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M‘QUISTON MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Unveiling and Dedication ¢ Memorial Pulpit and Bronze Plaque to The late Rev. D. D. Boyle, M.A, DD. one SUNDAY, 14th JANUARY, 1940, At 11-30 am. ORDER OF SERVICE Intrott. “Blessed are the Pure in Heart.” Walford Davies Prayer of Invocation. Very Rev. Professor James Haire, M.A., D.D. (Moderator of he Gsneral Ansty). AEnveiling Memorial by Mrs. Boyle, J.P. (Congregation Stacy. Dhe Mecelving of Vtemorial on Webalf of the Congregation by the ‘Minister. Rev. J. B, Mellroy, M.A.. D.D. TBhe Medication and Prayer of Dedication. Very Rey, Professor James Haire, MLA., DD. (Congregation Standing) Rev, James Moody, Dundalk. Braise. Psalm 23, Tune Crimond, ‘The Lord's my shepherd, PUI not want. | For thou art with me; and thy rod He makes me dows to lle ‘And tat! me como stil In pastures green : he leadeth me ‘My table Thou hast furnished ean pe maton By, Tn presence of my foes ‘Yea, though I wall in desth’s dark vale, | And in God's bowse for evermore “Yet wil | fear neil | “"My‘Owveling place shal bo Drager. Very Rev. A. F. Moody, M.A., D.D. Praise. Hymn 220. Forall the saints who from their labours | The golden evening brightens in the Who Thee by faith before the world | Soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh ‘onlessedy Test ‘Thy Name, O Jesus, be for Sweet isthe calm of Paradise the blest. ie Hallelyjan ‘Thou watt their Rock, their Fortess, | But, lo! shore breaks a yet more glori ‘and their Might ‘ous day ‘Thou, Lord, thet Captain in the wel- | ‘The saints tiomphant rise in. bright ought ght: stray ‘Thou, in the‘dasiness drear, their one | The ‘King of Glory passes on His way, tue Light ialelyjal | Hallelajah From earth's wide bounds, from ocean's © blest eommanion, fellowship Divine! Tarthest coast, We feeiy struggle, they in glory shin ‘Through gates of pearl streams in the Yet all are ope in. Thee, for al ‘countless host, Thine Singing to Father, Soo,and Holy Chott, Hallelajah Hillelyjah 1? Scripture Reading. Psalm 84, Rev. C. M. Young, BA. “Praise. Hymn 5. Father af Jaton, whose love profound | Eternal Spit by whos breath ‘Staneom for oo oui ts fd, ‘Te soul tuned from sn ah doth, BaioreTiy rove swe snare bend; Belote'Tay tone we names bod ‘Foss Thy pardoing love exten. Toe Thy gustening power stud Almighty S00, neaoate Word, Jehovat—Fater Spit, Son— Ger bepher Prey eleemee, Lord, | Mysterious Godten. Tse a One Beloe Thy tone we sane bed Bilan hy throne we stars bond ‘Touhy svg grace extend | Grae pardon feo ws extond Scripture Reading. Revelation VIL, verses 9-16 Rev, J. B. Mellroy, M.A., D.D. Intimations. Offering. Anthem. ‘Crossing the Bar. Woodward. Praise. Hymn 12. Iramoral invisible, God only wise, | To allfe Thou svest—to both area Intghtitaecesble ba amt oor 08, rd sal igs ieee do af He Th Tvs the tro lie of a a; ‘of Day, We Bloom and fostsh a fgres on Atmighy,wstoroos, Thy great Name thew, un we ps. Andie? and_perih—bat nocght changeth hee LUnesting basting, and sent aight, Great Father of Glory, pare Father of Nor wanting nor wanting, Thoo le iit Sear “Thine gels ove Thee all veling “Thy jose ike mocsinne high soaring | yy {A SM ender: help us ons to see ‘hy clouds which ae fountains of goods | “Tingle aplndoor of light Hideth Sew and ove 1 Rhee Address. The Moderator. Prayer. Praise. Paraphrase 61 Tune Bishopthorpe Bless be the everlasting God, ‘To an inheritance divine "The Father of ur Lord lo taught our heart to rise; Be His abounding terey peal ‘Tig wneormapted, uedet'g, ‘is majesty ador ad. ‘Uatading tn the shies ‘hea from te dead he rais'd his Son, Saints by the pow'r of God are kept ‘and calla him tothe sky, “Till the salvation come Hoare our soulea lively Hope ‘we walk by fait as strangers here: ‘Thar they should ne die ‘Bor Cheat shall all us home, ‘Menediction.

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