Sifi Stories

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Everything is Different Now

One after another, people filed into the hospital near my house. The disease was
spreading like wildfire, and everyone was panicking. The symptoms were labeled as a high
fever, your skin peeling off within days, lungs being filled with liquid, and most people died
from drowning. People were running up and down the roads, trying to find a way through. My
family decided it was safer that we stayed in the house with all the doors locked and curtains
closed. I was only about 16 at the time and my brother was still young. I felt bad because he had
no clue what was happening. The army was here, and they were blocking off all the roads into
the city that we lived in. People were always trying to drive through their boundaries, but they
would never make it and get sent to jail or prison-depending how bad they fought back against
the army officers. Every second of the day it seemed like someone was dying in the hospital or
in the road. We would have to put a white flag on our door knob if we were infected with the
disease that was spreading rapidly. Eventually the doctors found out that there was a cure on the
other side of the world, but they didn’t have enough money to get to it. After a few months, the
government decided to help us so the disease wouldn’t spread to any more cities and states in the
United States. They decided to gather up people who haven't got the disease, and send them to
find the cure that was across the world. I was one of the youngest people that was sent on the
mission, and I couldn’t say I wasn’t excited. I just know that everything will be different now.
We were leaving the next morning, and I had to pack. The next morning came quick, and I was
ready. The bus showed up early, and I said goodbye to my parents as I walked up onto the bus to
head to the airport. The bus ride had to be 3 hours long, but I knew it wasn’t that long. Before we
got on the plane, we had to do disease tests to make sure the disease wasn’t somewhere in our
systems. The plane ride there was long, but bearable. When we got there, we were greeted by
different doctors that seemed excited to see us. They showed us to their lab, and gave us the cure
to the disease, saying it would hopefully work. We rode back, and gave the cure to a few people
to test it first, make sure it worked. After a few days, we found out it did end up working. We
gave it to the people who weren’t far off the chain, and fought off the virus.
Space: A Void I Have Been Trapped In For Years.
I couldn’t think right at this point. I have been here for 4 years, and I am running out of
food and water. All I do is pace around this planet, looking for something new, or maybe a sign
that someone will come save me from this nightmare. I got stuck here because my spaceship
decided to run out of gas at the wrong moment. But, I guess it could be a lot worse. I could be
just floating around in space only heaven knows where. I ended up bringing food that should
have lasted me longer then this, but I have a bad issue of eating while I’m stressed. So I guess
it’s my fault that I don’t have much food left. Due to my spaceship totally taking a crash, my
radio broke, so I can’t contact anyone. Joy for me. I decided to keep trenching along in my
journey, and I finally found something that would probably be useful to get home. I found a
small source of water probably 3 miles away from my camp I made. I thought for awhile, and
decided to run back to my camp. I grabbed a bucket and the empty water bottles I have collected,
and I ran back to the source of water I have found. I filled up most of my water bottles, and
buried the rest by the water source. I needed to save some of the water just in case what I wanted
to do goes wrong and I still have some drinking water. I decided that half of my water I grabbed
will be for boiling and drinking, and the other half will be for growing food. I just need to figure
out how to make sure the crops get enough water to grow at a decent rate. I went back to my
camp, and started to boil some water before I ended up dying from dehydration. I then started to
dig up some of the sand, wetting it here and there so it would get a little fertile. I remembered I
had some seeds from different foods I have brought, and I was smart enough to save them in a
plastic bag. I planted the seeds into the ground, and prayed they would grow so I wouldn’t die
from starvation. It seemed like weeks passed, and I checked on the plants I have planted. I was
so surprised I was small plants coming out of the ground. I cant express the emotions I felt in that
time. From then on, I planted crops and stayed alive. A year passed since then, and someone
came and saved me. That would be an experience I would never forget.
Space Is The Only Thing Left To Explore.
Space is the only thing left to explore. I know life won’t be the same after the meteor, but
I know that, with my family, I’ll make it through the next years not alone.
This was enough, or so I thought
I continued to explore the strange forest I found about a week ago. Weird noises filled my
ears as I walked. I heard something that sounded like a big cat, or maybe it was a weird dog
creature. I don’t know where I am. All I know is that I’m scared, but if I turned back now, I wont
find out what's on the other side of this forest. I luckily brought a whole bunch of supplies when
I left home. I needed to not burn through my food so I could survive the longest. But, knowing
my luck, I’ll eat all the food I brought within the next month. I continued to wonder what my
parents are thinking right now. Maybe they’re worried, or maybe they’re proud that I’m doing
something with my life for once. My father is probably just reading the newspaper while my
mother watches her crime shows on the television. My thoughts were interrupted by a horrifying
sound that came through the woods. It sounded like a dragon, but this isn’t fantasy. I ran toward
the noise, I don’t know why, but I did, and I ended up coming to a dead end. I looked above me,
and two large yellow eyes stared at me. It looked to be a cat, but I didn’t think it was. I dropped
my bag and screamed “Take anything you want, just please don’t hurt me!” The large animal
sniffed my bag, and took it. This was enough, ot so I thought it was. Once it was done eating
everything in my bag, it stared at me with large pupils. I couldn’t tell what kind of creature it was
though. It had fur, almost like a German Shepherd. Its eyes were like a cats, and the body almost
resembled a lizard. Its tail was long, and swayed like a cats as well. It continued to stare me
down, and I covered my face. I heard it get closer and closer, and it started to sniff me. It started
to purr, and it nuzzled my hands from my face. It’s face turned from anger and fright to happy
and comforting. I put my hand out to pet it, and it nuzzled my hand and purred slightly louder
than before. It was just scared of me like I was scare of it. After a while I decided to bring it
along my journey to keep me safe and so I have company. I know I have a while till I find the
end of this forest, but now I know I wouldn't have to do it alone.
The life was lost and abandoned as I oborited the empty oblivion
“My spaceship crashed a while ago, and my life was lost and abandoned. I know I’m
gonna end up dying here, I just don't know when. I hope someone comes to find me, but I’m so
far from Earth I don’t see that happening. I will continue to orbit this empty oblivion till I die.
Just tell my friends and family I love them” This note was dated in 1967, and found in 2012. I
never thought my father would have died in space, it’s kind of strange if you ask me.

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