Oil and Water Pipeline Crawling Robot For Fault Detection

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(Specialization-Electronics Science)



This is to certify that the work in this thesis entitled “Oil and water pipeline
crawling Robot for Fault Detection”. Submitted by Shiv Krishna Tripathi has
been carried out under my supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the degree of master of science in with specialization in electronics science
department of electronics science Babu Banrasi Das University Lucknow in
session 2018-19.

To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the thesis has not been
submitted to any other university /institute for the award of degree or diploma.

I approved his submission for the above mentioned degree

Dr. Karunesh Tiwari Mr. Akhilesh Maurya

(Assistant Professor) (Assistant Professor)
School of applied sciences (Department of electronics science)
(Department Of Physics) BBD UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW-226007 (U.P)



I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my project supervisor Dr. Karunesh

Tiwari for his knowledge, guidance and criticisms without which this work
would not have been possible. He has always been constant source of
encouragement and inspiration for me. i am very grateful to him for his valuable
guidance and affectation that turn my project in to great success. His constants
efforts helped me a lot during this entire journey.
I would also like to express my profound gratitude to Mr. Akhilesh Maurya,
coordinator who has always helped and motivated me in spite of his busy
I am thankful to all faculty members of electronics science department, school
of basic science, and BBD University for providing me help to complete this
piece of work successfully.
I would like to express my endless gratitude to “my parents “who gave me
every things so that i could attain the best possible education i want them to
know that their selfless love, support and patience has encouraged me to follow
their dreams.

Shiv Krishna Tripathi


A pipe inspection robot is device that is inserted into pipes to check for obstruction or
damage. These robots are traditionally manufactured offshore, are extremely expensive, and
are often not adequately supported in the event or malfunction. This project was conceived to
redesign the electronics control systems one of these pipeline inspection robot, utilizing the
existing mechanical platform. Requirements for the robot were that it must operate reliably in
confined, dark and wet environments and provides a human wears with a digital video feed of
the internal status of the pipes. There robot should as much as possible incorporate off the
shaft components, cheap, and potentially onsite repair. This project details the redesign and
constructions of such robots. It employees there electronic boards integrated with mechanical
components and provides video feedback although at the prototypes state the electronics has
been successful with cost of less than a length of the original robot purchase prize.

In user controllable mode, user sends the signal to robot car using RF module and controls it
manually. User could watch the surroundings through wireless camera built in the pipeline
inspection robot.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1
1.1 TITLE OF THE PROJECT.............................................................................................. 1
1.2 PURPOSE OF THE SITUATION ................................................................................... 1
1.3 PROBLEM CONTEXT ................................................................................................... 2
1.4 BENEFITS .................................................................................................................. 3
1.4.1 TANGIBLE BENEFITS ............................................................................................... 3
1.4.2 INTANGIBLE BENEFITS ........................................................................................... 3
1.5 TARGET READER ......................................................................................................... 3
1.5.1 TARGET AUDIENCES OF THE ROBOT ARE FOLLOWING AS: ......................... 3
1.6 OBJECTIVE OF THE ROBOT ....................................................................................... 5
1.7 ROBOT SCOPE............................................................................................................... 6
1.7.1 FUNCTIONALITY OF THE ROBOT ......................................................................... 6
1.7.2 CORE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE ROBOT ............................................................. 6
1.7.3 ADVANTAGES OF THE ROBOT .............................................................................. 6
1.7.4 LIMITATION OF PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT ......................................................... 6
1.8 FEASIBILITY ............................................................................................................. 7
1.8.2 OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY ........................................................................ 7
1.8.3 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY .................................................................................... 9
1.9 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................... 9
1.10 TIMESCALE ................................................................................................................. 9
1.11 REQUIREMENTS. ........................................................................................................ 9
................................................................................................................................................ 9
1.13 COST ESTIMATION.................................................................................................... 10
1.14 HEALTH SAFETY AND ETHICAL ASSESSMENT ............................................... 10
1.15 PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT ISSUES .............................................................. 11
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................. 12
2.1 PURPOSE OF LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................... 12
2.2 TECHNICAL LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 12
2.3 PRESENT WORK ........................................................................................................... 16
2.4 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 17
CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................................ 18
3.1 PRIMARY RESEARCH ............................................................................................... 18
3.2 SECONDARY RESEARCH .................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY RESEARCH .................................................... 23
CHAPTER 5 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ...................................................................... 35
5.1 TYPES OF MICROCONTROLLERS .......................................................................... 35
5.2 Choosing the Right Microcontroller .............................................................................. 36
5.3 ARDUINO ..................................................................................................................... 36
5.3.1 WHY ARDUINO? .................................................................................................. 40
5.4 RF Module ..................................................................................................................... 41
5.5 IR SENSOR ................................................................................................................... 43
5.6 MOTOR DRIVER L293D ............................................................................................. 50
5.7 5V POWER SUPPLY USING 7805 VOLTAGE REGULATOR ................................ 51
5.7 ATEMAGA- 328 ........................................................................................................... 54
5.8 POWER SUPPLY .......................................................................................................... 55
5.9 LCD................................................................................................................................ 55
CHAPTER 6 SYSTEM DESIGN ......................................................................................... 57
6.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................... 58
6.2 SOFTWARE DESIGN .................................................................................................. 58
6.3 DESIGN OF HARDWARE SECTION ......................................................................... 59
CHAPTER 7 IMPLEMENTATION .................................................................................... 63
7.1 SELECTION OF MATERIALS .................................................................................... 63
7.2 EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ..................................................................................... 64
7.3 Mechanism ..................................................................................................................... 64
7.3.1 KINEMATICS OF MECHANISM ........................................................................ 65
7.3.2 STATIC ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 65
CHAPTER 8 TESTING AND RESULTS ........................................................................... 69
8.1 TESTING PLAN DIAGRAM ....................................................................................... 69
8.2 DIFFERENT TESTING MODULE .............................................................................. 70
8.2.1 TRANSMITTER SECTION TESTING MODULE ............................................... 70
8.2.2 RECEIVER MODULE TESTING ......................................................................... 71
8.3 RESULT ........................................................................................................................ 72
CHAPTER 9 DISCUSSION.................................................................................................. 75
9.2 FUTURE IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................... 77
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 77
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 78
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. 80
Figure 1 Pipeline Inspection Robot............................................................................................ 1
Figure 2Arduino Board ............................................................................................................ 37
Figure 3Micro-controller ......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 4Arduino UNO ............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 5Arduino NANO .......................................................................................................... 38
Figure 6 RF Module (Receiver) ............................................................................................... 41
Figure 7 RF Module (Transmitter) .......................................................................................... 42
Figure 8 IR Sensor ................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 9 IR sensor Working ..................................................................................................... 44
Figure 10 IR sensor Working ................................................................................................... 45
Figure 11 LED ......................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 12 Circuit of IR sensor ................................................................................................. 46
Figure 13 IR receiver ............................................................................................................... 47
Figure 14 IR Receiver Circuit .................................................................................................. 47
Figure 15 Servo Motor ............................................................................................................. 49
Figure 16 L293D Motor Driver Circuit ................................................................................... 51
Figure 17 7805 IC .................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 18 Capacitor.................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 191K ohm resistor circuit ............................................................................................. 54
Figure 20 Atmega 328 ............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 21 LCD 16*2 ................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 22Block Diagram of working Robot ............................................................................ 58
Figure 23 Proteus design of pipeline robot ............................................................................. 58
Figure 24 Proteus Design of Rf controller ............................................................................... 59
Figure 25 Design of Disk ......................................................................................................... 59
Figure 26 Design of Wheel ...................................................................................................... 60
Figure 27 Design of segment ................................................................................................... 60
Figure 28 Design of segment ................................................................................................... 60
Figure 29 Design of Body frame ............................................................................................. 61
Figure 30 Axis......................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 31 Design of a Sprin ..................................................................................................... 61
Figure 32 Design Pipeline Inspection Robot ........................................................................... 62
Figure 33 Mechanism OF pipeline Inspection Robot .............................................................. 64
Figure 34 Linkages of PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT .............................................................. 65
Figure 35 Static Analysis ......................................................................................................... 66
Figure 36 Plan Diagram of Pipeline Robot .............................................................................. 69
Figure 37 Working of Robot .................................................................................................... 69
Figure 38 RF transmitter .......................................................................................................... 70
Figure 39 RF Receiver ............................................................................................................. 71
Figure 40 Pipeline Robot Inside the pipe ................................................................................. 72
Figure 41 Pipeline Robot Crwaling ......................................................................................... 73
Figure 42 LCD Display Crack Detected .................................................................................. 74
Figure 43 LCD Display Obstacle Detected ............................................................................. 75
The project entitled as Pipeline inspection robot.

Figure 1Pipeline Inspection Robot


A pipe inspection robot is device that is inserted into pipes to check for obstruction or
damage. Robotics is one of the fastest growing engineering fields of today. Robots are
designed to remove the human factor from labor intensive or dangerous work and also to act
in inaccessible environment. The use of robots is more common today than ever before and it
is no longer exclusively used by the heavy production industries. The inspection of pipes may
be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial plants. These specific
operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are expensive, thus the application of the
robots appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Inspection robots are used in many

Page 1 of 107
fields of industry. One application is monitoring the inside of the pipes and channels,
recognizing and solving problems through the interior of pipes or channels. In this work, Pipe
Inspection Robot (PIR) with ability to move inside horizontal and vertical pipes has been
designed and fabricated. The robot consists of a motor for driving and camera for monitoring
station to the contrary. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are
expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of themost attractive solutions.


As we are observed that in industry , home , power plant etc. there are several problems
occurs inside the pipe like Corrosion , Cracking , Dent Mark , Metal Losses etc. so , we are
inspecting the pipe with the help of “PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT”.

Page 2 of 107
The inspection of pipes may be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial
plants. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are expensive, thus
the application of the robots appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Reduce the
frequency of entering into the testing environment. Operating cost related to other method is
low. Cost of manufacturing of this robot is relatively low. Save comprehensive investment,
improve work efficiency, more accurate detection.The pipe inspection robot inspects situation
inside the pipe which will be recorded and displayed on the monitor screen, it also facilitates
working personnel for effective observation, detection, quick analysis and
diagnosisOperating cost related to other method is low.The robot has great application in
accessing the regions of pipe in which human doesn’t have reach. It could be mounted with a
camera which would send us pictures of inside and would help in our inspection.


 Save comprehensive investment, improve work efficiency, more accurate detection
 It’s useful for pipe cleaning
 Its flexible makes robot take turns smoothly through various joints in pipe.
 Robot can travel horizontally through pipe.
 Robot can travel vertically through pipe.


 Reduce the risk of being fail and will work more accurately
 This robot will able to provide high accuracy
 Reduces human effort.
 Operating cost related to other method is low.


 Nuclear power plants
 Refineries
 Communal waste water pipe systems
 Long distance city heating pipelines
 Gas pipelines


 APIIT Project manager, Project supervisor, Project advisor

 Any user who will use this robot.

Page 3 of 107
 Any organization that will use this robot.

 Any industrialist person that will use this project.

Nuclear power plants
Nuclear power plants must place safety concerns on the highest level of priority before other
interests such as their business interests. Regular inspections of pipe systems need to be
carried out and robots from inspectors systems are widely used.

Conventional power plants

By taking advantage of the NDT inspection methods that our robots offer, defects and faults
can be avoided increasing the 'up and running' operational time of all kinds of pipe systems.
Worldwide, many power plants already use our robots to do just this.


The mineral oil industry can benefit from improved supply, transportation, processing and
distribution of mineral oil as well as improved environmental protection. Our robots are
helping to do just this.

Chemical and petrochemical plant

It is of course vital to continually reduce the risks brought about by the manufacture,
transport and storage of chemicals. This means that the possible dangers need to be examined
and the necessary testing and inspections carried out in order to avoid or at least lessen and
contain them. The use of our robots has become obligatory in many well-known companies.


