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© ASA – High Five 6

66 Lesson Plan | Unit 0
• Unit 0 – Remember…? (pp. 6-11)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Vocabulary and grammar review
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary review: song “Back at school!”: exercises. English-speaking countries: exercises. Personal information: writing,
DATE: _______________ listening and reading. Vocabulary: numbers (cardinal and ordinal); jobs; parts of the human body; objects of the house; food; sports.
CLASSES: 6 Grammar: Grammar quiz.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Lexis and Grammar LG5 8 – Organização do léxico 1. Singing the High Five 6 anthem. − – – Diagnostic test
– Vocabulary and e funcionamento da língua. PowerPoint®: Aula
– Students’
grammar review LG5 8.29 – Itens lexicais projetável; Animation:
relacionados com áreas do “High Five 6 anthem”
domínio intercultural. 2. “Back at school!” (song): listening the song; exercises A and B; – Textbook, page 6
checking the answers; singing the song. – Tracks 1, 2 (CD 1)
− – – Feedback from
Karaoke: “Back at students’
school!” speech
3. English-speaking countries: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 7
*4. Teacher may use the game “Disappearing Text” to help students – Teacher’s Resource File:
remember vocabulary and information in exercise B, in the context of Games Bank –
sentences. “Disappearing Text”
5. Personal information: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 8
– Tracks 3, 4 (CD 1)
*6. To revise the dialogue, teacher could use the game “What’s the – Teacher’s Resource File:
Next/Last Word?”. Games Bank – “What’s
the Next/Last Word?”
7. Numbers: exercises A and B; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 9
8. Jobs: exercise C; checking the answers. – Track 5 (CD 1)
9. Parts of the body: exercise D; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 10
10. Objects of the house: exercise E; checking the answers.
11. Food: exercise F; checking the answers.
12. Sports: exercise G; checking the answers.
Suggestion – Homework; Workbook – Homework, pages 2-4
– Workbook, pages 2-4

13. Grammar quiz: exercise A; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 11

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

*14. These sentences may be revised with the game “Noughts and – Teacher’s Resource File:
Crosses / Tic-Tac-Toe”. Teacher may write the key word in each box Games Bank – “Noughts
and ask the students to make complete sentences in group. and Crosses / Tic‑Tac‑Toe”

Suggestion – Homework; Workbook – Homework, page 5

– Workbook, page 5
*15. Teacher may ask students to start creating their English Scrapbook – Workbook: Scrapbook,
to remember/practise vocabulary using arts and crafts. pages 3-5

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

Review worksheets – Vocabulary / Grammar (pp. 30-60)
Assessment: Diagnostic Tests (pp. 337-344)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
68 Lesson Plan | Unit 1 | Sub-unit 1.1.
• Unit 1 (Sub-unit 1.1.) – Me and the world around me… – This is me! (pp. 12-17)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Countries and nationalities | Verb to be | Types of houses | Verb have got
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: countries and nationalities – exercises. “A friend from Mexico”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises.
DATE: _______________ Grammar: verb to be – exercises. Vocabulary: types of houses – exercises; listening exercise. Grammar: verb have got – exercises.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 6.3 – Seguir conversas sobre 1. Interactive vocabulary bank: teacher may use this in − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Countries and assuntos que lhe são familiares. class or ask students to do it at home to practise Aula projetável; Interactive involvement;
nationalities vocabulary and pronunciation. vocabulary bank oral
*2. Before listening to the vocabulary, teacher may show – Flashcards: “Countries and participation
Reading R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal e the flashcards of “Countries and nationalities” to the nationalities”
– Feedback
– Countries and a informação essencial em textos students and ask them if they recognize the countries, − – Flashcards:
nationalities diversificados. approaching the corresponding nationalities. “Countries and nationalities”
3. Countries and nationalities: listening and repeating – – Textbook, pages 12-13
Intercultural ID6 9.1 – Associar nacionalidades a exercise A; checking the answers. – Tracks 6, 7, 8 (CD 1)
Domain países. 4. Countries and nationalities: answering on nationality –
– Countries and ID6 10.4 – Comparar diferentes tipos exercise B; checking the answers.
nationalities de habitação. *5. After listening to and repeating vocabulary, teacher
– Types of houses may ask students to place countries and nationalities on
a table in their notebooks, including the ones on the next
*6. Teacher may also use the game “Noughts and – Teacher’s Resource File:
Crosses / Tic-Tac-Toe” to revise vocabulary from exercise Games Bank – “Noughts and Crosses /
A. He/She may write the name in each space leading to Tic-Tac-Toe"
two sentences: one related to the country, the other to
the nationality.
7. Countries and nationalities: exercises C and D;
listening to and checking the answers.
Suggestion – Vocabulary; Interactive vocabulary bank; – Vocabulary, pages 132, 138
Homework; Workbook − – Interactive
vocabulary bank
– Homework, page 6
– Workbook, page 6

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

8. Dialogue “A friend from Mexico!”: students listen; – Textbook, page 14

teacher clarifies unknown words; students may read it – Tracks 9, 10 (CD 1)
aloud. − – Animation:
9. “A friend from Mexico!”: exercises B and C; checking the “A friend from Mexico”
10. “A friend from Mexico!”: exercise D: role-playing the
*11. Teacher may revise some of the vocabulary on jobs
previously learnt, from the jobs of Matteo’s parents
(journalist, doctor) or even by asking students what their
parents’ jobs are or the job they would like to have in the
future. Teacher may do a brainstorming exercise on the
board, asking students to say jobs that they can remember
(examples: nurse, vet, singer, student, football player,
teacher, mechanic, cook, firefighter, police officer).
*12. Watching an animation on the verb to be (affirmative, − – Animation: “Verb to
negative, interrogative and short answers). be”
13. Verb to be: analysing information. – Textbook, page 15
14. Verb to be: exercises A, B, C, D and E; checking the
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 142
– Homework, page 7
– Workbook, page 7
15. Types of houses: exercises A and B; checking the – Textbook – page 16
answers. – Tracks 11, 12 (CD 1)
16. Types of houses: listening exercise; checking the
*17. Teacher may ask students to answer personal
questions: Which type of house do you live in? / Is it big/
small? / How many rooms has it got? / Is it modern/old? /
Has it got a garden?...
*18. Teacher may also use the previous questions to revise – Teacher’s Resource File:
the parts of the house/objects of the house. He/She may Games Bank – “Pictionary”
also use the game “Pictionary”, using vocabulary of the
house, for revision/consolidation.
Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 132, 138
− – Interactive
vocabulary bank
– Workbook, page 8
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
*19. Watching an animation on the verb have got − – Animation:
(affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers) “Verb have got”
20. Verb have got: analysing information. – Textbook, page 17
21. Verb have got: exercises A, B, C and D; checking the
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 143
– Homework, page 8
– Workbook, pages 8-9

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 1. Countries and nationalities (p. 64); 2. Types of houses (p. 65)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 1. Countries and nationalities (p. 100); 2. Types of houses (p. 101)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 1. Countries and nationalities (pp. 138-139); 2. Types of houses (pp. 140-141)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 1 | Sub-unit 1.2.

• Unit 1 (Sub-unit 1.2.) – Me and the world around me – A day in my life! (pp. 18-23)
Daily routine | Telling the time | The United Kingdom | Present simple | Adverbs CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
of frequency
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: daily routine and the time – exercises. Watch and learn: extract from an episode of Mr Bean – watching to; exercises.
DATE: _______________ “BFFs’ daily routines”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises. Cultural information: the United Kingdom.
CLASSES: 6 Grammar: present simple – exercises. Grammar: adverbs of frequency – exercises. Speak / Write: comparing daily routines.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Daily routine do discurso. Aula projetável involvement;
L6 7.2 – Identificar a ideia 1. Daily routine: listening and repeating vocabulary – – Textbook, page 18 oral
principal. exercises A and B; checking the answers. – Track 13 (CD 1) participation
L6 7.3 – Entender informações *2. Teacher may play the game “Mime Game” with the – Teacher’s Resource File:
simples. actions in exercise A, to reinforce Games bank – “Mime Game” – Feedback
vocabulary/structures. from
Reading R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia *3. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Daily routine” – Flashcards: “Daily routine” students’
– Daily routine principal e a informação essencial to the students. − – Flashcards: “Daily routine” speech
em textos diversificados. 4. Telling the time: exercise C; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 19
5. Watch and learn: watching a TV episode; exercises A, – Video: “Mr Bean”
Spoken SP6 7.3 – Comparar a sua rotina B and C; checking the answers. − – Animation:
Production diária com a dos colegas. *6. Teacher may refer to Keep in Mind! in order to "What time is it?"
revise the time briefly.
Intercultural Domain ID6 9.2 – Reconhecer Suggestion – Vocabulary; Interactive vocabulary bank; – Vocabulary, pages 132, 138
– Daily routine monumentos e figuras históricas. Homework; Workbook − – Interactive vocabulary
– The United Kingdom ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas bank
celebridades e figuras públicas. – Homework, page 9
ID6 10.1 – Comparar diferentes – Workbook, page 10
rotinas diárias. 7. “BFFs’ daily routines”: listening to and reading; – Textbook, page 20
teacher explains new vocabulary (word check). – Tracks 14, 15 (CD 1)
Writing W6 8.1 – Descrever uma rotina *8. Before doing the comprehension exercise on the − – Animation:
– Daily routine diária. text, teacher may write the question words on the “BFFs’ daily routines”
board and their meaning, as a means of reminding
Lexis and LG6 9.5 – Adverbs: usar often, students and elicit the answers.
Grammar hardly ever, once, twice. 9. “BFFs’ daily routines”: exercises B and C; checking
– Adverbs of frequency the answers.
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
10. Guess what: reading information; watching a video on the − – Video: “Madame Tussaud’s”;
United Kingdom; solving exercises in the Travel Guide; checking Animation: “Travel Guide – The United
the answers. Kingdom”
– Travel Guide: The United Kingdom,
pages 2-5, 18

*11. Watching an animation on the present simple. − – Animation: “Present simple”

12. Present simple: analysing information. – Textbook, pages 21-22
13. Present simple: exercises A, B, C, D and E; checking the
*14. To revise the present simple, teacher may use the video on − – Link: “The daily routine of the
the Queen of England’s daily routine. Using the video, Queen”
vocabulary (daily routine) and grammar (present simple) can
also be revised, in a more practical and interactive manner.
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, pages 143-144
– Homework, pages 10-11
– Workbook, pages 11-12
*15. Watching an animation on the adverbs of frequency. − – Animation:
16. Adverbs of frequency: analysing information. “Adverbs of frequency”
17. Adverbs of frequency: exercises A and B; checking the – Textbook, page 22
*18. Teacher may ask students to make questions with How
often…?, to ask a colleague of their choice, thus doing an oral
interaction exercise.
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 145
– Homework, page 11
– Workbook, page 13
19. Speak: comparing daily routines – exercises A and B. – Textbook, page 23
20. Write: writing about daily routine – listening to some
students’ answers.
*21. Teacher may talk about Halloween and students may do – Celebrations, page 126
some activities about it. − – Video: "Halloween"

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 3. Daily routine (p. 66); Grammar: 1. Present simple (pp. 78-79); 2. Adverbs of frequency (p. 80)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 3. Daily routine (p. 102); Grammar: 1. Present simple (pp. 114-115); 2. Adverbs of frequency (p. 116)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 3. Daily routine (pp. 142-143); Grammar: 1. Present simple (pp. 169-170); 2. Adverbs of frequency (p. 171-172)
Grammar on screen: 1. Present simple | Adverbs of frequency (1) (p. 290); 2. Present simple | Adverbs of frequency (2) (p. 291)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 1 | Sub-unit 1.3.

