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Science Fiction- 355 words

Hello, my name is Emmilia Johnson. I have been in the fashion industry

for twenty five years now. When I first started, who would have thought I would

be the top brand for the years 3010 all the way to now, 3030. I take pride in what

I make, and I only make it for my celebrities. So if you don't have the money well,

don't even bother.

The newest piece that I have made really blow it out of the water. I have

been working on a piece of clothing that covers the whole body, skin tight, and

you can also interact with it on wifi or cellular data. After it is on, a small patch of

fabric on the head can signal the music you are telling the garment to play, the

apps you want, and even take virtual pictures like no other device before.

It comes in the colors martian blue, mars red, and space black. The

people on Earth don't really believe there's people here on Mars, but when they

see this, they will be surprised. Each one costs eight hundred bitcoins, and you

get it fitted to your size. I hope to present something even more magnificent in

the upcoming five years. I hope by 3035 I have a new pair of shoes that can

conform to whoever's feet they are on, and also change the style of the shoe just

by telling them.
I am very confident that this message has got out to the world. My name is

Emilia Johnson. I was made by aliens to make the best clothes there is. I am the

first of my kind. No one can ever find another way to make another me, I am the

only one. If you would like to hear this message again, press 1, if you would like

to by my materials press 2 , if you would like to stop receiving my messages

press 3. Thank you for listening and I wish everyone a good day.

This message was brought to you by “Johnson robots, and electrons Co.”

Patent is already verified. No return on sales.

Fantasy Fiction - 311 words

My friend Luis and I are out to dinner with my whole family. Luis is not a

people person, and neither am I. So right after we finish our food, my mom gives

us some quarters to go win some prizes. Once we see the whole walls of quarter

machines, now it is time to decide how to spend our money.

But out of the corner of my eye, the mood ring box made a subtle sparkle,

and Luis saw it as well. I turned around and asked him if that's the one we should

pick. So we did. The anticipation of the color the ring will be is so much fun. But

as mine starts to change color, Luis and I start to feel a weird feeling. Suddenly

our whole world turns bright, with sunshine, water falls, and everything you could

imagine. The restaurant is all gone, my family left behind. Just a beautiful land for
just Luis and I. We put our thinking power to the test, and the rings changed

again. And the world suddenly changed to a place of mystery and many clocks

that you had to find the time somehow. As we sat and thought about it, it hit us.

Whatever emotion you are feeling while the ring is on, is what land you will

go to. First we were happy and it was bright and warm and fun. Then we were

thinking and using brain power, so we landed on a world of possibility. This was

our best choice of 25 cents ever. We needed to get back so we took of the rings

and everything was as we left it.

When we sat down my parents didn't say anything out of the normal, or

say we were gone long. I wonder if it stops time? Or maybe it just feels as if it


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