The technical demands of offshore rigs as well as safety and environmental requirements are
very high and strongly controlled. This means that there is an enormous amount of required
Non Destructive Testing inspections. Our robots are used worldwide in offshore applications.

Long distance city heating pipelines:

Leakages in long distance heat conduits, caused through external corrosion, cause energy and
water losses resulting in damage to, among others, subterranean constructions. Minimizing
energy loss during the transport of heat from source to end user is one of the most important

Page 4 of 107
requirements in order to exclude danger to people and the environment. Our robots help in
this important duty.

Food and drinks industries

The hygiene standard in the food and drinks industries is very high. The condition of the
individual pipe networks is therefore decidedly important. Inspection robots from
INSPECTOR SYSTEMS help to maintain and ensure this high level of hygiene.

Communal waste water pipe systems

Subterranean sewer systems have been responsible for the collection and transport of waste
water since planning and construction began in 1842. With the Republic of Germany most of
these sewage systems are owned by the cities and community districts. Regular inspection of
the roughly 445 km of public sewage systems is therefore a complex and cost intensive

Gas pipelines

Within Germany the total length of the natural gas pipeline network is something like 335
km. At the moment it is run by 18 national companies and around 730 local ones. Robots
from inspector systems are deployed for inspection and maintenance these flexible robots are
well suited for carrying out inspections on pipe systems, especially those that have a lot of
bends, vertical sections and pipe branches.These robots are mainly used in the nuclear power
industry, refineries, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, the offshore industry, gas
pipelines, the beverage industry and all types of pipe lines up to 500m long. Three drive
elements provide a speed of up to 200 m/h in both horizontal and vertical directions and
allow for effortless bend taking.


The main objective for developing such is that it can be inserted into pipes to check for
obstruction or damage. One application is monitoring the inside of the pipes and channels,
recognizing and solving problems through the interior of pipes or channels. In this work, Pipe
Inspection Robot (PIR) with ability to move inside horizontal and vertical pipes has been
designed and fabricated. The robot consists of a motor for driving and camera for monitoring
station to the contrary. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are

Page 5 of 107
expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of themost attractive solutions
as it is cheap and at very low maintenance cost.


This robot provide a wide area of scope for the industries, gas pipelines, nuclear power
plants. This type of robot will provide accurate work at minimum cost. The main feature of
this robot is its foldable mechanism which


 Its flexible makes robot take turns smoothly through various joints in pipe.
 Robot can travel horizontally through pipe.
 Robot can travel vertically through pipe.


The robot has few basic functions with some additional functions. Core functionality of the
robot is mentioned in below

 The foldable mechanism which is very helpful to travel through the various joints in
the pipe
 Fan is attached at the head of the robot to clean the pipe.
 Led is attached to provide sufficient light inside the pipe.


 The pipe inspection robot inspects situation inside the pipe which will be recorded
and displayed on the monitor screen, it also facilitates working personnel for effective
observation, detection, quick analysis and diagnosis.
 Save comprehensive investment, improve work efficiency, more accurate detection.
 Reduce the frequency of entering into the testing environment.
 Operating cost related to other method is low.
 Cost of manufacturing of this robot is relatively low.


 Pipe inspection robots have such limitations as their ability to turn in a T-shaped
pipe or move in a plug valve.
 This robot does not work in water.
 This robot works only in empty pipe.

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Before developing any project feasibility study plays the major role in the success of the
project. Feasibility study is an analysis of how a project can be completed successfully,
accounting for factors that affect it such as technical, operational, economical, and schedule
factors. The project manager uses this feasibility study to determine the favourable and non-
favourable outcomes of the project before investing a considerable amount of time and
money into the project.


The different system used in the pipeline inspection robot can be designed. There is
complexity in designing the all system. The components and the hardware for this project are
not easily available. The all systems can be easily implemented in the pipeline inspection


The operational feasibility mainly focusses on the evaluation which will analyse the system
that how well the system is working. And how to deal with the changes occurs in the system
during the development period. The operational feasibility includes the following design-

 Reliability: In this, developer checks how much the system is reliable in terms of
hardware that can perform consistently according to its specification.
 Maintainability: In this, developer know how a product can be maintained in order to
correct the defects or their cause, how to replace the faulty components without
replacing the working components.
 Supportability: In this, developer ensures that the project can support multi platforms
without any problem.
 Usability: In this, developer ensures that how the system is learnable to the user. It
must be easy to learn and use for the success of the project.
 Sustainability: In this, developer ensures that the product is sustainable enough, so
that it meets the need of present generation without compromising the need of the
future generation.
 Affordability: In this, developers ensures that the project is affordable to almost all
the target users.

Page 7 of 107
The proposed system will be checked in the terms of the PIECES framework.

 Performance: For calculating the performance of the system, we must know the
Throughput that is the amount of work performed over some period of time and the
response time. We have to check whether our system is properly working on these
two benchmarks or not. The site is showing the required output in minimum time
period. We have to make our site in such a way that the performance of our project is
maximum in short time.
 Information: System provides the service to the end user with timely, relevant,
accurate and usefully formatted information. Since the user provides the input in the
form to get the generated code. The information handling in the current system is
done manually.
 Economic: Economic feasibility study determines whether the system is cost
effective or not. It will ensure that the cost must be reduced by implementing the new
 Control: It associated with the control and system security for the data control and
the transaction of data. The system that has to be developed has enough control to
resist the system to be hacked, or people who are fraud and it provide enough security
for the information available on the system.
 Efficiency: Efficiency work is to ensure a proper workflow structure to store patient
data; we can ensure the proper utilization of all the resources. It determines whether
the system make maximum use of available resources including time, people, flow of
forms, minimum processing delay. In the current system a lot of time is wasted on
paper work like making new records, updating records.
 Service: This determines whether the reliable services are provided to the users and
whether the system is acceptable or not. This will also check whether there is a scope
of expansion or improvement in the system or not.

Page 8 of 107
The Economic Feasibility helps the organizations measure the cost and benefits associated
with the project before the financial resources are allocated. This also enhances the project
credibility and helps decision makers to determine the positive economic benefits to the
organization. This typically involves the cost analysis of the project.


Is the science (and art) of organizing the components of a project, whether the project is
development of a new product, the launch of a new service, a marketing campaign, or a
wedding. A project isn’t something that’s part of normal business operations. It’s typically
created once, it’s temporary, and it’s specific. As one expert notes, “It has a beginning and an
end.” A project consumes resources (whether people, cash, materials, or time), and it has
funding limits.


When any job has to be skilled according to a time or date deadline, it is advisable to have at
least some idea of the relationship between the time allowed and the time needed. For time
management as a researcher have to make first of all schedule according to our conversations.


Requirements is the main part of management our pulse of the profession research has shown
that poor supplies organisation is a major cause of project failure. They wants process
generally includes a needs debt, elicitation and analysis of requirement, monitoring and
controlling requirements and evaluation of solutions.


In this we make a Pie or Bar chart charge compare resources and costs. Resources, the
collective money or its means of producing wealth. Usually, resources. Money, or any
property that can be converted into money; assets.
In project manangnment we have some point like
1. Gantt Chart

Page 9 of 107
2. PERT Chart
3. Earliest Completion Time
4. Latest Completion Time
In Gantt chart we discuss our all work and its time schedule. After that we make a graph that
graph has a horizontal bar chart that graphically displays and the time relationships between
the different tasks in a project effective when seeking to communicate schedule.
Pert chart is a also a function of combination of a process called Program Evaluation Review
Technique (PERT), which was developed by the Navy to manage the construction of nuclear
submarines, and the Critical Path Method (CPM), which was developed by isolated industry
to meet similar needs


1. M. S. round bar 2 120
2. Acrylic sheet 2 230
2. Screw 40 250
4. Nut 40 200
5. M.S. plate 1 90
6 Sheet metal (pipe) 1 1500
7. D.C. Motor 12 2220
11. Remote 3 switch 1 350
12. RF module 2 950
12. Robot wheel 6 950
14. Spring 2 350
15. Adapter ( 12V) 1 450
16. Supply wire 10 feet 1 120
TOTAL 8120 Rs.


Basically health safety in nothing that when we are doing some work in that time what we
problem facing regarding health is called health safety and we have to fill some form in
which we have certain condition for working is called Ethical assessment. Now we talk about

Page 10 of 107
what problem we faced regarding making assignment or project. First of all we faced some
problem to forget any component or lost our component. Be careful when we soldering any
component take precaution bear gloves and keep away from eyes. So that your eye is save.
1. Electrical short
2. Soldering burn
3. Data Loss
4. Chemical burn


In this project we have some risk management issues like:
Risk Process Persons Control Severit Likeli Risk Level Result
Area at Risk Measure y hood Rating of (T,A,N,
s (1-10) risk U)
Electric Testing User/ System 4 4 16 low A
short and developer can be
develop burn
Solderin Developin Develope Be 2 4 8 Very T
g g r careful low
Data loss Developin Develope Back up 4 4 16 low A
g r plan
Chemical Developin Develope Avoid 4 4 16 low A
burn g r chemical

Page 11 of 107
The purpose of the Literature review is to provide a critical working approach and
Methodologies of the existing system.
A literature review is an important chapter in a thesis where its purpose is to provide the
justification and background for the research undertaken
The literature review is simply a summary of ideas and view based on another reference
This section contains the critical analysis of the research done in order to provide the
justification of the research undertaken such the technology used in this project.


The purpose of the literature review is to simply provide the justification used in this project.
Basically developer has divided this section in the parts based in the technology used in this


Approximately all the pipeline based systems encounters fault and it is detected primarily by
classical methods like ultrasonic sensing techniques. Pipelines are seems to be very complex
structure researcher across the world are in search of new solutions so that problem detection
in future will easy and trustable.

[1] Discussed the result of a feasibility study of a wheeled multi-joint robot for autonomous
sewer inspection. The robot was cable free and multi-joint which enables high mobility in
sewage systems.

. [2] Developed a detection system to identify objects in sewage pipes. A CCD camera was
attached with autonomous sewer robot which provides images that were interpreted by an
attention driven recognition module.

[3] Presented a multi-joint for sewer inspection tasks. It was a multi-joint, cable free robot to
overcome the problems of previous one link cabled vehicles. The mechatronic concept of the
vehicle was also described. The description focused on computer architecture and electronic

[4] Presented a new concept for internal pipe line inspection to detect the failure early and
assess the different sections of the network system. The article also presented the mechanical
design, the electronics and communication system, the fibre-optic bus and the operator

Page 12 of 107
station. Two image-processing algorithms for measuring fissure length and the effective
diameter of the pipe ware also presented.

[5] Presented an algorithm for online distance computation based on images taken in a sewer
by a robot inspection. They used image processing and laser based orientation method to
improve the accuracy of test results.

[6] Proposed the use of laser spot array and TV camera for the vision sensor. The camera
provides the three dimensional position of each spot on the surface of the pipe by means of
triangulation. They also discussed a method to distinguish the pipe shape.

[7] Proposed a custom IR scanner for landmark detection for the autonomous sewer robot
MAKRO. They described how a custom 2D scanner involving infrared distance sensors with
high sampling rates can be employed for robust and fast detection of inlets.

[8] One study has shown that challenges in the field of creating new intelligent machine that
will help in reducing the maintenance cost and they should be adjustable according to the
situation. Although it will be instrumentation focused only yet also it will decrease the human
effort to always keeping an eye over such faulty situations.

According to Martín Enrique Valdivia Mejía [9] (2016)’research paper While the above
development project provides valuable information regarding this thesis that if one has to
design a specific diameter pipeline which is flexible also, caution needs to be exercised
before assembling the components. Proper care should be done and all research should be
completed which are necessary for the development of projects. That is, the differences found
between a well-researched planned development product and an unplanned development
product and result is simply that planned one was found better. It is also sure that software
difference also creates the difference in resultant product.

[10] The current experimental thesis examines and compares the difference between different
types of linkage between the pipes and concludes the best mechanism cluster is mechanical
clutch mechanism. Post event is confirmed by through other evidences. This technique has
been surprisingly neglected until recently, as the majority of the literature on this topic gives
the conformity about it.