• Unit 1 (Sub-unit 1.3.) – Me and the world around me… – My daily tasks (pp. 24-31)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Household chores | Connectors (then, later, after that, while, when)
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: household chores – exercises. Everyday reading: notes. “Helping at home is fun!” (song): exercises. Grammar: connectors
DATE: _______________ (then, later, after that, while, when) – exercises. Everyday talk: talking about different habits and routines. Self-check.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– My daily tasks do discurso. Aula projetável involvement;
L6 7.3 – Entender informações simples. 1. Household chores: listening and repeating – Textbook, page 24 oral
vocabulary – exercises A and B; checking the answers. – Track 16 (CD 1) participation
Reading R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal 2. Eveyday reading: reading a note – exercise; checking
– Feedback
– Everyday e a informação essencial em textos the answers.
reading: note diversificados. *3. Teacher may play the game “Mime Game” with – Teacher’s Resource File:
the actions/expressions in exercise A, to help reinforce Games bank – “Mime Game”
Lexis and LG6 9.3 – Usar when e while. vocabulary.
Grammar LG6 9.4 – Usar then, later, after that. *4. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Household – Flashcards: “Household chores” – Test 1
– Connectors chores” to the students. − – Flashcards:
“Household chores”
Intercultural ID6 10.6 – Comparar formas de Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 132, 138
Domain socialização familiar e convenções − – Interactive
– Routines sociais: horários e refeições. vocabulary bank
– Homework, page 12
– Workbook, page 14
5. “Helping at home is fun!”: listening to the song. – Textbook, page 25
6. “Helping at home is fun!”: exercise B; checking – Track 17 (CD 1)
the answers. − – Karaoke:
7. “Helping at home is fun!”: singing along. “Helping at home is fun!”; Video:
8. Think twice: reading information; watching a video. "Making Chores Fun – YouTuber
*9. Watching an animation on connectors. − – Animation:
10. Connectors: analysing information. – Textbook, page 26
11. Connectors: exercises A and B; checking the answers.
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 145
– Homework, page 13
– Workbook, page 15
12. Everyday talk: reading a dialogue. – Textbook, page 27
13. Everyday talk: exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 18, 19 (CD 1)
14. Everyday talk: role-playing the dialogue on exercise C. − – Animation: “Different
*15. Teacher may show the video on different ways habits and routines”; Video: “Greetings
of greeting in various parts of the world. around the world”
*16. Teacher may show the PowerPoint® on food, revising − – PowerPoint®:
the vocabulary already learnt on food and drink. With this “Food and drink”
PowerPoint® the teacher may also work on cultural aspects
that allow students to compare their eating habits with
others in different countries.
17. Self-check. – Textbook, pages 28-29
*18. Students can fill in the table at the end of the unit,
so that they can check if they need to revise/consolidate
some contents.
*19. Teacher may ask students to continue creating their – Workbook: Scrapbook, pages 6-9
English Scrapbook to remember/practise vocabulary using
arts and crafts.
*20. Students may solve a worksheet to prepare for the
written test.

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 4. Household chores (p. 67); Grammar: 3. Connectors (p. 81)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 4. Household chores (p. 103); Grammar: 3. Connectors (pp. 173-174)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 4. Household chores (pp. 144-145); Grammar: 3. Connectors (pp. 173-174); Reading: Unit 1 (pp. 210-213); Speaking: Unit 1 (pp. 236-237; 248)
Get ready for the tests: Unit 1 (pp. 306-309)
Assessment: Unit 1 (pp. 345-356)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 2 | Sub-unit 2.1.

• Unit 2 (Sub-unit 2.1.) – School is cool! – My favourite subject (pp. 32-37)
CLASS: 6th ____ ___ / ___/___ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
School subjects and timetables | Present continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative)
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: school subjects and timetables – exercises. Listening exercise. “Superhero Academy”: listening to and reading a text.
DATE: _______________ Grammar: present continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative) – exercises. Speak: talking about a day at school – exercises.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 6.3 – Seguir conversas sobre *1. Interactive vocabulary bank: teacher may use this in class − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– School subjects assuntos que lhe são familiares. or ask students to do it at home to practise vocabulary Aula projetável involvement;
and pronunciation. oral
Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. 2. School subjects and timetables: listening to and repeating – Textbook, pages 32-33 participation
– School subjetcs R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal vocabulary – exercise A. – Tracks 20, 21, 22 (CD 1)
– Feedback
e a informação essencial em textos *3. Teacher may show the flashcards of “School subjects” – Flashcards: "School subjects”
diversificados. to the students. − – Flashcards:
*4. Teacher may show the PowerPoint® “What’s your favourite “School subjects”;
Spoken SP6 7.5 – Descrever subject?” to the students and ask them about their favourite PowerPoint®: “What’s your
Production acontecimentos e atividades. subjects. favourite subject?”
– School subjects 5. School subjects and timetables: reading and guessing;
answering on favourite subjects – exercises B and C; checking
Intercultural ID6 10.2 – Identificar disciplinas, the answers.
Domain horários e espaços de trabalho 6. School subjects and timetables: exercise D; checking
– School subjects e de lazer na escola. the answers.
7. Listening to a dialogue: exercise A; checking the answers.
Lexis and LG5 8.21 – Present continuous *8. Teacher may ask students to draw their own timetable
Grammar (recycled language). in their notebooks and fill it in with the subjects in English.
– Present *9. Teacher may play the game “Pictionary”, with subjects, – Teacher’s Resource File:
continuous based on symbols or other ideas from the students themselves. Games bank – “Pictionary”
Suggestion – Vocabulary; Interactive vocabulary bank; – Vocabulary, pages 133, 138
Homework; Workbook − – Interactive
vocabulary bank
– Homework, page 15
– Workbook, page 18
*10. Before reading the text, as a warm up, teacher may ask − – Animation:
students which comics heroes do they know. “Superhero Academy”
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
11. Dialogue “Superhero Academy”: listening to and reading. – Textbook, page 34
12. “Superhero Academy”: exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 23, 24 (CD 1)
*13. After listening to the text, or instead of listening to it, teacher
may ask students to dramatize it, as though they were superheroes.
*14. Watching an animation on the present continuous (affirmative − – Animation:
and negative). “Present continuous”
15. Present continuous (affirmative and negative): analysing – Textbook, page 35
information and Keep in Mind!
16. Present continuous (affirmative and negative): exercises A and B;
checking the answers.
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 146
– Homework, page 16
– Workbook, page 19
17. Present continuous (interrogative): analysing information. – Textbook, page 36
18. Present continuous (interrogative): exercises A and B; checking
the answers.
*19. Teacher may play the game “Group Mime Game”, to practise – Teacher’s Resource File: Games
sentences in the present continuous. bank – “Group Mime Game”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 146
– Homework, page 16
– Workbook, page 19
20. Speak: talking about a day at school – exercises A and B; – Textbook, page 37
checking the answers.
21. Speak: talking about a day at school – telling the class about
Jenny's favourite school day (exercise C).
*22. Teacher may ask students to talk about their favourite school day.
When they talk about their favourite day, they must omit the day they
chose. At the end of the description, the classmates, according to their
timetable, may try to discover which day the student is referring to.
23. Think twice: reading information; watching a video. − – Video: “Dangerous
and unusual journeys to school”

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects | School facilities | After-school clubs (pp. 68-69); Grammar: 4. Present continuous (pp. 82-83)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects | School facilities | After-school clubs (pp. 104-105); Grammar: 4. Present continuous (pp. 118-119)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects (pp. 146-147); Grammar: 4. Present continuous (pp. 176-178)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 2 | Sub-unit 2.2.

