Aysain IGH Chool: S D O B

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Republic of the Philippines



English VII

Name: ___________________Yr. & Section:_____________ Date:_____________ Score:_______

Active Passive
Test I. Identify the voice of the verb if active or passive

1. He will administer the test by afternoon.

2. Mary declined the job offered by a striving company.
3. The salary was received successfully.
4. The cold weather confines the night.
5. The waffle batter was beaten perfectly by the baker.
6. Chanyeol was moved to tears by the singer’s performance.

Past Participle
Test II. Write the past form of the following verbs.
1. go - ________ 6. g0 - _______
2. sing - ________ 7. shake - _______
3. be - ________ 8. bite - _______
4. buy - ________ 9. drive - _______
5. do - ________ 10. swim - _______

Test II-B Change the voice of the verb from active to passive and vice versa.

1. The question was asked by the students.

2. People in the limelight caused havoc often.
3. She ate most of the strawberries.
4. Gina wrote several famous novels.
5. The movie showed how women were treated during the cold war.

Dependent Clause/Independent Clause/ Not a Clause

Test III. Determine whether the underlined word groups are dependent clauses, independent clauses, or not a
clause. Write D for Dependent Clause, INC for Independent clause and NC for not a clause.

____ 1.Although it was raining, Maria went for a jog at Civitan Park.
____ 2.Brianna eats chocolate whenever she gets a poor grade in Math.
____ 3. After the flood, the family moved into a temporary shelter.
____ 4. While walking at the park, John saw a raccoon eating potato chips.
____ 5. Students enrolled in bachelor’s and associate’s degree programs must pass the Regents’ Test
as a graduation requirement.

Test IV. Read each sentence carefully and write the letter of the best answer.
___1. Receptionists must be able to relay information ____pass messages accurately.
a. or b. and c. but d. because
___2. I did not go to the show _____ I had already seen it.
a. until b. because c. so d. but
___3. Mary is a member of the Historical Society ____ the Literary Society.
a. as b. or c. and d. but
___4. Read over your answers ____ correct all mistakes before you pass them up.
a. or b. and c. because d. while
___5. Keep the food covered ____ the flies will contaminate it.
a. or b. and c. until d. though
___6. ____ he is thin, he is strong.
a. But b. As c. Though d. Because
___7. “My Father Goes to Court” is written by..
a. Mallari c. Paras-Sulit
b. Bulosan d. None of the above
___8. “Man in Dapitan”
a. Mallari c. Paras-Sulit
b. Bulosan d. None of the above
___9. The committee rejected the proposal ____ they did not think it was practical.
a. or b. but c. though d. because
___10. John welcomed his guests ____ offered them drinks.
a. and b. while c. until d. as
___11. Jill always studied hard.______ She earned only average grades.
a. but b. although c. however d. nevertheless
___12. The narrator used the ff. words to described the man in Dapitan except…
a. strong jaw line b. Handsome c. attractive d. lonely
___13. I read three magazines each week,_____ I read two newspapers every day.
a. and b. moreover c. furthermore d. in addition
___15. She wants to be an engineer _____ she wants to be a chemist.
a. or b. and c. until d. though
___16. His dad has a terrible temper. He scares people.
a. so b. therefore c. because d. for
___17. Why did the father agreed to let the man operate the mother? (MID)
a. He immediately trust the man
b. They cannot afford to put the mother in a hospital
c. The man insisted
d. Al of the above
___18. What was the accusation of the rich man to the poor man’s family? (MDGTC)
a. They steal their food
b. They curse them to be sick
c. They stalk them
d. They steal their food spirit
___19. I know exercising is important. I don’t allow any time for it.
a. nevertheless b. however c. although d. yet
___20. I loved Dawn_____ she loved other guy.
a. but b. for c. and d. so

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