Jae Yeon Choi and Hoon Lim(2006) [11] showed that development and up gradation of
technology regarding pipeline inspection has taken place rapidly as from full human based

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observation to machine based and then semi-automatic robots. To appreciate the effects
of this change and shifting of human workforce to machine workforce and then further to
semiautomatic robots is very better than before. Due to this they help in pipeline inspection
inside the house also.

Traditionally, every machine designed for some specific work need sensors according to the
Ana Carolina Cardoso de Sousa, Dianne Magalh˜aes Viana (2014) [12]However, such a
broad focus may not fully explain how sensors are used in a specific robot and also which
sensor should be used. There is such a typical scene everywhere wherever pipeline is used it
detects the fault and choosing right sensor for specific situation is the first need. If its done
with proper knowledge and experience it will in near future surely help in automate the whole
fault checking system.

[13] Most research involving the Experimentally Induced Information methodology seeks to
identify the influence of different components including sensors, joint bolts and
microcontrollers may therefore be advantageous to also investigate the effects of using
different components and choosing the right one. Ir sensor is considered best in almost all the
situations as per current available technologies. However, few studies have used this
methodology and those that have, have yielded mixed findings. Therefore, future
investigation observing by combining different components to each other to get which will
give the best result.

[14] One way to determine a moving robot is good or bad merely depends on in how many
situation it can move. Pipes can be vertical, horizontal and can be made up of different
materials also. Also there is difference between sizes of pipelines, so robot will be considered
adaptive and good if it is flexible enough to adjust in these parameters. Observation observed
going through different projects and conducting so many experiments, 120 degrees between
legs of robot is found the right one to make it adaptive and flexible.

Although the experiments described in this research paper shows the movement of robot in a
curve trajectory and also the importance of calculating the total displacement of a robot inside
the curved pipelines. It can be done by using Fourier transform technique and total derivative
gives results that help the researcher to find the location of robot inside a curved pipeline so
that in any case (case of some faulty condition in robot) if robot stuck in curved area, it can
be rescued and be repaired.

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[15] In this paper, a rotating probe in vinyl chloride pipe was tested, and a new inspection
robot system for drain pipe was developed. In future, we will analyze the image data and the
probe data and research the best method for inspecting the defects and increasing the
detection ability. In addition, we are going to do research on a smaller robot system and
wireless radio communication system for small size’s long drain pipe.

[16] As it is well known that working and movement speed of any machine or robots really
matters. It thoroughly depends on power of motors, no of wheels, and at what rate it is
receiving the input signal and resulting in output which is basically the processing speed. It
can be increased by image processing technique by inspecting the robot at every location.
This paper has presented the development and implementation of an imaging system that can
be used for high speed inspection of pipes.

[17] Proposed a robotic system for in-pipe inspection of underground urban gas pipelines. It
was based on visual and non-destructive testing (NDT). The robot was configured as an
articulated structure like a snake with a tether cable. It had several characteristic feature
superior to the others especially the steering mechanism called Double Active Universal Joint

[18] Further extended their work in this paper. They described the strategies developed for
the automation of defect classification in pipes and explored new methods to fuse intensity
and positional information and showed how they can be used to improve multi variable defect

[19] Created an intelligent sensing approach for improved and automated pipe condition
assessment. A novel method for extracting and analysing intensity variations in the acquired
images was introduced.

[20] Further extended their work. In this paper, the morphology-based pipe defect
segmentation is proposed and discussed to be an improved approach for automated diagnosis
of pipe defects on CCTV images using Otsu’s technique for segmentation and radial basis
network (RBN) based diagnostic system.

A very important design goal of the robotic systems is the adaptability to the inner diameters
of the pipes. So, we had proposed a new design in inspecting pipelines. The major advantage
is that it could be used in case of pipe diameter variation with the simple mechanism. We
developed a pipe inspection robot that can be applied to 140- 180mm pipeline. The

Page 15 of 107
kinematics of mechanism and actuator sizing of this robot have been investigated. A real
prototype was developed to test the feasibility of this robot for inspection of in-house
pipelines. We used a PCB board that can operate DC motor. Good conceptive and element
design could manage all the problems. The types of inspection tasks are very different. A
modular design was considered for PIC that can be easily adapted to new environments with
small changes. Presence of obstacles within the pipelines is a difficult issue. In the proposed
mechanism. the problem is solved by a spring actuation and increasing the flexibility of the
mechanism. The propulsion of the robot has been successfully conducted using only three
motors, a radical simplification over existing efforts. The robot is designed to be able to
traverse horizontal and vertical pipes. We had experimented our project and we got the test
results. Several types of modules for pipe inspection minirobot havebeen presented. Many of
the design goals ofthe Pipe inspection robot have been completely fulfilled.

The Robots in these days is very common in use. These robots can take the place of human in
dangerous area.Inspection and performing the maintenance work in pipeline is very
dangerous for human because, the pipeline is very long, narrow and maybe it is because
choking. So, the robot will replace the human in doing inspection. The designed and
fabricated Pipeline inspection robot can move forward straight, right direction and left
direction and has a wireless camera to monitor the pipeline from any crack, leakage, deposit
or any abnormality things. The camera will take the picture of any crack in the pipe and
transfer the data to the computer. This data is very useful to monitor the pipe line. The
microcontroller (PIC16f628A) which is used is controlled by program to give the robot
command. This will reduce the time consuming for work, to reduce the cost of man power
and minimize potential risks. Further improvement can be done in the pipeline inspection
robot by adding sensors to avoid collision the walls. Also we can add timer and to measure
distance travelled in the pipeline to know the location of crack.


From above survey, the maximum work has been done in the developed countries where the
sewer blockage occurs rarely. Hence all the available equipment’s are generally for
inspection of pipeline especially the crack detection of pipes. No work is found for the
blockage detection inside a sewer line. The main objective of the present work is detecting
the blockage and calculating its location parameters of the blockage. To solve the above
problem, the present work designs and develops a robotic system. This robotic sewer

Page 16 of 107
inspection equipment with the embedded system has two main units’ i.e. robotic vehicle and
sensor unit. The robotic vehicle carries the sensors and moves in the sewer pipeline as
required. Both units have their own embedded control systems. The complete equipment size
is small and capable of being introduced into the sewer pipeline through any manhole or
inspection chamber available in the sewer system. The vehicle is designed and a prototype is
made and tested. The robotic vehicle is designed with three wheels, two of them driven by
motors. The motor is controlled automatically and calculation of travelled distance with
directions for desired movement inside sewer line is done by an embedded processor through
embedded software and supporting hardware, sensors etc.
The sensor unit uses ir sensors. The sensors have mounting with the provisions for changing
the direction of the sensor. These sensors are responsible for giving data of transmission and
reflection of ultrasound waves by the variations in the medium of its transmission inside the
line due to blockage or deformities in the line. The signals are analysed to measure the
distance of blockages or other defects of the pipeline. The data provided by the sensors are
stored in the available memory, processed by embedded processor or supporting computer,
analysed and conclusions derived for obtaining the blockage and its location parameter.

From the research it can be seen that pipeline inspection robot is very much useful in modern
society. Robots play an important role in inside pipe-network maintenance and their
repairing. Some of them were designed to realize specific tasks for pipes with constant
diameters, and other may adapt the structure function of the variation of the inspected pipe.
This types of robot can be implemented by using recent available technology. Many of the
design goals of the Pipe inspection robot have been completely fulfilled. Foldable mechanism
has been described which is very much useful and with great advantage it can overcome
without any difficulties. A modular design was considered for easily adapted to new
environments with small changes. Presence of obstacles within the pipelines is a difficult
issue. In the proposed mechanism the problem is solved by a spring actuation and increasing
the flexibility of the mechanism.

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Primary research has been done to collect data that form the basis of user requirements for the
system. The primary research has been tailored to the developer’s need for data gathering in
the context of the problem under discussion. Moreover primary research gives more precise
outcomes than secondary research since the developer can directly interact with the user and
the product market.
According to project requirements this type of primary research is used by the researcher are:
 Interviews
 Questionnaire
 Observation
 Focus Group discussion
Questionnaire is very useful and beneficial method for getting the feedback from the user
which is related to the robot. Questionnaire is techniques in which series of questions are
develop to gather the information of from the robot to users, developer for developing a
robot. Questionnaire consists of 19 questions.
Steps involved for preparing questionnaire:
 Defining the objective
 Determining the sampling group
 Write the questionnaire
 Administering the questionnaire
 Calculation the result
Advantages Of questionnaire

 Large amounts of information can be collected from a large number of people in a

short period of time and in a relatively cost effective way
 Questionnaires are familiar to all users.
 It reduces partiality.
 Questionnaire is less intrusive than then telephone or face to face survey.
Interview is also most common and important data gathering technique which is used to
collect the information gathering regarding the robot need.

Page 18 of 107
An interview is a formal face to face meeting, especially, one arranged for the assessment of
the qualification of an applicant, as for employment or admission. A conversation, as one
conducted by a reporter, in which facts or statements are elicited from another.

Steps involved for preparing an interviews:

 Determine the objective of the robot
 Preparing the interviews questions
 Write the interviews questions.
 Conduct the interview with clean voice and good communication skill.
 Write and analyse the results.

A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about
their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product.


 Targeted Issues are addressed. The organization asking for the research has the
complete control on the process and the research is streamlines as far as its objectives
and scope is concerned. Researching company can be asked to concentrate their
efforts to find data regarding specific market rather than concentration on mass

 Data interpretation is better. The collected data can be examined and interpreted by
the marketers depending on their needs rather than relying on the interpretation made
by collectors of secondary data.

 Regency of Data. Usually secondary data is not so recent and it may not be specific to
the place or situation marketer is targeting. The researcher can use the irrelevant
seeming information for knowing trends or may be able to find some relation with the
current scenario. Thus primary data becomes a more accurate tool since we can use
data which is useful for us.

Page 19 of 107
 Proprietary Issues. Collector of primary data is the owner of that information and he
need not share it with other companies and competitors. This gives an edge over
competitors replying on secondary data.


 High Cost. Collecting data using primary research is a costly proposition as marketer
has to be involved throughout and has to design everything.

 Time Consuming. Because of exhaustive nature of the exercise, the time required to
do research accurately is very long as compared to secondary data, which can be
collected in much lesser time duration.

 Inaccurate Feed-backs. In case the research involves taking feedbacks from the
targeted audience, there are high chances that feedback given is not correct.
Feedbacks by their basic nature are usually biased or given just for the sake of it.

 More number of resources are required. Leaving aside cost and time, other resources
like human resources and materials too are needed in larger quantity to do surveys and
data collection.


Secondary Research is a common research method; it involves using information that others
have gathered through primary research.

Data that have been collected through secondary research are study about the microcontroller
and gathered information about the pipeline inspection robot. Study some of the design to
make my final project.

Factors to be considered while collecting data from secondary sources:

 Accuracy of data: One should evaluate the credibility of source of data and methods
used to collect data because these factors directly influence the accuracy of data.

Page 20 of 107
 Time and Cost required to collect data: Some sources of data charge money in order
to give access to their information, so an organization needs to evaluate this cost with
the cost of collecting data by themselves (primary market research).
 One also needs to take care that information collected answers the issues which need
to be addressed.


 Time and Cost effective: Usually time and cost required to collect secondary data is
less than efforts required to collect primary data. Data is available freely or at far
lesser cost through secondary sources.
 Extensiveness of data: Data collected by governments and other institutes is usually
very extensive and covers a large spectrum of issues. An organization can filter that
data and consider only parts which they are targeting.
 Basis of Primary Research: Data collected from secondary sources gives an idea to
organization about effectiveness of primary research. From secondary data one can
form hypothesis and can evaluate the cost and efforts required to conduct own
surveys. One can also note down issues, which are not covered from secondary
research and, need to be addressed through primary research.


