Assignment 2 Heat Engine

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Fatin Nasreen Binti Ahmad Rizal Lim 2016250074

Che Siti Nur Suhada Binti Mohamad 2016238894
Noor Aliya Binti Muhammad Kamal 2016238944
Aida Yasmin Binti Azman 2016249814
Muhammad NorHafizi Naim Bin Ismail 2016238898
1.0 Definition and Working Principle of Heat Engine

Heat engine is a type of equipment or device that converts chemical energy to heat or
thermal energy and then to mechanical energy or even to electrical energy. Or in practical
meaning, a heat engine is a device that converts heat to work. It takes heat from a reservoir
then does some work like moving a piston, lifting weight, and finally discharging some of the
heat energy into the sink. (heat engine and its efficiency , n.d.)

Working principle of heat engine equipment is based on Carnot Theory (Sundara, 2009)
which was the work of a French engineer and physicist, Nicolas Léonard Sadi
Carnot advanced the study of the second law by forming a principle that specifies limits on
the maximum efficiency that any heat engine can obtain. The second law of
thermodynamics may be expressed in many specific ways. Each statement expresses the same
law. The statements are Clausius statement, Kelvin-Planck statement and Entropy and the
Second law statement. (Heat Engines, n.d.)

In this Carnot principles, it states that the efficiency of a thermodynamic cycle depends
solely on the difference between the hot and cold temperature reservoirs. No engine can be
more efficient than a reversible engine (a Carnot heat engine) operating between the same high
temperature and low temperature reservoirs. The efficiencies of all reversible engines operating
between the same constant temperature reservoirs are actually the same, regardless of the
working substance employed or the operation details.

The formula for this maximum efficiency of Carnot principle is:


 is the efficiency of Carnot cycle, i.e. it is the ratio = W/QH of the work done by the
engine to the heat energy entering the system from the hot reservoir.

 TC is the absolute temperature (Kelvins) of the cold reservoir,

 TH is the absolute temperature (Kelvins) of the hot reservoir.

2.0 Heat Integration Characteristics of Heat Engine

Heat rejected by a heat engine can be used as a hot utility in the process. The process is divided
into two different areas which is above and below pinch by pinch temperature. The region
above the pinch region is a heat sink and it requires heating, whereas, the region below the
pinch is a heat source and it requires cooling.

The symbolic forms of heat engine as well as heat engine and thermodynamic concept behind
it are shown below:


Q2 T2

(a) (b)
Figure 1: Symbolic forms of heat engine as well as heat engine and thermodynamic concept behind it.

The synthesis of heat and power systems involves appropriately combining power reducing
and power consuming systems with heat recovery networks which is to minimize costs and
maximize efficiency, (Robin Smith, 1995). Some of heat important heat engines are steam
turbine Rankin cycles, open-cycle gas turbines, closed-cycle gas turbines, organic Rankin
cycles, and Diesels engines.

A heat engine as shown in Figure 1, is a device which accepts heat Q1 from a source at
temperature T1, and rejects heat Q2 to a sink at a lower temperature T2, at the same time generate
work, W. From the law of thermodynamics,

𝑊 = 𝑄1 − 𝑄2 first law
𝑊/𝑄1 ≤ ηc second law
and ηc = 1 − T2/T1 Carnot efficiency
Because real heat engines are irreversible, an equation introducing machine efficiency, ηmech,
for the heat engines can be written as,

𝑊 = ηmech ηc Q1 0 ≤ ηe < 1
If heat engine is not integrated with process, the total heat input is equal to the sum of heat
energy for heating (Qh) and heat (Q1) that is accepted from a source. On the other hand, the
total heat out is equal to the sum of heat energy for cooling (Qc) and heat (Q2) that is rejected.
This is simplify as Figure 2 below:

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑛 = 𝑄ℎ + 𝑄1
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑄𝑐 + 𝑄2


Figure 2 : Heat engine without integration with process

As the heat engine takes heat from a higher temperature level and rejects heat a lower
temperature level, it produces work while doing so. Therefore, the question arise on how we
should integrate a heat engine. This is later discussed in the placement of heat engine in Grand
Composite Curve.