• Unit 2 (Sub-unit 2.2.) – School is cool! – Around my school (pp. 38-41)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
School facilities | The United States of America | Adjectives + prepositions
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: school facilities – exercises. “All about my school”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises.
DATE: _______________ Cultural information: the United States of America. Grammar: adjectives + prepositions – exercises. Write: describing the school.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– School R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal Aula projetável involvement;
facilities e a informação essencial em textos 1. School facilities: analysing a school map – exercise A; – Textbook, pages 38-39 oral
diversificados. checking the answers. – Track 25 (CD 1) participation
2. School facilities: exercise B; checking the answers.
– Feedback
Writing W6 8.2 – Descrever a escola. 3. Listening to and repeating vocabulary.
– School *4. After listening to the school facilities vocabulary, – Flashcards: "School facilities”
Facilities teacher may show the flashcards of “School facilities” − – Flashcards:
to the students and ask them to identify the words, to train “School facilities”
Intercultural ID6 9.2 – Reconhecer monumentos vocabulary. To make the task harder and to train memory,
Domain e figuras históricas. teacher may show only parts of the flashcards, so that
– School ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas the students can link the images to the words.
facilities celebridades e figuras públicas. 5. Keep in Mind!: reading information about there + to be.
– The United ID6 10.2 – Identificar disciplinas, *6. Teacher may ask students about what there is or isn’t
States of horários e espaços de trabalho e de in their school, to revise/consolidate the verb there + to be
America lazer na escola. (Are there any changing rooms in the gym? / Is there
a canteen next to the assembly hall? / …).
Lexis and LG6 9.9 – Usar adjective + preposition *7. Teacher may also use the game “Mime Game” – mime – Teacher’s Resource File:
Grammar activities on the different school facilities, so that the Games bank – “Mime Game”
– Adjective + colleagues guess (in groups or as a whole, to the entire
preposition class).
Suggestion – Vocabulary; Interactive vocabulary bank; – Vocabulary, pages 133, 138
Homework; Workbook − – Interactive
vocabulary bank
– Homework, page 17
– Workbook, pages 20-21
8. “All about my school”: reading and listening to a blog – Textbook, page 40
entry; exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 26, 27 (CD 1)
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
*9. Teacher may ask students if they know what a blog is − – Animation:
and/or if they usually write one or read this type of text “All about my school”
on the internet.
10. Guess what: reading information; watching a video about − – Video: “Magic
Disney World and a video on the United States of America; Kingdom – Disney Parks”;
solving exercises in the Travel Guide; checking the answers. Animation: “Travel Guide –
The United States of America”
– Travel Guide: The United States
of America, pages 8-11, 19
*11. Watching an animation on adjectives + prepositions. − – Animation:
“Adjectives + prepositions”
12. Adjectives + prepositions: analysing information – Textbook, page 41
13. Adjectives + prepositions: exercises A and B; checking
the answers.
*14. Teacher may use the game “Noughts and Crosses / – Teacher’s Resource File: Games
Tic-Tac-Toe” with the adjectives and the subjects on the bank – “Noughts and Crosses /
table. Students will then have to do full sentences, Tic-Tac-Toe”
using the appropriate preposition.
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 147
– Homework, page 18
– Workbook, page 21
15. Write: reading an example; writing a reply. – Textbook, page 41

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects | School facilities | After-school clubs (pp. 68-69); Grammar: 15. Adjectives + prepositions (p. 84)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects | School facilities | After-school clubs (pp. 104-105); Grammar: 5. Adjectives + prepositions (p. 120)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 6. School facilities (pp. 148-149); Grammar: 5. Adjectives + prepositions (pp. 179-180)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 2 | Sub-unit 2.3.

• Unit 2 (Sub-unit 2.3.) – School is cool! – After-school fun (pp. 42-51)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
After-school clubs | Modal verb should
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: after-school clubs – exercises. Everyday reading: school noticeboard and dictionary entries – exercises.
DATE: _______________ Watch and learn: “Captain Underpants” – exercises. Grammar: modal verb should – exercises. “Be a good boy!” (song): exercises.
CLASSES: 6 Everyday talk: welcoming a new student – exercises. Self-check.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto *1. Teacher may introduce the topic “After-school − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– After-school do discurso. clubs” in a playful way, with the excerpt of a cartoon Aula projetável; Video: involvement;
clubs L6 7.2 – Identificar a ideia principal. video – “Extracurricular ridicular”. Students may try “Extracurricular ridicular” oral
L6 7.3 – Entender informações simples. to find out which clubs are suggested in the video participation
(examples: Halloween Club; Balloon Animal Trainer’s
– Feedback
Reading R6 6.2 – Interpretar instruções e Club; Upside Down Walking Club; Speed Extreme Club;
– After-school informação específica em documentos. Science Club…).
clubs R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal 2. After-school clubs: exercises A, B and C; checking – Textbook, page 42
e a informação essencial em textos the answers. – Track 28 (CD 1)
diversificados. *3. Teacher may show the flashcards of “After-school – Flashcards: “After-school clubs” – Test 2
R6 7.1 – Identificar algumas clubs” to the students. − – Flashcards:
abreviaturas do dicionário. *4. Teacher may also encourage students to create “After‑school clubs”
R6 7.2 – Saber procurar entradas a school club and say what happens there. Then they
e seus significados. can work in small groups to build a poster to promote
their new club and get other students to enrol in it.
Spoken SI6 7.1 – Formular perguntas Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 133, 138
Interaction e dar respostas. − – Interactive
– School SI6 7.5 – Dar conselhos vocabulary bank
(you should/shouldn’t). – Homework, page 19
– Workbook, page 22
Intercultural ID6 10.2 – Identificar espaços de lazer 5. Everyday reading: school noticeboard – exercises – Textbook, page 43
Domain na escola. A and B; checking the answers.
– After-school 6. Everyday reading: dictionary entries – exercises
clubs C, D and E; checking the answers.
*7. Teacher may use the PowerPoint® “How to use the − – PowerPoint®:
Lexis and LG6 9.14 – Usar o modal verb should/ dictionary” to explain the use of a dictionary. Teacher “How to use the dictionary”
Grammar shouldn’t. may also show online dictionaries, showing how to
– Modal verb should search for meanings online.
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
8. Watch and learn: “Captain Underpants” – watching a movie trailer; – Textbook, page 44
exercises A, B, C and D; checking the answers. − – Video:
“Captain Underpants"
*9. To introduce the modal verb should in a playful way, teacher may − – Video:
choose to show the trailer of the movie Minions – Classroom rules. “Minions – Classroom rules”
From the video, teacher may ask students to make sentences with
should and shouldn’t (examples: No gum in class. / Keep your desk
and work space clean. / Throw away your trash in the trash can. /
Ask for help when you need to. / Don’t make random noises. / Everyone
helps during group work. / Be on time for class every day. / Keep your
phone silent at school. / Respect the personal space of others. / Be
ready to learn and have fun).
*10. Watching an animation on the modal verb should. − – Animation:
“Modal verb should”
11. Modal verb should: analysing information and Keep in Mind! – Textbook, page 45
12. Modal verb should: exercises A and B; checking the answers.
*13. Teacher may use the game “Disappearing Text”, with sentences – Teacher’s Resource File: Games
from exercise A, to consolidate structures. bank – “Disappearing Text”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 147
– Homework, page 20
– Workbook, page 23
*14. Before the first listening of the song, teacher may suggest – Textbook, page 46
students try to fill in the lyrics with the given words. – Track 29 (CD 1)
15. “Be a good boy!”: listening to the song. − – Karaoke:
16. “Be a good boy!”: exercise A; checking the answers. “Be a good boy!”
17. “Be a good boy!”: singing along.

18. Everyday talk: reading and listening a dialogue. – Textbook, page 47

19. Everyday talk: exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 30, 31 (CD 1)
20. Everyday talk: role-playing the dialogue on exercise C. − – Animation:
*21. Teacher may ask students to fill in a table on the text, before “Welcoming a new student”
doing exercise B, drawing it on the board so that the students write
some information.
School in Portugal: Good – long summer holidays; cool subjects;
learn English; Bad – short breaks.
School in New York: Good – cool teachers. Bad – short breaks;
strict teachers.

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

*22. Teacher may suggest students to write the dialogue (role play)
in their notebooks before acting it out orally, allowing students
with more difficulties to have access to their notes.
23. Self-check. – Textbook, pages 48-49
*24. Students can fill in the table at the end of the unit,
so that they can check if they need to revise/consolidate
some contents.
*25. At this point, teacher may do the interactive quiz − – Quiz: “It’s quiz time!
in this unit, to consolidate the contents, in a play-oriented way. (units 0, 1 and 2)”
This quiz may be done after the Self-check, to confirm apprehension
of the contents learnt and/or clear up possible doubts.
*26. Teacher may ask students to continue creating their English – Workbook: Scrapbook, pages 10-12
Scrapbook to remember/practise vocabulary using arts and crafts.
*27. Teacher may talk about Christmas and students may do some – Celebrations, page 127
activities about it. − – Video: "This is
Britain – Christmas Eve/Day"
*28. Students may solve a worksheet to prepare for the written test.

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects | School facilities | After-school clubs (pp. 68-69); Grammar: 6. Modal verb should (p. 85)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 5. School subjects | School facilities | After-school clubs (pp. 104-105); Grammar: 6. Modal verb should (p. 121)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 7. After-school clubs (pp. 150-151); Grammar: 6. Modal verb should (pp. 180-181); Reading: Unit 2 (pp. 214-217); Speaking: Unit 2 (pp. 238-239; p. 249)
Grammar on screen: 3. Modal verb should (1) (p. 292); 4. Modal verb should (2) (p. 293)
Get ready for the tests: Unit 2 (pp. 310-313)
Assessment: Unit 2 (pp. 357-366)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
82 Lesson Plan | Unit 3 | Sub-unit 3.1.
• Unit 3 (Sub-unit 3.1.) – What do you look like? – Meet my family (pp. 52-55)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Physical features | (Republic of) Ireland | Comparative
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: physical features – exercises. Listening exercise. “Emily’s new neighbour”: listening to and reading a text.
DATE: _______________ Cultural information: (Republic of) Ireland. Grammar: comparative – exercises.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 6.3 – Seguir conversas sobre *1. To motivate the students to do the exercise and so that they get − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Physical assuntos que lhe são familiares. to know the characters better, teacher may show the series trailer Aula projetável; Video: involvement;
features L6 7.3 – Entender informações (“Stuck in the middle” is a Disney Channel series, about a large “Stuck in the middle” oral
simples. family – 7 children – staring the middle daughter, Harley). Teacher participation
may also explore the picture, asking some questions, such as:
– Feedback
Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. Who are the parents? / How many children have they got? /
– Physical R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal Who is the middle child?
features e a informação essencial em textos 2. Physical features: exercise A; checking the answers. – Textbook, pages 52-53
diversificados. *3. Teacher may use the flashcards of “Physical features” to play – Tracks 32, 33 (CD 1)
the game “Point to 1, 2, 3”, to practise identifying vocabulary and – Flashcards: "Physical
Spoken SP6 7.2 – Descrever e comparar saying words, from images. features”
Production pessoas. 4. Physical features: exercise B; checking the answers. − – Flashcards:
– Physical *5. Before doing exercise C, teacher may ask the students to list the “Physical features”
features vocabulary on physical description in their notebooks, dividing it by – Teacher’s Resource File:
categories, such as: hair – short, long, curly, wavy, blond, dark, red; Games bank – “Point
Intercultural ID6 9.2 – Reconhecer monumentos face – oval, long, round, freckles, glasses, beard, moustache; height – to 1, 2, 3”
Domain e figuras históricas. tall, medium height, short; weight – thin, slim, fat; age – old, middle
– (Republic of) ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas aged, young; general appearance – handsome, pretty/beautiful, ugly.
Ireland celebridades e figuras públicas. *6. Teacher may also use the game “Change it Round”, using the – Teacher’s Resource File:
text in exercise B before the students write their own text. Games bank – “Change
Teacher may ask the students to change the description so that it Round”
Lexis and LG6 9.1 – Usar o comparative they end up describing someone ugly and horrible.
Grammar (regular and irregular forms). 7. Physical features: exercise C; checking the answers.
– Comparative LG6 9 – Language Awareness: *8. While solving the exercise C, teacher may also ask students
Uso de verb + like to do a “star profile”, to decorate the classroom, for example, with
the description of their idol (actor, singer or a celebrity they like).
9. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
10. Listen: exercise A; checking the answers.