 Data Definitions: Secondary Researcher needs to understand various parameters and

assumptions that primary research had taken while collected information. A term may
have different meaning for different people, example a term 'youth' used is ambiguous
and one needs to find what is the assumed age taken by primary researcher.
 Inaccuracy of Data: As we are not gathering our own information, first-hand, we are
totally dependent on someone else's efforts. Primary researcher may have been biased
or may have used questionable methods to collect data; this can be pretty risky for
secondary researchers to base their report on such data.
 Time Lag Issues: Information collected from books, historical surveys are usually not
sync with the times and might have changed drastically. Thus making such
information a foundation of research may be highly risky for the business or project.

Page 21 of 107
 May not be Specific: Extensiveness of such information is its benefit as well as
drawback. Organization will not get answers to their specific issues through this data
directly and one needs to 'mine' further into it to get relevant information.
 Proprietary Issues: Some of the secondary sources might have copyrighted their
information and using them without permission can lead to various legal

Page 22 of 107
Personal Information

Conclusion: According to the data collected as a researcher can say that the age belonging
between 18-25 years are 95% and age between 26-35 years are 5%.

Conclusion: According to data collected as a researcher can say that the 85% gender are
male and 15% are female

Page 23 of 107
Conclusion: Data collected for occupation shows 95% are student and 5% are employed

Conclusion: From the above data collected shows area of living of person, it shows that 95%
lives in urban and 5% lives in rural.

About the Project

Page 24 of 107
Conclusion: The above data shows the use of pipeline. From the above data as a researcher
can conclude that that the 90% of the use pipeline and 10% don’t use pipeline.

Conclusion: From above data collected shown as a researcher can conclude that for what
purposes people use pipeline. As a researcher can say that 25% uses for oil and fuel, 85%
uses for water, 35% for sewage and 30% for wire.

Conclusion: From above data collected as shown was for the material of pipeline made of.
As a researcher can say by above data that what material of pipeline people are using. From
above data it can conclude that 50% of pipeline made of metal, 50% of pipeline made of
Fibre, 20% of pipeline made of rubber, and 25% of pipeline are cemented.

Page 25 of 107
Conclusion:From above data collected as a researcher can say that the width of pipeline
people use. 25% of people uses 30-50mm width of pipeline, 50% of people uses 51-70mm
width of pipeline and 25% of people uses 71-80mm width of pipeline.

Conclusion:Above data collected shows the alignment of pipe people use. So from above
data as a researcher can say that the, 35% of people use Horizontal alignment of pipe, 10%
people use vertical alignment of pipe and 55% of people use both.

Page 26 of 107
Conclusion: The above data collected is to show how often their pipeline encounter fault.
From data it can be concluded that that the 75% of pipeline encounter fault sometime, 10%
encounter fault often and 15% encounter fault rarely.

Conclusion:The above data shows that if their pipeline encounter fault what people do in that
case. From above data it can be concluded that the 50% of them go for repairing, 20% of
them go for replacement and 30% of them for go for both repairing and replacement.

Page 27 of 107
Conclusion: The data shown is of the expenditure people use for repairing. If people go for
repairing then what is the expenditure they are facing. 36.8% of are spending 0-500 rs for
repairing, 42.1% of them are spending 500-1000 rs, and 10.5% are spending 1001-1500rs.

Conclusion: The data above shown is of the people spending money for the replacement of
the pipe. From above data it can be concluded that the 160.3% spend 0-500rs, 56.3% spend
500-1000rs, 18.8% spend 1001-1500rs, 18.8% spend 1501-2000rs and 6.3% spend above

Page 28 of 107
Conclusion: As a researcher from above data it can be concluded that the how people
recognize fault area inside the pipeline. From above data it can concluded that the 80% of
them do self-observation and 20% of them automatic detect fault area.

Conclusion:The above data shows that if user uses and equipment for checking the fault in
pipe or not. From above data it can concluded that the 35% people use equipment for
checking the pipeline while 65% of people don’t use and equipment for checking the

Page 29 of 107
Conclusion:As a researcher we can conclude from above data that if user are using any
equipment for checking fault inside pipe is auto guided or not. 25% of people say yes it is
auto guided and 75% of people say no it is not auto guided.

Conclusion:From above data we can conclude that the if user get any internal view of pipe or
not if there is fault inside pipe. The data clearly shows that the 35% of them get internal view
of pipe while 65% of them don’t get any internal view.

Page 30 of 107
Conclusion: The graph shows that whether people want to invest money in pipeline
inspection up-gradation system or not to check fault area. From above data it clearly signifies
whether people want to invest or not. From data as a researcher can say that the 75% of
people want to invest money while 25% of them don’t want to.

Conclusion: From above data we can say that the people want to invest money for the up
gradation system to check in fault area inside the pipeline. These are the money people want
to invest for the up-gradation in the system.

Page 31 of 107
Interviews Question
1. What do you think about the features of pipeline inspection robot?
Analysis: As per the response of the user the developer came to know that the features
present in the pipeline inspection robot is very much modern which can be used widely in the
field and is up to the expectation level.
Justification:This question will help the developer to know what user think about the
features and will help developer to rethink about the features of its project

2. Whether the user is aware about this kinds of similar system. Please specify your answer?
Analysis: As per the responses of the user most of only few of them were not aware of it and
others knew it from before and they were pretty impress with it.
Justification: The developer wants to know whether the user is aware about such system so
that developer can analyse how the proposed system is effective to the user.

3. What type of extra features you want to include in this pipeline inspection robot?
Analysis:As per the responses most of the user was satisfied with the features but few of
them advice to add automatic inspection features for better enhancement.
Justification:The developer wants to know what are the other requirements user wants in this
system and whether it can be implemented in this system or not.

4. Is there any alternative solution for checking the fault in pipeline and cleaning the pipe
Analysis: As per the response most of the user knew some alternative method of cleaning of
pipe. Some of the user told to use jetting equipment for cleaning and ultrasonic sensor can be
used to sense fault in pipe.
Justification: The developer wants to know whether there is any other method to check fault
in the pipe.
5. Do you face any kind of problem by using this kind of system?
Analysis:As per the response none of the user faced any kind of problem while handling
these kind of system as most of its are user friendly
Justification: The developer wants to know that generally what types of problem is faced by

Page 32 of 107
the user when they are using these kind of system or existing system. So, that the developer is
trying to make such kind of system that overcome to these problems.

6. Do you think that the proposed system can overcome the problems of existing system and can
be useful for the user?
Analysis:As per the response many user thought that proposed system can overcome the
problems while many didn’t think it can come.
Justification: Through this question developer wants to know user’s opinion about how this
system will solve the problems of fault in pipe and be useful for the user.


1. What do you think about pipeline inspection robot which is capable of fault detection
and pipe cleaning facilities and can even crawl horizontally as well as verticallyplease

Analysis:As per the response of the group member the developer came to know that pipe
crawling robot can crawl vertically using suction motor and foldable mechanism system.

Conclusion: From this analysis the developer has concluded that to make pipeline robot
crawl vertically foldable mechanism is best used.

2. What can be the problems comes out while installing this system and discuss the
criteria, feature and condition user will require to install this kind of product.

Analysis: As per the response of the group member the developer came to know that to
use this system pipeline should be empty as it is not water proof and components may get

Conclusion: From this analysis the developer has concluded that the system should meet
environmental conditions without the components being damaged.

3. As so many products which falls under the kind of category being discussed are
available in the market what do you think about them are they efficient and discuss
the improvisation and cost at which it will be reliable and easy to install.

Page 33 of 107
Analysis:As per the response of the group member the developer came to know that there are
many other products available in market. Some of them are jetting equipment, hydro jet.
These products are expensive and more money are wasted in maintaining.

Conclusion:From this analysis the developer has concluded that though there are many other
products but best and cost efficient product is pipe inspection robot.

4. According to previous data analysis most people think about the waste of too many
old things while installing this product and says like the installation is too expensive
for the products which are currently available in the market so what’s your opinion
about those areas in which consumers feel too much difficulties for installing this

Analysis: As per the response none of the user think it’s expensive. Its cost efficient and
maintenance cost is also to low

Conclusion:From this analysis the developer has concluded that its cheaper product. No
extra cost for maintenance.

5. Anything else you all will like to mention in from your side for development of this
project in a very efficient and at low cost or any feature which you thing should be
added to this project.

Analysis:As per the response some of them think to add automatic inspection system and
some of them told to improve the efficiency of the robot.

Conclusion: From the above response the developer has concluded that user wants to add
automatic features with increase of efficiency level

Page 34 of 107
A microcontroller is a self-contained system with peripherals, memory and a processor that
can be used as an embedded system. Most programmable microcontrollers that are used today
are embedded in other consumer products or machinery including phones, peripherals,
automobiles and household appliances for computer systems. Due to that, another name for a
microcontroller is "embedded controller." Some embedded systems are more sophisticated,
while others have minimal requirements for memory and programming length and a low
software complexity. Input and output devices include solenoids, LCD displays, relays,
switches and sensors for data like humidity, temperature or light level, amongst others.


There are several different kinds of programmable microcontrollers at Future Electronics. We

stock many of the most common types categorized by several parameters including Bits,
Flash size, RAM size, number of input/output lines, packaging type, supply voltage and
speed. Our parametric filters will allow you to refine your search results according to the
required specifications.

Programmable microcontrollers contain general purpose input/output pins. The number of

these pins varies depending on the microcontroller. They can be configured to an input or an
output state by software. When configured to an input state, these pins can be used to read
external signals or sensors. When they are configured to the output state, they can drive
external devices like LED displays and motors.

Future Electronics has a wide range of programmable microcontrollers, including pic, low
power, and LCD, USB and wireless microcontrollers from several manufacturers. Once you
decide if you need 8 bit, 16 bit general purpose, 16 bit digital signal controllers or 32 bit
microcontrollers, you will be able to choose from their technical attributes and your search
results will be narrowed to match your specific microcontroller application needs.

We deal with several manufacturers such as Cypress, Microchip, NXP, Renesas Electronics,
STMicroelectronics or Zilog. You can easily refine your programmable microcontroller
product search results by clicking your preferred microcontroller brand from the list of
manufacturers below.

Programmable microcontrollers are designed to be used for embedded applications, unlike

microprocessors that can be found in PCs. Microcontrollers are used in automatically

Page 35 of 107
controlled devices including power tools, toys, implantable medical devices, office machines,
engine control systems, appliances, remote controls and other types of embedded systems.

5.2 Choosing the Right Microcontroller

With the FutureElectronics.com parametric search, when looking for the right
microcontrollers, you can filter the results by the number of Bits required. We carry the
following size microcontrollers:

32 bit Microcontrollers in Production Ready Packaging or R&D Quantities: If the quantity of

32 bit microcontrollers is less than a full reel, we also offer many of our 32 bit
microcontroller products in tray, tube or individual quantities that will avoid unneeded

 8 bit Microcontrollers
 16 bit Digital Signal Controllers (DSC)
 16 bit General Purpose Microcontrollers
 32 bit Microcontrollers

Once you choose the microcontroller size, you can narrow them down by various attributes:
by RAM size, Flash size, number of input lines, speed and supply voltage to name a few. You
will be able to find the right LCD, low power, USB, wireless or pic microcontrollers using
these filters.

Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and
software. Arduino board are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a
Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED,
publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of
instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming
language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

Page 36 of 107
Figure 2Arduino Board

Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to
complex scientific instruments. A worldwide community of makers - students, hobbyists,
artists, programmers, and professionals - has gathered around this open-source platform, their
contributions have added up to an incredible amount of accessible knowledge that can be of
great help to novices and experts alike.


A microcontroller board, contains on-board power supply, USB port to communicate with
PC, and an Atmel microcontroller chip. It simplify the process of creating any control system
by providing the standard board that can be programmed and connected to the system without
the need to any sophisticated PCB design and implementation. It is an open source hardware,
anyone can get the details of its design and modify it or make his own one himself.