3.0 Placement of Heat Engine in Grand Composite Curve (GCC)

There are three types of placement of heat engine in GCC. The placements are:

1. Placement of heat engine above pinch.

2. Placement of heat engine across pinch.
3. Placement of heat engine below pinch.

3.1 Placement of Heat Engine above Pinch

When the heat engine is integrated above the pinch, the engine takes in heat Q1 and rejects heat
Q2 into the sink. The temperature of the engine exhaust must be higher than the pinch
temperature, in order to undergo the heat integration above the pinch. The integrated system
uses work W for the process but also produces equal amount of work at the same time. This is
because the heat is converted to shaft work at almost 100% efficiency by integration. The heat
Q2 rejected by the engine substitutes an equal amount of hot utility and reduces the hot utility
requirement of the process to QH,min ˗ Q2 (Mohanty, 2014). Hence, the placement is proper.
Figure 3.1 below shows the placement of heat engine above the pinch (retrieved from The
University of Oklahoma website).
Figure 3.1: The placement of heat engine above the pinch (retrieved from The University
of OKLAHOMA website).
3.2 Placement of Heat Engine across Pinch

When the heat engine is integrated across the pinch, the engine rejects heat Q2 into a process
source. The temperature of the engine exhaust is lower than the pinch temperature. The heat
simply cascades through the below pinch region and increases the amount of the cold utility
requirement (Mohanty, 2014). Therefore, the placement is improper. Figure 3.2 below shows
the placement of heat engine across the pinch (retrieved from NPTEL website).

Figure 3.2: The placement of heat engine across the pinch (retrieved from NPTEL website).

3.3 Placement of Heat Engine below Pinch

At below the pinch, the engine is placed such that it absorbs heat Q1 from the process source
and thereby reduces the cold utility demand; again, the engine is properly placed and has a
marginal efficiency of 100% as it converts the excess process heat into work rather than
waste heat. The exhaust heat Q2 from an engine integrated above the pinch can at best replace
all the hot utility requirement of the process (QHmin), and the maximum heat Q1 absorbed by
an engine integrated below the pinch can equal the cold utility requirement (QCmin) (Mohanty,
2014). Figure 3.3 below shows the placement of heat engine below the pinch (Pinch Analysis
and Heat Integration, n.d.).

Figure 3.3: The placement of heat engine above the pinch (Pinch Analysis and Heat
Integration, n.d.).
The conclusion of heat engine integration with process is shown below (Mohanty, 2014):
Total Hot Utility Total Cold Utility Recommendations
Without integration QH,min+Q1 QC,min+Q2 -
Above pinch QH,min–Q2+Q1= QH,min+W QC,min Proper placement
Across pinch QH,min+Q1 QC,min+Q2 Improper
Below pinch QH,min QC,min–Q1+Q2= Proper placement

4.0 Example of Appropriate Placement of Heat Engine in GCC

Basically, the heat generated by a heat engine definitely can become a process hot utility.
Figure 4.1 below shows a schematic diagram of a process which is divided into two parts at the
pinch temperature. The region for the above temperature pinch need less heating H while
region below the pinch temperature need net cooling C. Therefore, some of the heating
needs is needed to be supplied by producing work W through a heat engine.
In order to produce heat at a useful temperature, its efficiency should be less than power
station. In this case, 33% is assumed which required 3W units of fuel with released of 2W units
of exhaust. If the heat engines is run from separate process, then supposedly, a total of (H +
3W) hot utility and (C+ 2W) cold utility is required.
However, in figure 4.1, the heat engine release out the heat to the process instead
rejecting it out to cooling water. It is found that, there is no changes if the hot utility and cold
utility requirement are added up. The system has made no net saving. (Kemp, 2007)
This is due to the waste heat has been supplied to the process below the pinch which
the process definitely does not require heating. Heat engine has been wrongly placed in
thermodynamic terms.

Figure 4.1 Inappropriate placement of a heat engine

Figure 4.2 shows appropriate placement of heat engine which the system is changed
compared to the figure 4.1 so that heat above the pinch is rejected through the heat engine.
Exhaust heat provided to the region above the pinch gives a direct saving in the heat which
must be supplied to this region. The total hot utility requirement decreased to (H + W)
meanwhile the cold utility has decreased to C. Since work W is generated, heat has been
converted to power at 100% efficiency which the result of the process obey the second law of

Figure 4.2 Appropriate Placement of a heat engine

In other words, the process should make use of all the heat supplied by the heat engine
at the exhaust temperature. The new low-temperature utility must obey the Appropriate
Placement principle and must be not only above the pinch, but also above the grand composite
curve. Hence, choice of heat engine will depend on the required utility load and temperature
Robin Smith. (1995). Chemical Process Design. McGraw Hill.
heat engine and its efficiency . (n.d.). Retrieved from By Jus:

Heat Engines. (n.d.). Retrieved from Nuclear Engineering:


Kemp, I. C. (2007). Pinch Analysis and Process Integration. Moscow.

Mohanty, D. (2014, Jun 17). Placement of Heat Engine, Heat pump and Reactors . Retrieved from

Pinch Analysis and Heat Integration. (n.d.). Retrieved from The University of Oklahoma:

Sundara, D. (2009, Jan). working principle of heat engine. Retrieved from Research Gate:

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