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Audit Checklist (Preview)

OH&S Management system conformance to ISO 45001:2018 requirements

ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

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1 2 3 4 5

4 Context of the Organization

4.1 1. What is the external context ☐ Management Description of definition and action with respect to
Understanding of the organization? review the context of the organization is usually given in
the OH&S section 4.1 of the OH&S Manual.
Organization What is the internal context of ☐
Management It is advisable to link sec.4.1 questions to the
and Its Context the organization?
System Management review questions - sec.9.3.
2. How the information about ☐
external context of the
organization is monitored and

How the information about ☐

internal context of the
organization is monitored and

ISO 45001:2018 Audit Checklist (Preview)

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Supporting the work of Quality Professionals ™

ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

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4.2 1. Who for the organization are ☐ Management Definition and action with respect to the interested
Understanding interested parties that are review, OH&S parties are usually described in the section 4.2 of
the Needs and relevant to the OH&S Management the OH&S Manual and in the ‘Management review’
Expectations of Management System? procedure. A good practice is to define interested
Workers and parties in the Mission of the Organization.
2. What are the needs and ☐ A good practice is to formalize interested parties’
expectations of workers? requirements in the form of Stakeholders Interests
Balance table.

3. What are the needs and ☐ It is beneficial to link questions #1, #2 and #3 of
expectations of other interested sec.4.2 to the Management review questions - sec.
parties? 9.3.

4. In what processes the effort ☐ OH&S It is appropriate to verify the activities to meet the
to fulfill stakeholder’s interests Management interested parties’ interests in the following
is: System processes:
- planned, processes - Workers – ‘Control of Personnel’, ' Internal
Communication ' and Consultation and participation
- performed,
of workers (sec.5.4);
- monitored and
- Providers, Contractors – ‘External Communication’,
- improved? Procurement (sec. 8.1.5), Contractors (sec. 8.1.6);
- Shareholders – ‘Management review’;
- Society, Consumers – ‘Marketing’;

ISO 45001:2018 Audit Checklist (Preview)

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ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

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- Government (interaction with legal framework,

including taxation) - ‘Management review’, ‘Control
of documented information’.

5 Leadership and Worker Participation

5.4 1. What mechanisms (format) ☐ OH&S Mechanisms and resources for consultation and
Consultation are used for consultation and participation of workers can be identified and
and provided via:
Participation of participation of workers? • Organization’s OH&S meetings;
Workers • OH&S training, including briefings;
2. How workers are consulted? OH&S • Inclusion of sections on the distribution of
[on each of the following issues] Management responsibility and authority for OH&S in job
• determining the needs and ☐ System
expectations of interested descriptions;
☐ processes • Employees' participation in expert groups,
• establishing the OH&S Policy
• assigning organizational ☐ including identification of hazards and
roles, responsibilities and
assessment of risks and opportunities;
authorities as applicable
• determining how to fulfil • Employees' participation in commissions,

legal requirements and other including investigation of incidents;
• Integration of OH&S activities into business
• establishing OH&S ☐
objectives and planning to processes of the organization;
achieve them • Emergency preparedness and response;
• determining applicable • Discussions of draft OH&S normative documents

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ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

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controls for outsourcing, on the intranet before their approval;

procurement and contractors • Submitting proposals regarding their needs and
• determining what needs to
be monitored, measured and ☐ expectations, as well as deficiencies or
evaluated improvements in the OH&S Management
• planning, establishing, ☐ System.
implementing and
maintaining an audit
program ☐
• establishing a continual
improvement process
3. How to ensure the OH&S
participation of workers? [in the Management
following tasks]: System
• determining the mechanisms ☐ processes
for their consultation and
• hazard identification and
assessment of risks and ☐
• actions to eliminate hazards
and reduce OH&S risks ☐
• identification of competency
requirements, training ☐
needs, training and
evaluation of training
• determining what needs to ☐
be communicated and how

ISO 45001:2018 Audit Checklist (Preview)

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Supporting the work of Quality Professionals ™

ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

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this shall be done

• determining control ☐
measures and their effective
implementation and use
• investigating incidents and
nonconformities and ☐
determining corrective

6 Planning

6.1.2 Hazard Identification and Assessment of Risks and Opportunities 1. Provide documented ☐ OH&S Actions to address risks and opportunities in the
Assessment of
procedure, which describes Management OH&S Management System could be regulated:
OH&S risks and
other risks to implementation of actions to - by the availability of elements of the risk -
the OH&S address risks and opportunities management system in accordance with the
in the OH&S Management principles and guidance of ISO 31000;
- in the ‘Actions to address risks and opportunities’
- via personnel risk management training.

2. Provide documented ☐ OH&S

information (records), Management

ISO 45001:2018 Audit Checklist (Preview)

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Supporting the work of Quality Professionals ™

ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

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confirming the implementation System

of actions to address risks and processes
opportunities in the audited
process taking into account:
• hazards, risks and
• legal requirements.

8 Operation

8.1 Operational planning and control

8.1.4 1. Are there Outsourced ☐ OH&S
processes in scope of the OH&S Management
Management System?

If YES: ☐ A good practice:

2. How Outsourced processes The organization provides control of processes
are controlled? transferred for outsourcing in the following way:
• OH&S criteria are included in the Outsourced
process providers’ evaluation methodologies;
• OH&S criteria are included in terms of contracts
with Outsourced process providers;

ISO 45001:2018 Audit Checklist (Preview)

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Supporting the work of Quality Professionals ™

ISO 45001:2018 Conforms Audited Auditor’s tips (recommendations)

Clause Yes/ No Process What is being verified (explanations)?

• Consultations are held with external providers

regarding any issues and tasks relevant to
outsourcing with regards to the OH&S
Management System.
Processes transferred for outsourcing are included in
the Internal audit program.

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