It is a micro-computer. As any computer it has internal CPU, RAM, and IOs interface. It is
used for control purposes, and for data analysis.Famous microcontroller manufacturers are
Microchip, Atmel, Intel, Analog devices, and more

Page 37 of 107
Figure 3Micro-controller

Arduino boards:

Figure 4Arduino UNO

Figure 5Arduino NANO

Arduino NANO
The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the
ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.x) or ATmega168 (Arduino Nano 2.x). It has more or less the
same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks only a
DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one. The Nano
was designed and is being produced by Gravitech.


Page 38 of 107
The Arduino Nano can be powered via the Mini-B USB connection, 6-20V unregulated
external power supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external power supply (pin 27). The power
source is automatically selected to the highest voltage source.


The ATmega168 has 16 KB of flash memory for storing code (of which 2 KB is used for the
bootloader); the ATmega328 has 32 KB, (also with 2 KB used for the bootloader). The
ATmega168 has 1 KB of SRAM and 512 bytes of EEPROM (which can be read and written
with the EEPROM Librrary); the ATmega328 has 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM.


The Arduino Nano has a number of facilities for communicating with a computer, another
Arduino, or other microcontrollers. The ATmega168 and ATmega328 provide UART TTL
(5V) serial communication, which is available on digital pins 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). An FTDI
FT232RL on the board channels this serial communication over USB and the FTDI
driver(included with the Arduino software) provide a virtual com port to software on the
computer. The Arduino software includes a serial monitor which allows simple

textual data to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The RX and TX LEDs on the
board will flash when data is being transmitted via the FTDI chip and USB connection to the
computer (but not for serial communication on pins 0 and 1). A Software Serial libray allows
for serial communication on any of the Nano's digital pins. The ATmega168 and ATmega328
also support I2C (TWI) and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire
library to simplify use of the I2C bus; see the documentation for details. To use the SPI
communication, please see the ATmega168 or ATmega328 datasheet.


The Arduino Nano can be programmed with the Arduino software . Select "Arduino
Diecimila, Duemilanove, or Nano w/ ATmega168" or "Arduino Duemilanove or Nano w/
ATmega328" from the Tools > Board menu (according to the microcontroller on your
board). The ATmega168 or ATmega328 on the Arduino Nano comes preburned with a
Bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware
programmer. It communicates using the original STK500 protocol. You can also bypass the

Page 39 of 107
bootloader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial
Programming) header using Arduino ISP or similar.


Thanks to its simple and accessible user experience, Arduino has been used in thousands of
different projects and applications. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, yet
flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Teachers and
students use it to build low cost scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics
principles, or to get started with programming and robotics. Designers and architects build
interactive prototypes, musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment with
new musical instruments. Makers, of course, use it to build many of the projects exhibited at
the Maker Faire, for example. Arduino is a key tool to learn new things. Anyone - children,
hobbyists, artists, programmers - can start tinkering just following the step by step
instructions of a kit, or sharing ideas online with other members of the Arduino community.

There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical
computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's Handyboard, and
many others offer similar functionality. All of these tools take the messy details of
microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also
simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for
teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems:

 Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other

microcontroller platforms. The least expensive version of the Arduino module can be
assembled by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than $50
 Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX,
and Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.
 Simple, clear programming environment - The Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-
use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as well. For
teachers, it's conveniently based on the Processing programming environment, so students
learning to program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works.
 Open source and extensible software - The Arduino software is published as open
source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The language can be
expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical details can

Page 40 of 107
make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's based.
Similarly, you can add AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to.
 Open source and extensible hardware - The plans of the Arduino boards are
published under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their
own version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even relatively inexperienced
users can build the breadboard version of the module in order to understand how it works and
save money.

5.4 RF Module


The TX is an ASK transmitter module .The result is excellent performance in a simple - to -

use .The TX is designed specifically for remote - control , wireless mouse and car alarm
system operating at 315/433.92 MHz . The RX is a miniature receiver module that receives
On - off keyed modulation signal and demodulatedto digital signal for the next decoder stage.
The result is excellent performancein a simple - to - use, with a low external component
count. The RX is designed specifically for remote-control and wireless security receiver
operating at 315/434 MHz

Figure 6 RF Module (Receiver)

 Easy to use.
 TX:
 Power supply and/or modulation input voltage: 2.2 to 5.5v.

Page 41 of 107
 Operating temperature: -40 to +80C.
 RX:
 Power supply and/or modulation input voltage: .5v.
 Operating temperature: -20 to +80c.

 Vehicle monitoring.
 Radio tags reading.
 Wireless fire protection systems.
 Digital home automation.
Pin Details

Figure 7 RF Module (Transmitter)

Pin Name Details

1 GND Ground
2 data data
4 Vcc Power supply
5 Vcc Power supply
6 GND ground
7 ANT antenna
8 GND ground
9 data data
10 Vcc Power supply
11 ANT antenna
The RF module, as the name suggests, operates at radio frequency. The corresponding
frequency range varies between 30 kHz & 300 GHz. In this RF system, the digital data is
represented as variations in the amplitude of carrier wave. This kind of modulation is known
as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK). Transmission through RF is better than IR (infrared)

Page 42 of 107
because of many reasons. Firstly, signals through RF can travel through larger distances
making it suitable for long range applications. Also, while IR mostly operates in line-of-sight
mode, RF signals can travel even when there is an obstruction between transmitter &
receiver. Next, RF transmission is more strong and reliable than IR transmission. RF
communication uses a specific frequency unlike IR signals which are affected by other IR
emitting sources. This RF module comprises of an RF transmitter and an RF receiver. The
transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency. An RF transmitter receives serial
data and transmits it wirelessly through RF through its antenna connected at pin4. The
transmission occurs at the rate of 1Kbps - 10Kbps.The transmitted data is received by an RF
receiver operating at the same frequency as that of the transmitter.

The RF module is often used along with a pair of encoder/decoder. The encoder is used for
encoding parallel data for transmission feed while reception is decoded by a decoder.

Infrared sensor is a sensor that used to detect present and absent of a particular object. It use a
specific light in the Infrared spectrum. An LED released an infrared light and the light
emitted will be detect by the sensor. Fig shows there is no object present in front of the sensor
whereas Figure shows there is an object present in front of the sensor.

Figure 8 IR Sensor

Page 43 of 107
Figure 9 IR sensor Working


Infrared sensors can be passive or active. Passive infrared sensors are basically Infrared
detectors. Passive infrared sensors do not use any infrared source and detects energy emitted
by obstacles in the field of view. They are of two types: quantum and thermal. Thermal
infrared sensors use infrared energy as the source of heat and are independent of wavelength.
Thermocouples, pyro electric detectors and bolometers are the common types of thermal
infrared detectors.

Quantum type infrared detectors offer higher detection performance and are faster than
thermal type infrared detectors. The photosensitivity of quantum type detectors is wavelength
dependent. Quantum type detectors are further classified into two types: intrinsic and
extrinsic types. Intrinsic type quantum detectors are photoconductive cells and photovoltaic

Active infrared sensors consist of two elements: infrared source and infrared detector.
Infrared sources include an LED or infrared laser diode. Infrared detectors include
photodiodes or phototransistors. The energy emitted by the infrared source is reflected by an
object and falls on the infrared detector.

Page 44 of 107
Figure 10 IR sensor Working


Infrared Transmitter is a light emitting diode (LED) which emits infrared radiations. Hence,
they are called IR LED’s. Even though an IR LED looks like a normal LED, the radiation
emitted by it is invisible to the human eye.

The picture of a typical Infrared LED is shown below.

Figure 11 LED

There are different types of infrared transmitters depending on their wavelengths, output
power and response time. A simple infrared transmitter can be constructed using an infrared
LED, a current limiting resistor and a power supply. The schematic of a typical IR transmitter
is shown below.

Page 45 of 107
Figure 12 Circuit of IR sensor

When operated at a supply of 5V, the IR transmitter consumes about 3 to 5 mA of current.

Infrared transmitters can be modulated to produce a particular frequency of infrared light.
The most commonly used modulation is OOK (ON – OFF – KEYING) modulation.

IR transmitters can be found in several applications. Some applications require infrared heat
and the best infrared source is infrared transmitter. When infrared emitters are used with
Quartz, solar cells can be made.


Infrared receivers are also called as infrared sensors as they detect the radiation from an IR
transmitter. IR receivers come in the form of photodiodes and phototransistors. Infrared
Photodiodes are different from normal photo diodes as they detect only infrared radiation.
The picture of a typical IR receiver or a photodiode is shown below.

Page 46 of 107
Figure 13 IR receiver

Different types of IR receivers exist based on the wavelength, voltage, package, etc. When
used in an infrared transmitter – receiver combination, the wavelength of the receiver should
match with that of the transmitter.

A typical infrared receiver circuit using a phototransistor is shown below.

Figure 14 IR Receiver Circuit

Page 47 of 107
It consists of an IR phototransistor, a diode, a MOSFET, a potentiometer and an LED. When
the phototransistor receives any infrared radiation, current flows through it and MOSFET
turns on. This in turn lights up the LED which acts as a load. The potentiometer is used to
control the sensitivity of the phototransistor.


A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular
or linear position, velocity and acceleration. It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor
for position feedback. It also requires a relatively sophisticated controller, often a dedicated
module designed specifically for use with servomotors.

Servomotors are not a specific class of motor although the term servomotor is often used to
refer to a motor suitable for use in a closed-loop control system.

Servomotors are used in applications such as robotics, CNC machinery or automated


To fully understand how the servo works, you need to take a look under the hood. Inside
there is a pretty simple set-up: a small DC motor, potentiometer, and a control circuit. The
motor is attached by gears to the control wheel. As the motor rotates, the potentiometer's
resistance changes, so the control circuit can precisely regulate how much movement there is
and in which direction.

When the shaft of the motor is at the desired position, power supplied to the motor is stopped.
If not, the motor is turned in the appropriate direction. The desired position is sent via
electrical pulses through the signal wire. The motor's speed is proportional to the difference
between its actual position and desired position. So if the motor is near the desired position, it
will turn slowly, otherwise it will turn fast. This is called proportional control. This means
the motor will only run as hard as necessary to accomplish the task at hand, a very efficient.

Page 48 of 107
Figure 15 Servo Motor

Servos are controlled by sending an electrical pulse of variable width, or pulse width
modulation (PWM), through the control wire. There is a minimum pulse, a maximum pulse,
and a repetition rate. A servo motor can usually only turn 90 degrees in either direction for a
total of 180 degree movement. The motor's neutral position is defined as the position where
the servo has the same amount of potential rotation in the both the clockwise or counter-
clockwise direction. The PWM sent to the motor determines position of the shaft, and based
on the duration of the pulse sent via the control wire; the rotor will turn to the desired
position. The servo motor expects to see a pulse every 20 milliseconds (ms) and the length of
the pulse will determine how far the motor turns. For example, a 1.5ms pulse will make the
motor turn to the 90-degree position. Shorter than 1.5ms moves it to 0 degrees, and any
longer than 1.5ms will turn the servo to 180 degrees.

When these servos are commanded to move, they will move to the position and hold that
position. If an external force pushes against the servo while the servo is holding a position,

Page 49 of 107
the servo will resist from moving out of that position. The maximum amount of force the
servo can exert is called the torque rating of the servo. Servos will not hold their position
forever though; the position pulse must be repeated to instruct the servo to stay in position.


There are two types of servo motors - AC and DC. AC servo can handle higher current surges
and tend to be used in industrial machinery. DC servos are not designed for high current
surges and are usually better suited for smaller applications. Generally speaking, DC motors
are less expensive than their AC counterparts. These are also servo motors that have been
built specifically for continuous rotation, making it an easy way to get your robot moving.
They feature two ball bearings on the output shaft for reduced friction and easy access to the
rest-point adjustment potentiometer.


