The Business School Jammu University: Assignment

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(IT Applications in Management)

Submitted To:
Mrs Garima Kohli Arora
Submitted By:
Roll No.: MBA-068
1. What is IT enabled Services?

IT Enabled services (ITES), also called web enabled services or remote services or Tele-working,
covers the entire gamut of operations which exploit Information Technology for improving
efficiency of an organization. These services provide a wide range of career options that include
opportunities in call Centres, medical transcription, medical billing and coding, back office
operations, revenue claims processing, legal databases, content development, payrolls,
logistics management ,GIS (Geographical Information System), HR services, web services etc.

TES, Information Technology Enabled Service, is defined as outsourcing of processes that can be
enabled with information technology and covers diverse areas like finance, HR, administration,
health care, telecommunication, manufacturing etc. Armed with technology and manpower, these
services are provided from e-enabled locations. This radically reduces costs and improve service
standards. In short, this Internet service provider aims in providing B2B e-commerce solutions

In Short:
 Information Technology that helps in improving the quality of service to the users is called
IT Enabled Services [ITES].
 Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES) is a large fast growing worldwide industry
fueled by customers seeking efficiency and cost savings from outside vendors, as well as
rapid advancements in telecommunications and Information Technology.
 IT Enabled Services are human intensive services that are delivered over telecommunication
networks or the Internet to a range of business segments.
 It is an outsourcing of processes that can be enabled with IT and covers diverse areas like
Finance, HR, Administration, Health care, telecommunication, manufacturing etc.
 ITES greatly increases the employment opportunities.

1.1 Essentially, IT enabled service has the following structure:

Figure: (a)

The most important aspect is the Value addition of IT enabled service. The value addition could be
in the form of - Customer relationship management, improved database, improved look and feel, etc.

The outcome of an IT enabled service is in the two forms:

 Direct Improved Service
 Indirect Benefits.
Whereas direct benefits can be realized immediately, indirect benefits can accrue over a period of
time, and can be harnessed very effectively, if planned well upfront.
2. The key IT enabled services are:

1. E-Governance
2. Call Centers
3. Medical Transcription
4. Data Management
5. GIS Mapping
6. ERP( Enterprise Resource Planning )

2.1 E-Governance:

2.1.1. Definition: E-governance, expands to electronic governance, is the integration

of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in all the processes, with the aim of
enhancing government ability to address the needs of the general public. The basic purpose of e-
governance is to simplify processes for all, i.e. government, citizens, businesses, etc. at National,
State and local levels.
In short, it is the use of electronic means, to promote good governance. It connotes the
implementation of information technology in the government processes and functions so as to
cause simple, moral, accountable and transparent governance. It entails the access and delivery
of government services, dissemination of information, communication in a quick and efficient

2.1.2. Benefits of E-governance

 Reduced corruption
 High transparency
 Increased convenience
 Growth in GDP
 Direct participation of constituents
 Reduction in overall cost.
 Expanded reach of government
Through e-governance, the government plans to raise the coverage and quality of information
and services provided to the general public, by the use of ICT in an easy, economical and
effective manner. The process is extremely complicated which requires, the proper arrangement of
hardware, software, networking and indeed re-engineering of all the processes to facilitate better
delivery of services.

2.1.3. Types of Interactions in E-Governance

1. G2G (Government to Government): When the exchange of information and services is within
the periphery of the government, is termed as G2G interaction. This can be both horizontal, i.e.
among various government entities and vertical, i.e. between national, state and local government
entities and within different levels of the entity.
2. G2C (Government to Citizen): The interaction amidst the government and general public is G2C
interaction. Here an interface is set up between government and citizens, which enables citizens to
get access to wide variety of public services. The citizens has the freedom to share their views and
grievances on government policies anytime, anywhere.
3. G2B (Government to Business): In this case, the e-governance helps the business class to interact
with the government seamlessly. It aims at eliminating red-tapism, saving time, cost and establish
transparency in the business environment, while interacting with government.
4. G2E (Government to Employees): The government of any country is the biggest employer and so
it also deals with employees on a regular basis, as other employers do. ICT helps in making the
interaction between government and employees fast and efficient, along with raising their level of
satisfaction by providing perquisites and add-on benefits.

E-governance has a great role to play, that improves and supports all tasks performed by the
government department and agencies, because it simplifies the task on the one hand and
increases the quality of work on the other.

2.2. Call Centers:

2.2.1. Definition: A call centre or BPO is a centralized office used for receiving or transmitting a
large volume of requests by telephone. An inbound call centre is operated by a company to
administer incoming product support or information enquiries from consumers. Outbound call
centres are operated for telemarketing, solicitation of charitable or political donations, debt
collection and market research. A contact centre is a location for centralized handling of individual
communications, including letters, faxes, live support software, social media, instant message, and e-
A call centre has an open workspace for call centre agents, with work stations that include a computer
for each agent, a telephone set/headset connected to a telecom switch, and one or more supervisor
stations. It can be independently operated or networked with additional centres, often linked to a
corporate computer network, including mainframes, microcomputers and LANs. Increasingly, the
voice and data pathways into the centre are linked through a set of new technologies called computer
telephony integration.
The contact centre is a central point from which all customer contacts are managed. Through contact
centres, valuable information about company are routed to appropriate people, contacts to be tracked
and data to be gathered. It is generally a part of company’s customer relationship management. The
majority of large companies use contact centres as a means of managing their customer interaction.
These centres can be operated by either an in house department responsible or outsourcing customer
interaction to a third party agency (known as Outsourcing Call Centres).