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 134, 139

− – Interactive
vocabulary bank
– Homework, page 22
– Workbook, page 26
11. Dialogue “Emily's new neighbour”: listening to and reading. – Textbook, page 54
– Tracks 34, 35 (CD 1)
12. Dialogue “Emily's new neighbour”: exercises B and C; checking − – Animation:
the answers. “Emily's new neighbour”
13. Guess what: reading information; watching a video − – Video:
on (Republic of) Ireland; solving exercises in the Travel Guide; Introducing Ireland;
checking the answers. Animation: “Travel Guide –
(Republic of) Ireland”
– Travel Guide: (Republic of)
Ireland, pages 6-7, 18
*14. Watching an animation on comparative. − – Animation:
15. Comparative: analysing information. – Textbook, page 55
16. Comparative: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers.
17. Keep in Mind: reading information.
*18. To practise the comparative, teacher may ask students
to compare various objects and/or one student with another.
*19. Teacher may also play “Show and Tell”, asking students
to bring pictures to class of their favourite sportsperson
to compare him/her to their colleagues’ ones.
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 148
– Homework, page 23
– Workbook, page 27

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 6. Physical features | Personality (p. 70); Grammar: 7. Comparative and superlative (pp. 86-87)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 6. Physical features | Personality (p. 106); Grammar: 7. Comparative (p. 122)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 8. Physical features (pp. 152-153); Grammar: 7. Comparative and superlative (pp. 183-186)
Grammar on screen: 5. Comparative (p. 294)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
84 Lesson Plan | Unit 3 | Sub-unit 3.2.
• Unit 3 (Sub-unit 3.2.) – What do you look like? – What are you like? (pp. 56-61)
CLASS: 6th ____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Personality | Superlative
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: personality – exercises. “My best friend is a tiger” (song): exercises. “My favourite song – Calvin and Pharrell”: listening to
DATE: _______________ and reading a text. Speak: describing people – exercises. Grammar: superlative – exercises. Watch and learn: “Despicable Me 3” – exercises.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Personality do discurso. Aula projetável involvement;
L6 7.2 – Identificar a ideia 1. Personality: listening to and repeating vocabulary; exercises A and B; – Textbook, page 56 oral
principal. checking the answers. – Track 36 (CD 1) participation
L6 7.3 – Entender informações 2. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
– Feedback
simples. *3. Teacher may do an activity to broaden vocabulary, leading students
to find the opposites of the adjectives of personality presented
Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. (examples: quiet ≠ noisy; sociable ≠ shy; clever ≠ ignorant;
– Physical features sweet ≠ unpleasant/unfriendly; impatient ≠ patient; funny ≠ boring;
– Personality lazy ≠ hard-working; stubborn ≠ flexible/nice; polite ≠ impolite/rude).
*4. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Personality” to the students. – Flashcards: "Personality”
Spoken SP6 7.1 – Descrever a família − – Flashcards:
Production e pessoas conhecidas (traços “Personality”
– Physical features físicos e de personalidade). *5. Teacher may use the games “Mime Game” or “Group Mime Game” – Teacher’s Resource File:
– Personality with vocabulary on personality, to reinforce meanings. Games bank – “Mime Game”,
“Group Mime Game”
Intercultural ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 134, 139
Domain celebridades e figuras − – Interactive
– Physical features públicas. vocabulary bank
– Personality – Homework, page 24
– Workbook, page 28
Lexis and LG6 9.2 – Usar o superlative 6. “My best friend is a tiger”: listening to the song. – Textbook, page 57
Grammar (regular and irregular forms) 7. “My best friend is a tiger”: exercise B; checking the answers. – Track 37 (CD 1)
– Superlative LG6 9 – Language Awareness: 8. “My best friend is a tiger”: singing along. − – Karaoke:
Uso de verb + like *9. Teacher may ask students to describe either Hobbes or Calvin “My best friend is a tiger”
LG6 9 – Language Awareness: (example: What is Hobbes like? He is sweet, clever, polite and quiet.)
Uso de see/watch/look at Teacher may also revise vocabulary asking students to do these
characters’ physical description.

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

10. Think twice: reading information; watching the trailer of a movie. − – Video:
11. “My favourite song – Calvin and Pharrell”: listening to and reading. – Textbook, pages 58-59
12. Keep in Mind!: reading information. – Tracks 38, 39 (CD 1)
13. “My favourite song – Calvin and Pharrell”: exercises B and C; − – Animation:
checking the answers. “My favourite song – Calvin
14. Speak: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers; describing and Pharrell”; Link: “Feels”
*15. In exercise C, teacher may suggest students to omit the name of the
favourite singer/DJ/band member, so that the colleagues can guess it.
*16. Watching an animation on superlative. − – Animation:
17. Superlative: analysing information. – Textbook, page 60
18. Superlative: exercises A and B; checking the answers.
*19. Teacher may promote oral interaction and practise the
superlatives by asking some questions about the students in the class
(example: Who is the tallest in this class? / Who is the oldest? /
Who is the youngest?).
*20. Teacher may also use the game “Team Spelling”, with the – Teacher’s Resource File:
superlatives. Teacher says an adjective and each of the teams writes Games bank – “Team
the corresponding superlative, one letter each. Spelling”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 149
– Homework, page 25
– Workbook, page 29
21. Watch and learn: “Despicable Me 3” – watching a movie trailer; – Textbook, page 61
exercises A, B and C; checking the answers. − – Video:
“Despicable Me 3”
*22. Teacher may talk about Valentine’s Day and students may do – Celebrations, page 128
some activities about it. − – Video:
"Valentine’s history"

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 6. Physical features | Personality (p. 70); Grammar: 7. Comparative and superlative (pp. 86-87)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 6. Physical features | Personality (p. 106); Grammar: 8. Superlative (p. 123)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 9. Personality (pp. 154-155); Grammar: 7. Comparative and superlative (pp. 183-186)
Grammar on screen: 6. Superlative (p. 295)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
86 Lesson Plan | Unit 3 | Sub-unit 3.3.
• Unit 3 (Sub-unit 3.3.) – What do you look like? – Let’s get dressed! (pp. 62-69)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Clothes, footwear and accessories | Adverbs: adjectives + -ly
LESSONS No. _________
Summary: Vocabulary: clothes, footwear and accessories – exercises. Everyday reading: clothes catalogue page – exercises. Write: dialogue.
DATE: _______________ Grammar: adverbs: adjectives + -ly – exercises. Everyday talk: shopping for clothes – exercises. Self-check.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Reading R6 6.2 – Interpretar instruções − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Clothes, e informação específica em Aula projetável; “On the involvement;
footwear and documentos. catwalk!” oral
accessories R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia 1. Clothes, footwear and accessories: exercises A and B; – Textbook, page 62 participation
principal e a informação essencial listening to the text and checking the answers. – Track 40 (CD 1) – Feedback
em textos diversificados. *2. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Clothes, footwear – Flashcards: "Clothes, from
and accessories” to the students. footwear and accessories” students’
Spoken SI6 7.1 – Formular perguntas *3. Teacher may revise vocabulary related to clothes, footwear − – Flashcards: speech
Interaction e dar respostas. and accessories, doing a brainstorming activity on the board with the “Clothes, footwear
– Clothes, SI6 7.2 – Exprimir sentimentos students. Teacher may divide the board into three columns (Clothes / and accessories” – Test 3
footwear and de agrado e desagrado. Footwear / Accessories) and ask students to help fill in the words.
accessories SI6 7.6 – Pedir informações This way, the students may practise/apply this area of vocabulary
em lojas. reaching the goal for spoken interaction, which covers revising/
consolidating this vocabulary.
Writing W6 7.1 – Formular perguntas *4. Alternatively, or as an additional activity for revising vocabulary, − – Link:
– Clothes, ou redigir respostas sobre temas teacher may show an excerpt of an episode of “Descendants”, leading “Descendants”
footwear and estudados. students to do a list of the clothes, footwear and accessories they
accessories can see in the video (examples: necklace, earrings, dress, jacket,
jeans, belt, hat, vest, tie, T-shirt, sweater, shirt…). Teacher can also use
Lexis and LG6 9.15 – Reconhecer processos the video to lead students to describe the characters Mal, Evie, Ben,
Grammar de formação do advérbio Carlos, Jay or Uma, thus revising vocabulary and structures.
– Adverbs: (adjective + -ly) *5. At the end of exercise B teacher may do a small oral task,
adjectives + LG6 9 – Language Awareness: asking students What do you like to wear?
-ly Uso obrigatório do sujeito. Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 134, 139
− – Interactive
vocabulary bank
– Homework, page 26
– Workbook, pages 30-31