Servos are used in radio-controlled airplanes to position control surfaces like elevators,
rudders, walking a robot, or operating grippers. Servo motors are small, have built-in control
circuitry and have good power for their size.
In food services and pharmaceuticals, the tools are designed to be used in harsher
environments, where the potential for corrosion is high due to being washed at high pressures
and temperatures repeatedly to maintain strict hygiene standards. Servos are also used in in-
line manufacturing, where high repetition yet precise work is necessary.


• L293D is a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC).
• Motor drivers act as current amplifiers since they take a low-current control signal
and provide a higher-current signal.
• This higher current signal is used to drive the motors.

Page 50 of 107
Figure 16 L293D Motor Driver Circuit

 L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits. In its common mode of
operation, two DC motors can be driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse

Operation of motor driver

 L293D has 2 set of arrangements where one set has input 1, input 2, output 1 and
output 2 and other set has input 3, input 4, output 3 and output 4, according to block
diagram if pin no 2 & 7 are high then pin no 3 & 6 are also high.

 If enable 1 and pin number 2 are high leaving pin number 7 as low then the motor
rotates in forward direction.


In most of our electronic products or projects we need a power supply for converting mains
AC voltage to a regulated DC voltage. For making a power supply designing of each and
every component is essential. Here I’m going to discuss the designing of regulated 5V Power

Let’s start with very basic things the choosing of components

Page 51 of 107

 Voltage regulator
 Capacitors
 1k Resistor
 Led diode


As we require a 5V we need LM7805 Voltage Regulator IC.


 Input voltage range 7V- 35V

 Current rating Ic = 1A
 Output voltage range VMax=5.2V ,VMin=4.8V

Figure 17 7805 IC

What we are going to do, is build this power supply, with a couple of simple changes. This
regulator needs a 1000 uF capacitor on the input side, and a 100 uF capacitor on the output
side. The capacitors help filter the input and output from noise created by the power supply,
and/or the load. We will add larger capacitors on both sides, to help keep our power supply
clean, and noise free. Secondly, there is no way of knowing if our power supply is working,
so we will add a little LED as our power indicator.

Page 52 of 107
Figure 18 Capacitor

1K OHM RESISTOR WITH LEWith the quick calculation above, you can see that for
maximum brightness of our red LED, we need a resistor of 100 ohm. Since I don't really care
about maximum brightness, I'd rather have a dimmer LED and save my battery; so I decided
to use a 1k ohm resistor instead, which will still give me plenty of brightness and increase
my battery life.

 If enable 2 and pin number 10 are high leaving pin number 15 as low then the motor
rotates in forward direction.

Page 53 of 107
Figure 191K ohm resistor circuit

5.7 ATEMAGA- 328

The Atmega328 is a very popular microcontroller chip produced by Atmel. It is an 8-bit
microcontroller that has 32K of flash memory, 1K of EEPROM, and 2K of internal SRAM.
The Atmega328 is one of the microcontroller chips that are used with the popular Arduino
boards.The Atmega328 is a very popular microcontroller chip produced by Atmel. It is an 8-
bit microcontroller that has 32K of flash memory, 1K of EEPROM, and 2K of internal
SRAM. The Atmega328 is one of the microcontroller chips that are used with the popular
Arduino boards.

The ATmega328 is a single-chip microcontroller created by Atmel in the megaAVR family.

The Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines 32 kB ISP flash memory with
read-while-write capabilities, 1 kB EEPROM, 2 kB SRAM, 23 general purpose I/O lines, 32
general purpose working registers, three flexible timer/counters with compare modes, internal
and external interrupts, serial programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2-wire serial interface,
SPI serial port, 6-channel 10-bit A/D converter (8-channels in TQFP and QFN/MLF
packages), programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, and five software
selectable power saving modes. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts. The device
achieves throughput approaching 1 MIPS per MHz..

Page 54 of 107
Figure 20 Atmega 328

The Atmel AVR core combines a rich instruction set with 32 general purpose working
registers. All the 32 registers are directly connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU),
allowing two independent registers to be accessed in a single instruction executed in one
clock cycle. The resulting architecture is more code efficient while achieving throughputs up
to ten times faster than conventional CISC microcontrollers.


There is an additional power supply source present in Arduino microcontroller. Power
supply port is present at the corner of the arduino microcontroller. Either we can use this
power supply port by connecting with external power supply. (i.e., ac power supply), or by
connecting an dc power supply through input pins. These power supplies produce an active
form to the arduino microcontroller. These arduino microcontrollers can accept a range of
power supply. When the power supply voltage range Exceeds, the microcontroller gets
damaged. Hence, only the particular range of power supply should be given to the arduino

5.9 LCD
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide range of
applications. A 16x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used in
various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven segments and other
multi segment LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have
no limitation of displaying special & even custom characters (unlike in seven segments),
animations and so on.

Page 55 of 107
A 16x2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this
LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely,
Command and Data.
The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an
instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting
the cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed
on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD. Click
to learn more about internal structure of a LCD.

Figure 21 LCD 16*2

Page 56 of 107
The major concepts/components used in this project are RF technology, motor driver,
Chassis-designing, power circuit and power transmission etc. We designed an RF based
control system to control. Robot. The signal get generated and transmitted with the help of
antenna, provided on it. Now the receiving section which we already installed on the robot
will receive the signals and send the received signals to the motor drive, on the basis of which
motor driver will drive the robot and robot climb on the pole.
Radio Frequency is a flexible technology that is convenient, easy to use, and well suited for
automatic operation. It combines advantages not available with other technologies. It can be
supplied as read-only or read/write, does not require contact or line-of-sight to operate, can
function under a variety of environmental conditions, and provides a high level of data
integrity. In addition, because the technology is difficult to counterfeit, RFID provides a high
level of security. Radio waves transfer data between an item to which an RFID device is
attached and an RFID reader. The device can contain commands for robot. RF technology
uses frequencies within the range of 50 kHz to 2.5 GHz. An RFID system typically includes
the following components:
 An RF devices (transponder or tag) that contains data about an item/location
 An antenna used to transmit the RF signals between the reader and the RFID device
 An RF transceiver that generates the RF signals
 A reader that receives RF transmissions and passes the data to a host system for
processing. To control robot a remote is designed which has a number of switches on
its control board. As soon as you press any button it transmits signals that are received
by receiving section then it decodes it and on the basis of signals, motion takes place
in the robot like forward, backward. Robot receives this signal with the help of
antenna present on the head of the robot

Page 57 of 107

Figure 22Block Diagram of working Robot


This is the proteus design of pipeline inspection in which the three motors are connected to a
single L293D. As we require a 5V we need LM7805 Voltage Regulator IC which is
connected to L293D to give power to motor

Figure 23Proteus design of pipeline robot

The RF module, as the name suggests, operates at radio frequency. LCD is connected to a
arduino Nano of pin no. A0 and A1. The TX is an ASK transmitter module .The result is

Page 58 of 107
excellent performance in a simple - to - use .The TX is designed specifically for remote -
control , wireless mouse and car alarm system operating at 315/433.92 MHz . The TX
connection , Gnd pin is connected to a gnd pin of Nano and Vcc is connected to the 5v of
nano pin. The RX is a miniature receiver module that receives On - off keyed modulation
signal and demodulatedto digital signal for the next decoder stage. The result is excellent
performancein a simple - to - use, with a low external component count. The RX is designed
specifically for remote-control and wireless security receiver operating at 315/434 MHz.

Figure 24 Proteus Design of Rf controller


Figure 25 Design of Disk

Page 59 of 107
Figure 26 Design of Wheel

Figure 27 Design of segment

Figure 28 Design of segment

Page 60 of 107
Figure 29 Design of Body frame

Figure 30 Axis

Figure 31 Design of a Sprin

Page 61 of 107
Figure 32 Design Pipeline Inspection Robot

Page 62 of 107
The materials used for this machine are light and rigid. Different materials can be used for
different parts of the robot. For optimum use of power the materials used should be light and
strong. Wood is light but it is subjected to wear if used for this machine. Metals are the ideal
materials for the robot as most if the plastics cannot be as strong as metals. Material should
be ductile, less brittleness, malleable, and high magnetic susceptibility. Among the metals,
aluminum is the material chosen for the linkages and the common rod, which is made as
hollow for reduction in weight. However, other materials are chosen for the motor.

The materials chosen for the motor should have high magnetic susceptibility and should be
good conductor of electricity. The materials are copper and so on. But aluminum is chosen as
the materials for the linkages and central body because of its much-desired Properties.
Aluminum has lightweight and strength; it can be used in a variety of applications.
Aluminum alloys with a wide range of properties are used in engineering structures .The
strength and durability of aluminum alloys vary widely, not only because of the Components
of the specific alloy, but also because of heat treatments and manufacturing Processes.
Another important property of aluminum alloys is their sensitivity to heat.

Work shop procedures involving heating are complicated by the fact that aluminum, unlike
steel, will melt without first glowing red. Aluminum alloys, like all structural alloys, are also
subject to internal stresses following heating operations such as welding and casting. The
problem with aluminum alloys in this regard is their low melting point, which make them
more susceptible to distortions from thermally induced stress relief.

 The toughness, as measured by crack propagation energy, decreases as yield stress

 At the same yield stress, the under aged structure has greater toughness than the over
aged structure.

Page 63 of 107
Another important property of aluminum alloys is their sensitivity to heat. Work shop
procedures involving heating are complicated by the fact that aluminum, unlike steel, will
melt without first glowing red. Aluminum alloys, like all structural alloys, are also subject to
internal stresses following heating operations such as welding and casting. The problem with
aluminum alloys in this regard is their low melting point, which make them more susceptible
to distortions from thermally induced stress relief.

 The toughness, as measured by crack propagation energy, decreases as yield stress

 At the same yield stress, the under aged structure has greater toughness than the over
aged structure.

7.3 Mechanism
The mechanism involved here is a four bar mechanism consisting of three revolute joints and
one prismatic joint as depicted

Figure 33 Mechanism OF pipeline Inspection Robot

H = 2r + 2d + 2h2×cosθ,


h1 = 30 mm, h2 = 85 mm, h3 = 105 mm (h1 =OA, h2 = BC = D, h3 = CF)

H=2×36+2×28+2×85×cos 45


Page 64 of 107
Where D-Diameter of the pipe in mm, d-Distance between EE’ in mm.h1, h2, h3 are the
length of the links in mm. r-Radius of the wheel, H=Height of robot outside the pipe.

For uniform Diameter,

Assume D = 2r+2d+2h2cos θ

D=2×36+2×28+2×85×cos 50



The linkage structure can be represented as in figure depicted. This is a four-bar mechanism
Consisting of three revolute joins and one prismatic as depicted. Thus, the motion of all
revolute joints can be described in terms of the displacement db .


In order to decide the actuator size, it is necessary to perform the static analysis. Assume that
in (Figure 4), Fcx and Fcz denote the reaction force and the traction force exerted on the four-
bar by the driving wheel, respectively. Now applying the virtual work principle to the free-
body diagram gives:

Figure 34 Linkages of PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT

Page 65 of 107
Figure 35 Static Analysis

δW = Fcz δz – Fbx δx = 0

Where, Fbx is spring force. This is because only Fcz and Fbx conduct work. The
corresponding coordinates of these forces relative to the coordinate located at the A hinge are
expressed as: z = 2.33/ sin θ, x = 2.33/ cos θ

δW = Fczδ (2.33l sinθ) – Fbxδ (–2.33l cosθ)

= Fcz*2.333/ cosθ– Fbx*2.33/ sin θ δθ.= 0

Rearranging gives:

Fbx = Fcz*cosθ/sinθ

Thus, the spring force at the prismatic joint B is related to the normal force

Fcz by Fbx = Fcz*tanθ

And the total weight W of the robot is the sum of the six traction forces exerted on the belt.
Thus, each traction force Fcx is one six of the whole weight of the robot structure. Thus, the
size of the actuator enclosed in the wheel is calculated by: τ = Fcx*R = WR/6

Where, R is the radius of the wheel. From the above static analysis, it is also known that the
large weight of the robot does not influence the foldable motion of the linkage. The spring
stiffness is found to be 0.9 N/ mm and the spring force is found to be 4.2. Thus we came to

Page 66 of 107
the conclusion that the actuator should have at least 3 kg torque. So, we used 3 actuators with
1.5 kg torque (total 4.5 kg torque). It is safe to use an actuator with more torque than the
required torque.