2.3. Data Management:

Administrative process by which the required data is acquired, validated, stored, protected, and
processed, and by which its accessibility, reliability, and timeliness is ensured to satisfy the needs of
the data users.
• IT Enabled Services pertaining to collection, digitization and processing of data coming from
various sources.
• Traditional data processing services comprise punching data from manually filled forms,
images or publications; preparing databases and putting them together.
• However, with the advent of multimedia and internet, sources have increased to include
manually printed documents, images, sounds and video.
• Equally diverse are the new output media which include databases on servers, hard copy
publications, CD-ROM records emanating from internet based queries.

2.4. Medical Transcription

Medical transcription, also known as MT, is an allied health profession dealing with the process
of transcribing voice-recorded medical reports that are dictated by physicians, nurses and other
healthcare practitioners. Medical reports can be voice files, notes taken during a lecture, or other
spoken material. These are dictated over the phone or uploaded digitally via the Internet or through
smart phone apps.
2.4.1. Process of Medical Transcription:

Figure: (b)
2.5. GIS Mapping

A geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze,
manage, and present all types of geographical data. The key word to this technology is Geography –
this means that some portion of the data is spatial. In other words, data that is in some way referenced
to locations on the earth.
Coupled with this data is usually tabular data known as attribute data. Attribute data can be generally
defined as additional information about each of the spatial features. An example of this would be
schools. The actual location of the schools is the spatial data. Additional data such as the school
name, level of education taught, student capacity would make up the attribute data.
It is the partnership of these two data types that enables GIS to be such an effective problem
solving tool through spatial analysis.

GIS is more than just software. People and methods are combined with geospatial software and
tools, to enable spatial analysis, manage large datasets, and display information in a map/graphical

2.5.1 What can we do with GIS?

GIS can be used as tool in both problem solving and decision making processes, as well as for
visualization of data in a spatial environment. Geospatial data can be analyzed to determine
(1) The location of features and relationships to other features,
(2) Where the most and/or least of some feature exists,
(3) The density of features in a given space,
(4) What is happening inside an area of interest (AOI),
(5) What is happening nearby some feature or phenomenon, and
(6) And how a specific area has changed over time (and in what way).

1. Mapping where things are. We can map the spatial location of real-world features and
visualize the spatial relationships among them.
Example: below we see a map of frac sand mine locations and sandstone areas in Wisconsin. We
can see visual patterns in the data by determining that frac sand mining activity occurs in a region
with a specific type of geology.
Figure: (c)
2. Mapping quantities. People map quantities, such as where the most and least are, to find places
that meet their criteria or to see the relationships between places.
Example: below is a map of cemetery locations in Wisconsin. The map shows the cemetery locations
as dots (dot density) and each county is color coded to show where the most and least are (lighter
blue means fewer cemeteries).

Figure: (d)
3. Mapping densities. Sometimes it is more important to map concentrations, or a quantity
normalized by area or total number.
Example: Below we have mapped the population density of Manhattan (total population counts
normalized by the area in sq. miles of census tracts.)
Figure: (e)

4. Finding what is inside. We can use GIS to determine what is happening or what features are
located inside a specific area/region. We can determine the characteristics of "inside" by creating
specific criteria to define an area of interest (AOI).
Example: below is a map showing a flood event and the tax parcels and buildings in the floodway.
Further, we can use attributes of the parcels to determine potential costs of property damage.

Figure: (f)

2.6. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business process management software that allows an
organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate
many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources.
ERP software typically integrates all facets of an operation — including product planning,
development, manufacturing, sales and marketing — in a single database, application and user
ERP software is considered to be a type of enterprise application, that is software designed to be
used by larger businesses and often requires dedicated teams to customize and analyze the data and
to handle upgrades and deployment. In contrast, Small business ERP applications are lightweight
business management software solutions, often customized for a specific business industry or
Today most organizations implement ERP systems to replace legacy software or to incorporate ERP
applications because no system currently exists.

3. Technologies involved

For each service there are two types of technologies involved:

 Enabling technology
 Communication.
The enabling technologies are those technologies which allow the IT enablement.
For e.g. in the call centres they are – CTI (Computer telephony integration), CRM (Customer
Relationship Management), etc.
The communications allows the IT service to be delivered through a new channel - Telephone, IP,
VoIP (Voice over IP: Voice over Internet Protocol), Satellite based transmission, etc.

The combination of the correct technology and the communication channel brings about very high
degrees of improvement in the service quality.

4. The Deployment Issues

Whereas the growth is high, and the prospects are enormous, there are many deployment issues for
establishment of IT enabled services.

 High Capital Investments

 High Volume Transactions
 Continuous Business Availability
 Time Turnaround
 High Communications cost
 Lack of trained and reliable resources
 Role model/Guide or Help to start-ups

5. Conclusion
 Very good future prospects.
 IT & ITeS is ongoing requirement of every nation.
 Opportunities for Investors, Entrepreneur, Youth and Countries
 Continuous growth year by year

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