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

*6. Before analysing and reading the clothes catalogue page with the – Textbook, page 63
students, teacher may write on the board a list of words that are
usually seen in this type of catalogue (example: size = tamanho;
S – small / M – medium / L – large / XL – extra large; discount =
desconto; 40 % off = 40 % desconto; casual = prática).
7. Everyday reading: exercise; checking the answers.
8. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
*9. Teacher may use the game “Pictionary”, with vocabulary on – Teacher’s Resource File:
clothes. Games bank – “Pictionary”
10. Write: writing a dialogue based on instructions.
*11. Watching an animation on adverbs: adjectives + -ly. − – Animation:
“Adverbs: adjectives + -ly”
12. Adverbs: adjectives + -ly: analysing information. – Textbook, page 64
13. Adverbs: adjectives + -ly: exercises A, B and C; checking the
*14. Teacher may use the games “Mime Game” or “Group Mime – Teacher’s Resource File:
Game”, using different actions and adverbs that go with them Games bank – “Mime Game”,
(examples: walk carefully; sing horribly; write lazily). “Group Mime Game”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 149
– Homework, page 27
– Workbook, page 31
15. Everyday talk: “Shopping for clothes” – reading a dialogue. – Textbook, page 65
16. Everyday talk: “Shopping for clothes” – exercises B and C; – Tracks 41, 42 (CD 1)
checking the answers. − – Animation:
17. Everyday talk: “Shopping for clothes” – role-playing “Shopping for clothes”
the dialogue in exercise C.
*18. After reading the dialogue, teacher may project the document − – Document:
“Shopping for clothes”, or edit, copy, and give it to the students. “Shopping for clothes”
In it, students will find all the communicative and word structures
inherent to the daily situation of going shopping.
*19. Teacher may suggest students to write the dialogue in their
notebooks before role-playing the situation. As a means of making
the situation more real, students may role-play the dialogue, paying
attention to register, handing over money, the bag, the receipt,
waving goodbye…

20. Self-check.
*21. Students can fill in the table at the end of the unit, so that they – Textbook, pages 66-67
can check if they need to revise/consolidate some contents.
*22. Teacher may ask students to continue creating their English – Workbook: Scrapbook,
Scrapbook to remember/practise vocabulary using arts and crafts. pages 13-17
*23. Teacher may talk about Easter and students may do some – Celebrations, page 129
activities about it. − – Video:
"This is Britain – Easter"
*24. Students may solve a worksheet to prepare for the written

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 7. Clothes, footwear and accessories (p. 71); Grammar: 8. Adverbs: adjectives + -ly (p. 88)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 7. Clothes, footwear and accessories (p. 107); Grammar: 8. Adverbs: adjectives + -ly (p. 124)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 10. Clothes, footwear and accessories (pp. 156-157); Grammar: 8. Adverbs: adjectives + -ly (pp. 187-188); Reading: Unit 3 (pp. 218-222);
Speaking: Unit 3 (pp. 240-241; p. 250)
Get ready for the tests: Unit 3 (pp. 314-317)
Assessment: Unit 3 (pp. 367-378)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar
by themselves in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 4 | Sub-unit 4.1.

• Unit 4 (Sub-unit 4.1.) – City life! – Around town (pp. 70-75)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Places in a city | Past simple – verb to be | Past simple – verb there + to be
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: places in a city – exercises. “A day at KidZania”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises. Grammar: past
DATE: _______________ simple (verb to be) – exercises. Watch and learn: “Spider-Man: Homecoming” – exercises. “Spider-Man's city now and then…”: listening to and
CLASSES: 11 reading a text; exercises. Grammar: past simple (verb there + to be) – exercises. Listening exercise. Speak: describing and comparing people.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – – Students’
– Places do discurso. PowerPoint®: Aula projetável involvement;
in a city L6 7.2 – Identificar a ideia 1. Places in a city: listening and repeating vocabulary. – Textbook, page 70 oral
principal. 2. Places in a city: listening and identifying places in a city (exercise B). – Tracks 43, 44 (CD 1) participation
L6 7.3 – Entender informações *3. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Places in a city” to the students. – Flashcards: "Places in a city”
simples. *4. To introduce vocabulary in a playful way teacher may show the video – Feedback from
− – Flashcards:
on the city of Toronto built in miniature and do a brainstorming activity on students’
“Places in a city”;
Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. the board expanding further vocabulary. Teacher may register on the board speech
Video: “Miniature version
– Places R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia some places in the city that are seen in the video (examples: railway of Toronto”
in a city principal e a informação station; park; hotel; block of flats; skyscrapers; tower; market; concert hall;
essencial em textos sports centre/stadium; bridge).
diversificados. *5. Teacher may also use the game “Mime Game” with the places in the – Teacher’s Resource File:
city, to reinforce this vocabulary. The approach to the vocabulary will allow Games bank – “Mime Game”
Spoken SP6 7.2 – Descrever students to consolidate and practise structures, to better talk of/describe
Production e comparar locais. places.
– Places Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 135, 139
in a city − – Interactive
vocabulary bank
Lexis and LG6 9.10 – Usar o verbo to be, – Homework, page 29
Grammar no past simple, nas formas – Workbook, page 34
– Past simple afirmativa, negativa *6. Before reading the text, as a warm up, teacher may ask students if they − – Video:
(verb to be) e interrogativa. have already visited or heard of KidZania. Teacher may show the suggested “Welcome to KidZania –
– Past simple LG6 9.10 – Usar o verbo video, in which more of the life in the city is shown. London”
(verb there + there + to be, no past simple, 7. Dialogue “A day at KidZania”: listening to and reading. – Textbook, page 71
to be) nas formas afirmativa, 8. Dialogue “A day at KidZania”: exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 45, 46 (CD 1)
negativa e interrogativa *9. Teacher may also use this theme to revise some jobs, asking students to − – Animation:
refer to the jobs that are seen in the video (examples: pilot; firefighter; “A day at KidZania”
scientist; dentist; TV presenter; athlete; chef).
*10. Teacher may play “Chain Game” with the expression Yesterday, I was – Teacher’s Resource File:
in KidZania and I was in… to practise the past simple of the verb to be and Games bank – “Chain Game”
the vocabulary learnt (places).
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
11. Watching an animation on past simple – verb to be. − – Animation:
“Past simple – verb to be”
12. Past simple – verb to be: analysing information. – Textbook, page 72
13. Past simple – verb to be: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers.
14. Keep in Mind!: reading information for exercise D.
15. Past simple – verb to be: exercise D; checking answers.
*16. Teacher may use the games “Telephone” or “Team Sentences” – Teacher’s Resource File:
with sentences from the exercises on the page as a means of Games bank – “Telephone”,
reinforcing and practising grammar structures. “Team Sentences”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 150
– Homework, page 30
– Workbook, pages 35-36
17. Watch and learn: “Spider-Man: Homecoming” – watching a movie – Textbook, page 73
trailer; exercises A and B; checking the answers. − – Video:
18. Listen and read: “Spider-Man's city now and then…” – exercise; “Spider‑Man: Homecoming”;
checking the answers. Animation: “Spider-Man's city
now and then…”
– Tracks 47, 48 (CD 1)
19. Watching an animation on past simple – verb there + to be. − – Animation:
“Past simple – verb there + to be”
20. Past simple – verb there + to be: analysing information. – Textbook, page 74
21. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
22. Past simple – verb there + to be: exercises A and B; checking the
*23. Teacher may use the image of the city in exercise B at the – Teacher’s Resource File:
beginning of the next class to play a “Memory Game”. Games bank – “Memory Game”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 150
– Homework, page 31
– Workbook, page 37
24. Listen: exercise; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 75
25. Speak: reading a text; writing a similar text, following instructions; – Tracks 49, 50 (CD 1)
reading it to the class.

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 8. Places in a city (p. 72); Grammar: 9. Past simple – verb to be (p. 89); 10. Past simple – verb there + to be (p. 90)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 8. Places in a city | Shops (p. 108); Grammar: 9. Past simple – verb to be (p. 125); 10. Past simple – verb there + to be (p. 126)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 8. Places in a city (pp. 158-159); Grammar: 9. Past simple – verb to be (pp. 189-192); 10. Past simple – verb there + to be (pp. 193-194)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 4 | Sub-unit 4.2.