Inner diameter – 18 mm
Outer dia – 20 mm
Pitch – 5 mm
Length of the spring – 60 mm
Material – Stainless steel

Inner diameter – 18 mm
Outer diameter – 23 mm
Length of the element – 25 mm
Material – Mild steel

Diameter – 72 mm


Drilled Holes (Figure 7)
Link 1 – 30 mm
Link2 – 85 mm
Link3 – 105 mm
Thickness – 3 mm
Drilled holes – 12 and 6 mm
Material – Acrylic
Inner dia – 15 mm

Page 67 of 107
Outer dia – 20 mm
Length – 220 mm
Material – Mild steel

Page 68 of 107
This methodology gives way about how work is to be carried out in systematic way. It is
standard process of describing process, how it is done in simplest manner.

Figure 36 Plan Diagram of Pipeline Robot

Figure 37 Working of Robot

The block diagram shows how the pipeline inspection robot will work and how it will carried.
Pipeline Inspection robot will be controlled by RF module device and it will inspect inside
the pipeline by crawling inside the pipeline. It will crawl both horizontally as well as

Page 69 of 107
vertically. It will check for if there is any obstacle in the pipe or not and it will check for the
if any crack is there or not.


An RF transceiver module incorporates both a transmitter and receiver.


Figure 38RF transmitter

The TX is an ASK transmitter module .The result is excellent performance in a simple - to -

use .The TX is designed specifically for remote - control , wireless mouse and car alarm
system operating at 315/433.92 MHz .The RF module, as the name suggests, operates at radio
frequency. The corresponding frequency range varies between 30 kHz & 300 GHz. In this RF
system, the digital data is represented as variations in the amplitude of carrier wave. This
kind of modulation is known as Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK). Transmission through RF is
better than IR (infrared) because of many reasons. Firstly, signals through RF can travel
through larger distances making it suitable for long range applications. Also, while IR mostly
operates in line-of-sight mode, RF signals can travel even when there is an obstruction
between transmitter & receiver. Next, RF transmission is more strong and reliable than IR
transmission. RF communication uses a specific frequency unlike IR signals which are
affected by other IR emitting sources. This RF module comprises of an RF transmitter and an
RF receiver. The transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) pair operates at a frequency. An RF transmitter
receives serial data and transmits it wirelessly through RF through its antenna connected at

Page 70 of 107
pin4. The transmission occurs at the rate of 1Kbps - 10Kbps.The transmitted data is received
by an RF receiver operating at the same frequency as that of the transmitter.

The RF module is often used along with a pair of encoder/decoder. The encoder is used for
encoding parallel data for transmission feed while reception is decoded by a decoder.

Command has to be send from TX to move robot forward or backward and to stop the robot.
Signal is been send from TX to RX. Three buttons have been added to TX to move pipe
inspection robot to horizontally and vertically in other case to move backward and forward.
The third button is added to stop the robot. LCD have been attached to the Transmitter
module to display if there is any obstacle or if any crack is detected or not.


Figure 39 RF Receiver

An RF receiver module receives the modulated RF signal, and demodulates it. There are two
types of RF receiver modules: super heterodyne receivers and super-regenerative receivers.
Super-regenerative modules are usually low cost and low power designs using a series of
amplifiers to extract modulated data from a carrier wave. Super-regenerative modules are
generally imprecise as their frequency of operation varies considerably with temperature and
power supply voltage. Super heterodyne receivers have a performance advantage over super-
regenerative; they offer increased accuracy and stability over a large voltage and temperature

Page 71 of 107
range. This stability comes from a fixed crystal design which in the past tended to mean a
comparatively more expensive product. However, advances in receiver chip design now
mean that currently there is little price difference between super heterodyne and super-
regenerative receiver modules.The RF module is often used along with a pair of
encoder/decoder. The encoder is used for encoding parallel data for transmission feed while
reception is decoded by a decoder. The RX encode the signal provided by TX and helps robot
to move backward and to move forward.

As we can see in the image below when we give command through Rf module (TX) to make
the robot crawl inside the pipeline as we can see that the pipeline robot have crawl down
inside the pipe.

Figure 40 Pipeline Robot Inside the pipe

Now from the below image we can see that the pipeline robot have been move in upward
direction when the Rf module gives command to move upwards the robot crawl upwards
inside the pipeline.

Page 72 of 107
Figure 41 Pipeline Robot Crawling

From the below image when can see that if there is any crack occurs inside the pipe ir signals
detect the crack inside the pipe and displays it on LCD that the crack have been detected
inside the pipeline.

Page 73 of 107
Figure 42 LCD Display Crack Detected

From the below image we can see that if any obstacles have been found inside the pipe the ir
sensors sends signals to the LCD that the obstacles have found inside the pipeline with the
help of pipeline inspection robot.

Page 74 of 107
Figure 43 LCD Display Obstacle Detected

As Pipe Inspection Robot is designed mainly for circular bore pipes, it have ability to move
inside any bore diameter pipes ranging from 8 inch to 10 inch( 203mm to 254mm ). Suitable
mechanisms are provided so that it gains ability to move inside pipes.

Page 75 of 107
The perfect fitness between the pipe and robot is first conformed after inserting the robot in
the pipe. With the help robot control having three buttons, working of robot can be easily
control the motions which is forward and reverse by one button.

Working of PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT is starts from its insertion in pipe. The front three
arms is compressed by hand and then inserted in the pipe and then back three arms is inserted
by pushing the PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT. The motors driven are the first six arms
mentioned here, they pull whole setup. PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT is about 175 cm in
length and to move it freely inside the bend pipes, a 2 degree of freedom joining is provided
at the middle so that it can turn easily. As switch is on and current is flowing through wires,
wheels starts moving and forces PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT to propel forward. Using the
friction between wheels and pipe, the motion of wheels become possible

As we mentioned earlier that PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT will be able to move inside any
diameter ranging between 203mm to 254mm, we had to provide auto adjusting mechanism
that can expand and contact as PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT moves inside the pipe. Spring of
suitable stiffness is mounted on base rod, as seen in figure, so that as arms gets contracted
due to load of compression against pipe, spring get compressed and tend to expand outward
trying to push arms back to their normal position but as pipe restrict them, they cannot move.
We took good care of stiffness of spring such that it can move against the pipe and do not put
too high pressure of tires which can jam it and restrict the motion. Even if the pipe interior is
smooth, using pressure between compressed tire and pipe, PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT can
move easily.

The robot is run inside pipe by forward and reverse motion of the wheel which has the speed
of 10 rpm. This constant slow speed is to insure better inspection because of the high speed
there may be possibility to miss the any defect. The camera is tilted by another button
provided camera head motion on the remote control.thus if there is any defect such as such as
internal material loss , big crack, weld defects dents corrosion erosion or blockage in the pipe
. The exact location of the defect is judge by the distance meter provided on the robot it gives
distance in centimeters from the starting point from which the robot was inserted inside the
pipe. the distance the robot can travel i.e. the length which it can capable to inspect is
depends upon the length of the extension cable provided to robot. To insure the tractive force

Page 76 of 107
required pulling the long extension cable and other accessories, robot train can be used which
can be made by joining the two or more robots through the universal joints at the end.


 Rotating Probe - A rotating probe using piezo element for inspecting the inside of
pipes with a touch sensor system. When the rotating probe touched the defected area,
the piezo film could detect the curve and change of the stress
 Radiography Methods- X-rays, gamma radiation or neutron rays can penetrate
structural materials and therefore can be used on inspection purposes. The amount of
radiation absorbed by the material is dependent upon the density and thickness. This
radiation can be detected and recorded on either film or sensitized paper, viewed on a
fluorescent screen, such as a television screen, or detected and monitored by
electronic sensing equipment. Using this method, limitations are imposed by
accessibility to both sides of the object, long exposure times, and safety precautions
required to protect both the operators and public.

Robots play an important role in inside pipe-network maintenance and their repairing. Some
of them were designed to realize specific tasks for pipes with constantdiameters, and other
may adapt the structure function of the variation of the inspected pipe.
In this projectinside pipe modular robotic system are proposed. An important design goal of
these robotic systems is the adaptability to the inner diameters of the pipes.

Page 77 of 107
Thegivenprototype permits the usage of a mini-cam for visualization of the in-pipe inspection
or other devices needed for failure detection that appear in the inner part of pipes (measuring
systems with laser, sensors etc.)
Themajor advantage is that it could be used in caseof pipe diameter variation with the
simplemechanism. We developed a pipe inspectionrobot that can be applied to 203mm-
254mmpipeline. A real prototype was developedto test the feasibility of this robot for
inspectionof in-house pipelines.
The types of inspection tasks are very different. A modular design was considered for easily
adapted to new environments with small changes. Presence of obstacles within the pipelines
is a difficult issue. In the proposed mechanism the problem is solved by a spring actuation
and increasing the flexibility of the mechanism. The robot is designed to be able to traverse
horizontal and vertical pipes. Several types of modules for pipe inspection minirobot have
been presented. Many of the design goals of the Pipe inspection robot have been completely

 bekrsi, h. (2016). Robotic Pipeline Inspection | Pure Technologies Ltd. [online]
Puretechltd.com. Available at: https://www.puretechltd.com/technologies-
brands/pure-robotics [Accessed 4 Sep. 2016].
 Inspectierobot.edwindertien.nl. (2016). [online] Available at:
http://inspectierobot.edwindertien.nl/ [Accessed 5 Oct. 2016].

Page 78 of 107
 kale, s. (2016). Oil & Gas Pipeline Inspection | Pure Technologies Ltd. [online]
Puretechltd.com. Available at: https://www.puretechltd.com/markets/oil-and-gas
[Accessed 7 Sep. 2016].
 Moon, r. (2016). pipe line inspection robot ppt. [online] Slideshare.net. Available at:
http://www.slideshare.net/suchitmoon/pipe-line-inspection-robot-ppt [Accessed 1
Sep. 2016].
 Nayak, A. and Pradhan, S. (2016). Design of a New In-Pipe Inspection Robot.
 Nde-ed.org. (2016). Pipeline Inspection. [online] Available at: https://www.nde-
[Accessed 20 Sep. 2016].
 Puretechltd.com. (2016). Inspection & Monitoring Pipeline | Pure Technologies Ltd.
[online] Available at: https://www.puretechltd.com/solutions/inspection-services/
[Accessed 12 Sep. 2016].
 Questintegrity.com. (2016). In-Line Inspection for Unpiggable Pipelines - InVista.
[online] Available at: http://www.questintegrity.com/services/inspection-
services/pipeline-in-line-inspection [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016].
 singh, n. (2016). Robotic Cased Pipeline Inspection. [online] ULC Robotics.
Available at: http://ulcrobotics.com/products/robotic-cased-pipeline-inspection/
[Accessed 10 Oct. 2016].
 http://www.ulcrobotics.com/products
 http://www.piacr.tk/Introduction to Pipe Inspection and Cleaning Robot
 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094114X06002254
 http://capitalpipeliners.com/cctv-pipe-inspection-method-applicability
 http://www.faadooengineers.com/tube/2012/06/11/mechanical-engineering-project-
 Superdroidrobots.com. (2016). How to Build an Inspection Robot. [online] Available
at: http://www.superdroidrobots.com/shop/custom.aspx/how-to-build-an-inspection-
robot/84/ [Accessed 18 Oct. 2016].

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 "Arduino - Arduinoboardnano". Arduino.cc. N.p., 2017. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.

 "Arduino - Arduinonano". Arduino.cc. N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Mar. 2017.

Page 79 of 107
 "ATMEGA328 Datasheet(PDF) - ATMEL Corporation". Alldatasheet.com. N.p.,
2017. Web. 8 Apr. 2017.

