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REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment)

Section: Plastic injection molding

Scenario # 1 Operator has to de-gate the component from runner and has to look up in a mirror
during each shot.

Machine # 306 (FXP-IMM-00068) Model Machine | Mold code: 601 |Mold: Click barrel | Date:
06/11/18 | Shift: A | Operator: Zulfiqar | Helper: Imran

Steps involved:

a) Injection of melt in mold cavity

b) Opening of mold
c) Collecting the shot
d) De-gating the shot
e) Separating the runner from the shot
f) Runner thrown in runner box
g) Placing barrels in bin

Operator activities

Activity: 1) After opening of mold the shot is ejected from the mold. Operator leans forward towards the
collection basin and grasps the shot in right hand.

Activity: 2) Starts de-gating the shot by using his left hand while holding the complete shot in right hand.

Activity: 3) Throws the runner into the runner box.

Activity: 4) Places the separated barrels in the bins

Activity: 5) Looks through the inspection window at the time when mold opens and the next cycle

Body postures involved:

Activity 1)

Trunk movement

Upper arm movement (Right)

Activity 2)

Upper arm movement (R + L)

Lower arm movement (L + R)

Wrist twisting movement

Activity 3)

Upper arm movement (Right)

Lower arm movement (Right)

Wrist movement

Activity 4)

Trunk movement

Upper arm movement (Right)

Lower arm movement (Right)

Activity 5)

Neck twisting

Trunk movement


Activity: 1) After opening of mold the shot is ejected from the mold. Operator leans forward towards the
collection basin and grasps the shot in right hand.

Score from

Table A: 5

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 5 + 0 = 5

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 4 + 1 = 5

Activity: 2) Starts de-gating the shot by using his left hand while holding the complete shot in right hand.

Score from

Table A: 1

Score from
table # B: 2

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 1 + 0 = 1

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 2 + 1 = 3

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity: 3) Throws the runner into the runner box.

Score from

Table A: 1

Score from
table # B: 8

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 1 + 0 = 1

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 8 + 1 = 9

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 6 + 1 = 7

Activity: 4) Places the separated barrels in the bins

Score from

Table A: 3

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 3 + 0 = 3

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 3 + 1 = 4

Activity: 5) Looks through the inspection window at the time when mold opens and the next cycle starts.

Score from

Table A: 4

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 4 + 0 = 4

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 4 + 1 = 5

Prioritization of activities based on their respective REBA score:

Activity: 3 > Activity: 5 > Activity: 1 > Activity: 4 > Activity: 2


Throwing runner after each interval of cycle time is more time consuming and risk oriented to
musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). Throwing a batch of runners after 5 or 6 shots are made is more

Position of operator sitting with reference to machine is debatable.

Overall assessment: (Before)

Score from

Table A: 6

Score from
table # B: 8

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 6 + 0 = 6

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 8 + 1 = 9

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 10 + 1 = 11


Improvements: Activity: 3) (After) Now operator has to place the runner in separate bins till 20 or
more shots are made. Then he has to throw the runner in the runner box.

Score from

Table A: 3

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 3 + 1 = 4

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 2 = 3

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 4 + 1 = 5 (Reduced from 7)


Before After

Note: Although the results looks appealing but the operator feels more comfortable in throwing runner
one at a time after a shot is made instead of piling the runners in a separate box because this action is
synchronized with his other activities.

Improvement Activity: 5) (after) Operator has to look straight in the mirror for checking the mold cavity

Score from

Table A: 1

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 1 + 0 = 1

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 0 = 1

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 1 + 1 = 2 (Reduced from 5)


Before After


These results are based on hypothetical observation as the mirror is not available with us and the suitable
mirror can’t be devised at the moment but it promises a significant reduction in body posture change.

A combination of two or more mirrors can be utilized for this purpose. Also a monitoring system can be
employed for this purpose but again the cost will have to be considered in this technique as well.

A cost effective monitoring system can help in detecting any leftover remained in cavity.

If sensor is used for sensing the presence of any leftover material in the cavity than it can significantly
reduce the overall productivity of machine because it will reduce the cycle time of machine or the
machine will have to face significant amount of small stops.

Overall Assessment (IMPROVED)

Score from

Table A: 5

Score from
table # B: 2

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 5 + 1 = 6

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 2 + 2 = 4

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 7 + 1 = 8 (Reduced from 10)

Risk reduced to low level from medium level previous

REBA Score = 11, New REBA Score = 8

Scenario # 2) Operator doesn’t have to de-gate the component from runner.