• Unit 4 (Sub-unit 4.2.) – City life! – Fun in the city! (pp. 76-89)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Things to do in the city | Canada | Past simple – regular verbs
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: things to do in the city – exercises. Everyday reading: public signs. “A Vancouver tour”: listening to and reading a text.
Cultural information: Canada. Grammar: past simple – regular verbs (affirmative) – exercises. Say it right: sound of -ed. Write: describing a city tour.
DATE: _______________ Grammar: past simple – regular verbs (negative, interrogative, short answers) – exercises. “Hanging out in the city” (song): exercises.
CLASSES: 10 Everyday talk: asking for information – exercises. Self-check.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– City life do discurso. Aula projetável involvement;
L6 7.3 – Entender informações 1. Things to do in the city: exercises A, B and C; listening – Textbook, pages 76-77 oral
simples. to the text and checking the answers. – Track 51 (CD 1) participation
*2. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Things to do – Flashcards: "Things to do – Feedback from
Reading R6 6.1 – Identificar sinais e avisos in the city” to the students. in the city” students’
– City life em locais públicos. *3. Teacher may use this context to work on the structures − – Flashcards: speech
R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. related to the city and its places, vocabulary learnt in unit 4.1. “Things to do in the city”
R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia principal Teacher may also ask students to draw their favourite activity, – Test 4
e a informação essencial em textos even if they don’t live in the city, since there are activities
diversificados. related to several places.
*4. Teacher may also use the games “Mime Game” or “Group – Teacher’s Resource File:
Spoken SI6 7.1 – Formular perguntas Mime Game” with these activities, to reinforce vocabulary. Games bank – “Mime Game”,
Interaction e dar respostas. 5. Things to do in the city: exercise D; checking the answers. “Group Mime Game”
– City life SI6 7.6 – Pedir informações em lojas Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 135, 139
e em serviços públicos. − – Interactive
SI6 8.1 – Adequar a forma de vocabulary bank
tratamento ao interlocutor e ao – Homework, page 32
contexto em situações de role play. – Workbook, page 38
6. Everyday reading: exercise; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 77
Writing W6 8.3 – Descrever um *7. Teacher may revise the use of the modal verbs can/can’t
– City life acontecimento com a ajuda and should/shouldn’t. Teacher may suggest students to do
de tópicos. a public sign (writing a sentence and making a picture)
to other places in the city (examples: Zoo – “Do not feed the
Intercultural ID6 9.2 – Reconhecer monumentos animals.” / Cinema – “Turn off your mobile phone.” /
Domain e figuras históricas. Hospital – “Do not make noise.”)
– Canada ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas
celebridades e figuras públicas.
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
Lexis and LG6 9.6 – Usar yesterday. 8. “A Vancouver tour”: listening to and reading. − Textbook, pages 78-79
Grammar LG6 9.11 – Usar verbos 9. “A Vancouver tour”: exercises B, C and D; checking the answers. – Tracks 52, 53 (CD 1)
– Past simple regulares mais frequentes, *10. As an activity for expanding vocabulary, teacher may play the audio track – – Animation:
(regular verbs) no past simple, nas formas of exercise A again and ask students to mime all the actions. The key vocabulary of the text “A Vancouver tour”
afirmativa, negativa may be revised with the game “What’s the Next/Last Word?”.
e interrogativa. 11. Guess what: reading information; watching videos on Canada; solving exercises – – Video:
LG6 9.12 – Usar o verbo to do, in Travel Guide; checking the answers. “Toronto Zoo”; Animation:
como auxiliar, no past simple, *12. Teacher may show a video on Toronto Zoo. “Travel Guide – Canada”
nas formas negativa e – Travel Guide: Canada,
interrogativa. pages 12-13, 20
LG6 9 – Language Awareness: *13. Watching an animation on past simple – regular verbs. – – Animation:
Past simple com auxiliar. “Past simple – regular verbs”
14. Past simple – regular verbs (affirmative): analysing information. – Textbook, page 80
15. Past simple – regular verbs (affirmative): exercises A, B and C; checking the answers.
*16. Teacher may write simple sentences in the present simple, ask students to identify
the verb and rewrite them in the simple past.
*17. Teacher may draw students’ attention to the fact that w and y are never doubled,
even if the verb ends in consonant + vowel + consonant (examples: borrow – borrowed;
play – played). Teacher may also tell them that there are some verbs in which we don’t
double the consonant, even though they end in consonant + vowel + consonant, because
they aren’t monossilabycal (examples: visit – visited; listen – listened; discover – discovered).
He/She may also refer that the verb travel, in BrE, doubles the final -l (travel – travelled).
*18. Teacher may play the game “Telephone”, with the sentences in exercise B. – Teacher’s Resource File:
Games bank – “Telephone”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 151
– Homework, page 33
– Workbook, page 39
19. Say it right: listening to and repeating words. – Textbook, page 81
– Tracks 54, 55 (CD 1)
*20. While solving exercises A and B, teacher may show the PowerPoint® on the – –
pronunciation of the verb ending -ed, so that students may become aware of difference PowerPoint®: “-ed sound
between the writing and the phonetics of some English words. (verb pronunciation)"
*21. To soften the difficulty of recognizing the final sounds, teacher may give a hint to
students, telling them that they can place it after the verb (examples: packed it; tried it…).
This way they will recognize the sound easily.
22. Write: reading a text; exercise B; checking the answers.
*23. Watching an animation on past simple – regular verbs. – – Animation:
“Past simple – regular verbs”
24. Past simple – regular verbs (negative, interrogative, short answers): analysing – Textbook, pages 82-83
25. Past simple – regular verbs (negative, interrogative, short answers): exercises
A, B and C; checking the answers.

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

*26. Exercise B can be expanded to produce Yes/No answers from the questions that
students write.
*27. Teacher may play the game “Disappearing Text” with the sentences in exercise A. – Teacher’s Resource File:
28. Past simple – regular verbs (all forms): exercises D, E and F; checking the answers. Games bank –
*29. While doing exercise E, teacher may revise the rules for making the forms of the “Disappearing Text”
past simple, by doing a small scheme with various verbs, that one of the students may
complete (examples: watch – watched; visit – visited; walk – walked; stay – stayed;
study – studied; try – tried; stop – stopped).
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 151
– Homework, pages 33-34
– Workbook, pages 40-41
30. “Hanging out in the city”: listening to the song. – Textbook, page 84
31. “Hanging out in the city”: exercise B; checking the answers. – Track 56 (CD 1)
32. “Hanging out in the city”: singing along. – – Karaoke:
*33. Before watching the video on Think twice, teacher may ask students to say which “Hanging out in the city”
rules they find important to be a good citizen and write them on the board.
34. Think twice: reading information; watching a video about how to be a good citizen. – – Video:
35. Everyday talk: “Asking for information” – reading a dialogue. “Are you a good citizen?”
36. Everyday talk: “Asking for information” – exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 85
*37. Teacher may show students a video on CN Tower, before exercise C. – Tracks 57, 58 (CD 1)
*38. Teacher may suggest students to write the dialogue in their notebooks before – – Animation:
role‑playing the situation. “Asking for information”;
39. Everyday talk: “Asking for information” – role-playing the dialogue in exercise C. Video: “Visiting the CN
40. Keep in Mind!: reading information. Tower”
41. Self-check. – Textbook, pages 86-87
*42. Students can fill in the table at the end of the unit, so that they can check
if they need to revise/consolidate some contents.
*43. At this point, teacher may do the interactive quiz in this unit to consolidate the – – Quiz:
contents, in a play-oriented way. This quiz may be done after the Self-check, to confirm “It’s quiz time!
apprehension of the contents learnt and/or clear up possible doubts. (units 3 and 4)”
*44. Teacher may ask students to continue creating their English Scrapbook to – Workbook: Scrapbook,
remember/practise vocabulary using arts and crafts. pages 18-21
*45. Students may solve a worksheet to prepare for the written test.

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 9. Things to do in the city (p. 73); Grammar: 11. Past simple – regular verbs (p. 91)
NEE worksheets – Grammar: 11. Past simple – regular verbs (p. 127)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 10. Clothes, footwear and accessories (pp. 156-157); Grammar: 11. Past simple – regular verbs (pp. 195-198); Reading: Unit 4 (pp. 222-225);
Speaking: Unit 4 (pp. 242-243; p. 251); Get ready for the tests: Unit 4 (pp. 318-331); Assessment: Unit 4 (pp. 379-390)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
Lesson Plan | Unit 5 | Sub-unit 5.1.
• Unit 5 (Sub-unit 5.1.) – Around the world! – Travelling around (pp. 90- 95)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Means of transport | Past simple – irregular verbs (affirmative) | Australia
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: means of transport – exercises. Say it right: sound of the vowel u. “Back from holiday!”: listening to and reading a text;
DATE: _______________ comprehension exercises. Grammar: past simple – irregular verbs (affirmative) – exercises. Speak: telling a short story – exercise.
CLASSES: 5 Cultural information: Australia. “Around the world” (song): exercises.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Means of do discurso. Aula projetável involvement;
transport L6 7.3 – Entender informações 1. Means of transport: exercises A and B; listening to check answers; – Textbook, pages 90-91 oral
simples. repeating vocabulary. – Track 1 (CD 2) participation
*2. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Means of transport” – Flashcards: "Means – Feedback from
Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. to the students. of transport” students’
– Means of R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia − – Flashcards: speech
transport principal e a informação “Means of transport”
essencial em textos *3. Teacher may use the games “Pictionary” and/or “Vocabulary Ping – Teacher’s Resource File:
diversificados. Pong” to reinforce vocabulary on means of transport. Games bank – “Pictionary”,
4. Means of transport: exercise C; checking the answers. “Vocabulary Ping Pong”
Spoken SP6 7.6 – Contar uma pequena 5. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
Production história. 6. Means of transport: exercise D; checking the answers.
– Means of Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 136, 140
transport − – Interactive
vocabulary bank
Intercultural ID6 9.2 – Reconhecer – Homework, page 36
Domain monumentos e figuras – Workbook, page 44
– Means of históricas. 7. Say it right: listening to and repeating words; exercise B; – Textbook, page 91
transport ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas checking the answers. – Tracks 2, 3 (CD 2)
– Australia celebridades e figuras *8. Teacher may ask students to say one, two, three or four words − – Video:
públicas. in a sentence to encourage them pronounce several words correctly. “Traffic signs”
ID6 10.3 – Comparar 9. Think twice: reading information; watching a video on traffic signs.
diferentes meios de *10. Teacher may introduce the topic of road safety after watching the
transporte. video on it. He/She may then lead students to think on their attitudes
and their knowledge of the subject (examples: Oliver wears the
necessary equipment. / He rides in the direction of the traffic. / He never
uses his mobile phone while riding. / He respects the traffic signs (e.g.
stop) and the traffic lights.).

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Lexis and LG6 9.11 – Usar verbos 11. Dialogue “Back from holiday!”: listening to and reading. − Textbook, page 92
Grammar regulares mais frequentes, no 12. Dialogue “Back from holiday!”: exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 4, 5 (CD 2)
– Past simple past simple, na forma *13. After reading the text, and as an introduction to the study of past simple of – – Animation:
(irregular verbs) afirmativa. irregular verbs, teacher may ask students to find in the text the following verbs: “Back from holiday!”
have – had; go – went; spend – spent; eat – ate; do – did; take – took; see – saw;
leave – left. Teacher may register this information on the board and tell students
to copy it into their notebooks. He/She may also choose to translate each verb.
*14. Watching an animation on past simple – irregular verbs. – – Animation:
“Past simple – irregular
15. Past simple – irregular verbs (affirmative): analysing information. – Textbook, page 93
16. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
17. Past simple – irregular verbs (affirmative): exercises A and B; checking the
*18. Teacher may play “Bingo” with the past simple of irregular verbs. – Fun Pack: “Bingo – irregular
– – Game:
“Bingo – irregular verbs”
*19. Teacher may also use the game “Board Pelmanism”, to reinforce the use of – Teacher’s Resource File:
irregular forms of the past simple used in exercise A. Games bank – “Board
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 152
– Homework, page 37
– Workbook, page 45
20. Speak: telling a short story – reading and analysing the text; writing a short – Textbook, page 94
story, by following instructions (exercise B).
*21. Teacher may explain students that funicular is a means of transport that
they will get to know better when reading Guess what. It is like a leaned-over lift.
*22. As a means of guiding the students, teacher may remind them of some
of the vocabulary that will appear in the columns of the table:
When/Where I went – last summer/beach; at home...
How I went – by car; bus; train; plane...
Who I went with – parents; friends...
What I did – went to the beach; played sports; went out with friends...
What happened – sister/brother played a trick; missed the bus/train/plane;
forgot something (ticket, passport, luggage)...
How I felt in the end – happy; scared; sad; bored; angry...
*23. Teacher may use the game “Change it Round”, to personalize the text – Teacher’s Resource File:
of the exercise A. Games bank – “Change
it Round”
24. Guess what: reading information; solving exercises in Travel Guide; checking – – Video:
the answers. “Funicular”; Animation:
*25. Teacher may show a video on the funicular. “Travel Guide – Australia”
– Travel Guide: Australia,
pages 14-15, 21

26. “Around the world”: listening to the song. – Textbook, page 95

27. “Around the world”: exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Track 6 (CD 2)
28. “Around the world”: singing along. – – Karaoke:
“Around the world”

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 10. Means of transport (p. 74); Grammar: 12. Past simple – irregular verbs (p. 92)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 9. Means of transport (p. 109); Grammar: 13. Past simple – irregular verbs (p. 128)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 12. Means of transport (pp. 160-161); Grammar: 12. Past simple – irregular verbs (pp. 199-202)
Grammar on screen: 7. Past simple (1) (p. 296); 8. Past simple (2) (p. 297)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Lesson Plan | Unit 5 | Sub-unit 5.2.

