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Paul + Nate


The Coustoe Family had their family If you can help here are some things to
home struck by lightning and they lost consider and some family member interests:
everything. The cause is still under - Mom has said a family pet may lift spirits but
investigation but investigators believe a is their an animal that can live under water?
teacher used the weather thunder code. - Dad loves to read the newspaper but needs a
Mom, Dad and adult daughter all now way it can be delivered without getting wet.
find themselves without a home. This - The daughter has said she doesn't care
presents a new opportunity. where they live as long as it is not dark all the
time. She loves light.
The family for some reason is obsessed - They all agreed when talking about living
with WATER (It might have something to underwater that they would miss trees and
do with lightning and fire destroying their green life the most (or do they have to miss
lives). Dad Coustoe has actually said if it?)
his family could live UNDERWATER - It would be awesome to have a small island
they would. Could this be your chance to with some trees that the family could boat to if
help? they miss the land
- Anything else you can think of that would
help the family is greatly appreciated.

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