carry out liasoning with state and July 2019 onwards
central govt procurement and private
procurement in order to create
sustainable enterprises
Sustainability Model for IDCC
The following revenue streams will be contribute to the sustainability of IDCC .

1. Membership fee to be charged to member organization

2. CSR funds of corporate ( disability champions ) who shall be contributing to the cause of IDCC

3. A nominal royalty fee shall be charged to the partners who would get work outsourced with the
support of IDCC .

4. A nominal fee will be charged on the CSR projects outsourced state wise to the various skill
development partners. The skilling will be done in consultation and after need assessment of the
employment partners .

5. Training fee will be subsidized during the initial 2 years which would be replaced by a fee based
model for the course conducted in entrepreneurship .

6. Managerial program for the career development of the employees of the IDCC partners in
collaboration with academic or entrepreneurship development institutions would also contribute to
the corpus development


1. Membership fee to be charged by YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3
partners XXXXX State Chapters
2. CSR Funds of coporates/ govt XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Central and State
schemes Teams
3.Royalty from work outsourced to XXXXXX XXXXXX Central team
partners sourced from IDCC
4. Training Fee Charged to XXXXXX State and central
candidates for entrepreneurship team
5. SKill training programs XXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX Central and State
implemented by CSR grants of team
companies and govt projects
6.. Conduct Management courses for XXXXXX XXXXX Academic
career development of the Institution
employees of IDCC member partnering with
companies IDCC

Budget for the financial year 2019

Proposed cost for implementing the project

Sno Description of Work No of units Cost involved

1 Salaries for personals involved in key
positions in program implementation 5 2,50000*12
(Marketing & Promotion, corporate/govt =3000000
liason development, State chapter
development and hand holding support,
Research and new avenues development
,Program administration)
2 Incubation support to state chapters 4 1000000*4=
3 Basic entrepreneurship training for 150 15000*150=
candidates 2250000
4 Marketing and Communication of IDCC 1500000
Website development , 8 Think Do Summits
Across the 4 state chapters
5 Travel expenses 250000
6 Staff salaries @5 people at avg 20500 pm 1230000
7 Admin and miscellaneous expenses 240000
Total 12470000

Total in Words: One Crores Twenty Four Lakhs Seventy Thousand Only

3. Key Personnel

IDCC has a illustrious team which has people who have immense experience in the field of skill
development and employment of the persons with disabilities. Its a hands on team which

have worked on the ground and have a lot of experience in implementing empowerment projects for
the betterment of the lives of the persons with disabilities.

IDCC unified these stalwarts as it was unanimously agreed that the biggest problem faced by the
disabled is the challenge to get them employed and economically empowered.

1. Mr. Malikarjun Lyntha : CEO Ftech Skilling Pvt Ltd

2. Mr. SV Krishnan: CEO Dialogue in the Dark

3. Mr. Arjun Mishra : NABET INDIA

4. Ms. Pooja Verma : CEO Eco Tatva

5. Ms. Usha Mishra : Managing Trustee NABET INDIA

4. Evaluation

IDCC will be judged basis the number of employment created over the next one year and
the number of jobs created for persons with disabilities both via opportunities of waged
and self employment

IDCC will also be evaluated on the number of people impacted by our activities and the
number of companies who would join us

1.We shall also be judged by the impact created by number of beneficiaries who directly
and indirectly employed
2. The number of corporate who participate in job creation and employment of our
3. The geographic and demographic impact of our program. the number of states, districts

4. The attitudinal change in the minds of citizens.

5. Endorsements
IDCC shall align with the various entrepreneurship and academic institutions in order to increase

Various social impact funds having interest in the field of empowerment of the persons with
disabilities will be involved in the initiative

Mentors and disability advocates will also be involved in order to advocate the necessity of the
6. Next Steps
Specify actionable points for the coming year

• Next Step 1

Identifying job roles which can be effectively performed by the persons with disabilities. IDCC will
motivate the companies to involve the differently abled in order to create a diverse supply chain

• Next Step 2

Register state chapters across 4 states where IDCC would be interested to participate

• Next Step 3

Identify companies which shall align with IDCC mission in order to create an economically
empowered disabled community

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