• Unit 5 (Sub-unit 5.1.) – Around the world! - A journey to remember (pp. 90- 95)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _______
Means of transport | Past simple – irregular verbs (affirmative) | Australia
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: where to stay / what to take – exercises. “Welcome to Australia!”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises.
Grammar: past simple – irregular verbs (negative, interrogative, short answers) – exercises. Watch and learn: “Hotel Transylvania” – exercises.
DATE: _______________ Write: describing an event using pictures. Everyday reading: train timetable – exercises. Listening exercise. Grammar: prepositions
CLASSES: 4 of movement – exercises. Everyday talk: buying bus tickets – exercises. Self-check.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 6.2 – Entender informações − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Where to stay / e perguntas que lhe são Aula projetável involvement;
What to take dirigidas (transportes públicos 1. Where to stay / What to take: listening and repeating vocabulary. – Textbook, pages 96 oral
e horários). 2. Where to stay / What to take: exercise B; checking the answers. – Track 7 (CD 2) participation
L6 7.2 – Identificar a ideia *3. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Where to stay / What to – Flashcards: "Where to stay / – Feedback from
principal. take” to the students. What to take” students’
L6 7.3 – Entender informações − – Flashcards: speech
simples. “Where to stay / What to take”
*4. As a means of reinforcing vocabulary, teacher may use the game – Teacher’s Resource File: – Test 5
Reading R6 6.2 – Interpretar instruções “Backs to the Board” with the vocabulary in exercise A. Games bank – “Backs
– Where to stay / e informação específica em to the Board”
What to take documentos (anúncios, Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 136, 140
horários). − – Interactive
R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. vocabulary bank
R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia – Homework, page 39
principal e a informação – Workbook, page 46
essencial em textos
diversificados. 5. “Welcome to Australia!”: listening to and reading. – Textbook, page 97
6. “Welcome to Australia!”: exercises B, C and D; checking the answers. – Tracks 8, 9 (CD 2)
Spoken SI6 7.1 – Formular perguntas e − – Animation:
Interaction dar respostas. “Welcome to Australia!”
– Where to stay / SI6 7.4 – Pedir algo a alguém. *7. Watching an animation on past simple – irregular verbs. − – Animation:
What to take SI6 7.6 – Pedir informações em “Past simple – irregular verbs”
lojas e em serviços públicos. 8. Past simple – irregular verbs (negative, interrogative, short – Textbook, page 98
answers): analysing information.
Writing W6 8.3 – Descrever um 9. Past simple – irregular verbs (negative, interrogative, short answers):
– Where to stay / acontecimento com a ajuda de exercises A and B; checking the answers.
What to take tópicos ou imagens. *10. Exercise B can be expanded to produce Yes/No answers from
the questions that the students write.
Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation
Lexis and LG6 9.8 – Usar across, *11. Teacher may use the games “How Many Words” and/or “Team Sentences”, – Teacher’s Resource File:
Grammar through, towards (movement). with the sentences from exercise B, so that the students can better Games bank – “How Many
– Past simple LG6 9.11 – Usar verbos understand the structure. Words”, “Team Sentences”
(irregular irregulares mais frequentes, 12. Past simple – irregular verbs (all forms): exercises A and B; – Textbook, page 99
verbs) no past simple, nas formas checking the answers.
– Prepositions afirmativa, negativa *13. While doing exercise B, teacher may remind students of the rules
of movement e interrogativa. of making the forms of the past simple, by making a small scheme
– Use of want LG6 9.12 – Usar o verbo to do, on the board that one of the students can fill in.
and would like como auxiliar, no past simple, *14. Teacher may also draw attention to the previous page and reinforce
nas formas afirmativa, the idea that, in the negative and interrogative forms, we need to use
negativa e interrogativa. the auxiliary verb and that the main verb is in the infinitive.
LG6 9 – Language Awareness: Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 152
Past simple; Uso de – Homework, pages 37-38
want/would like. – Workbook, pages 47-49
– Textbook, page 99
15. Watch and learn: “Hotel Transylvania” – watching a movie trailer; – – Video:
exercises A and B; checking the answers. “Hotel Transylvania”

16. Write: exercises A and B; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 100
*17. Teacher may ask students to collect pictures (theirs or not) and that
they write a short story from them.
*18. Teacher may use the game “Disappearing Text” with the sentences – Teacher’s Resource File: Games
from exercise A, so that the students can better understand the structure. bank – “Disappearing Text”
*19. Watching an animation on prepositions of movement. – – Animation:
“Prepositions of movement”
20. Prepositions of movement: analysing information. – Textbook, page 101
21. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
22. Prepositions of movement: exercises A and B; checking the answers.
*23. Teacher may ask students to do a mime activity with the actions
in exercise A (and others that use the prepositions of movement),
to reinforce the idea of movement.
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 152
– Homework, page 40
– Workbook, page 49
*24. Before solving the exercise, teacher may write the time of the timetable – Textbook, page 102
on the board and revise the time.
25. Everyday reading: exercise; checking the answers.
26. Listen: at the railway station – exercise; checking the answers. – Tracks 10, 11 (CD 2)

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© ASA – High Five 6

27. Everyday talk: “Sightseeing in Sydney” – reading a dialogue. – Textbook, page 103
28. Everyday talk: “Sightseeing in Sydney” – exercises A and B; checking – Tracks 12, 13 (CD 2)
the answers. – – Animation:
*29. Teacher may suggest students to write the dialogue in their notebooks before “Sightseeing in Sydney”
role-playing the situation. Fast-finishers can role-play the dialogue again, without
looking at their notes. Teacher can ask two of those students to repeat the exercise
with a different partner.
30. Everyday talk: “Sightseeing in Sydney” – role-playing the dialogue.
31. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
32. Self-check. – Textbook, pages 104-105
*33. Students can fill in the table at the end of the unit, so that they can check
if they need to revise/consolidate some contents.
*34. Teacher may ask students to continue creating their English – Workbook: Scrapbook,
Scrapbook to remember/practise vocabulary using arts and crafts. pages 22-25
35. Teacher may talk about High Five Day and students may do some activities – Celebrations, page 130
about it. – – Video:
*36. Students may solve a worksheet to prepare for the written test. “High Five Day”

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Grammar: 12. Past simple – irregular verbs (p. 92); 13. Prepositions of movement (p. 93)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 10. Where to stay / what to take (p. 110); Grammar: 13. Past simple – irregular verbs (p. 128); 14. Prepositions of movement (p. 129); 15. Want / Would like (p. 130)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 13. Where to stay / what to take (pp. 162-163); Grammar: 12. Past simple – irregular verbs (pp. 199-202); 13. Prepositions of movement (pp. 203-204);
Reading: Unit 5 (pp. 226-229); Speaking: Unit 5 (pp. 244-245; p. 252)
Grammar on screen: 7. Past simple (1) (p. 296); 8. Past simple (2) (p. 297); 9. Prepositions of movement (p. 298); 10. Want and would like (p. 299) | 11. Want and would like (p. 300)
Get ready for the tests: Unit 5 (pp. 322-325)
Assessment: Unit 5 (pp. 391-402)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
100 Lesson Plan | Unit 6 | Sub-unit 6.1.
• Unit 6 (Sub-unit 6.1.) – Welcome summer! – Summer fun (pp. 108-113)
CLASS: 6th ____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Free time activities | Be going to
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: free time activities – exercises. “Summer chat!”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises.
DATE: _______________ Grammar: be going to – exercises. Speak: talking about summer plans – exercises. Say it right: sounds ai and ei. Watch and learn:
CLASSES: 3 “Emoji Movie” – exercises. Listening exercise.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 6.1 – Entender expressões − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Free time relacionadas com os seus Aula projetável involvement;
activities interesses. 1. Free time activities: exercises A and B; listening to check answers; – Textbook, page 108 oral
L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto repeating vocabulary. – Track 14 (CD 2) participation
do discurso. *2. Teacher may use the flashcards of “Free time activities” to play – Flashcards: "Free time
– Feedback from
L6 7.2 – Identificar a ideia the game “Point to 1, 2, 3”, to practise identifying vocabulary and activities”
principal. saying words, from images. − – Flashcards:
L6 7.3 – Entender informações 3. Free time activities: exercise C; checking the answers. “Free time activities”
simples. – Teacher’s Resource File:
Games bank – “Point
Reading R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. to 1, 2, 3”
– Free time R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 137, 140
activities principal e a informação − – Interactive
essencial em textos vocabulary bank
diversificados. – Homework, page 42
– Workbook, pages 52-53
Spoken SP6 7.4 – Apresentar projetos *4. Before reading the text, teacher may provide context by – Textbook, page 109
Production futuros. explaining that the characters Greg and Rowley are from the – Tracks 15, 16 (CD 2)
– Free time movie/book Diary of a wimpy kid (in Portuguese, Diário de um − – Animation:
activities banana). “Summer chat!”
5. Dialogue “Summer chat!”: listening to and reading.
Lexis and LG6 9.6 – Usar tomorrow. 6. Dialogue “Summer chat!”: exercises B and C; checking the answers.
Grammar LG6 9.13 – Expessar a ideia *7. Teacher may use the expression “sunny weather” in the text to
– Be going to de futuro com going to. revise the weather.
*8. Watching an animation on be going to. − – Animation:
“Be going to”
9. Be going to: analysing information. – Textbook, pages 110-111
10. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
11. Be going to: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers.
12. Keep in Mind!: reading information for exercise D.

