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12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps!

 by SirWendigo on DeviantArt


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If you are aspiring artists and you already have your own Art and
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This little guide is the result of an accurate research and 5
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Submitted on February 20, 2013
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 Now that you have a pencil and F4 paper (F2 is less thick Some rights reserved. This work is licensed
under a 
and if you erase often you could ruin it, that's why F4 is
Creative Commons Attribution­Noncommercial­
ideal) you can start your work. You can also make out with Share Alike 3.0 License.
A4 paper which is thicker than normal,  otherwise you will
pass the sheet if you use a hard mine (or if your hand is too
heavy, if you know what I mean...). 
Well, now that you have the tools, sharpener included, get
in a bright spot of your house, preferably on an inclined
surface (otherwise your future drawing will look in
perspective, and you may not be happy with the result!) and­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 2/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

copy the hand your not using for drawing. Try not to

erase too much. Try to grasp the structure of your hand
through many sketches in which you should only draw
the outlines of your hand and ngers, you should forget
about the shading for a moment. 
Fill the paper with these sketches of your hand in different
poses and please include your wrist if you can. Continue
your workout every 2/3 days (preferably daily) for 2
weeks, what am I saying?  Do it until you could see
signi cant improvements! 
Write the date on each work you have done and keep them
carefully without rubbing them. The rst step to be a good
artist is to give value to your works. When the hand really
looks like a hand and not a mass of sausages then you're
ready for Step 2.

The result will be similar to this, only the folds of esh and
contours of the hands should be visible.

Hand proportions work this way...­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 3/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 4/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt


So now we better move to the second point. Ok guys, do you

remember your own hand? That hand you copied so many
times, that st, that cramp that came while you deformed
it? Here you are, you should repeat the procedure but this
time you will not have to copy only the outlines of your
ngers. You must work hard and point on your hand the
dramatic light of a lamp, because this time you should
draw your hand and shade it. 
If you are drawing using a HB  pencil then shade using a B or
2B. You will realize soon that it is not so dif cult to nd the
darkest points: the hard part is not to make the whole
drawing uniformly black or uniformly gray and creating well
balanced halftones. 
You may nd some dif culties, yeah right! all normal,
because in fact you're seeing your hand in colors (as long as
you're not color blind) and you're just simplifying your hand
colors using the greyscale instead. So, don't give up! It was
hard for everyone at the beginning.
Repeat this exercise every 2/3 days until you can see a
clear difference between the rst hand  (remember to write
the date on the drawings!) and the last hand you drew. Are
you satis ed with your improvemente?  Good, because you
will have more fun following STEP 3. 

These are practical examples of a good result.­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 5/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt


Since you are already conversant with your left hand (or

right that it is) and you say you know it by heart (if you say
so...), now I'm asking you to take your colored pencils and
do an experiment. This time I'm asking you NOT to do a
preliminary sketch in pencil of your drawing: just draw one
or both of your feet, using colored pencils only on semi
rough paper F4 of different colors (I recommend a white,
a grey, a blue and a black for a good start). Again, do not
stop until the result satis es you. Write the date on the work
because now the interesting part begins.
The result should be similar to these, of course in colors.­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 6/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

Feet proportions works this way...­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 7/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt


Now that you have experimented with various techniques

and you quite understand how your hands and feet are
made, you need a model for understanding how the face
Ask one of your friends, your parents, if nobody wants to
pose for you then use a picture (but it's always better to do
life drawings rst!). As tools you will need a ballpoint pen,
preferably black or blue, and a white smooth paper (A4 copy
paper is ne too). Now make a copy of the person in front
of you (face, neck and shoulders), and remember well
that you can not/must not erase this time! Yes, I'm evil.
Try to do several sessions of the same person until the
drawing is really similar to the original and recognizable
from others. 
Begin with a front and pro le view, then try out 3/4.­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 8/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

'Cacophony' by Anapath

The proportions of the human face work this way...­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 9/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

STEP 5­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 10/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

It 's time to understand how the human proportions work. A

tip? Never stop taking references from the human gure (as
long as you're learning) or you will make a lot of mistakes or
exaggerate many anatomical features without even noticed
Now use your live model of choice, or look in fashion
magazines and copy a full human gure in different
poses, focusing on lines, shading, dynamism and
execution speed.
To improve your speed you should rst start with 15
minutes poses, then reduce the time to 10 minutes and
5 minutes at last. Use a timer: leave the drawing
un nished and start another one when the time elapses. 
Do many of them, every day. 

The results should be something like this...

'Life Drawing Collage 4' by travelingpantscg­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 11/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 12/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 13/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 16/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 17/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

If you didn't understand how the anatomy works, you can

study some good tutorials for the human body...­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 18/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 19/30
12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt


The time has came. It is time to nish something guys! You

should be really excited: you reached execution speed and
some anatomy skills but you lack accuracy.
Use your awesome live model again and ask him to pose for
a longer session (2/3 hours minimum). Use the tools you
like the most, sit comfortably, tools in the hand and start
your session.
Here are some good results you may nd inspiring.­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 20/30
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12/13/2016 Anatomy Lessons: How to improve faster in 6 steps! by SirWendigo on DeviantArt

I really hope you will nd this journal useful and I really

hope you enjoyed the journey. ^^ 
Ps: Sorry my English is not my mothertongue.­Lessons­How­to­improve­faster­in­6­steps­352477228 22/30

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