Steps involved:

a) Injection of melt in mold cavity

b) Opening of mold
c) Shot dropped down from the cavity
d) Runner and part Segregation
e) Runner thrown in runner box
f) Placement of components i.e. barrels in bins

Operator activities

Activity: 1) Operator leans forward and grasps the fallen components (Already separated from runner).

Activity: 2) Places the separated components i.e. barrels in the bins.

Activity: 3) Throws the runner into the runner box.

Activity: 4) Looks through the inspection window at the time when mold opens and the next cycle starts.

Body postures involved:

Activity: 1)

Trunk movement

Upper arm movement (Right)

Activity: 2)

Trunk movement

Upper arm movement (Right)

Lower arm movement (Right)

Activity: 3)

Upper arm movement (Right)

Lower arm movement (Right)

Wrist movement

Activity 5)

Neck twisting

Trunk movement


Activity: 1) After opening of mold the shot is ejected from the mold. Operator leans forward towards the
collection basin and grasps the shot in right hand.

Score from

Table A: 5

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 5 + 0 = 5

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 4 + 1 = 5

Activity: 2) Places the separated barrels in the bins

Score from

Table A: 3

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 3 + 0 = 3

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 3 + 1 = 4

Activity: 3) Throws the runner into the runner box.

Score from

Table A: 1

Score from
table # B: 8

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 1 + 0 = 1

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 8 + 1 = 9

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 6 + 1 = 7

Activity: 4) Looks through the inspection window at the time when mold opens and the next cycle starts.

Score from

Table A: 4

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 4 + 0 = 4

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 1 = 2

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 4 + 1 = 5

Prioritization of activities based on their respective REBA score:

Activity: 3 > Activity: 4 > Activity: 1 > Activity: 2


Throwing runner after each interval of cycle time is more time consuming and risk oriented to
musculoskeletal disorder (MSD). Throwing a batch of runners after 5 or 6 shots are made is more

Position of operator sitting with reference to machine is debatable.

Overall assessment: (Before)

Score from

Table A: 6

Score from
table # B: 7

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 6 + 0 = 6

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 7 + 1 = 8

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 9 + 1 = 10


Improvements: Activity: 3) (After) Runner falls in separate bin and is collected and thrown after
40 or more shots are made.

Score from

Table A: 2

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 2 + 0 = 2

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 2 = 3

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 2 + 1 = 3 (Reduced from 7)


Before After

Improvement Activity: 4) (after) Operator has to look straight in the mirror for checking the mold cavity

Score from

Table A: 1

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 1 + 0 = 1

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 0 = 1

Activity Score: 1

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 1 + 1 = 2 (Reduced from 5)


Before After


These results are based on hypothetical observation as the mirror is not available with us and the suitable
mirror can’t be devised at the moment but it promises a significant reduction in body posture change.

A combination of two or more mirrors can be utilized for this purpose. Also a monitoring system can be
employed for this purpose but again the cost will have to be considered in this technique as well.

A cost effective monitoring system can help in detecting any leftover remained in cavity.

If sensor is used for sensing the presence of any leftover material in the cavity than it can significantly
reduce the overall productivity of machine because it will reduce the cycle time of machine or the
machine will have to face significant amount of small stops.

Overall Assessment (IMPROVED)

Score from

Table A: 5

Score from
table # B: 1

Score A: Score from table A + Load = 5 + 0 = 5

Score B: Score from table B + Coupling score = 1 + 2 = 3

Activity Score: 2

REBA Score: Score C + Activity Score = 4 + 2 = 6 (Reduced from 10)

Risk reduced to low level from medium level previous

REBA Score = 10, New REBA Score = 6


1) Combination of spherical mirrors can be used to make the inside cavity of mold visible to
operator right in front of him rather than looking up in a single mirror.
2) Cost effective monitoring system can also be used as an alternate solution to above stated
3) Design a unit for separating the runner on the outlet of machine. A detachable portable bucket can
be designed. The components will fall through the small empty spaces provided in the bucket and
can be collected while the runners will stay in that bucket which then can be thrown after a
specific number of shots have been made.
4) Rotating tumbler separator can be used for molds such as of cap, plug, sharpener, etc. which are
of small size.
5) Vibrator or a tumbler having the provision of inducing vibrations can be used to separate
components such as pushers from runners.


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