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

13. Be going to: exercise D; checking the answers.

*14. Teacher may use the game “Noughts and Crosses / Tic-Tac-Toe” with the – Teacher’s Resource File:
flashcards of “Free time activities”. This activity can provide different language Games bank – “Noughts
structures (affirmative, negative, interrogative), so that students can make and Crosses / Tic-Tac-Toe”
complex sentences using be going to. – Flashcards: "Free time
− – Flashcards:
“Free time activities”
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 153
– Homework, page 43
– Workbook, pages 54-55
15. Speak: talking about summer plans – reading and analysing the text; – Textbook, page 112
exercises B and C; checking the answers.
*16. Teacher may use the game “Change it Round” with the text of exercise A – Teacher’s Resource File:
so that the students get used to text format. Games bank – “Change
it Round”
17. Say it right: listening to and repeating words; exercise B; checking – Tracks 17, 18 (CD 2)
the answers.
18. Watch and learn: “Emoji Movie” – watching a movie trailer; exercises – Textbook, page 113
A, B and C; checking the answers. − – Video:
*19. Teacher may explore the meanings of the emojis in exercise C “Emoji Movie”
(1. ice cream; 2. devil; 3. cake; 4. smiley; 5. smiling sun; 6. high five).
Teacher may also ask the students to say/research other emojis (the ones they
use frequently) and present their meanings to class. Students can also create
new emojis (examples: emojis for Look, Listen, Read, Write, Be quiet!, etc.).
20. Listen: exercise; checking the answers. – Tracks 19, 20 (CD 2)

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 11. Free time activities | Beach activities (p. 75); Grammar: 14. Be going to (pp. 94-95)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 11. Free time activities | Beach activities (p. 111); Grammar: 16. Be going to (pp. 131-132)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 14. Free time activities (pp. 164-165); Grammar: 14. Be going to (pp. 205-206)
Grammar on screen: 12. Be going to (1) (p. 301); 13. Be going to (2) (p. 302)
NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.
* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)
102 Lesson Plan | Unit 6 | Sub-unit 6.2.
• Unit 6 (Sub-unit 6.2.) – Welcome summer! – Fun at the beach (pp. 114-125)
CLASS: 6th _____ ____ / ____/____ SCHOOL YEAR: _________
Beach activities | Reflexive pronouns | South Africa
LESSONS No. _________ Summary: Vocabulary: beach activities – exercises. “Having fun in South Africa!”: listening to and reading a text; comprehension exercises.
Everyday reading: travel plan – exercise. Grammar: reflexive pronouns – exercises. Write: writing a postcard following a model.
DATE: _______________ Cultural information: South Africa. “Summer fun” (song): exercises. Everyday talk: expressing opinion. Self-check.
CLASSES: 4 Extensive reading: The adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain.

Contents / Topics Skills / Metas Curriculares Procedure Aids – Resources Evaluation

Listening L6 7.1 – Identificar o contexto − – PowerPoint®: – Students’
– Beach do discurso. Aula projetável involvement;
activities L6 7.3 – Entender informações 1. Beach activities: listening and repeating vocabulary. – Textbook, pages 114-115 oral
simples. 2. Beach activities: exercise B; checking the answers. – Track 21 (CD 2) participation
*3. Teacher may show the flashcards of “Beach activities” to the – Flashcards: "Beach activities” – Feedback from
Reading R6 6.2 – Interpretar instruções students. − – Flashcards: students’
– Beach e informação específica em “Beach activities” speech
activities documentos. *4. As a means of reinforcing vocabulary, teacher may use the games – Teacher’s Resource File:
R6 6.3 – Entender mensagens. “Mime Game” or “Group Mime Game” with the vocabulary in exercise A. Games bank – “Mime Game”, – Test 6
R6 6.4 – Identificar a ideia *5. Teacher may also, after listening to and repeating vocabulary, ask “Group Mime Game”
principal e a informação students to close their student’s book and, in pairs, write as many
essencial em textos expressions as they can remember. The pair that writes most correct
diversificados. expressions will also get a motivational sticker. Teacher may also
R6 6.5 – Entender textos de promote a small contest in the classroom.
leitura extensiva com 6. Beach activities: exercises C and D; checking the answers.
vocabulário familiar. 7. Think twice: reading information; watching a video on beach safety. − – Video:
“Responsible at the beach”
Spoken SI6 7.1 – Formular perguntas e *8. Teacher may use the game “Vocabulary Ping Pong” with the – Teacher’s Resource File:
Interaction dar respostas. vocabulary on beach activities. Games bank – “Vocabulary
– Beach SI6 7.3 – Indicar concordância Ping Pong”
activities e discordância. Suggestion – Vocabulary; Homework; Workbook – Vocabulary, pages 137, 140
− – Interactive
Intercultural ID6 9.2 – Reconhecer vocabulary bank
Domain monumentos e figuras – Homework, page 44
– South Africa históricas. – Workbook, page 56
ID6 9.3 – Reconhecer algumas
celebridades e figuras

© ASA – High Five 6

© ASA – High Five 6

Writing W6 7.1 – Formular perguntas 9. “Having fun in South Africa!”: listening to and reading the text. – Textbook, pages 116-117
– Beach ou redigir respostas sobre 10. “Having fun in South Africa!”: exercises B, C and D; checking – Track 22, 23 (CD 2)
activities temas estudados. the answers. − – Animation:
“Having fun in South Africa!”
Lexis and LG6 9.7 – Usar myself, *11. After reading the text, teacher may use the games “What’s the Next/ – Teacher’s Resource File:
Grammar yourself, herself, himself, Last Word?” and/or “Disappearing Board” with some words/expressions Games bank – “What’s
– Reflexive ourselves, yourselves, from the text. the Next/Last Word?”,
pronouns themselves. “Disappearing Board”
12. Everyday reading: travel plan; exercise B; checking the answers. – Textbook, page 117
*13. Teacher may show students the video with images of the Kruger Park. − – Video:
“Kruger Park”
*14. Teacher may use the game “Pictionary” with some words – Teacher’s Resource File:
from the travel plan. Games bank – “Pictionary”
*15. Watching an animation on reflexive pronouns. − – Animation:
“Reflexive pronouns”
16. Reflexive pronouns: analysing information. – Textbook, page 118
17. Keep in Mind!: reading information.
18. Reflexive pronouns: exercises A, B and C; checking the answers.
*19. Teacher may use the game “Simon Says” with the verbs frequently – Teacher’s Resource File:
used with the reflexive pronouns, to reinforce vocabulary (examples: Games bank – “Simon Says”
Simon says enjoy yourselves! / Simon says behave yourselves!).
Suggestion – Grammar; Homework; Workbook – Grammar, page 153
– Homework, page 44
– Workbook, page 57
20. Write: reading a postcard and writing one (exercise B); – Textbook, page 119
checking the answers.
*21. Teacher may use the game “Change it Round” before the writing – Teacher’s Resource File:
of the postcard (exercise B) so that the students get used to text format. Games bank –
“Change it Round”
22. Guess what: reading information; solving exercises in Travel Guide; − – Video: “South
checking the answers. Africa attractions”; Animation:
*23. Teacher may show a video on South Africa. “Travel Guide – South Africa”
– Travel Guide: South Africa,
pages 16-17, 22
*24. Teacher may ask students to solve exercise A before listening – Textbook, page 120
to the song. – Track 24 (CD 2)
25. “Summer fun”: listening to the song. − – Karaoke:
26. “Summer fun”: exercises A and B; checking the answers. “Summer fun”
27. “Summer fun”: singing along.
*28. Teacher can ask students to do a mime activity on the actions
described in the song, while listening to it.
29. Everyday talk: expressing opinion – reading a dialogue. – Textbook, page 121
30. Everyday talk: expressing opinion – exercises B and C; checking the answers. – Tracks 25, 26 (CD 2)
*31. Teacher may suggest students to write the dialogue in their notebooks − – Animation:
before role-playing it with a partner. Fast-finishers can role-play the dialogue “Expressing opinion”
again, without looking at their notes.
32. Everyday talk: expressing opinion – role-playing the dialogue in exercise C.
33. Self-check. – Textbook, pages 122-123
*34. Students can fill in the table at the end of the unit, so that they can check
if they need to revise/consolidate some contents.
*35. At this point, teacher may do the interactive quiz in this unit to consolidate − – Quiz: “It’s
the contents, in a play-oriented way. This quiz may be done after the Self-check, quiz time! (units 5 and 6)”
to confirm apprehension of the contents learnt and/or clear up possible doubts.
*36. Teacher may ask the students to finish creating their English Scrapbook – Workbook: Scrapbook,
to remember/practise vocabulary using arts and crafts. pages 26-29
37. Extensive reading: The adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain – – Textbook, page 154
Before-reading activities.
38. Extensive reading: The adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain – – Textbook, page 155
reading the text; comprehension exercises.
39. Extensive reading: The adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain – – Textbook, page 159
After-reading activities. − – Videos:
“Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry
Finn (2014)”, “Tom Sawyer –
Scene of the fence”, “Tom
*40. Students may solve a worksheet to prepare for the written test. Sawyer – Scene of the cave”

Extra activities: Teacher’s Resource File

“Apoio ao estudo” worksheets – Vocabulary: 11. Free time activities | Beach activities (p. 75); Grammar: 15. Reflexive pronouns (p. 96)
NEE worksheets – Vocabulary: 11. Free time activities | Beach activities (p. 111); Grammar: 17. Reflexive pronouns (p. 133)
Extra worksheets – Vocabulary: 15. Beach activities (pp. 166-167); Grammar: 15. Reflexive pronouns (pp. 207-208); Reading: Unit 6 (pp. 230-233); Speaking: Unit 6 (pp. 246-247; p. 253)
Grammar on screen: 7. Past simple (1) (p. 296); 8. Past simple (2) (p. 297); 9. Prepositions of movement (p. 298); 10. Want and would like (p. 299) | 11. Want and would like (p. 300)
Get ready for the tests: Unit 6 (pp. 326-329)
Assessment: Unit 6 (pp. 403-413); Progress Test – Extensive Reading (pp. 414-415)

NOTE: This plan was designed for three weekly lessons.

* These activities may not be accomplished in two weekly lessons. (However, the teacher should motivate students to use the Interactive vocabulary bank, the Vocabulary and the Grammar by themselves
in order to practise vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.)

© ASA – High Five 6

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