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1. Type I error is committed if we make:

a. A correct decision when the null hypothesis is false
b. A correct decision when the null hypothesis is true
c. An incorrect decision when the null hypothesis is false
d. An incorrect decision when the null hypothesis is true

2. The chi-square distribution:

a. Can have negative value
b. Is symmetrical
c. Will become normal distribution when the degree of freedom is small
d. None of the above

3. A professor refutes the claim that the average student spends 3 hours studying
for the midterm exam. She thinks they spend more time than that. Which
hypothesis to test the claim?
a. H0≠3, H1>3 b. H0=3, H1>3 c. H0=3, H1>=3 d. H0=3, H1<3

4. A random sample of 25 observations is selected from normally distributed

population. Sample variance is 10. In the 95% confidence interval for the
population variance, the upper limit is:
a. 17.110 b. 6.097 c. 17.331 d.19.335

5. The average diameter must be 2 inches. If not, then the machine must be checked.
A sample of 100 gives x bar = 2.05 and s=0.3. The test statistic is:
a. 0.534 b. 0.872 c. 1.667 d. None of the above

6. A company claims that less than 1% of íts products is defective. A sample of 200
give 14 defective products. The test statistic is:
a. -0.23 b. -0.55 c. -2.05 d. None of the above

A service claims that it can deliver packages in less than 4 hours. A sample of 15
gives x bar = 3.95 and s=0.1
7. The sample mean has
a. Z-distribution
b. T-distribution with df=15
c. T-distribution with df=14
d. Chi-square distribution

8. With 𝛼 =0.05 , the critical value:

a. 0.45 b. -1.76 c. 2.30 d. 1.76

9. The test statistic is:

a. -0.53 b. -0.95 c. -1.66 d. None of the above
They estimate the mean travelling time to work. A random survey of 35 people
gives x bar = 23.5 mins, s= 9 mins
10. The number 23.5 is:
a. A sample b. A statistic c. A parameter d. A population

11. The population distribution is:

a. Normal with mean 𝜇 and variance 𝜎 2
b. Non-normal with mean 𝜇 and variance 𝜎 2
c. Normal with mean 23.5 and variance 92/35
d. Not enough info to decide

12. The 90% lower limit for 𝜇 is:

a. 20.93 b. 21.55 c. 22.85 d. 22.26

13. The 95% upper limit for 𝜇 is:

a. 26.59 b. 25.15 c. 27.48 d. 24.33

A random survey of 20 salepersons, determining their commission income. They

have the following statistics: x bar = 37.2 and s= 7.8. Do these statistics provide
sufficient evidence at the 5% significance level to conclude that the population
variance exceeds 35 thousands2?

14. The hypothesis are:

a. H0: 𝜎 2 =35, H1: 𝜎 2 >35
b. H0: 𝜎 2 =35, H1: 𝜎 2 <35
c. H0: 𝜎 2 =35, H1: 𝜎 2 =35
d. H0: 𝜎 2 =35, H1: 𝜎 2 ≠35

15. The rejection region is:

a. 𝜒 2 > 10.1 b. 𝜒 2 > 30.1 c. 𝜒 2 >23.9 d. 𝜒 2 >6.3

16. The test statistic is:

a. 𝜒 2 =12.34 b. 𝜒 2 = 23.56 c. 𝜒 2 = 33.03 d. 𝜒 2 =45.34

Estimate the proportion p of defective items coming out of a machine. A random

inspection of 310 items show 84 defective ones.

17. The variance of sampling distribution can be approximated as:

a. 0.197 b. 0.0006 c. 0.0454 d. 0.7574

18. The 90% lower limit for p is:

a. 0.221 b. 0.230 c. 0.241 d. 0.235

19. The 95% upper limit for p is:

a. 0.345 b. 0.320 c. 0.303 d. 0.312
Suppose the temperture T is normally distributed with mean 68 and standard
deviation 6

20. The probablity that T is between 70 and 85 is:

a. 0.99 b. 0.633 c. 0.49 d. 0.368
21. The value of t such that P(T>t)=0.25 is:
a. 72.02 b. 67.34 c. 75.35 d. 74.35

22. To estimate the mean of normal population with standard deviation =6, a bound
on the error of estimation equal to 1.2 and confidence level 99% requires sample
size of at least:
a. 166 b. 169 c. 130 d. 143

23. Suppose Z has standard normal distribution. The value of x such that P( Z<x)=0.8
a. -0.84 b. -0.52 c. 0.84 d. 0.52

24. Which following statement is false:

a. The sampling distribution is the same as the population distribution when the
sample size is 1
b. When the sample size increases, the sampling distribution will become normal
faster if it is closer to the Normal
c. The sampling distribution is the same as the population distribution when the
sample size is the whole population
d. The sample mean is the same as the population mean when the sample size is the
whole population

25. We use T- statistic rather than Z-statistic when

a. The population distribution is normal and the population standard deviation is
not known
b. The sample size is large
c. The confidence level is high
d. The population distribution is not normal

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