 Betageri. "Pipe Inspection Robot". Slideshare.net. N.p., 2017. Web. 4 Apr. 2017.

 "Cite A Website - Cite This For Me". Ericbrasseur.org. N.p., 2017. Web. 9 Apr.

 "How Are RF Signals Transmitted? Let's Talk Equipment". Boundless.aerohive.com.

N.p., 2017. Web. 5 Apr. 2017.


"PIPE INSPECTION ROBOT". Mechanicalprojects101.blogspot.in. N.p., 2017.
Web. 11 Mar. 2017.

 "Products / Pipeline Detection / X5 Cctv Pipeline Inspection_Wuhan Easy-Sight

Technology Co.,Ltd.". Zy-cam.com. N.p., 2017. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.

This Questionnaire is related to my Final Year Project. Please Fill it. For this I'm always
thankful to you.
Respected Sir/Madam
The researcher is a final year student of Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology,
Panipat pursuing B.E (Hons.) in the stream of Mechatronics. For primary research researcher
wishes to gather some information from you for research work of final year project. The

Page 80 of 107
survey conducted here is used as a primary research data for final year project. The name of
the project is “Pipeline Inspection Robot of Sewage Pipeline". The aim of the project is that
the pipe inspection robot in device is inserted into pipes to check for obstruction or damage
The data collected is also used to understand the impact of this system in both domestic as
well as commercial level as a part of my final year project.
This questionnaire sections will help the researcher to estimate about the project research
deliverable. It is important that you answer all applicable questions thoroughly. The
researcher assure you that all the information collected from you shall be strictly used for
educational research purpose.
Your response will be anonymous and will never linked to your personally and keep
confidential. Your participation is entirely voluntary. If there are questions you do not feel
comfortable in answering, please skip them. Your co-operation will be highly gratified.
Name of the User Signature of the User

The following questionnaires section will help the user to estimate about the project. It is
important that you answer all applicable question thoroughly.
Section A Fill Personal Information

Section B Check the most suitable option from the question below, you can check more
than one option based on the requirements.

Section A: Personal Information

Page 81 of 107
1. Gender
o Male
o Female
2. Age Group
o 18-25 Years old
o 25 -35 Years old
o 35 & above
3. Occupation
o Student
o Employed
o Self Employed
o Housewife
4. Area Of living?
o Urban Area
o Rural Area
Section B: About the Project

1. Do you have any use of pipeline?

o Yes
o No
o Maybe
Justification:This question is asked in order to know how many people uses a pipeline.
2. For what purposes pipeline is used? (Select one or more)
o Oil and Fuel
o Water
o Sewage
o Wire
Justification: This question will help the researcher to know which Pipeline peoples are
3. What is material of pipeline made of?
o Metal
o Fibre
o Rubber

Page 82 of 107
o Cemented
Justification: Purpose for asking this question is toknow the material of pipeline made of.
4. What is the width of pipeline?
o 30-50 mm
o 51-70 mm
o 71-80 mm
Justification:Reason behind asking this question is researcher will come to know about the
width of pipeline people is being using.
5. What is the alignment of the pipe?
o Horizontal
o Vertical
o Both
Justification:By using this question Researcher wants to know the alignment of pipeline.
6. How often does it encounter fault?
o Often
o Sometimes
o Rarely
Justification:This question help the researcher to find how frequently there pipeline
encounter with fault.
7. What do you do with pipe when it encounter with faults?
o Repairing
o Replacement
o Both
Justification:Motive for asking this question is to know about the people what they do when
pipe encounter with faults.
8. What is the expenditure in repairing? (In Rupees)
o 0-500
o 500-1000
o 1001-1500
o 1501-2000
o 2000 & above
Justification: This question help the researcher to know about the money they are spending
when their pipe encounter faults

Page 83 of 107
9. How do you recognize fault area inside the pipeline?
o Automatic
o Self-observations
Justification:Reason behind for asking this question is researcher will come to know about
how they come to know about the fault area inside the pipeline
10. Do you use any equipment for checking?
o Yes
o No
Justification: This question help to researcher to find any equipment user are using for
checking fault area inside the pipe.
11. Is fault area auto guided?
o Yes
o No
Notification: Reason behind for asking the question is as a researcher if any equipment they
are using to check fault inside pipe is auto guided or not.
12. Do you get internal view of pipe?
o Yes
o No
Justification:This question help to researcher to find whether the user get internal view of
pipe or not while using any equipment for checking fault inside the pipe.
13. Do you want to invest in pipeline inspection up-gradation so that in future all fault
area will be checked automatically?
o Yes
o No
Justification:This question helps researcher to find whether the people want to invest in
pipeline inspection up-gradation system to check fault in pipe or not.
14. If Question 14 is answered is yes what will be the budget?
Justification:This question helps researcher to find the budget if the people are ready for
investment in up-gradation to check fault in pipe

Page 84 of 107
Page 85 of 107
The interview includes domain specify research and is asked from certain specify people in
the concerned field. The speakers and audience who have delivered any presentation or
attended any presentation session are the targeted audience for the interviews. The interview
is a more personalize and contains direct questions that though subjective help the developer
gain a better insight into how to further design and develop the proposed system. The
interview questions are:
Interviews Question
7. What do you think about the features of pipeline inspection robot?

Justification:This question will help the developer to know what user think about the
features and will help developer to rethink about the features of its project

8. Whether the user is aware about this kinds of similar system. Please specify your answer?

Justification: The developer wants to know whether the user is aware about such system so
that developer can analyse how the proposed system is effective to the user.

9. What type of extra features you want to include in this pipeline inspection robot?

Justification:The developer wants to know what are the other requirements user wants in this
system and whether it can be implemented in this system or not.

10. Is there any alternatives solution for checking the fault in pipeline and cleaning the pipe

Page 86 of 107
Justification: The developer wants to know whether there is any other method to check fault
in the pipe.

11. Do you feel any kind of problem by using this kind of system?

Justification: The developer wants to know that generally what types of problem is faced by
the user when they are using these kind of system or existing system. So, that the developer is
trying to make such kind of system that overcome to these problems.

12. Do you think that the proposed system can overcome the problems of existing system and can
be useful for the user?

Justification: Through this question developer wants to know user’s opinion about how this
system will solve the problems of fault in pipe and be useful for the user.

Any Suggestion:

Note: Your consideration and time investment in filling the form signify a notation of
kind contribution towards the project and the developer heartily thanks for the same.

Page 87 of 107

1. What do you think about pipeline inspection robot which is capable of fault detection
and pipe cleaning facilities and can even crawl horizontally as well as verticallyplease


2. What can be the problems comes out while installing this system and discuss the
criteria, feature and condition user will require to install this kind of product.


3. As so many products which falls under the kind of category being discussed are
available in the market what do you think about them are they efficient and discuss
the improvisation and cost at which it will be reliable and easy to install.


4. According to previous data analysis most people think about the waste of too many
old things while installing this product and says like the installation is too expensive
for the products which are currently available in the market so what’s your opinion
about those areas in which consumers feel too much difficulties for installing this


5. Anything else you all will like to mention in from your side for development of this
project in a very efficient and at low cost or any feature which you thing should be
added to this project.


Page 88 of 107

Page 89 of 107
RF Receiver
Receiver data pin to Arduino pin 11
#include <VirtualWire.h>
byte message[VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; // a buffer to store the incoming messages
byte messageLength = VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; // the size of the message

void setup()
Serial.println("Device is ready");
pinMode(5,OUTPUT); // side motor
digitalWrite(5,LOW); // side motor
pinMode(A0,INPUT); //input of crack detector
pinMode(A1,INPUT); //input of obstacle detector
vw_setup(2000); // Bits per sec
vw_rx_start(); // Start the receiver
void loop()
if(digitalRead(A0) == 0)

Page 90 of 107
if(digitalRead(A1) == 1)
if (vw_get_message(message, &messageLength)) // Non-blocking
if(digitalRead(A0) == 1)
if(digitalRead(A1) == 1)

Page 91 of 107
Serial.print("Received: ");
for (int i = 0; i < messageLength; i++)
if(message[0] == 's')
else if(message[0] == 'f')
else if(message[0] == 'b')

Page 92 of 107
void send (char *message)
vw_send((uint8_t *)message, strlen(message));
vw_wait_tx(); // Wait until the whole message is gone

#include <VirtualWire.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7,8,9,10,A0,A1);
byte message[VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; // a buffer to store the incoming messages
byte messageLength = VW_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN; // the size of the message
void setup()
Serial.println("Metal Detector");
// Initialize the IO and ISR
vw_setup(2000); // Bits per sec
pinMode(2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
pinMode(3, INPUT);
digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
pinMode(4, INPUT);

Page 93 of 107
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
pinMode(A2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(A2, LOW);
lcd.print("Pipeline Insp.");
vw_rx_start(); // Start the receiver
void loop()
if (vw_get_message(message, &messageLength)) // Non-blocking
Serial.print("Received: ");
for (int i = 0; i < messageLength; i++)
if(message[0] == 'C')
lcd.print("Crack Detected")
digitalWrite(A2,HIGH); //alarm
digitalWrite(A2,LOW); //alarm
else if(message[0] == 'N')

Page 94 of 107
Serial.print("Non Metal");
if(message[0] == 'O')
lcd.print("Obst. Detected")
digitalWrite(A2,HIGH); //alarm
digitalWrite(A2,LOW); //alarm
lcd.print("Obst. Detected");
else if(message[0] == 'T')
Serial.print("no obstacle");
if(digitalRead(2) == 0)
else if(digitalRead(3) == 0)

Page 95 of 107
else if(digitalRead(4) == 0)
if(digitalRead(2) == 0)
else if(digitalRead(3) == 0)
else if(digitalRead(4) == 0)
void send (char *message)

Page 96 of 107
vw_send((uint8_t *)message, strlen(message));
vw_wait_tx(); // Wait until the whole message is gone



Digital supply voltage



Port B (PB[7:0]) XTAL1/XTAL2/TOSC1/TOSC2

Port B is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit).
The Port B
output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source
capability. As inputs,
Port B pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are
activated. The Port B pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the
clock is not running.

Page 97 of 107
Depending on the clock selection fuse settings, PB6 can be used as input to the inverting
Oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.
Depending on the clock selection fuse settings, PB7 can be used as output from the inverting
Oscillator amplifier.
If the Internal Calibrated RC Oscillator is used as chip clock source, PB[7:6] is used as
TOSC[2:1] input for the Asynchronous Timer/Counter2 if the AS2 bit in ASSR is set.

Port C (PC[5:0])
Port C is a 7-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit).
The PC[5:0]
output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source
capability. As inputs,
Port C pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are
activated. The Port
C pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, even if the clock is not running.

If the RSTDISBL Fuse is programmed, PC6 is used as an I/O pin. Note that the electrical
of PC6 differ from those of the other pins of Port C.
If the RSTDISBL Fuse is unprogrammed, PC6 is used as a Reset input. A low level on this
pin for longer
than the minimum pulse length will generate a Reset, even if the clock is not running. Shorter
pulses are not guaranteed to generate a Reset.
The various special features of Port C are elaborated in the Alternate Functions of Port C

Port D (PD[7:0])
Port D is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit).
The Port D output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and
source capability. As inputs, Port D pins that are externally pulled low will source current if
the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port D pins are tri-stated when a reset condition
becomes active, even if the clock is not running.

Page 98 of 107
AVCC is the supply voltage pin for the A/D Converter, PC [3:0], and PE [3:2]. It should be
externally connected to VCC, even if the ADC is not used. If the ADC is used, it should be
connected to VCC through a low-pass filter. Note that PC [6:4] use digital supply voltage,

AREF is the analog reference pin for the A/D Converter.
ADC [7:6] (TQFP and VFQFN Package Only)
In the TQFP and VFQFN package, ADC [7:6] serve as analog inputs to the A/D converter.
These pins are powered from the analog supply and serve as 10-bit ADC channels.

Page 99 of 107

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